Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Nov 1904, p. 5

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Rev. T. Campbell gave an address to the scholars of the Public Schmui yesterday “flu-1mm). the King's hit-th- (hyy. .He spoke on lhelines of patriot,â€" ism, and referral to the merited pup- ulm-ity of King Edward. as well as to the Worth uf his honored mother, thv lute “ Victoria the good.” Mr. James trhia-V};1co,'se- cured first, prize in the championship class Tuesday at the annual - plowing .xmatuh (if the East York levnmn’s Association. Mr. McLean also won as Ipz-ciuls. first for best, finish in sod, and first for host “ land " in sud. A car of XXX Extra British Col- umbia. Shingles. It, will pay ym! t0 :purclmse now, even if you dan‘bwant to use them till spring. H.A.Nicholls. INTERRED IN RICHMOND HILL. P'Isabelln. Thompson. widmv of the flute George P. Dickson, died at her late residence. 26 Park Road. Tmouto. on Sunday mowing. aged 79 years. Interment tank place in the family plot in the Richmond Hill cemetery Tuesday afterswnn. For a number of «years the family resided in thiszplace. mg. 1119 maps are excellent and are u -t0-dute~. The price of The \‘Vevkly B nil wit-h the Atlas is $1, and u. out "9.513 is given in connection with THE "IBERAL. 1731‘. Geo. McDonald was dvputy 1‘0» “tm-uingofi"morut the election lmnlh here last, Thursday. The vote stand at, theclnse of the pull 59 fur Mr. Camplwll and 95 fur Mr. 'Pugtlry; The Sun stated last week that Mnrk~ hum Village was diagmcod on hallow- Mm by the rintom excesses of n. dis~ orderly gang in Muunt Joy. Long stretches nf sidewalk were. torn up, and Mr. David Meyer, an ngnd rt‘sident, was assaulted. Eing young menwere taken bvfm-v Magistrate E. H. Wilsun. und they a‘ll plcudvd guilty Scribe charge-and Were fined $30. Marvels of beauty. style :1 nd value in ladios’ waists and under garments at- Atkinson Sc- Switzer‘s. To show the scarcity of certain building material in this pl;ch we might, say Hinta farmer a slim-t dis- éa‘fiée l'mm this village, who was re- pairing his house travelled 128 milvs in getting :1. little lime for the job. Mr. ‘V. H. Pugsloy attended a. lmeeting of the Natimml Industrial Exhibitinn Assor-iatinn in Toronto on Tuesday. The [mm-d of directors are asking the City for :1 grant of $250,000 tor fife erectviz’m of Raw and. purnm 'hemt buildings and other impwvo ments. Gamplwll and 95 fn} i\.‘ 'mnjm'ity for the latter, was one rejected lmllnt. The Mail and Empire's new prem- iumâ€"Atlas of Canada and the \Vm-Id -â€"is worth having and worth study ing. The maps are excellent and are. up-tnâ€"datv. The price (if The \Vevklv There is an excoptinnal‘valne behind Every yard of 11mm that Atkinson & watzm‘ offer for sale. Next Thursday heng Thanksgiving Day, we ,wuuld like our cm respond- ents to send in news items one day earlier than Usual next, week. THE LIBERAL will lw published on \Vcdnos- day instead of Thursday. A grey overcoat, was taken from the Dominion House. on VVednosday evening, the second of Nnvemhel‘. A ‘rcquest is mndotvhnt the coat be 1eâ€" turnd to THE LIBERAL Ofijce. The suit between Glass Bros. and 'Nrcul Brag, Elgin Mills. udjmunml since last June will come up fm' [mu-- ing at the court room here. next \Ved- uesday. 