We heartily agree with the senti- ments expressed in the Markham Sun 'lnst week when that paper stated on the morning of the election that whelher Mr. Campbell 01' Mr. Pugs- iey won in Centre .York we were sure oi" having a gentleman to repre- sent us of whom we would have 'a‘eason to be pmud. The sun says it was a clean eleetion, and closes its editorial as fullows : †We are satisï¬ed that not a dollar has been spcn t by either candidate in anything but the most legitimate expenseé, and these have been kept within extremely moderate bounds. No heelel‘s or outside ‘ workers‘ have been here: to corrupt the electorate or prevent the expression of an un- biassed opinion. The electicn has been clean in another way. Neither It seems almost regrettable that Mr. R. L. Borden, leader of the Op- position, was among those who fell in the political contest. The blow is a soVeI‘e one for a party leader, Mr. Borden not only being: defeated him- self, but; losing é‘i’c‘ry soil; in his own province, Nova Scotia, the Liberals carrying the 18 ridings. is but right that the electors show that their efforts have been ap- {)x'cciatcd. Opposition candidates in some bases endeavored to show that the Government should be censured for the re-distrib‘utimi‘oi’ seats, but the ‘arguments were certainly weak, and the Government supporters showed 'elearly that it"the re-distribution bill \ï¬vas’not a perfect measure, it was ’a ‘great improvement on the gerry- mander of 1882, and probably the fairest bill of‘a similar nature ever introduced . The tllréc Ym‘ks‘x‘ven'z "as it was generally thought they would. Hon. Wm. Mulock 'and Mr. A. Campbell won for the Liberals in North and Tentre York respectively, while Mr. W. F. Maclean easily carried South York. Toronto returned ï¬ve mem- bers for the Conservatives. 'L‘bc country is to be congratulated ‘oh ‘Clx‘e‘igexieral feéult, and now tha‘: the elections are over many Conserv- atives are free to admit That in the face of good‘ times and general pros- perity this is no time 'for a change. The Liberals have done well and it The result shows that the Liberals carried six out of the eight provinces, all going with the Government with the exception of Omario‘and Prince Edward Island. Quebec gave a 'solid support l-or Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier, but it can be said that the Liber- é's have a majority independent of Quebec. On another page we give the re- turns of last Thursday’s. vote; Which show that the Lam‘fle'r Government Were returned to 'power by an over- thlming majority. Few thoughtful people looked for the ill-lent of the ministry, but few thought _ that their ‘ majority would be in- creased. The Only real Iques- tion at issue was the Building of the transcontinental railway, and it is probably well that that question has Been settled by the electors by un- mistakable evidence. Both political parties admit that another railway across the continent is a necessity, therefore it would have been very ‘unwise to change the plans of build- ing at this particular time. Thurs- ï¬ay’s vote shoWs clearly‘ that Can- sAda wants the Grand Trilnk Paciï¬c. Wm: . < Wm'hlI'B' I)!>|u~u:’ulr_\ \v Clmuu~~ -J. C. Ayer & I‘n Chan «- -KUIIDBIIV Stuntmlmuu 8 l- Clmxmnâ€"Geo Hanan m1 men.e«J. Eyer at Sun ur Sam â€"M Ransom extension of Time 7 Fran Genivms RICHMOND HiiL’. mmmber fl}. 1604 THE GOVERNMENT susx TAIN ED. A CLEAN ELECTION. iï¬frai 'Punple (vfu‘n “‘Dndfl' how it happt-ns That "certain insects appear in such alarming nnmlwns {hilng the sum- uwr. A fewr-c'n‘re-ful observations du. ring the fall and winter will show how these insectspusslhe cold period nf the year. The egg masses nf the tt‘llb caterpillars will he fuund encircling the smaller luanchvs. If lhese brace- lets nf eggs be removed wheneverseen Inuchsvrinus injury grill he averted we 5fnllnwing spring. 