(was Regn‘lar menting‘ of Lndge. A. F. & A. M.. n evening. Duetlt-ss win- sidm threshels can be gut nt ltore. “Pure Parchuwnt 8x11. for sale at, THE at 600. a ream. Miss Clairnumt, who has been a guest at the Pm-snmtgo. has returned to her home in (inuvenhuI-st. Mr. Andrmv Lluyd. Edgely. has plll'l‘hnsvd possession of (hp hutol :lt Mr. and Mrs. \V. R. Proctor and Miss Kathlevn PI‘UPLOI‘ sp'inf, :L t'c-w das's with relatives and frivnds in the village. Rev. Dr. Briggs, of the Methndist Book Room. has hr-von seem-ml tx- rvach misaim-mI-y sermons hero curly In December. Keep Wednesday evening. N her30, fortho Srutr-h unnvxmi' i Pl-Pshyteriun r-lun-ch. A gmu' gram is beng prvpzu-od. FRO-“H†Olferings will he the Methodist Chm-ch [H'XL Rev. J. M. Simpwon, :1 fm 1m intendem, will preach in the 1 Owing to the swore frsz Klng; township plowing match wns pus! poned from Friday lust till \V‘ dues- day of this wank. The prize win'ners will be given in next issno. ‘ Specialâ€" selected 1- curmnts. ‘ pats, 25c. : pail pure, I; liue, 5c. 1‘ RICHMOND HILL, N At a incvting of the ofï¬noi teachers of the Mi-Lhndis't. Sn Selma], Miss \Viley, Miss Switzo Miss Balker were appnintvd n mittee to arrange a progrmum train the Suhbat h School childre the annual entertainment to be on Christmas night. Mr. Alex. Russell, License Impectur for East. York, has given notice that the Cnmmissinners will meet; on Sat,- ul‘day. the 26th of Nuvomlwr. to lake into consideration the transfer of the license from Moses Hemingway of giilimwille, to John Rodgers of Thom- ‘ 1 . The Canadian Almanac will be pnh. lislle‘d‘ about, thP 15th of December. The almanac will contain about, 440 pages. ï¬lled with useful and intm‘est- mg inforumtinn. Owing 10 the hp creased size of Lhe book and the lax-go advance in Wages and mutvl‘inl. the- prices for 1.905 will be 40 cents fm paper covers, and 75 cents fol‘cluth case-d. leather buclm. The lmnk will be found invaluable in every home. The premium p with the Family Star of Montreal 'fmm former ye “The Princess at ing immensr-ly 1) have received the it, easily wm-Lh m vear‘s SllhscripLiL. *l‘he puhlishm‘s :11 vmwrgoliu Canvas: Any smart buy 0 ‘of money f01 L) to the publishers The annual Union linuksgiving service of the Methodist and Presby- tm-inn churches will he held this (Thursday) morning, (‘ummen -ing at, 11 o’clock. Thv service this year will he held in the Methodist church. and Rev. J. A. Grant, M. A., will ul‘duinte. The offering. as is custmunrv at this service. will be divided to he donated The offering. as is (‘us‘ sex-Vice, will he divided to the pum' vt' each chc Times looking looking made is .Poinmm‘nt of [he wznden’s ’miSSiOHN‘H‘ re of the session YORK COUNI‘Y GO UNOIL. York County Counqu will open its November session in the old court house on Adoluide street, on Monday next. The«chie§ business nf the ses- sion will be making preparations for the elections in January and the ap- . ointment of deputy retm-ing ofï¬cers. I‘be wmden's supper and counly comâ€" missioners‘ report will also be featuxes the spirit that prompted the gift. Love of one’s native land is a. wonder- ful thing, and because Scotchmen love their motherland with a. love that is marvellous, that. same patriotic love makes nf.them true and patriotic citâ€" zens of Canada. “Breathes there a. man. with soul so dead . \‘Vhompver to himself hath said 'This is my own my native land.