Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Nov 1904, p. 7

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DR 1“ on "O! I The most intelligent insects are to be found in the ant tribe, and next. '\to them rank.wasps. ‘ n.4,. -nn nan The title of "Majesty" was firs given to Louis XL, of France. Be fore that timesovoroigns were usual ly styled "Highness." 'Evory week 9,500,000 oysters are swallowed by tho. people of London. Half of the shells are broken up and Med for asplmlte paving. Fauna The letter “I” in the Chinese lunâ€" guagc .has 14:} ways of being pro- nounced, and each pronunciation has a. different meaning: In Sweden (1 separate car must be provided on suburban night, trains out of Stockholm for the accommoâ€" dation of intoxicated persons. German engine-drivers receive a gold medal and five hundred dollars for every ten years of service with- out accident. Arctic travellers have noticed that snow, when at a: very low temperaâ€" ture. absorbs moisture and dries gar- monts. The scales used in “wighing diaâ€" monds are so delicately poised that the weight of a single eyelash will turn the balance. ‘ Before becoming a policeman in Vienna, 21 man must be able to swim, row, and send a telegraphic message. i More steel is used in the manufac- ture of pins than in all the. sword and gugg {aCtol‘ies in the world. T116 King of Portugal has thirtben names, his eldest son has seventeen and his youngest, son thirteen. Great. Britain spends $112,580,000 a year on the support of the poor, ‘exclusive of private charities. Caterpillars from six inches to a foot, long are common in the vicin- ity of the Darling River, Australia. The flshâ€"hooksv used to-day are pre- cisely of the same form as those of two thousand years ago. ; The standard of height in the Bri- ‘tish Army is greater than in any pther army in the world. The Sultan of Turkey owns about 500 carriages. Collecting them is a. fad with him. Sulphurous baths are supplied gra- tuitously in Paris to all persons em- ployed in handling lead. The London Parks Committee has 2,815 acres under its control, with 809 gardeners. It is estimated that about 250,- 000,500 bricks are used monthly in .the_Unitgd Kingdom. Sixiteeu ounces of gold wash are sufficient to gild a. wire that would incircle the earth. The Sicilly~ group contains about forty islands. only five of them being inhabited. ‘ Some of the insurance companies of Paris refuse to insure people who dye their hair. V 'A horse will live twentyâ€"five without food, merely drinking ter. , 'An inch of rain moans that 101 tons of water have fallen upon every acre of soil. The first, lighthouses had fires of wood and coal kindled at the top of them. 011 an average no fewer than 200 people are killed by lightning every year. ‘ Some insects are in a étzite of maâ€" tuyity thirty minutes after birth. \ One pound Weight of cork will sup- port iri the water a man weighing 140 pounds. England exports umbrellas to the value of $3,050,000 every year. An average sheep weighing 152 lb. gives 3 lb. (sf mutton. Abe at 10,000 gross of pens are produced from a ton of steel. 'An express engine consumes ten gallon! of water per mile. ‘ Over 600,000 cattle are annually slaughtered to make beef cxtl'uCt. Orange-juice is one of the best dressings for black shoes or boots. v The horse succuinbs to cold quick- er than any other animal. Some Small Doses of Very Use- ful Information. England has, on an average, sixty six gales a year. Over a. hundred kinds of wine are made in Australia. Bottles are no“; hefixg made “I was unablo to work and Was becoming destitute when a friend persuaded mo to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. Five boxes cured mo com- pletely.’â€"’ Tyndall, Mam, Nov. 14.