16t.h»ll}5t.. at 12 o’clock. His HQDOI‘, Jm‘lge Morgan will preside. Anothm'milwuy C'nauh wont nurth nver the Metropolitan on Sunday fm the Aux'm'u-Schomberg line. Thv cmwh had furnwrly been used on the Canadian Northern line. The Christmas numb ‘1' of The Globe will be issuod the first of Dv'cvmbmu Those ordvring now will ho sure nf a copy. Ol'delS may he left at THE LIB» aaAance. Gndleibsdlmidt dim] at: Langstnfi‘ on Tuesday. in the 713: yen-n- nf 11k age. The funeral took place fmm the [name of Mr. Albert. lentz, yvstvrdny afternoon. Irricxment in 'l‘hurnhill cemetery. _ King plbwing match tukrlsxplflfio (m 37H?! Tau-m 01 Mr. A. B. VVoAls. King ‘City, to-mormw. 'Mrs. E. Dils (-f Attm-cliffe, who spent; n- wvek with relatives in Alum-:1 nnd \Vhituhm-ch, spr-nt, Thursday 'gfght with hl-r brother, Mr. T. F. Mr:â€" Iuhon, and family. Efiss Wahws of Lindsay, spent Sun- day at. the Parsonage. Miss Muht-l Lloyd of Aux-um. has won sponding :1 week with Mrs. m-x-en Hewison. Prof. Misnr‘r of Victoria Culle'gP. preached two very e-xovllent svrmnns In the Methodist; Church on Sunday. Both addresses were impressive. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Lenard of erv- market. 3 out Thmsdny with Mr. and Mrs. \V. b. \Vfloy. Atn. mm‘ting of ths- Board of Edu- cation on Monday. Mr. Lnnmn, Prin- tipal of the Public Schoul, had his salary raised $40. ails gamma RmHMnND HILL, November 10, 1904 JUST ARRIV El). The-rt Construction work on the James Bay Railway is proceeding vigorously in the south. About, 250 men, in two gangs, equipped with steam shovel, dump cars and horses, are at, Work in the Don valley east of York Mills. Mackenzie & Mann, as contractors have a gang of men grading the apâ€" proaches to and filling up a. deep ravine near the Don post office, in York fownship. The ravine is about 400 yards across, and about 75 0180 feet deep. 'l‘hv engineurs have avoid- ed the necessity of bridging the Don river at: this point. andinsteadan- filling in the- ravinc to the Llrpth of 261 to 2‘5 ft‘l't, leaving only an aqueduct to be constructed of masonry for the use of cattle and stock down to flu- river. At the prvsvnt time the steam show-1‘ is Working in a hard bed of clay or :halv, and dynamite and black powder have to he generously usi-(l. The river will have to be crossed auc re~crossed, consequently the progress in grading in that part; will be com- paratively slow. $15 and all lhe co;:s'uf the suit. 'i‘kié charges ugninst, Hex-hen, and Flank were then withdrawn. The annual plmving mactoh «if the People’s Plowmon’s Association will be held on the farms of Messrs. John and Thomas Palnwr, lots 45 :md 46, 1st Con. Markham, Richmond Hill, on Tuesday next, the 15th.mst. There are 7 Clzlssvs and the prizes are un- u<uully lat-gr. Among the prizes are «n. gold me la], vulm-d at $50, given by Mr. “7. Savage, Palmer House, and a silver Cup, $25, by Mr. John Palmer. Meals will he provided at the Palmer House. and “‘1? prize list will he read at that. place in the evening. The of- fi':ers and directors are hopeful of a large list of entries and a most suc- cessful match. The Ellslnn fnl C(‘szlll sale of other articlvs on day they roumn- which thl-y purul Ave” Torontn. property has hm which [vhl‘y put-1:! Ave-u Torontn. property has III-u: Palmer, and [w (I uing it as a hm»; nmving inm Ll) understood she \A iug hulls P. Toronto City Council is following the example svt luy lhu Riclimuml Hill Council in the HIHlU‘l' of cutting down and trimming [I'H‘S on the public s€wets. The Park Commissmners state that it is 'Llu-ix- intention to cut down fmm 3,000 to 10.000 tree-s during the coming \vium-r. This action is (Inâ€" (lm'svd by many of the loading physic- inns in the city as Ewing necessary to preserve