Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Nov 1904, p. 4

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f 1 &. I fâ€"dâ€"r“ Willow Advertisements. Changeâ€"World's Dispensary Medical Aasoc'n Changeâ€"J. G. Aye: a Go. Changeâ€"Atkinson dz Swnzer Chanceâ€"E lintt Business College Tenders for Suppliesâ€"J. R. StrattOn For suleâ€"Jus. Osrer Chan geâ€"Coutml Business College RICHMOND HI'LL. November 17, 1904 Reports are current that King Edward of England and President Roosevelt of the United States are moving in the direction of ending the war between Russia and Japan. Unfortunately Russia feels that to accept intervention or mediation of any kind would humble her in the eyes of the nations of the world, and seems bent on pursuing the war to the bitter end. This is to be de- plored. In the name of humanity something should be done to end this horrible butchery and slaughter "of human life. With Russia’s ex- perience during the past nine months that country should know that the uncertain prize is net Worth the horrible cost. Surely if half a dozen of the great powers would declare against a. continuance of the War in the east a peaceful settlement might be arrived at. To allow the sicken- ing horrors to continue seems a blot onthe civilization and christianity of the 20th century. M'â€" __,_,.__â€"â€" Mr. Whitney in an open letter in- vites members of the Conservative Association and representatives from the municipalities to attend a. con- ference in Toronto on the 24th inst. The letter states that “ the policy of the opposition in the legislature is familiar to the people,” and he hopes to get into power by promising “clean, honest and decent govern- ment.” That there has been crook- edness in certain elections during the past year can’t be denied, nor has any reputable person attempted to deny it, but no corruption has been traced to any member of the govern- ment. The Liberals when they meet in convention should, and no doubt ‘Will, take a strong stand against cor- ruption of any kind, but no person, should be deceived in supposing that Mr. Whitney and his followers be- long to the party of purity. M There will be two political con- 'ventions in Toronto next week for Ontario Liberals and Conservatives. ri‘he Liberals wili convene in As? sociation Hall on Wednesday, 23rd inst, and the Conservatives will meet in the same place the following day. We belirve that it is quite proper for. each party to bring their supporters together and present a programme previous to the general elections, and it is surprising that any objections ‘could be raised to such a course. Yetthe Mail and Empire says in a leading editorial that no honorable Liberal will be seen at the former convention. It will be quite in order for that paper to state that no honorable Conservative will absent himself from the convention to be held on the 2lth. â€"-â€"â€"â€" The appointment of Mr. 1V. J. Hill, ex-M. P. for West York, to the position of registrar for the East and ‘Wcst ridings of York, made vacant by the death of the late James Mar- sic, will give 'general satisfaction. Mr. Hill has had a useful municipal training as councillor and reeve in York township, and as an alderman in the city, and he was popular and prominent in the local house when he represented West York. His many friends will Mr. Hill every success in the position to which he has been appointed. W w ish Lord Lansdowne announced in London that Great Britain had ac? ccpted an invitation (ruin the United States for the negotiation of an Anglo- ‘. American arbitration treaty. Judge McMahon recently decided that the Christian Brothers have no right to teach in the Separate Schools of Ontario. The case was then taken to the Court of Appeal but that. court has upheld the former judgment. Chief Justice Moss in delivering the judgment of the Court of Appeal stated that the members of the Christian Brothers now teaching in the Ottawa separate schools, must be dismissed as soon as the temporary certificates granted them by the Ontario Government expire. ‘â€"}fo§e .a-._._.â€" Next. Sunday, Nov. 20th, there will be two services held in the Hope Methodist Uhurch, under the auspices of the Epworth League. Miss Sweet- man, of the Toronto Deaconess Colâ€" lege, will speak at 2.30 and 7 p. in. Everybody WPICOIHL’. â€"â€"â€"â€"-OO.-â€"â€"â€"â€" Club Rates. Note the following clubbing rates :â€" THE LIBERAL and \Vcckly Globe to Jan. 1, 06 . . . . . . $ 1.73 THE LIBERAL and Weekly Mail, to Jan. 1, ‘06 . . . . . 