Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Nov 1904, p. 4

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@3112 flihcml. ervative candidate. There is no doubt that the Liberal candidate re- ceived more votes than his opponent, but the judge threw out a;- number atone of the polling booths which had been wrongly numbered by the deputy returning officer. The T0- ronto News, expresses its regret at the decision in the following words : ” 1f Judge Snider‘s decision in the Wentworth case holds good, the seat ivill go to the candidate having a minority of the votes. This is in one respect a worse case than Queen’s, N. B., or West Durham, because in those cases the error was committed by the candidate or his agent. Here the fault was not that of the candi- date nor the voter, but of a deputy returning officer. There is certain- ly a failure ofjustice when a ballot properly marked by the elector is Voided by the act of an officer. That act did not east any doubt about the manner in which the voter had marked his ballot, but it tended to identify the voter, and thus endanger the secrecy of his ballot. This is making .a fad of secrecy at the ‘ex- ivense of common sense and justice. 11” judge Snider’s decision is sound, the law should be amended." Weiiaye a received a cop}r of 3. Circular of Short Courses in Dairy- ing. Stock Judging, Grain Judging and Poultry Raising, at the Ontario A;ricultura1 College at Guelph. Tuese courses were put on at the re- q‘ lest of the farmers of this Province who cannot afford the time to take a regular College Course. The courses are absolutely free and if a sufficiently large numberéof farmers attend they will be repeated from year to year. The dairy ing course will Commence the first of December, and that for stock. and seed, judging and for raising poultry 0n the 10th of January next. Better men are wanted to manage our cheese factorâ€" ies and creameries; to give instruc- tion to our cheese and butter-makers; to judge the live stock and farm pro- duce at‘our fall fairs. And the boys and girls of the farm would be bene- fitted by a better knowledge of the l'oultry Industry. These courses are offered for the purposes above indicated, and any farmer’s son or Farmer‘s I daughter should find it profitable to take a short course at the Ontario Agricultural College. RICHMOND wanted 395 and t'ion to to judg ] 'ou] try a :‘e ofi'c 1‘1 indicatm farmer‘s pz‘ofi tabl By a recent decision -_of Judge xider the Liberal caddidage in entworth, who received a glnajor- ' of the ballots cast on the 3rd of member, willlose his seat which ill be given to Mr. fimith, the Con- Hugeâ€"Atkinson 1!! 6 nunâ€"Kennedy She Ingeâ€"Jerry Smith mge-W A Snu-‘lersc sh-Mrs John Oxond - Sineâ€"T Herbert. L‘ Hamrally, a_ great} deal of excite- ment has been causéd in Belleville, in fact in the whole province, ovér the latest scandal in connection with bogus ballot boxes in the riding, of West Hastings. Phil. Lott,a brother of the defeated Liberal candidate, has stated that bagus ballot boxes] were brought into the riding to bring aboutthe-defeat of the Con- scrvative candidate. Byron O. Lott ‘ has been arrested, and the Govern- ment ofiicers seem bent on bringing the guilty parties to justice, whoever they inay be. It is difficult to be- lieve that any sane man 61‘ men would attempt to carry a riding by such a foolish device, but it; is cer- tainiy 5:?