Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Nov 1904, p. 1

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VOL. XXVI LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE ‘ RICHMOND HILL, our. T. F. MUMAHON. THURSDAY Best fitting tooth, also replating, at, lowest, prices. Good work. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Dentist, JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Will be omce Hoursâ€"8 tn :0 a.1n..1 to 2.30 p. m. 7 to 91'. m‘ J. H. SANDERSDN, Gulls by day and night promptly at tended to. Dr. C. HAROLD CLARKSON DENTIST, Want your moustache or heard abeautiim brown or rich black? Use mu 1‘1. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC. UOZMISSIONEXIN Inn :1 Jull'ul Dull'hulall “'1‘ ill“. ' ‘ ' HILL :md sm-munding tel HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. to represent Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ', “ CANADA‘S GREATEST Remodelled,uud newly furnished throuabnnt 6110 of the mostohnvenient, and comfortabLe hotelson Yonge Street. Every modern con- venience Smuplo rooms for commercial trqullgra. Auidomlsmppiug plave for [Ming 9: drums pgrtiersmicyclists. or farmers going Rnom 12 or driving partiesmicycl'i to or returning from an laws the Goa: Livery n PALMER HO U ‘E RICHMOND HILL, 10 t. f. VETERINARY SURGEON TERMS $1.00 PER DAY \V. C. SAVAGE - Lot~ 32. 2nd Con. Vaughan, contain- ‘ing 200 acres, is to rent for a. term of years. ‘5 Our. Church and Carlton Sts., Toronto, Vill be in Richmond Hill on Wed nesday of each week. Office, next door north of Stand- m-d Bank. Olfice Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Thornhill 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays. Cor. Bloor and Yonge, Toronto. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. VETERINARY SURGEON, RICHMLOND HILL Farm to Rent. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Maple, Ont. per annum, in advance.] fltfltal. 133. W. fiasafis, 36339-5 Tllornhill. (Successor to Dr DITOB Dent p“ 531;. ?UBLISHED E V 1 .4 £V Wtcrmarg W'eflviml . WESS CARDS. Apply to ictoria St. Toronto. fiihmfl THE BOPBIETOB- D. BOYLE, MORNING chmond Hill Pre p Hum 110} Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- mond St. \Vesr..VVosley Buildings, (Methodist, Book Room,) To- l'ontn. Mr. Cook Wi ll be. at Maple on Thursday - afternoon of each Week. Money to loan on land audchattel mortgages at lowest rates Aurexuofiiceâ€"Removed to the old post Oflica one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmurket atticsâ€"Three doors south of the LENNOX & MORGAN, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Goods sold on consignment. General Sales (A stoc etc promptly attended to at reasonablt mhes ResideUCe Unionvillg J ’1‘ Suigeon. J K N Maple Wus Saigcon & McEwen. Licnnsed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sulemttendedto onshortestuoticéand a. ran.â€" onublerates Pavcrouagesolicited '1‘ Hml‘BEn'r LENNOX, G STV MORGAN, Aurora. NeWIL‘ "th Gouldxhg. Néivtrofi Brook. agent for the above License Almtioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the sLortest notice and M rcnsonnbemtes. P. 0. address King Licensed Auctioneerfor the Counties cf York and Ontario Allsales of farm stock, due, at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable ratm. Mortgnfle andbniliff sales attended to. Residencefiboufiville Ont Newest varieties, and specialties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits and Shrubs, Ornnmontals. and Buses. A permanent situation, and territory re- served for the right man. Pay wet-k- ly, handsome outfit free. Write for particulars, and send 25 cents for nur pocket microscope, just the thing to use in examining trees and plants for insects. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN 311141455: IAS. NEWTON RICHMOND HILL 6: THORNHILL TORONTO. Undertakers & Embalmcrs, Bostaccommodation to gueeta. Board per day STONE & WELLINGTON, IIB Lind Local Salesman for RICHMOND HILL and sun-x-uunding territory to represent, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Barristers and solicitors. BERAL ( COOK 8: JOHNSTON :u‘ge stock of M kept at In W ®§a§7$l€3 Efifi’fi‘fi 158 KING BTREET 2m. 