â€"(Spccial) ~Unablc to work because of Kidney Disease. pronounced incurable by the doctors, and fast; becoming destitute, Mr. J. J, Perkins, of this place, lound new life and health in Dodd’s Kidney Pills. In his gratitude he wants all the world to know of his cure, and that he owes it, to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Perkins says: “After two years of Kidney Trou- ble I got so bad the doctor said I was incurable. I got still worse and at times had such terrible pains in my back and kidneys that I thought I would die. Eta Was Unable to Work, and Be- coming Destitute, Before Be Used the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. BUT DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURED J. J. PERKINS. T HE DOCTOR SAID THAT HE MUST DIE cr . They arc shipboard, v 1:3 h a‘icc :‘ WORTH KNOWING. ‘10\\’ nemg made of “c for use, particularly where luavy weather among glass recep~ days round. unu the motion t hem. “Rogular Practitionerâ€" No Result." â€"Mrs. Annie C. Chestnut, of Whitby, was [or months a rheumatic victim, but South American Rheumatic Cure chang- ed the song from “despair” to "joy." She says: "I suffered untold misery {rem rlicunmtismâ€"doctors' medicine did me no goodâ€"4W0 bottles of South American Rheumatic Cure cured incâ€"re- Miss Queueâ€""I understand you had a narrow escape crossing the Atlan: Lutic?” Mr. Hardâ€"Pmtâ€"“Yesj indeed; the coal ran out, and the captain had. to split the ship's log to keep the fires going.” " My Heart wan Thumplng my Llfa out," Is the way Mrs. R. H. Wright, of Brockville, Ont, describes her sufi‘erings from smothering, fluttering and palpitaâ€" tion. After trying many remedies without benefit, six bottles of Dr. Ag- ncw's Cure for the Heart restored her to perfect. health. The first dese gave almost. instant. relief, and in a. day summing ceased n1togcthcr.â€"~51 Minard's UnEmani Cums Distemper. If the troops uncovered are unable to stop our attack by fire they re- ;peat the manoeuvre. What self- lcontrol, What discipiine are required in order to do this, and what a. conâ€" sciousness of strength! When they are on the march it is all but imâ€" possiLle for them to meet with any Surprises. In addition to the men detached for guard, they surroan their columns by chains ’of scouts, Wh'o adVance along the crests of the elevations. Movement under such' conditions may be 510W, but it is sure. The finest region in Canada, for the nter who wishes to secure Moose is the Temagami region in New On- tario, and now easy of access by the Grand Trunk Railway System and North Bay. All information regard- ing guides, routes, rates etc., can be h‘ad on application to agents or by addressing G. T. Bell, G. P. & T. A., Montreal. of Chinese. These last come to the Russian lines, examine the camp. and make signals to the Japanese conâ€" cerning the whereabouts of the env- alry patrols. As the. country is mountainous they advance at Uhe rate of seven versts a day, intrench- ing and fortifying every step they take. Their path is an uninterrupt- ed row 01' fortifications. Knowing the excitable. impressionable temper of their soldiers, they never pursue ‘the enemy before settling down in good order upon the position occuâ€" pied, because during a pursuit troops often become disarrangcd. Judging by their operations one could imagine they are the most phlegmatic and methodical people in the world â€"â€" so strong in their military education and their knowledge of the art of War. They very reasonably avoid the bayonet. Their leading ranks run away to the right and left, opening the front for the fire of the succeedâ€" ing lines. Running round these to the rear, they again form their ranks tliUS taking the place of reserves. The Japanese reconnaissance is ef- fected thus: A compact, force of rifleâ€" men marches, sustained by screen, and patrols move about five versts ahead. At a. distance of three versts the scouts are preceded by a number Yes, we were greatly mistaken when we called the “little Japs.” says the Russkoye Slovo. We have never before had to deal with such ‘skilful opponents. They have includ- ed in their tactics all modern meâ€" thods, strictly adapting them to their own national peculiarities. For instance, knowing the weakness of their cavalry, they never allow it to go out unsupported. There is alâ€" ways infantry behind it, and our cavalry often runs against it, not expecting its presence. In Japan, instead of "christening" a vessel about to be launched, a large cage full of birds is hung over the prow. Directly the ship is afloat the birds are released, the idea. be‘ ing that the birds in this way welâ€" como thu ship as she begins her life. The pay of a. Russian army officer is very small. A full general gets from $1,800 to $2,400 a. year in our money, according to the length of service; a. lieutenantâ€"general from $1,200 to $2,000; a. major-general from $500 to $1,200, and n, colonel commanding a three-battalion regi- ment, 2,400 strong, gets $600. Russian View of the Enemy’s Art of War. A statistician affirms that the ms.