“ ease of crookedness or a case of blackmail. If it is found that a conspiracy was formed to de- fraud the electorate no punishment would he mucliItgg severe for the culprits. Let nothing he done to retard punishment of those mixed m in sn‘cl‘. nefarious work, E}; W3 uted- {\I’e-vgiiAivertisements. (tsâ€"World's D â€"J. C. Aye: HILL. November xondale 5rtLennox P G Savage wimer nbnnd School Emmy Medical Assoc'n 24, 1904 The final step was taken in the reconstruction of the Ontario Govern- ment Tuesday afternoon, 'four new members being sworn in by the TinnfonnntI1‘nvnrnm‘. one member of Lieutenant-Governor, one member of the old Cabinet being traflsferrod to another department, and a second re- taining his seat without portfolio. taining his seat Without: poruono. The Cabinet is no“) composed as follows: A Hon. G. W. Ross, Premier and Treasurer. 9' Hon. F. R. Latchford, Attorney- General. Hon. Richard Harcourt, Minister of Education. Hon. W. A. Charlton, Commissicn- er of Public Works, Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture. _ Hon. A. G. Mackay, Commissioner of Crown Llands. ‘Hon. George P. Graham, Provin- éial Secretary. . - éial Secretary 7. IIon2.£T.::\I.: ‘ -vc~ v « out portfolio. -» The Provincial Convention of Lib- erals which convened in Massey Hall yesterday morning exceeded the most sanguine expectations in size and enthusiasm. About 4,000 dele- gates registered their? names, and every section of the Province was well represented. Premier Rose in giving the names of the members (if his newly Geneti‘ucted cabinet, re- ceived a rousing reception, and each of the hiinisters in making brief ad- dresses-were accordede warm wel- come. An interesting session was held last evening, and the business of the convention will be continued to-day. The spirit and enthusiasm Hon. F. E. A. Evantul‘el, Ministtr wibhout portfolio. ' ' of the convention was an indication of victory 'When the elections take The Toronto World of Friday stated that the resolution adopted by the Liberals of Belleville relative to their determination to have the guilty parties in 313116 bogus ballot box case punished, had the right ring about it. The World commented 0n the resolution in the following" words :â€" “ A creditable feature of ? the bogus ballot box ease in Belle- ville is the resolution passed by the Liberal convention held in that city. The resolution affirms the innocence ;of the local Liberals, and condemns ‘ any efforts to petrert the true expres- sion of public 'obinion and pledges itself to assist the prosecutors in se- curing the conviction of the parties ' ' J 11 unpl icatcd. J; Mr. W. C. Widdifield, a success- ful barrister in Newmarket, was the choice of the eonventign held for i North York on Saturday last, to con- tesh the riding in the Liber- al interests at the next Provin- cial election. There was a large at- tendance at the meeting, every part of the constituency being well repre» sented, and complete unanimity pre- vailed throughout. The candidate is a brother of «Dr. Widdifield who represented North York for several years. Mr. Widdifield‘s opponent in the contest- will in all probability be Mr. T. H. Lennox, a former rival of .‘Ghé Hon. E; J. Davis. - Mr. A. E. Taylor, lmrrrister.Aurora. has linen Appointed Junior Judge of Lalnhlon‘Uounty. ‘ “'rafiprrettes at 10, 125 and 15c. yd.; Flunnelette at 6, 7, 8, 9. 10.5. 13 and 150. yd.; Swiss Embroidery at 2, 3. 4 and 5c. Atkinson & Swilzer.’ The North Toronto Town Council has given a by-lmv its first and second readings looking towards local option. Sprciul value in men’s braces, shirts, l collars, neckwear. and cups at Atkin- son 5: Switzer‘s. ; Quebec nominations took place on v Frida‘r. find th‘irty-five Liberals were ace. Friday; find Lnu'Ly-uve elected by acclamation. Dr. Cash. Liheral, was on Tuesday of last_ week elected to the House of C umnnns frdm Mackenzie. N. \V. T., b? u majority of nearly L000. mod n 6W l'aisi us now fig N ews N ones. TGibsofi, Minister with- kins new Currants, new new dates, just to n & Switzor’s. Somewhere between Victoria «In the Elgin Mills side- road Yonge street, as far south Golden Lion Hotel. Lansing, day, Nov. 18. 