Division (‘nurt Saturday of this Tï¬e Case hf (uluss Bros. \'5. 131-05., which was to hnvohoz- here \Vednosdny of lust \vov been postpL-m-d until the 26le h _ Tenders for tth iï¬g rink will he 1' ofï¬ce up to the: good chance for: VVe‘ll man you lmy your son & Switzox ed. voyages, science. ’I‘ (m the 51101 day cvcuin A sheet mat for the Puhli‘ ed. whicï¬ im A ï¬re broke out i1 of Mr. “'m. \Villi morning about. 8 u‘c the building did In interior was almost 0f the stock was 1-0 TIM-m was no imul: A shooting match ducks, goose :md plgm at the Summit Huusv Saturday of tins Wm at, 10 o‘clock. Om: stock is fully pm‘! ments and Hw nex‘erlwtlrm'. Atk" THE H. S. W'IN AGAIN. The return funtbnll match between the Rlc‘hmoml Hill High Svhm-l foot- ball team and the Aurora High School football team), was played here \\"(~<l- nesdaynftemoon of last week. The result was the same as it was in Aurora the week previous, Richmund Ilill winning by a score of 2 to 0. Thu game was refereed hy Ml‘.T.A.L:\mon. RICHMOND HILL, Nun Zion E. L. Sunday School at Slim-- wood intend havng their Rally Serv- ice (m Sunday afternoon, Nov. 27. at 2 o’clock. The church will be deco- :‘ated for the occasion, There will he songs by the school, and a nnmlmr of s eeches. and the Rev. Mr. Powell of \ oodbl-idge, is expected :9 address the children. Free-will nlfei-‘Iyg in aid of the Christ-mus Fund. Evm'body welcome. \_ ‘Ve understand that Mr. Pugsley has sold the lot. on the corner of Yonge street and Lorne avenue to the Metropolitam Railway Company. Con- sequently the Band Stand will have to be removed. The only available pu- sitions'fm' the Band Stand seem to he in the Park or on the lawn in front of the Public School. The Metropnlitan Railway Company purpose erecting :L usw waiting-mom on the lot purchas- e . The3 \Villing \Vorkors’ Mission Baï¬d Scotch Concert; in the Presbyterian Church November 30th. Silver colâ€" lection at the door. All Welcome. “ THE PRINCESS AT WORK.†“’9 have received a. copy of the above picture, and it is the most beautiful and artistic prk‘mium ever given with The Family 'Ilrrald and \Veekly Slur. of Montreal. It is a handsomely ï¬nished Work of art and is deservng of the highest. praise. Th‘ispremium and the great Montreal weekly will be sent tn any address fur $1.00. or in connection with THE LIBERAL for $1.85. Orders taken at this ofï¬ce. Dr. Lawmson has purchased the residence and grounds of the IMP J.M. Lawrence, where the former has re- sided for the past, ï¬ve years. As the house is large he purposes making some alterations and arranging the building so as to make a double house. Gurpent-evswill be at work alga-i. few d'a s. and it is expected that the half to e rented will be ready for occupa- tion in a few weeks. The location be- ing central this will always be a de- sirable place either for a business stand or for a p ' ate residence. 18,8 too thin. that summer under- clothing you are wearing. Get winter weight of Atkinson & Switzm‘. The Exec-utiije Committee of the V‘Vest York Conservative Association met on Saturday and decided to hold a. general rally in Duiferin Hull, Weston. on Saturday next. At this convention a candidate to contest the constituency of West York in the Provincial elections will be nominat- ed. The East York Conservative Ex- ecutive also met on Saturday and dis- cussed the zidvis'ibilitiy of imm’ediately gutting a 3mm into the ï¬eld. .The ate and place were ï¬nally left to President, Mas‘ou. " ' “Hazeldeue,†the residence of Mr. Arch. Campbell. M. E. Toronto Junc- tionkwas the-scene oï¬a x’éi-y pretty chrysanthemnln‘ wed‘din‘g yesterday afternoon. when Mr. Campbell‘s seek and daughter. Helen, was united in marriage to Mr. George S.,Deeksof St. Paul, Minn. The ceremony took plgce in the drawing-r6011: at 2.30. and was conducted by Rev. G. 0: Pidgvon, B._D., pastor of Victoria (flinrclx;‘1%§ 1) (19 being given away by her faLlu , in front of 88.. bower of palms and ehi‘ysz‘mtheinums. TH‘E LAWRENCE RESIDENCE. MARRI ED AT THE JUNCTION EAST AND “'EST YORK, Lock is fully assorted in all (11â€- :lts and tlw values ()fft-rvd were