'roRoN'ro RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1904 VVRIGHT BROS, 'WAETED. W a FOXTHILL NURSERIES (over 800 acres.) J. H. P: entice. D. G. BLOUGII, Es éEMQN, ‘ers,3rlic.it015. Notaries, 8w. V adsw N. E. Smith. Built R1110 ‘fico, Richmond Hill on Samn-davs. 33mm. Mh of Funeral Furnishings at both places. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." Lawrence Ba orth, (formerly 1 in. Adelaidt Tux-unto. NURSERIES." Phone Main 2984 J R McEwez. Weston ONTARIO. Newmurket Egg, reeâ€" The Council of the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan met at the Town Hall, Vellore, on Tuesday, the 8th day of November, 1904, at 10 o‘clock a. m. . Members present: Wm. Watson, Esq., Reeve ; and Councillors James A. Cameron, Daniel C. Longhouse, J. Scott McNair and Isaac Devins. ‘ Council met at Uninnville (m the inst. with all the members present Reeve sumlm-l'feldt, in the chair. Francis~Hax perâ€"that the Yn street, account amounting to $61.25 paid ; Markhmn’s share 530.625. Francisâ€"llnrperâ€"that, Mr. Mm'x'i be requested to inspect the tile mam 1y made by Mr. \V. J. Devitt. co the number of suan and 1-9pm L at. next meeting of this council. qu‘perâ€"Morrisonâ€"that the new of D. Harrington), amounting to $6 of D be_]_): \Vlr “'al H211 p pay the “'m. H Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The following communications were laid on the table: , From Fey & Kelly, solicitors, Toronto, claiming damages for in- juries received by Thos. Smythe, Esq., on town line between King and Vaughan, near the 11th con. i From the Arbitrators, Messrs. Alex. McCort and Thomas Webster, sr., with the award re John T. Snell and the township of Vaughan, the award being as follows: The township to pay the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars and all costs in connection therewith. Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Longhouse, That the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the follow- ing road accounts : To James Goddes, repairing road grader . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 00 Moved by Mr. Devins, seconded by Mr. McNair, That the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the follow- ing general accounts : To Thomas Webster, sr., services as arbitrator 19 John ’J‘. Snell and 'l‘p. of Vaughan . 3 5 00 “ Alex. McCort, services as arbitrator re John '1‘. I Snell and Tp. of Vaughan ... . ... 5 00 “ Leader and Recorder, for 3 insm tions of (lumping rubbish, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Longhouse, That the Reeve and Councillor Devins be a committee on behalf of Vaughan Council to wait on Thos. Sniythe, Esq., in regard to in- juries received on town line between King and Vaughanâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. McNair, That the Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan, until further notice, hereby offer a reward of. $40 to he paid to the person or persons giving such information as will lead to the arrest and convic- tion of a thief or thieves who have stolen a horse or horses owned by any resident ratepayer in this municipalit '; the council to reserve the right of paying the above reward to the person or persons who in their judgment are entitled to receive the same; and the above reward not to apply to horses stolen previous to the date of this resolution.â€" Carried. Council then adjourned to meet; at the Town Hall, Vellore, on Tuesday, December 13th, at 10 o'clock a. m. NIarkham Tp. Council tel' Hm Hm'd 1â€")on-t-isouâ€"that fullmviug acuuunts arslm, work. . . . . . . . u'd, cleaning ditches arson. wnrk "‘ Jno. Black. building}; culvert 0n town line Vaugh- an and Toronto Gore, half to be paid by Vaughan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ T. O. Nixon, operating grader, 20 hours . . . . . . . Statute Labor Accounts Divismn No. 14, Samuel McClure, overseer . . . . . . . “ 15. A. T. 0111), overseer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 16, Thomas Uruft, overseer . . . . . . “ 18, Adam Dulziel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Geddes, repairing road grader . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Wm. Lannie, hauling stone and repairing bridge lots 15 and 16, con. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Huson, repairing hills and bridge, also digging ditch and filling same with brush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Ringland, repairing culvert, lot 16, con. 8.. “ “ 2 days’ work on Pine Grove hill.. “HmTurnernvith horse and man 1 day and horse and 2 men 1 day, digging stumps at lot 17, con. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arch. Irving, 26 lbs. spikes at fiéc. per 1b . . . . . . . . “ “ sharpening picks, repairing grader, Geo. Sutton, 8 hours with team, lot 5, con. 7.... “ “ hauling sewer pipe and putting in culvert, etc., lot 6, con. 7 . . . . . . . . John Keys. 2% days’ work at lots 5 and 6, con. 7. Jesse Phillips, 1% hours with team, lots 5 and 6, con. 7. . “7m. Troyer, 6 hours unloading car of sewer pipe Jacob .5 u u' n u n Ebenezer North & (30., for car of sewer pipe de- livered at VVoodhridge. . . . .. . . . .1 D. C. Longhouse, chnrge on over-weight on our of sewer pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . Joseph Lovett, 1 day’s work on Pine Grove hill.. John L. Cald, 992 ft. cedar at $18 per M I . . . . . . . ' “ “ 12 Cedar meS at each . . . . . . . . . . “ “ engine and driver 1 day . . . . . . . . . . . “ “ 15 hours operating grader . . . . . . . . “ “ 1mm and team 9 hours . . . . . . . . . . . “ “ 25 hours’ work. 1 man . . . . . . . . . . . Solomon Ellis,3 days with 2 men and team filling up roadway opposite lot 31, con. 8 “ “ 20 hours digging ditch opposite lot 31, £011. 8 , _ . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . “ “ hauling se-Wer pipe and putting in culvert opposite lot 31. con. 8.. Herman Hambly, ldduy building cuIVex-t, Gravel Boa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ “ 5 hours with team filling in cul- vrrt (m Gravel Road . . . . . . . . . . . . V. . “ “ lauiing lumber and putting on guarding and setting 90' posts at 200. per post . . . . , . . . . . . _ z . . . . . . . . . \VO) work [L Mr. Morrison the tile “ment- . Devitt. count d I'HPOI L at. the V aughan Council the {are account to $6.42, Ynnge 51.2.5 be ‘th 50 50 UUI’Snn John 11' John E Thus. Lane. 17 yards. . . B. Rnhinson. 52 yards . Gvu. Clark, 10:3 yards . \Vun'en \Vilson, 70 yarn John \Vulker. 43 yards ROM. Muukman. 24 3‘31- Frank Rubinsun, 50 yur “'11). Hold, 18 yards. . . Jus.Lundy, 150 yards at of stone . . . . . . . . . . , Fruncisâ€"Morrisonâ€"r ing road accounts he pa F. Johnston, World \V.J.Deaz'itty, can! in BJHHBX Thus. I B. Rub nhn Hickson, righ >hn Buyingum, w E. Pearson, wm ancis â€"Mm-risn ncisâ€"Morrisonâ€"I ad accounts he pa Quantz. divisinn Pearson, division xccoulgts be paid n, advertis ll‘ds. . yards nâ€"thnt the follow- â€"that the full u'ds 19 20 46 66 10 67 16 19 2 10 182 169 â€"Udrried. 313 350 Ill pipe d 16 yds Carried 70 $12 30 G: 200 “y _ 00 Fmncisâ€"Mnrrimnâ€"tlmb thefnllow- ing shm‘p (rluims in» paid: T. Iludgswn, l lumh killed and ’ 3 \VUlllNlPd . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . $ 8 33 \V. J. Howard, 5 slwop killed :1 ml 2 \vnumlvd . .. . . . . . . . 25 S3 F1niicisâ€"l\Im-risnnâ€"-th:lt the trims. my the ti-pnsum-r of Unionville Public library $30. uml the treasurer of Thm‘nhill Public Lihi-nry $20. Francisâ€"HaI-pt-râ€"rthat this council give to Mr. Frank Read the privilege of cleaning out at ditch lwtween lots 20 and 21. con. 8, and that he put. a guard Frunmsâ€" give to Mr. of cleaning and 21. con alongside. Mr. Hm'r holding whirh p folluws : polling on January Polling divisions ing officers : 10, Cedar Uruve, J. 11, Mongolia, Thus. On motion council meet; on December 15th. WANTEDâ€"Quickly. 