the .pnhlic ‘lwalth. A good driver Lu -â€"Jl. good mun-ha profit. Atkinsmn‘v IIm-e‘s where good things are cheap and cheap things :u't' good. Atkinson 85 Switzer. FIFTEEN DOLLARS AND COSTS CHANGE PEOPLE’S PLOW’ING MATCH. CUTTING D( ) \VN TREES. J AM ES BA Y RAIL\VA Y. DON‘T MISS IT! '(‘U )1 rs‘ UNION HOUSE. vs in a small space turns on a small N‘witzer. hada. vex-v suc- vl furniture and I .y, and on Tues» their new home (I1 ; To PATEKT Bond la‘aas 3 way be secured by * k our aid. Address, ‘ THE 5"ENT RECORD, ‘thlwu'u A hulnme. Md. M i] In. thnukvd the friends form: remem- hl'nlr-v, and expressed his thanks for 411v k‘ndness shown him during the yeah he was with them as pastor. Dunng the evening the National Amile and a number uf favorite pivm-s m-re snug. and the friends sep- ururwdnfterthe Duxology and Bene- dit'liun. Mr. A. Lahmer move-d Rev. Mr. Hilly and fumin t0 Thornhill station Friday morning. Munynf the mem- bers and friends were at the station to say good-bye to their Intr- pastor and fumin and to wish them pros- perity in their uvw home. A laun- vym-nbeq- of the members and flivfiils of iron E. L. ChuIL-h, Shel-- “oml. mel at the Parsonage un Mum day vu-mng of last week to bid fare- inl Lo Rev. J. K. Hilby. wife and family. previous to their departuie for theil new home in Indiana. Penn- synmnia. BetWeen seventy-live and eigh y «~f Lhe. friends satduwnma slllIIpLHI‘HlS rea which had ln-en pro- vidml hy the visitors. Alto-1' the tables \wn- Clem-ed Mr. H. Keller was calml lo lhe chair, and after some company-Mary remarks relative to Lhw [MLâ€"Inl’ and family, C.I“|‘d upon Some of the friends who mine for- wamland presented a pin-w, accom- panimx hy the following ilddl‘l‘ssi DEAN PASTOR.â€"VVe, the members and trin-nds of this place here assem- hlu-d. ll» nxceedingly regretlhat you ha \': seen fit to sever your connection as paslfll' here and go to another field of labuI-Jnut what, will be our loss will he ulhvl's‘ gain. The time you have spent with us has been pleasant and pI-uliiahle to us. and we hope has been at il‘fl‘it to smne extent, w ill you. “'irshing you and family Well wherever you go, hoping your lines may fall in pl?.‘n.~;u‘.| places. Before saying fare- w:-|l ww'hegfif you to accepLMiis small. Riokr-o of respect. It is not, what, our hI-ul'ls would dictate but hope vou will Tm: auction sale of furniture, etc., at; the Lutheran Parsonage Monday :foI-ruunu was very satisfugtqyy. gxu-n. Signedon behald'nf members and I'x'il-mls. ‘Mr: Hilty renlifrd jn feelipg terms Heahh demandsi'd'ally actiofiicfiâ€"tâ€"lfi bowels. Aid nature wzth Ayer’e Pills; Snlm- time ago we- stau-d that‘s Swulv nnnip had‘ been shuwn us \vvighmg 17 lbs. Mr. \V. \r\‘u|king- hm, [own line hetwvvn Vaughn” and King. Is nuw showing an Swedu- weigh- ing 22;. lbs. He has also a greys he Lunle which weighs :32 lb». and fixensuws 3 feet 3 inches iucirculu- feremzex Tun Young Pig<. six \voeks-oid. Enquire at the bat-her shup. ‘19-2 M. RANSO cost. " (In no other school can it he done so well. can in n. few months fit you to earn a living, to he i11dqwndenb. In no other branch nf skillvd lalmrcnn this he dune in sn short, a. time, and at so mudurate a. If you are considming what liueuf “'Ul'k to take up. write fox-our I-ospvntus. .It will give you vn uuhle infm-mutiun and make the way plain. | HI respéct. It is nfit, what, our s wnuld dictutv but hope you will n It in the spiritin which it is FQR SALE LARGE TURNIPS. AAN «At. me I‘m saunas. by the nu bhr 2nu 11150.. Mr \\1..