Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Nov 1904, p. 8

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\Vill run an custom work (lining Sl-p» tunnlu-r three days nnly. nmlwly :- 'l‘llPS(lil}'. Svpt. 20 and Monday and ’j‘m Hla)‘. 2-5 and 27 of tho last walk. and will run first fnur days of (lath werk (luring Octnlu-r and Nnx'elnhvr up tn and includng NM". 17, 190-1. A9 is wvll knnwn We make raw cider, hailed cider. apple lulttvr aml jelly all frmn your (zwn apples whilv ym‘r Wail. C-idvr can he blrllt‘d to any thicknt‘ss. Jelly apples should he Wall ripa-nvd and two-thirds snvct. I’arfies wish- ing apple butter shuuld lira) lllPll peeling apples separate frnrzr; the cider apples. \Ve expect to bay :1 quantity (If cidv: applvs (from cusl,e-r'xt‘l's only.) As we have now, after many improve- ments, a capacity nf ahm‘rt 3,000 gals. of cider boiled into jelly and apple butter, per day. we hope 1m give ()111' customers quicker work and hatter satisfaction than ever. Ua'ztnmm-s are respectfully requested {a clolm‘sincts on the above mentimwd clays as we live a distance. from the factnry and custmnexs running any other day would find it wryincuurenient. As will be notice-(IAIN: husinoss has» chang- ed hands, hmw-ver. we still intend to take the best. of care to please wary (:ustunwr. as the seniur member of the presentfirm is H. “’inger, farmer-1y of \Vinger Bros. Sn we hupu to see all our old customers hack again this season as usual, with as many morn- as possible. Thanking the gene! al public for past favors. we snlirit'a contin- uance of the same in tlw future. Mufi'l;hmu who m’nporcy of Goo Baker. my Sale at 1. Terms 11 munms. J H Prentice, nuct Outj Snrhhor antics llsila will be closed at thy ohmond Hill Post Office as follows:â€" MORNING . 8m EVENING .‘ , 6.:5 V.B.-â€"Regiaterod Lenora must be handed is “(168.55 intoen Minutes outlier than the above mentioned hours fur cloeiuR. Leave C P B Crossing at 6. 7.90, 9.40. 1.50. 2.40. 3.45 5.45. 9.00 D. Leave Rlchmond Hill 6.20, 10.30 n. m 3.30. 4.35. 6.30. 8.35 1‘. Lu. METROPOLITAN TIM E ’FAB’LE 7 . m. Sunday School “2.30. Prayer meeting ednesdav evening. Rnumu Catholic Churchâ€"Services on Alter- nuto Suu'lnvg MD >3. I13. sqd 10.30- a. m. "'fiBfiSHM'éEfiéou §u§v§roa at ["30 n. m.. and 7 p. m. Sundnv School M 2.50. Gsuera-l pm.) or meeting Thngxdgy. eyogmg. ‘ _ W011) hoil‘e an Church of England<8exvices M 3 p. In. every Sunday. Presbyterimx Cpqrchf-S‘e‘rfipes‘nt H a. m.. and _§Iclx13x;nih‘fibâ€"(fié.VA 9 din] A M â€".‘Ieets Hou- dsv nu ur hetero {nu my)! uâ€". .... “a, __ Court fiicgmond. 170 717’ â€".\leetn second and touch Fri-1n y u v---. W“, R T of Tempemnceâ€"Meeta first Wednesday of 63.111 mnuth Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday 0! every mouth _ , Public Llhnry and Bonding Boomâ€"Open Tuesduv and Sulmv evenings. vacrtlx Dengue-31th ovoxv Monday. “fiftth-e‘jk 0 U Wâ€"-Meets thirl Wednesday of en -h umuth Cmup Elma. s O 8 â€"Moecs second and fomth We‘lnos lay Pearl Frishy Herman Mm Dunc-am Read . Edgar Sandorsnu Murjuriu Junning PART II. DIC’I‘A’I‘ION. MAX. 100. Muriel Hingstnu . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bessw lingox'mun. . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . V . . . Eva Donnie Bvllu Re-nd ’ . . . . . I Stanley Buyntnn Herbiv Sn ndcx son Rny Brnynfnn. Gx-ota Lunuu . 