1.80 THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe, one year, York Co. 3.50 THE LIBERAL and Daily Mail ' one year, York (lo. 3.50 THE LIBERAL and Daily World to Jun. 1’06 _. . . . . 3.50 News Notes. Mrs. Fanny T. VauNostrand died at her home. Spruce street, Aurora, on, Tuesday, the 8th inst. She Was 77 years of age. Alexander H. Notman, assistant general passenger agent of the C. P. R., died on the train on his way home to Toronto from Los Angolcs. Susan Holliugshcad, wife of Joseph Millard and Mother of John H. Millard of Newmarket, and Alex. Millard, Toâ€" ronto, died at the family residence, Botsford street. Newmarket, on b‘nb urday last, aged 82 years. _ Here prices are generally low. qualâ€" ity worthy of your regard, quality Worthy of our highest commendation such security, the amount. of the de- may be had on application to the D0- spcolivc institutions sarin accepted. lncnl. without authority from the dcâ€" Tenders for Supplies, 1905. ~‘~-~ The undersigned will roccivetenders ‘ up to noon on Monday. 215i insl., for -. j. supplies of butchl-rs‘ meal, creamer y built-r, flour. oalnn-al. potaloos. cord- wood. «-tc.. 910., for lhc following 111- ' p stitulions duringlhcycur1005. \‘17. 2:â€" At the Asylums for the Insane lnl Toronto, London. Kingston, Humil- lon, Mimico, Bmckvilitu Unborn-p, ()rillia. and I’cnctanguishenc; the Central Prison and Mcrccr Reforma- tol'y, Tululliu; the institution for Dcuf and Dumb, Bullevillc, and the Blind at, Brnnlford. Excopthiiiâ€"Tendersare not: requir- ed for the supply of meal. to the asy- Inumin Toronto, London, Kingston. Hamilton and Brock ville, nor for the Control Prison and Mercer Reforma- tory, Toronto. A marked cheque for five per cent. of the estimated amount. of the con- tract. payable to the order of the Hon- orable the Provincial Secretary, must be furnished by each tenderer as a guarantee of his homt fides. Two sut'licrcnt suretics will he required for [In-duo fulfillment of each contract, and should any lender be withdrawn before the contract is awarded or should the tenderer fall to furnish d posit. will be, torfcitwl. Specifications and forms of tender partinent of the Provincial Secretary, Toronto or to the Bursar-s of the re- Tho lovvost or any tender not. neces- News a rors insm'tin this advertise- I’ l . par-tuian will not hi- paid for it. J. R. STRAT'I‘ON. Provincial Secretary. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, November 1-1, 1904. EENNYRovAL W'AFERS. â€"â€"' \ Aspecmc monthly modirlnc for radio: . to restore and rowulntc the menses; produclnrz free, hrultlry uni painless is / V ,§, .{..§. nllschargo. No 1101105 or pains on up proxwh Now list-d by over $1,000 ladies. lnce used will use again. Invigorate. organs. .Buy of your druggisl only those, with our signature across fucool’lubcl. Avoid substitutes. Scaled nrticulnrs mruled no Stamp. 91.00 per mx. Address, EUREKA CHEMICAL COMPAN y. burner-r. men. .w .2 a. and quantity most generous, for small sums. Atkinson d: Switzer. While the North Bay Express was running at a. high rate of speed on Saturday afternoon between Newâ€" market and Holland Landing, an axle of the locomotive broke, bringing the train to an abrupt standstill, but no person was injured. Alex. Martin and his wife were tried before Judge Falconhridge and a jury. than a year old. The man was found for the murder of their child. less guilty of the charge but the Woman was set free. A mass meeting will be held in Newâ€" markel‘. on Saturday of this week, to select a candidate to contest the rid- ing in the interest of the Reform party at. the next. Provincial General {Elgtzptiom Meeting to commence at Our rnadc~to~measure suit of good black L'iIE\lUt, that is absolutely all wool; seams are silk sewed through- out. Style correct in every detail. \Ve make them to fit all menâ€"tall, short, or regular in size. Quote $15.75 fol-arugula:- $19.00 suit, and will be pleased to take your measure. At- kinson & Switzcr. .,â€"'-v.v\.~' -..- »- ~ l. v- . .v .. .. .. . No Better Commercial School in Canada than the popular ELLIOTTw /. ' . TORONTO. ONT. , \Vc’huve recently been asked to fill ? posilions at $50, $60 or $65 a month. The demand for our graduates during the last few months has been most re- lnnrkablc. \Yintcr term opens Jan. 3rd. Hand- some catalogue er-c. W. J. ELLIOTT. 61y PRINCIPAL. Corner Yongc and Alexander Sis. fields are ammo. but more who write Bunsen .t t‘o..[’ox (land, Mniue,w‘vll receive ' free, full ml'umzmzon about work which T SJ ‘ ll sv can do. and luvo m. home,‘.llnl will pay Ilium [mm 2:"- to $25 per day. Some have turn .I ot‘v‘r SM in i. day Eilhrr WK. younger old. l‘apnul nor rocuirv 4,. \'.