‘ " The members of Lord Elgin PRESENTED \VITH A FLAG. lard, $1.70: 2 Nnug‘uL-o-u Bros emium pintureg Family Herald {ontre'al Is :1 (h rmer years. J uses at \Vork," ensr'ly popular, vivvd theix cup} worth more {11 hscriptinn to th: ï¬shers are nn th : cum-assays in ( u-t [my 01' girl C are looking up bun-gums up and Amin: booming. 3 cans salmon, nisins. 25c. ; ~ UNION SERVICE 5 lbs ire sides spectnclr‘s for be gutat THE meur. pintm'e given this year ' Herald and \Veekly 115 :1 decided changv ears. It is entitled t, \Vork,†and is prov- pupulnr, Those who lei: comes prunnuncu more than Lhe entire ion to that great paper. We nn the lunk (mt, for ssers in every locality. nrgirl can make lots Christmas by writing gm oking up. You gums ; evel'ylhin Mkinsou & Swit packages (1 tea, 25‘ vember 17. buttvv pn pm', LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. f Richmnnd next Monday fm-mm-ly of and taken King; City. mutv ) 40 c ‘Putsf The h to 1'1: 11 bottles vasoâ€" .. Elï¬n) Mills. . an‘m rt in the gum] pru- IllUl'lll taken Sundn ‘1‘ supc :01 8 am Snbbntl Z(‘l 4 lbs. on m-d 20 lb and fur ivcu M d Ill 'A grand entertainment undvr the auspices of the Maple Public Library will he held in the Masonic Hall, Maple. on Friday, the 25th of Novem- ber. Further notice by hills. Miss Mickle of Gravonhurst, who is visiting in Newmax-ket, uccnmpunied by her friends, Miss York. Mr. Gamble and Mr. Gum: of that plucv, mumred down and spent Suuduy at, the Parson- Everymw enjoyed the Scnfch con- tort given by the \Villing \Vm'kvrs' Misxiim Band twn yl‘ars Hg“. agnm and In: mum-mined. Ill‘ {1) Hf Tln- High School fontlmll team went to Alum-a hy MetI-npnlitnn cur nn Friâ€" day ul‘tunmon, and played a friendly mum!) with the High Schnnl of that, h)‘.\'l1. The Hill buys won by a. score Mr. Fwd qu'l'isrm. who had been benching in \Vx-lwyn. Ass-4., during tlwsmmnor months. was hnme fur a. few days and on Tue-sduy returned tn Kingemn tn rmume his studies in Qrcen‘s Uuh (rs t]. Boot: and Shopsâ€"RIMES felt hunts-z: ruer boots :1.†sizes: \vunwn’s and children‘s l’|lhl)€‘l'S her makru A snap in gin-1:" size 10. Get. a pair of our men‘s pmnf hnuts, they willgivesatisf: Naughton Bros, Elgin Mills. Miss Nuv. N0 haphazard work or methods pre- 'ail in the ilentml Business College of 'l‘m‘nntn, and in the insti'uclinn given in (’m'll department the. best fvature is pu‘uibly the training a slzude'nl; re- cei\ ,s in businvss system. This is one of tlu- many rvasuus Central Blninvss Millage graduates are appI-vciated by business men. A pnstal addressed to the Principal, Mr. \V. H. Shaw. will brim,r you iI-Iteresting infm-mation about this superior school. is pOSSII) ceives in of the m Wollege ; Mr. Baldwin Teefy‘s many friends hme will be pleased to learn he is re- covering from a, severe attack of ap- pendicitis, necessitating an operation. [he following relative to his illness and recovery is taken from Lhe Stock- t'vn D.tily Independent of the 5m of November: “Cashier Teefy appeared at the “Cashier Teefy appeared at the San Joaquin Valley Bank yesterday forennon and remained there, until 2 o’clock, when he was driven to the home of Mrs. J. M. ‘Velsh, where he will be under orders from his physi- cian until he has fully recovered his strength. Soon after reaching the bank and nfterdismissing Dr. Hurhert. who was the operating surgeon in the- case, Mr."l‘eefywalked to :1 near by restmunntund enjoyed a, light feasl of oysters. It was his ï¬rst luncheon outside of the hospital and he tlmronuhlv enéaved it for H. change of nv i n outside of the hospital and he thm-uughly enjayed it for H. change of diet, thuughhe said the hospital fare was lirsL-class and the can: almost liké home attention. Mr. Teefy re. ceived many of his fl'lOlldS at the bank yestm-day and held a levee at the noon hour when friends crowded in to (ï¬ber congratulations. He expiessed his gratitude to the many thoughtful fl‘ll‘nds who remembered him while he was a prisoner in the hospital for m-zu-lv six weeks and said he could never ï¬nd time to personally acknowl- edge their sympaihotic cmumunica» tviuns, which \vunld till a bushel basket. Mr. 'I‘w-fy hopes to spund several hours vw-ry day at, the bank, but. his friends will caution him to get into the harness slowly.†Always s ’s mush: Secretary. Miss Bell ; Twas. Miss Keith; Chap. Mr. Osborne: Historian, Mr. Nicholls. The \Yilliug “'orkexs Band intend holding a. Scotch (concert in the school room of the Presbyterian church on St. Andrew’s night, Nuv.3J. The Whi The December Delineator, with its message of good cheer and helpfulness will be welcomed in every home. The fashion pages ale unusually attract- ive illustrating and describing the very latest modes in a Way to make their construction during the busy festive season a. pleasure instead of a task, and the literary and pictorial features are of rare excellence. A selection of Love Songs from the \Vagner Operas, rendered into English by Richard dc Gallienne and beauti- fully illustrated in colors by .l. C. Leyendecker, occupies a. prominent place, and a chapter in the Composers‘ series, relating the Romance of Wag- ner and Cositna is an interesting supâ€" plement to the lyrics. A. very clever paper entitled “The Court Circles of the Republic," describes some unique phases of \Vashihgton social life is from an unnamed contributor, who is said to write from the inner circles of society. There are short stories from the pens of F. Hopkinson Smith, iRobert Grant. Alice Brown, Mary ‘Stewart Cutting and Elmore Elliott ‘Peake, and such interesting writers -as Julia Margrnder. L. Frank Baum. and Grace MacGowan Cook hold the attention of the children. Many ~Ghristmas suggestions are given in ineedlework and the Cookery pages .are redolent of the Christmas feast. In addition there are. the regular (le- partmeuts of the magazine. with many special artichs on topics relating to l woman‘s interests within and without R. B. TEEFY CONVALESCENT. TH E CHRISTMAS DELINEATOR. special :11 woman‘s the home to : W‘hist Club met, at the home of Palmer on Thursday evening. In, and rte-organized. The M- g are the ofï¬cers fur the ensuing 5.. Mr. J. A SCHOOL OF SYSTE smart â€" Atkinson & Swit YV H IST CLUB. . N. Boyle; Mrs. Bnylc‘ ; \mGer 5 Band It lmed -, men’s. 