~ jority of-peoplo who attain old age have kept late hours.” Eight out of ten who reach the age of eighty have never gone to bed till after twelve at night. “Doctor,” queried the inquisitive -rson, "do you believe th'at cigarâ€" tesmoking causes weak minds?” .‘Tot necessarily," replied the M.D. As a rule, it merely indicates In the thirteenth century all the brewers and bakers were women. When men began to take up these trades, they were known as "men brewers” and men bakers." A strange method of cooking an g is somefipws employed by Shopâ€" R13 in the a sling und. until TACTICS OF THE JAPS MOOSE HUNTING. and whirled round the heat generated has cooked it. The egg is placéd whirled round and ieat generated by Miss Runawa)" ed a. telegram E10] her-9‘ “"1121 t Runawayâ€"“Stay be torgiven." Shilehk ‘ §0n§umpfiicn EmiOâ€"“Gussie Supp says if I rc~ fuse him He will go away and join either the Japanese or Russian army.“ Belleâ€"“Then accept ‘him. Those nations have enough troubles already." gave relief and six botUes made a complete cure. I would heartily recommend it to anyone suchrimz from throat or lung trouble. J. 1". VANBUSKIRK. Dear Sirs,â€"â€"I was for seven years a sull'crer from Bronchial ‘troublc and would be so hoarse at times Uth I could scaredy speak above a whisper. I got no rolin from any- thing till I tried your MINARD'S HONEY BALSAM. .Two bottles From the soot in the chimney of the London Mint as much as $375 worth of pure gold has been extract,- ed in 'the course of a year. “If you will call Said your is." Very few people know that one of the latest class of battleships can steam at the rate of seven miles an hour with all her torpedoâ€"nets down. "Grommet" is the term applied to a new torpedoâ€"net. Nothing has been invented yet which will cut through it. Better Without a Stomach than with one that's got a constant, “lmrc” to it. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets stimulate the digestive organs. Let one enjoy the good things of life and leave no bad effectsâ€"carry them with you in your vest, pocketâ€"60 in box, 35 cents. In ancient times kissing :1 pretty girl was a cure for a. headimh'c. It is difficult to improve upon some of those old~tilnc remedies. Mm. Wmnvow's Soc-mum BYRUT‘ has been an! n millionsot mothe‘rs for their children while teaching. llsnolheschechild. softens the gums. Allaynpain. cum! Windcnliomegulntea thesmnmc]: and bowels, undii aha hastrmuedyfor Dmrrhum. Twenty-live cents a horn!» Sold bydruxgists Lhroughom Lhe world. Be sure 3an nhler‘mmmWINSLow'sSooTumudvmrr." 21â€"0! lustrnted folder. Sent to any ud- drcss on receipt of two cents in stamps. Low rates from all points. B. H Bennett, 2 East King St, To- ronto. Ont. filflflffl'fi Ufllfllfifll GEMS GENES! I“ 00318 Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sunâ€" light Soap. 53 Fredericton. ‘ The Lun Tonic g The cure that is guaranteed by your druggist. 25550531 LeR6y on. A. w. cansa’s 0mm cm 250» dare to kiss me again. I papa!" “I thought you fath'm- was abroad?" "He for Over Sixty Vern-s 13 sent direct to the diseased an. by the Improved Blower. "‘ Yleah the ulcem. clear: as air 1) 33:33:95,310” droppln In the > lhron and A'manam y our“ Cacarrb and {a Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or r. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Tomato md Buffalo. CALIFORNIA â€""I have just receiv- from papa.” Mr. does he say?” Miss a \va 3 and all will An invitation to hear this new- made acquaintance preach was accom- panied by a scribbled card, and the next Sabbath saw the rustic, in his "Sunday best," ushered into the bishop's own pew, where he listened intently to both' service and sermon. He was manifestly amazed, after- ward, to have the orator of the momin come down to greet him as cordially and familiarly as in the “In Louisville." "Well, well; I never would h'a.’ thought it. You ain't stuck up a. bit like most of the preachers down this way." day The Lite Bishop Dudley of Kentucky jwas on a. hunting expedition near Louisville during the last few years of his life, and happened to fall in with a loeal Nimrod, \vh'ose uncon- ‘cealed admiration for the city man's marksmanship paved the way for further conversation. “What your name?" the country- man finally inquired. “Dudle ." was the reply. After some change of incident and experience the bishop's interlocutor hazardedzâ€" “Say, Dudley, what business do you follow?" ing me “But During the first nine months of the current year 156 vessels were lost, representing; a total of 268,161 tons. Only sixty-two of the vessels Were British. The detailed figures of this mortal- ity are given in a parliamentary paper as follows. The figures in parentheses indicate passengers : 1891â€"(582) ......... 