-u are summl l'rcc Those who slur! at one. All it new. \n: absolutely sure of snug hula Putnam-A. . 1a.. \Vantcd, at once. thirty men, with some experience in woods, to go in 1 lumber camp north of Fem-Ion Falls. l Applv lo ‘ o no. 'r‘on ESTER, 20-2 Gorinlcy. For sat. . Barred Ilvrck Worker uls for sale. * I have El n.1llilu'r of L‘m'ki-l-uls, ln-i-d from [he furnous liutvlrins strain and l ,ail from prize \\ innwis, which ‘I oil'rr' ifor a short time only. 7 . ~ JAE. OSTIC '3. l ITO-1 ('oncord. Rinzins Tabules cure dizziness. Rina-us Tnhules cure flatulence Riuans ’l‘il ules cure liver troubles. Rinans T1hllles cure bad breath. 5 Rinius Tubules cure toroid lit’sr. l Ripans Tabules cure nausea. 113le YOU KNEW of the many points of superiority and the splendid advantages offered to, young men and women in our school â€"â€"Tho of Tel onto you would not. only attend no othm school of this kind. but would ar range to enter upon your course with us at once. . Let us send you our unique prospecl us, “The Story of a Business School.‘ It will interest you. ENTER ANY TIME. \VRITE UH 01‘ Toronto. Limited. ' " ory, pimples on the face, aching hack, cold feet and. 1mods, no ambition or energy, tired mornings. poor appetite, sympathetic restless and suspicious, specks before the eyes, dcsirc for soli- tude, inability to fix the attention, eta, YOU HAVE NERVOUS DEBILITY. Don‘t neglect it. It is only a step to paralysis or complete loss of manhood. No matter the causeâ€"whether indis- creetness in youth, excesses in manhood or business worriesâ€" GUR VITALIZED TREATMENT \\'ILL CURE YOU. ceaseless asst wasMet-wwwwwsews-M~:. " (HIRED '59 srav SERED WANNING QIGNALSâ€"Ncrt'ousncss, hashiulncss, poor mem- reams at night, fits of (leprcsnon, nrorose and sullen temper. YOU can PAY WHEN comm, FOunderof Consultatlon Free. Question List Sent Free For Home Treatment. D AVE" D ETROIT, MICH. 290 WOODWAR a GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, OYSTERS. . BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS. i3: LIVERY IN CONNECTION. T. B. L‘EJEFORD, Prop. ~ivl~+++++r+it++++v~§w+++4 r;«~:- .z-ozwtsewse~z~++e+++«z«z«t-+astute-twins DR. SPINNEV. Dr. Spinney 5‘ Co- We Cure Varicocele.Strictures. Blood and Skln Diseases. Prostmlo Troub- les. Urinary. Kldney and Bladder Diseases. 3%. $PENNEÂ¥ $3 $9. W+++++++++++++++M :‘+-r-l"2*+~:‘+++-§-+++++~r~1~+++4~+Â¥ P. G. Savage & Son â€"â€"-â€"AGENTS FORâ€"â€" This company issues one of the best policies on the mnrhot to- duy. It; is easily understood. Just as we explain it, so it is; if not. you are not asked to accept it. Ask those who have them and see what they will tell you. People in this age are alive in respect to Life Insuranse as an investment, with its protection, and insist on having the best. That is Confed- eration Life Association. p++.:..;..§..§..g..§..;..}.. * FIRE 1N SURANCE V\ ill have our prompt attention. All AI companies. M+++w~++4~sr+++e PIANOS, ORGANS, NEW EVILLIA'MS SEWING IvIACHINES. .g.+.§..;..§..;..g. u.;..;..§..§..;..g..;..;..;..g..;..1.. . BOilFEERlIli‘l llFE lilSlllllil‘iilE 80. “vi to: _ ‘ seweragewwerewfifiwetwwmwewsweetest-re A. F. SPRINT Sccc'y-Trens. P. MCINTOSH, W. H. SHAW, Vite-Pres. Pres. ‘Central Business College Farming For Profit... Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-to-date far- mers. By reading THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer’s Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. h THE Sun’s market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service THE SUN has ren-a dercd his in a public way. It was due *0 the action OfTHE SL‘N in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, :‘l'ziinage across rail- ways, and firm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended. \Vc will send Tue \VEEKLY SUN from .10\\' to lstJanuary, 1905, in combination with THIS Ill BETAI. fr 1- 30 (rt nts. To PtTEllT Good him may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md. Weatherproof, Waterproei, Fireproof is Russill’s Ready Roofind. Costs half the price of shingles, lasts longer, anyone can put it on. Is rapidly replacing galanizcd iron, tin tar, gravel and shingle roofing, on account of its lesser cost and greater durability. If properly applied and given ordinary care it will last as long as the building it covers stands. The price per hundred square feet, in- cluding all the necessary materials is only T wo Dollars. -â€"-SOLD ONLY BYâ€" The Russill Hardware Co. 126 EAST use STREETZ'TORO'NTO. senses oeseoeeesezeeeeseselu " of; -,‘;, Ted :9: /.

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