'Ethel Murtson Percy llugcrun Joan Scott ... JR. III. ARITHMETK‘. Hal-old “nun-mun Jean Scott, . . Percy Huge: man Roy Bnynwn . H Ethel Mm'Lsun Greta meu ~ . .4 r Report of S. S. No. (1, Markham, fm the month of October: an. 1". HISTORY. MAX. 10‘). Jean Scott, . . . . . . . . . . . . A . JIDER MELLY MILL 'J'l POST OFFICE NOTIC Between Toronto and Newmukct. JR. II S R. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7436 P M M. TEEFY.Post~nm.ster. Village Directory. Innings IV. GRAM‘MAR. ngcrmzm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mt . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . Iu. HISTORY. MAX. 100. Mdrtsun Sale Register. H. Winger 80 Son. Edgely GOING NURTH GOING SOUTH YBâ€"Auctinh suds nf household yrnporty ( 1' t 110 (truthio wanna. nns cash. Sale at. 1 o’clock. 'ov lliâ€"Aununn sa‘e of steers ling ewes the propertv of Goa rd cuu M'u‘kham. The ubmm Mob. The venrliugs ml] mer- he 2 yeyu- ulds 95 ’ lbs. Sula ml 11 mnnths. J H. Prvufinn. Mle. l7â€"«Auct10u sum of fresh milk young cattle, colts. etc, at; lmijnhij‘l.~f.he 11;‘0pm‘by of J H M» 1. Tatum 6 mnmha. Swigeon F. L. LUNDY. Touctwr; insâ€"Credit FMO of farm stock. , lmy. etc. I u lot 35. 2nd con ‘erty 9f Wm Bastard. Sale nu ma. J H Prentice, auct lâ€" \ucnion sale of horse. cows r,ha.\'. etc. on lot 30, 3rd cnn ersy of Geo Baker. Hr. Sufie . 6, Markham PM MAX. 100. MAX, 100 11.30 a. m 100. $18 98 81 3'5 '79) 7'1 36 7! A good brick house in the village nf Maple, thv homo Of the late J. 0. Mc- Qunrrio. Then-n is half an acre of land, a pretty lawn in front and a quantity of “Hit, trees, a. very desirable resiâ€" deuce. The Next Sitting of Division Conrttox No. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL BIVISNN - BflURT. RICHMOND HILL __.ON_ SATURDAY, NOV. 26, 1904 nus For nthvr particulars call at the Bank, ’ The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of I m- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Tbornhill) has for sale some good young stock. Money Loann'd on Farmers” Muir Rota-s. Blank Note I‘m-ms s‘zumalicd Fr 50. HESHEST BURRENT RATES. Th0rougfi-hred buli and hog kept for service on t_he premisvs. Received in: vaings’ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at The east half of lot 28. 2nd can. Markham. containing one hundred acres is to rent, for a term nf yezu's. The time fm- l-oceivin tenders for the extt'nsiun uf the (Tn-enkwntcr at, Tut-ontu Island is hereby extended to Tlnusdny, Nun'th 10. By under. Anyone sending a sketch and doscfl non may quickly ascenuin our opinion free w ether an invention is prohnbly patentnble. Communlr-n- tloug strictly confidennnl. Hundbnok on Patents sen: free. Oldest ngcncyfor'aocuriygflpntcmg. ucuu uc». van.“ mum. w, Patents taken throu’gHvMunu & CB. rbcéfve my}! notice, Without charge in the The undersigned begs to thank the public for the gen- erous patronage accorded him Eeneral Blacksmith Dept. of Public \Vrn'ks. Ottawa, Nov. 3. 1904. vaspnpers inserting this advertise- ment withunt authority from the De- pnrum-nt will nut: be paid for it. A handsomely illustrated week}? Lnrcest cir- culation of any aciennrlc journal. Terms. $3 a year: funr months, $1. Sold by uinewsdf ierf. iéiui‘f (nnr mm'xths.: MUNN 8&0: PATRONS I Nntice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. 113mm ngrficass. 