1891â€"(104) ...... 1893â€"(44) . . 1894â€"(1,197) ................. .3,071 1895â€"(58) ...... ...2,927 1896â€"(410) ......... ....1,981 1897â€"(46) ..... ...... ..1,470 1898â€"492) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,484 1899â€"(121) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..],858 1900â€"(48) ..... .. .. ....... ....1,585 1901â€"(13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,290 1902â€"(675) ..................... 1,854 1903â€"(57) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,296 During the period named the numâ€" ber of seamen and officers employed rose from 218,247 to 233,482. The year 1894, when 1,197 passengers were lost, was that of the loss, among many other shipping disasters of the Wairarapu, which went down oil New Zealund with all hands. The Koreans do not sew their clothes, but use ish-g'lue instead of thread. During the past thirteen years 24,- 142 lives have been lost on British ships at sea, or an annual average of 1.857. ‘ There is a species of Norwegian rat which carries its young in a. pouch, just like the kangaroo. Many Lives Lost OE British Ships Every Year. Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lover's Dry Soap a. powder. It will remove the grease with the greatest ease. Madgeâ€""Don't you think a. girl should marry an economical man?" Dollyâ€"“I sup-pose so, but it’s just awful being engaged to one." “You married me for m} money!" she exclaimed angrily. “011, well," he replied soothingly, “don’t blame me. I couldn't. get. it any other Way you know." Tho Stomach'o “Woal or Woe."â€"The stomach is the centre from which, from the standpoint of health. flows "weal or woe." A healthy stomach means perfect digestionâ€"perfect digestion means strong and steady nerve centresâ€"strong nerve centres mean ood circulation, rich blood and goo health. South American Nervine makes and keeps the stomach rightâ€"52 tMlfiard's Liniment Cures fields. Minard's Llnlment Cums filahthgrla. Ho. THE BAWSGN commgsslgwflco" nnâ€" Was; u~_|.... n... "Oli, PfifiiTi ‘Whoz‘o?” 111 IIAD MADE A MISTAKE SEA TAKES ITS TOLL. «14/ a preacuer.” get out. Wiiat are you giv- aged to stammor h'is added: "I ain’t much of is kind of thing. parson, h vou and sot with you, Cor. West Market and I preach every Sun- if m u, th Colbornc ats, Toionrb'. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE. BERLIN. ONT. For the treatment of all forms of SPEECH DEFECTS. We (rent the cause. not simply tho habit, and gbcreforc produce natural speech. . Write for 'parh'culars. “7 We can handle your poultry eithen alive or dressed to best advantage. Also your butter, eggs. honey and other produce. Solomonsâ€""Dis paper says Rosen- baum vos pennlless.” Coh'enstein â€"â€" "Dot’s foolish. A man nin'dt penniâ€" lcss choost because he owes a lot. 0! money he ain’dt going to pay!"- LAUE CURTAINS INTI“ AHWOMI DYIINB 00., loin). Monty-all out this brand :â€" Soldatalrl’dreialers but never with- sofFand comfortablg “Pinto ” Mitts and Gloves never crack or harden, never get sodden, are always Eagmlpliable, not porous, it isTfind-proofâ€"wiil outwear three buckskins. W. H. SHAW, - - Principal Yongo and Gerrard Sta. Toronto. Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasinsâ€"tough as whale- bone, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch- proof, wind-proof, boil-proof, crack-proof, tear-proof, rip-proof, cold-proof, almost wear-proofâ€" certainly the greatest leather ever used in mitts and gloves. Like buckskin it is tanned 145110ut oil, unlike buckskin it is GENTRAL Telegraph School HUDSON BAY'KNITTING c0. "Pinto" Shell Cmfiavan oneygyg cyR'rAINs Montreal Winnipeg Dawson 2 Is tl‘ and Ill klnda of house Ennzinu. ail-for 1e erm for particulars to Write to us shout. your; TORONTO. ONT. oven & cLzANno mu: msw. Limited

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