5Phe cmker- worms 13355 the wmlex- in the -Egg state, and thesv eggs are often {0 he seen in masses (m branches. The (:ndling worm passes the winter in u cocoon. under bits of bark. boards and in creriseN, and a. general cleaning will get. rid of many of these hmuhlvsmne pests. The grape-vine hvetle and (lie plum curculiu puss the winter in H.152: The World of Monday advises the Conservative party to accept Thurs- day’s defeat, but to make endeavors to win the Province from Hon. G. W. Ross. The World does not do itself credit in referring to Ontario’s Premier as a “'whin'ed sepulehre," and “the worst hypoerite and the Worst' «political gamester that; ever appeared in Canada." It was stath by the Ottawa cor-- respondent in yesterday’s Globe that Mr. Arch. Campbell, M. 1’. for Centre York, might be the next Speaker in lshe IIo‘tIse of Commons. Mr. Camp- bell has a ï¬rm grasp of, parliament- my questions, and would ï¬ll the po- slcion with gram: and dignity. ’Mï¬ch mm be said in fa\'(:1‘nf :m an- nual fall orchard cleaning. alUumgh many of our fruit-gruwexs um indiff- erent in this mutter. Aside from the {nut that thvro is more leisure after the fruit, has been guthvrod than in the lush of nur early spring when so many ()ddsnnd ends must, he attunded to. there are many urgent and convincing reasons why our orchards should he very carvfully cloanpd nf rubbish and litter during late fall and mer winter. The Toronto Worm ul Monday re- produces an article from the London Morning Post, commenting on the result ofthe recent Dominion elec- tions. The Post says that Sir Wil- frid Laurier’s overwhelming, major- ity is not a ti'ust\verthjr"indieation of the numerical‘ strength of Liberals and Conservatives, but is due to gov- ernment patronage, and. a desire of many electors to be ‘0‘: the winning side. The paper makes one excep- tion, adding that “Toronto is too wealthy to be bribed.†Such com- ment is an insult to the Canadian electors. l Mr. Parent, the Liberal Premier of I Quebec, has decided to hold a gener- ‘ 31 election for the province the latter . part of‘this month, and the Conserv- i ative party has decided to oï¬â€™ci' no .opposition. The action of the Con- servatives is said to be a protest against the government appealing to the people so soon after the Liberal sweep in the Dominion elections. The World and the Mail and Empire commends the Quebec Conservatives for their decision to contest none of the seats. This shows that all the ï¬ght is completely knocked out of those us’ually bellicose journals. Just ‘ fancy a. Provincial Parliament with- J out a single Conservative. { Tina Domihidti Ministers are [u m- congramlated on the splendid “Injur- iLies by which, with one or two (ix- ceptions, they were remrned m pow- er on Thursday last. Here are the majorities : Si‘r Wilfrid Laurier, 2,040. Prefontaine, 2,300. Fitzpatrick, 2,000; B'crde‘n; 1,700. Sutherland, 1,500. Muloek, 1,200~ Sifton, 87k. Fisher, 868. Emmer‘son, 769: Brodeur. 675-, Fielding, 650. Patterson, 470.‘ «'HI rwction mum-3L in (mun-in an- gvntiémb’n 'and hnvc cumluc m gentlHnanly c mpalgn. \\ | w- may be elecled. Cemre Ynx'k v have a representative uf which w is no reason on be ashamed." Fall Cleaning L ate [ms Indulged in w in an: nt‘ the (“ng n abuse Uniâ€. h'aï¬ msgm: The Orchard. 350. per Foot. All kinds of Imple- ments Repaired W. Mager, Prop. Sies: Hag Troughs A High Grade Commercial School. Strictly’fï¬â€™ft-class in all departments. Magniï¬cent catalogue free. \Vrito ‘ for mm. Corner Ynnge and Alexander Sts. TORONTO. ONT.“ ‘- Students admitted at \n-ll known fact H. n m n: \' injt fungi prmlmrn- wmlm ‘p-vll"). lhnugh lhu- Slim-rm 11m .--.y m - [mu Imt. In pm’ly Spl‘il'u L‘Mw- wii dm-e Spul'vs “hivh “ill v ': \ #1311 [In- Pnrly leun‘s. 'I’hn mmmu] plants and Lawns ~hnu|rl luv In: nut t'hI-nwn nn th mnnm.