's of the ’ hunts, '5 water- ;fucti0n. ‘ome The People‘s Plnwmen’s Association held a successful plowing match on the farms of Thunnts and John Palmer on Tuesday. The day was ï¬ne, and Lheqllality of work done was better than is gem-rally area at plnwing ‘HNIU‘heS. There were 18 contestants ‘in sod and siuhhle, but ihenmnhm‘ would duullbless have lM-L’ll much larger but for the uncertain \voathrr' up to the day (if the match. The- land lwurked very well, and the plowing was particularly gnnd in the sud classes. In the (-hampiunship class thv judges awarded James McLean of Riclnnnnd Hill. ï¬rst, prize. hut, he and Mr. Reeves and Mark Gilliam were ruled out as it was claimed they were I laith in ï¬nishng their land. The- judges in [hp sud classes were T. Hood, Millikeu; \V. Ormerod, Torr-n- to; and \V. Walkingmn. King. In tho stubble classvs. R. Canning. Hag- eruum: G. Forester. Gnrmley; and John Morgan, \Villnwdale. The gathering in the aftvrnnon was :t representative one, among those present being the following: Arch. Campbell, \1.P.. Cuuntv Cnum-illnr Luy, Warden Hartman, \V. H. Pugs- ley, A. Gumrrnn. J. H. Kirby. A. Mc- Nr-il. D. Blough, W. Unsgrm’e, I). Lynett, J. Robinson. J. N. Boylv, T.H. Leggo. A. Pinglv. J. Slater, R. Ashl Lpggo. A. Pinglv. J. Slater, R. Ash. Reeve.Summerfeldt. F. Masun, J. T. Saigeon. L. McCullum, P. G. Savage, T. H. Trench, H. A. Nicholls. J. E. Francis, M. Boyle. F. Elliutt. .1. Cam- eron, \V. Proctor, J. H. Prentice. In the evening, from the balcony of the Palmer House, the semvtm-y. Mr. J. l“. Davidson, rend bl1e4i>t of prize- wiunms, after which President A. G. Gm-mley called upon Mr. Arch. Camp- bell, M. P., who presented the gold m'wlal donated by Mr. \V. Savage. to A. McDougall. Mr. Pngsley then presented the silver cup donated by Mr. John Palmer, to S. McClure; and \Vm-den Hartman made the presenta- tion of a gold watch to T. H. Harding in the class for plmvers under 18 years of age. Mr. Jas. Loy was then callvd upon, who congratulated the ofï¬cers and directors on the success of the match. as well as the plowmen on the excollvnt work done. The following are the prize-winners: First class (in sod)â€"lst, A. Mc- Doug-lll, Malton ; 2nd. '1‘. Shndlock, Agi» wt; 3rd, J. Coopm-Lhwaite, Seam ml classâ€"lst, S.McClur9, Elder’s Mills: 2nd; R. J. French. Millikvn. Third classâ€"le. T. H. Harding, Milliken. Fourth class (in stuhlwlo)â€"lst. D. Blanchard, Richmond Hill; 2nd. G. Tran, Mongolia; 3rd, 'D. 'l‘mn, Mon- golia; 4th, J. Blanchard. Richmond Hm Fifth classâ€"13h C. \Valkingtnn, King; 2nd, L. CoopeI-tbwaite, Huger- mm). vaonth classâ€"lst, John Michael. Richmond Hill; 2nd, John Graham. Richmnnd Hill; 3rd, Russell Palmer. Richmond Hill. SPECIALS. Best crown in sod, A. McDougall; best ï¬nish in sod, A. McDong-All; best (‘I'OWU in stubble, D. Blanchard; best. ï¬nile m stubble, D. Blanchard ; lwst Luman in sod. J. Conpnrthwnite; best tuxnout in stubble, .l. Blanchard. Alwaysin good tasteâ€"Atkinson & Switzex ’s groceries. You can depend On Ayer’s Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops 1 un nvumm, a--- ..