1904, 1y Black 5 with a‘ purse inside C(mtaiuinp $8 in bills and silver. The finder will be suimbiv N by leaving the same at. Meok’s Victoria Square, 01' Mr. Chas. I Victoria Square. 7 .A-.u nvnvnx )f the many] the splendid young men" n' â€"The 13% YOU KNEW #¢¢¢¢¢¢¢§6¢¢¢¢¢Q颢¢¢§¢O§¢ W. H. SHAW. P. MclNTOSfl, Pres. Vice-Pres. mu would not only attend no other $011001 (If this kind. but would ar- m1ge to enter upon your course with ‘s at once. Let us send you our unique prospect- IS, “Tho Story of a Business Schonl." t will interest you. V ‘ 6§§¢ §¢¢¢¢§¢¢§¢§§§¢¢96§¢¢9¢ ENTER ANY TIME. ‘VRITE US. Central Business College, Of Toronto, Limited. 21-2 N0 Better Commercial school in Canada. than the popular \Ve have recently heqn a§kod to fill~ positions at $50. $601n- $65 a. month. The demand for our graduates during Lhe last few months has been most; re- markahle. \ViutAer term apens Jan. 3rd. Hand- smne catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT. Note the following clubbing rates :â€" THE LIBERAL undVVeokly Globe ‘ to Jan. 1, 06 . . . . . . $ 1.75 THE LIBERAL rmd Weekly Mail, to Jan. 1, ’06 . . . . . . 1.80 THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe, " . one year, York On. 3.50 THE LIBERAL and‘ Daily Mail . one‘ year. Ymk Co. 3.50 THE LIBERAL and Daily \Vofld ‘ to Jun.'1 ’06 .l . . . . . 3.50 The e \Vhich I consider particularly suitable, worth $6.35, Solis foi‘ $56.00. Y PRINCIPAL. Corner Yunge and Alexander Sts. It is not too early to choose presents for At present I have silverware which 13 quite suitable for a ans Present. A Toilet Set M RS. Jerry Smith TORONTO. ONT. 5% Discount for Cash on all Christmas Goods. Christmas Giving nfiypnipts u-Iy buyer has the best choice. LOST points of superiority and; :1 advm1tugos offered tn‘ md women in our schouli JOHN of Toronto f TIME. ‘VRITE US Club Rates. OOOOO OXENDALE. Bethesda. n Victoria Square side- road, or on 31' south as tho Lansing, on Fri~ a} Black Satchel. 'cimtaiuing about A. F. SPROTT.‘ Sccc'y-Treas. rowmded a Hole]. Dennc‘s, We make nesslike prop (uer vhnir nnvr ,. 4"§-’HȤv++++'§~§°+~§°+%+++++-§‘-§ maexmaa SWQQQ®§®§E§®£ 3f +~§~§-+ DR. SPENNEY 8: $@., Founder of Dr. Spinney & 0°- DR. SPINNE' Largest Established. Most Successful, Reliable Specialists in Diseases 0! I “ma-mome- Mo+~M+++++++~2~+++++++4~++ ~:« This company issues-one of the best, policie (by. It is easily understood. Just, as We if not you are not asked to accept it. ‘ them and see what they will tell you. are alive in rescht to Life Insui'anse as : its protection, and insist, on having the be emtion Life Association. We make no mieiaadlng gm? nesslike propositions to “we afflk cure their patronage. We cure to: Stricture, Vnricocele, Nervous Del Weakness. Kidnev‘and Urnmry Disease Stricture, Varicocele Weakness. Kidney‘and I to inheritance, habits. ex eases. that on not wa cured c Shortest posfible charges will he mi and successful Cowsuum-rmu FRF For Patleuls Who Cam.“ The many Consultatio nt to be u f Varicoc in! treatu‘ )e mutilat We Gun ra l, Reliable Specialists in Diseases of Men. ac: \ ILL;- ~! FREE. SPECIAL HOME TREATMENT ‘Cunuot Call. Question Blank Sent Free. :ion Free. Cures Guaranteed. 290 Wood- i 8: aw '9 Detroit. Mloh. tit successful practice in Detroit roves u {or men is mfe and certain. '0“ do and maimed for life in tr 'iug to be *ture and kind red troubles 3y suygigal ut Quin )ossxb e ‘1'” u! for c‘ mm. mm

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