‘ pi} [hon L119 Nplll'l‘b‘ ‘wm lu- :uhls- 1'†>4: the wince-r, and l'eprnduuv Lln- d the fnl|m\ing thumb“. Mun many fungi [)(‘l'siat in Hwk-n' dvlicutv threads, whi: h drwvlu-px ly in the spring ,maii mwluct- s which ZII‘P sn‘hn blown hy the \vi: the Iyuves whore thoy gm minuti produce disease. It; may safvly he said that lum'cs. decaying fruit. nnd dix‘ twigs lw burnvd ï¬t the :Ipprnm winter. the damage fmm fm diseases would he lvssvnv‘d very turially. («y ~u4‘an Mir)“ MM Studzï¬yflMail fur Hu- {1 Un- fung II: (“SPHS Hm [)I‘ I'll full This cnllegc has acnntin‘mflal rep- l'ltutinn for Lhm-nï¬g‘h wurk, and is the largest and best, rvprosentntivv 72mndiun husinpss school. and any- thing it does is always well (InnP. If a n'wmhm- of its ï¬r‘ld flu-co is not (‘tmvenipnt.. nnyum- inn-rosth in Cnrwspundvnce Insn-nr'tirm may obtain :1 copy of prospevtns on ap- plication to tho Correspnindente Department T0, is giving the- w‘f‘y lwsb mail (tUUI'SPS obtainable. in :11] Cnmmvr- 'cinl snhjvcts. including Advmtising and Illustrating. as \\'(-II;1s:l,sp(mi;nl cmu'sp fm; the CHARJ‘ER ED AC- CQUNT‘ANT'S EXAMINATFON. The WE‘H-k n n w n C E N'lV R A L BUSINESS COLLEGE OF TORON Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tahules cure liver traumas. \Vc \ij SUN from 190.3, in [HEW guards, drainage across rail- ways, and farm ï¬res caused by railway locozarctives has been amended. Tm: SL'N’S market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service THE SUN has ren- dered him in a public way. It was due to the action of THE SUN in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating -to cattle By reading THE \VEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Paper, you will get the very Latest and most accurate inâ€" formation rcgarding your busi- ness. Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer usedv‘by successful and up-to-date far» mers. YONRE W. H karmmg Fer Pmï¬t. THE LIBERAL for '30 Cents. nu; W. 3. *ELLTï¬TT, & GERRARD STb' . SHAW, - - Made to m~der at sez‘ad THE VVEEKLY now to lst January; combinatinn with PRINCIPAL. any time Principal that K) dim pprnm n fur rapid- Splu‘t‘s ian to e and 'zlSPd h of guns ma- :ltor- f the over it ms and *5 do pm- xd to ruit. vive mrd y of vund 186 '01 zs J- ~I"§‘>2~'§‘++'}"{â€Â§â€˜ §®9®é§§> g9 “ ' & he‘fléï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬tflï¬ï¬iéï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©Ã©Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚‘ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜ gammï¬‚ï¬ $Dibiï¬iï¬Â¥Â¥iiiflï¬iiiiiib¢§§iii¥¥¢§®§ii§¥§¥iÂ¥ii§ Am_â€"‘__,,, __ â€"AGENTS FORâ€"â€" SWEBEEMW WE, EEéSEEE iii? LIVERY IN CONNECTION. 'I~+W+4"§'M+++++++{~++++65! {"r+~§-+++++++$+++++++++4ï¬ï¬ 'i‘+$$++++++++-§~++++4¢+~§“{“{~4‘ ++++++++++++++++++++qu+ DR. SPINNEY. Founder of Dr. Spinney 5 Co. ++ sagasm mgwiizs KEETP: P'OLSTAN STOR E ++++ GRUC HJ'ES T. B. Lï¬EFï¬RD, Pmp. DR. OYSTERS. BOOK; SHOES, RUBBERS. .{..§..;..;..;..;..;. .;. .10}. .g..g..;‘.;..;..;. 290 WOODWARD AVE.. DETROIT. MICE Iflï¬ï¬‚' mwwwesmmmmï¬Ã© Strictnres. no matter where loaded, are apt to involi'fe the surrounding structures 1f neglected or improperly treated. urethral stricmre will produce distressin symptoms. VCu ' ting. stretching and tcaringure the old bur arous methoas o treating this disease. The st: ictly modern and original meth- ods employed by us are free from the horrors of surgery and nre absolutely safe and harmless. The abnormal stricture ll:- sue is dissolved and leaves the channel free and clear. All un- natural discharges cease: any irritation or burning sensation disappears. the Kidneys. Bladder. Prostate Gland and other surrounding organs are strengthened and the bliss of manhood returns. O'll' ABSORPTIVE TREATMENT will positively cure you. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED. W0 Cure Varloocele. Blood and Skin Diseases Nervous DebiEity. Striotureas Bladder. Kidney and Urinary Diseases. CONSULT/“HON FREE. Question List For Home Treatment Gent Free. 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