1w persons to represenfi long established wholesale house among remit merchants and agents. Local term y of few counties. .518 salary and expenses p9. weeklv. Expense money advanced. Uommxssion extra. Permanent. engagmem. Business successtul. Previous experience not essential. Enclose- selfâ€"uddressed euvempe. Address. SUPER]! TENDEN’I‘ 'lnAVELEus, 325 Dearborn St.,2Chicl.- go. 1 123 Aprominont fruit grower in the Niagara district, Mr. Robert Thomp- son of St. Cutlmrincs, who has just; returde from a. trip through the fruit; section of British Columbia, re- ports that) though fruit growers and fruit growing is 21. new induitry through British Columbia, the British Columbia. grower-s can teach their Ontario competitors many valuable lessons, especially in the packing of apples. In this connection the fruit division of the Dominion department. of Agricultural purposes are making a. special exhibit at the. November Fruit, Flower and Honey Show in Toronto, of the. various varieties of British Columbia fruit packed by the growers themselves. Similarly the other provinces of Nova Scotin. and Quebec will be represented. The matter is one of importance to Ontario fruit growers as they are meeting with keen competition in the western mur- kets from British Columbia, and in the markets of Great Britain from the Nova Scotia fruit}. A mother’s love is so divine that the roughest man can- not help but appre~ ciate it as the crown of womanhood. However, Mother- hood is looked for- wardtowithfeelinga of great dread by al- most all women. At such times a wom- an is nervous, dya- : peptic, irritable and she is in nee of a. uterine tonic " ' and nervine, a strength builder to fit her for the ordeal. No matter how healthy or strong a woman may be she cannot help but be benefited by taking Dr. I’ierce’s Favorite Prescription to prepare for the event. 7711': is what an: molher rayx: “ With a heart overflowing with gratitude I will endeavor to write you. It is nearly two years ago since I first wrote to on for advice regarding my health which was t en very bad,‘ writes Mrs. L. Poore, of Hinesdale. Ky., to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting surgeon of the Invalids‘ Hotel and Surgical Institute. at Buffalo, N. Y. "I have described my sufferings in other letters to you, After receivrng your advice and the ‘ Common Sense Medical Adviser ' I bou ht some of your ‘ Favorite Prescription.’ and today am a well woman and the proud mother of a dear little boy." Backed up by over a. third of a century cf remarka le cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weak- nesses pectfliar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription now feel fully war- ranted in ofl'ering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, {or any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsns, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a. fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. Their financial responsibility is well known to every newspaper publisher and druggist in the United States. with most of whom they have done business for over a third of a century. How to ("he genen Sense Medlc on medlcine is but free on receipt of stamps to pay toms and mailing only. Send 50 one- stamps for the cloth-bound volume, or 31 stamps fot the book in paper covers. A MOTHER’S LOVE. minatinn on Manda 10, 11, Ontario Fruit For the West. urpm- intmdut'ed n by-I:lw fr Munir‘ipnl Elections nt‘ 190; lssed with th(' hlunks filled a F03. SALE [Single copies, 3 cts. Thm-nhill, J. ‘V. Elgin Mills. Robb Brown’s Corners. Victoria Square. Unionvillv. C. H. Cashe-l. F. H. Qua Int 8, con. 1. Mount Joy. Dixon’s Hill live in L] them e of Dr. Pierc dvisgr. This hygiene, con 'fiealth and happiness, is 2nd. 7 and deputy return G90 A. \V. } Jesse Bym‘. J. Malcolm. ()s. Snmles. l adjourned to ix woe her sh Pl' SUUP. M. RANSOM Stivcr. mfz. Morgan Znhb, Lean. Lunam. 3rmvn. l [I] 81‘- No 20 "ivilvge lots 20 1 guard One-cent ‘, or only ‘ommon at work HS

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