__.. ,._. , nan v [5 , 1t."v<A. M. Boson, Itockkngham, N. C. 81.00 a bottle. J. 0. Am All drugalats. @n'. Loweu, '1! fallingofthe hair, also. There’s great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap- pointed. Isn’t that so? “ M huh- (uded until it was about white. It took not one bottle of ALer’a Hair Vigor to restore it to its former dar . rich color. Your Bay: ngo_r_ cgrminly ages what you claim tor AA‘plâ€"nhnm w n People's Plowing Match. Fading flag I]. for i. 0. am 00-: +++++H~+++++++++++++++++++ :0! +++M++++++~§°++++~H~~ï¬+~§ é+'§"§"§-++§++++é+++$++++é++++ é‘é++4-+$é~é~++é$+¢+++++é+%+%++ï¬ You “auto†Know we sell all kinds'of stoves ‘ ‘ H H H ‘( U :H “ We guarantee all kinds of stoves‘, to give satisfaction. ‘ a -". “ We stake '.our reputation on the goods we sell. ~ " ‘ ' ‘ " “ We set them up for yoï¬f 1 5'.†'; “ A \Ve would be pleased to have‘pou:ee_lland inspect our stock of ranges, heaters; parlor cooks, before «purchasing elsewhere. ,flat‘d- ware of all kinds. YORKSHIRE STOCK, E9013: Pure Drugs, Medicines & Condition: Powdgrs 150 . vr :- r . Chases Ointment, 38?: _ - Ayer’s Hail-‘Vigor 65c " -3 AVeI-‘s Cherry Pectoral 20, 40 and GE Norway Pine Syrup 180 ~ ‘ Page’s English Cough Syrup Iar bottle 25c ' Gra-y’s Syrup Red S ruce Gum 18c Hag‘yard’s PectoralpBalsam 18c Thié is-only a partial \Vh +3 4+. T3. .1... Remember we selbeverything abrï¬hnjes'nlc prices, and can save you from 5 10¢o 25 penyent. by dealing withousc « » '- .~ nolesale and retail dru Miller 8: Co. 171 K11 W Thankful Thankful .‘ Thankful 'H' 4'th é-++++~§~é+++++++4¢~§+++§§++++ $+++M+é~+++++%Ԥ'++4 Thanksgiving Atkinson & Switzer have done a bigger trade this year Why Shouldn’t They be Thankful And why shouldn’t they show it by bringing out a big array of ATKINSON & SWITZER Which will 'make everybody feel thankful J. “A. JOHNSTON; 8c (30.; Dollar-Saving Bargains Everybody is Thankful :ail druggisi’q. ’ S'hy'bessm' to ï¬iniel & Cd: and Hngh 171 KING ST. E.,f1‘0RONTQ, OPP. CLYDE HOTEL. -. cut price lis you saa'e mt §§¢§¢§Q“OOOO‘¢¢ §¢§§§9§§§§§M¢N AT CUT-RATE PRICES. that we have the means of putting a good dinner on the table that we live in a healthy town that we have houses over our head OOQQOQOQOQ Emulsi†Cod Liver Oil lnr e bot. 25c ‘ ‘ Pagvs czema Ointment 40 .,gu‘hran’d; .Minard's Linimeht .150 ‘, ' ‘ ‘ Omega Oil 400 . '_ ’4‘ “ . _ ge Bfnjdpck and Sarsaparilla’65d ~ v \Varper's Safe Cure 65c -‘Yorks}\i1-é Stock Fobd is for sale by~ - G99. McDonald, harness-maker ._ We sgjl everything at. cut rate prices And -y by dealing with us. ‘ ’ . ii' Radway’s RPlief 17c Stuart’s Dyspepsia_Tablets 3‘ Davies Pain Killt’r 18~ Peruna 750 ' . Ca ‘W & R Butter Color 160' Keqdall‘s Spavin Cure 75c -. , Pages English szwin Cure $1 Pare Oil of Tat :Mustaqg Heayg' CupeflZï¬c‘ The old reliable Stockl‘ood so well and favor- 'any known bv the farmers of Ontario. 11:“ la 3. pigs and poultry in a. ï¬ne healthy condition.- sm and gives tbeui a sleek and glossy coat. cure any case of coughs, coldu. heavea 'or izqotic. Price 500, Your receipts (or condition ‘ur e bot. 25c 40 “gum-mu Castoria 250 T++++++ +++$++l 71.5% TY???“ 3H ..?1 3+; T§+++++ _+++.~.++._ +5.3 .14. Tâ€.