16â€"4 Capital Rest. SUNNYSIDE FARM MN 8: €0.36‘Bmmvv New In: Branch Office. 625 1" S1,. \‘Vushingmu. T). C. Horse-shoeing a specialty. All-kinds of Blacksmithmg dune. Apply to G. \V. HIGH. or G. \V: HiGH. or )Exocutors, :M. MCQUARRIE Maple. GEO. COWIE, ()1' Canada RIQHMON D HILL esal Banking Business Transactedi. And hopes for :1. continuance of the sanm. EXTENSION OF TIME. 49t- Commencing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAEON C} J". W. OSBORNE, 'F() 111 $3 RICHMOND HILL. To Rent fl $1.000,000 $1,000 000 DEFâ€"GEES To Rent FRED GELINAS. Secretary. D. G. GOODERHAM, D. BJYLE, Richmond Hill. new,er AGENT Px-uprietor 7mm]; w. wusow, HOUSE PA IN TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Every Accommodation for the traw- elling public. RICHARDSON HUUSE DIAP] 4E. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Calls from a. distance promptly attended to.‘ RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL FALL AND WINTER pme spices. ()m' stuck ist pletc; all fresh goods; lmnght at a. close figure; get the benefit. \Vnuld you Nuthng to equal it. Satisfaction 01' money refunded. Do you want that fine flavor in your pickles and uutsup this year? If you do, nee DRUG STORE SPICES. They make all (he (liffvrenno in the flavor, and COST NO MORE than im- pme spices. Our stock is com- pletc; all fl'e-sll goods; and lmnght at a. close figure; you get the benefit. \Vnuld you like to try a new recipe? Some m1- equallwd (mvs hem. yours for the asking. lomumlwr. if you want the BEST rvsulls you must use PURE SPIUES. GEL them here. w. a. Sandeer DRUGGIS'I‘ Best quality. A. J. flUME, My StOCK oi \Voolens for Tailor, Richmond Hill FREDERICK BACK, Prop SPECEAL lN SPHCES Low prices. Threshers’ Cuul on hand. LIVERY COAL GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. June 1], 1903 'mg ngmws ' $1.00 In names. Ricizmmfi Eiéi fig Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. Michael 31133., B ichmond [I in S [‘3’ g i “'e 51-1] reliable goods at reasonable a prices. Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill Repairing promptly and neatly done. Tinware. Stove-pipes, Elboiavs, Eaveâ€" troughing, Iron Roofing, and every- thing in the tin and hardware â€" line. â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ Mksmflfl 0. & E. MASON WOOD And set them Up for you right. Ea,an ! “’e have Solid comfort in the way of Blunkvts and Hobos, and. in fact, Pverytlling in the line (If Harness, Robes, Blankets, Fur Cnats. Mitts. (u‘ruuutlets and many othm- articles nvccssm-y for the comfort; of your- self zmd horse. '- The goods we offer are honestly made, and will stand the wear than you expgct gf (hem. The sweet tone Mason & Riscb. Alan tuning and "mailing. Second-hand onus fur sale. Reuniring c! all kinds of needles for THE - LIBER The Merchamts’ Fire Insurance has the lowest lawsâ€"Renew with us. Crown life and endmvment pulicies. Gut nur terms. Digest uf Canadian Mm" 'Lntile Laws. HANDS AND URGANS amyfig F. J. PETHICK, RICHMOND HILL PM Man er Beast SINGER SEWING MACHINES FIRE AND LIFE S ubscribe for Nowis the time to getyour furn- ace put in order before the busy time, and if you {re thinking of puttingin a new furnace we can give you a price \Ne also sell all Ends of nmchinos. Oil and sale. INSURANCE L AL

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