|uml m e heumnn oath of Mmmmu MARRIAGES, Sherwood M. HANSON. B55 51mm. HA. y uh» Rev mm Ness. l-rukun win-l, or the Mcérriétféc't; WlfliEtâ€"inénzn ur powders put up promptly 11-02: pme «hugs at. “hole. Salts 3(1 .lh.; 10 lhsofJnr-zk'»: E Sulphur Bu 1b., $91hafm~250 .k Sullpntw. pul'e.,:‘i.Ll)a3-fur 26a 5‘ Glzmher Salts 3c $33., 210 His Rm 230 1‘ Dr \V'illialm Pink Pills 3%.,»3 fa»: 8%) V Electric ()il 2 bottles 1ur Carter’s Liver Pills 2 fm- 25c I Chases Syrup Linsm-d and qugpeminv l 1 ChaSI‘s OintnwntBSe Ayer‘s‘ Hair Vigor 650 Aswf‘s Cherry Pt'cinx‘nl 20, «K1 and {15¢ Norway Pine Syrup lb‘r: Page’s English Cough Syn-up large This is only a partial c grand preparation for keel-inghnrnas. cu War sheep. It. llll'ruflfififi their flesh. huh-x iii? nnu’ umitiun in the yogusmga gown AND uEAYLLZL‘RE. guaranteed to w .u ' 1- "bottle 25¢: Gray‘s Syrup Red Spy-teefimn 13c Hagyax-d’s Pectm-nl Balsam iSm Pure Drugs, Medic-fies & Conditian Powders Memmze-wwwwwwww a»: +4~++++++++++++++++<~+.~+-: You “auto” know we sell all kinds of stoves (I H 6| H H ll We guaerantee all kinds of Stoves satisfaction. We stake our reputation on the we sell. ’ \N’e set them up for you. \Ve would be pleasad to have pou c inspect our stock of ranges, heaters, cooks, before purchasing e‘sewhere. ware of all kinds H H +~Â¥++++++’i‘++%+++++'§'++‘ ++++++++++Â¥+$++L 57+... r+++++++++++ -++ : ++++++H+++++++++-l-+++~I--H-+++-. ++-:~-:~+~z-++++4«:~~:~++4 j- $7“. iii Mil 35303 WEE & SW. Richmmafi i‘iééfi ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $++4H+++**++M~2~+-§ Jo :md~ retail druggisxn‘. Hm-cwsorfn‘u I). Danifl (2 'Cr). and Hug?! 101' («4.30. ’17} KING 5T. EH ‘i‘UBUN'l'O, OPP. CLYDE HOTEL. J. A. JOHNSTON 8c 00., ATKINSON £5 SWITZER You're in town we would like to see you a minute. We honestly think we can help you to save more money than any store in the country. We are better prepared to give you a square deal for a round dollar than ever before. Low price makes a bargain only when high quality is coupled with it~ We offer bargains that include best quality as Well as lowest price. It will pay you to buy something here every time you are in town. This is a fact that you can verify in a single purchase. There’s good value back of every bargain. We want ybur money of courseâ€"we never oflered yw better inducements to spend it here. Fine Fancy \Vorsted, or Blue or Black Venetian Suit, nmde hit) your measure for $15.00. Usuul price for this quality, $18.50. Heavy 30 inch VVrapperebte, 100. yard. Heavy 40 inch \Vruppvrette. 1%. ya rd. Ladies‘ Hygeian Vests, 25, 30, 40,50, 75c. and $2. Men’s Fine W001 Fleeced Underwemz, $1.20 suit. Men’s Fine Colt)er Shirts, 50, 150., $1 and $1.25. Next Time lance over the prices shown here: 370“ pfi AT CUT-RATE PRICES. ‘¢§§§¢§§§¢O¢++§§ $§$§§¢§¢§§§§§§O¢ O§¢99§¢9¢§ urge I Burdock and Sm-saparma 65c \Vnruvx"s 53.1.5015“)? 65c : Yolfisifiw Brock Eimd is for salt- by (5290. McDonald, hm-nvss-umkex- “'9 srh everything at, cu: rate priced and my by dt-uling with us‘. iii'vndu'll's Spm‘in (‘unâ€" 75. Pngvs English Spuxin CI Bun,- Oil of Tm- Musmng Henna Cure 256 Emulsinn Cod Liver Oil 1 Pngvs Eczema Ointment Miunrd’s {Auburn}. 15c ()nu-ga Oil Btu-duck and Snrsapax-EL I \Vnrm-x-‘s $150131“? 65c Haéwrzy'k Rvno'f’i Ht;&::l;'l’4.,})._\'spv 5i ‘IK‘mV-ivs Pnin‘Ki Iv Hymn" Sic \‘V & Itn-l' ('1 vairfw‘fi‘ic yapfpgsin Tablets 07f stoves to give 1‘ 115 pou cell and ma 81 the goods ,gll bu Win 25c parlor Hard- #5.... «ii; a+++

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