etgm'. Atkinson & Switzor. SHOOTING MATCH. CHANGED HANDS. includes biograpl The new 1‘ 'Ives and l things wintel '0“; bfmks will In: place! md handed out Satux will 11; week, renting of the sk *ceivvd at, tho (‘yIl-x 0th inst. Hm-v i~ man of enterpri. ' éherai. n the ham 3. Aurora, :lock, and although 3t burn down the demolished. Most moved and saved. llfl'e DAY. nhs “'1 ‘ 2 Oak 1h Mi, cmnuu ll'lll fur was at mhex‘ ho] Gth [01y he At 1904 sknt- h-rk’s mnk wint shnp ride) _v u if kin- ll“ plh Sï¬r Ulii Ric S( utch ()huu'h sh: hm Mil hl device has been pulp fm'tl receives a. my duzén on all sticks With the nbm c devicu valué‘ in blanth sizes; and weigh Elgiu Mills. ll! Vich-in H. auspices of HIM! places audience w: took part i1? lowing :â€"H Lily Bletsoe conned b calls LFUS the magical tales that de- lights-d our childhood fancy. Cinder- ella, The Sleeping Beauty, Babes in the \Vuods, Jack, the Gianbkillcr. Hup-o‘-n1y-Tlmu;h, and other 1191-098 and lleroines of fuiryland are charm- ingly I-I'w‘ Wye-d by G. Alfred Pierson ill .lllustl'at‘lbns accmnpanying the ill‘tlde- Ala-ed Henry Lewis is :1 freâ€" quent contributor to “Success Muga- 211193,?le this month he has written 9* Splend‘d al‘ticle on “Men W'ho Have IL UL'illlu. I I ‘ ‘ J - (y « . . ‘ _ ed ennuilflll CO‘O‘ (“Nan dnd :11 \ml known «ups, to which pumy well- hine in u‘nlgrs have con‘tnhutt-d, com- ‘uccessmkmg [Phl-‘flDecelllllK‘l' Issue. of “div '\-lug2mnm (mo 0t. surpusgng “9119.55: The lendmg nrtlole. “Thc~1n erâ€"hvmg Fan'yâ€"lm-e uf Christâ€" masti ‘ ’ by Richard LeGullieImo, 1-9- callst us the nmgicnl tales that de- lighted our childhood fancy. Cinder- ella. The Sleeping Beauty, Babes in ll] â€Â« Splendid article on “Men “'ho Have Matched ,' Opportunity." David Graham Phillips’s new serial, “The Plum'Tl'Q'e-ï¬â€™ deepens in intense inter- esMWIth'fex-xch installment. There is all llltt’l'lnmglin of love and politics in the Story. an a vivid portrayal of the WUI'Eings of the “machine†in af- fairs of §tate. \QUI'. made-to-measux-e suit, pure “"0 LSLKl serge, either blue or black, absolutely fast in color, snmrtlycut, and \‘S‘t’ll made, serviceable, always genteel, we quote at $15, and our am- bition is to measure you. Atkinson & Sw1tzer. The past year has been a. busy one ‘ for ins-enters. and. unless all signs fail manufacturer-es in. the United States intend placing upon the market many new products bereteiioie known. During the last year. 31,699 patents were issued by the U. S. Patent, Oflice. The number of patents which expired in the United States in 1903 was 21,797. The number of allowed applications awaiting the payment of ï¬nal fees was 10,545, and there are $5,682,540.61 to the credit of the Patent Ofï¬ce in the Treasury of the United States. Messrs. Marion and Marion, of Mont- real, secured £3 per cent. of all U. S. in 1903. Altogether the volume of business done by the U. S. Patent Oflice last year was the largest in its historv. Germany has purchased land, and plans have been prepared for a new Patent Ofï¬ce building in Berlin; to provide accommodation for two thousand exnployes. Commenc- iing January 1, 1905, the British au- tii‘u-ities will follow the method of examination now practised in Canada, ~ the United States and Germany. Our Ireadcrs [1le obtain any information I about pg‘lents and_t_rade marks by ap- l lying t5 Messrs. “Marion ‘8: Marion, : gatent Attorneys, Montreal, Canada, i‘who have sent us the above article. I'll NEARLY $6,000,000 TO SPEND FOR PATENTS. Bl’mk( Tl ()l hr CONUER Tunney 43 3. Smit‘:1 )mpnuisï¬ and thy“ Ii 11 til DEATH OF CAPT. MARSH. y sticks: - The of a hnckpy s1 hlo, Lhorcfun ll] Gem-m: Sums \‘v’edne mule q Md ut device U The im‘ fm-nwl-ly .d Hill 11 the \Vf‘l‘f CLIFFORD" DEVICE was in t1): _i1_1 the pn EMBI 13105., banjo soloists; Art] [1. baritone: Daisy anle- W. The concert was (ruin; }% performers \\ ill he wt ( on a future occasion. [’1' 0 some disappointments artists who wele tn take rocth concert given in 11, Thm-nhill, under the the Public Lith-y, but We‘re ï¬lled and a fair size‘d \V l Elder will contribute at, the Presbyterian Isday, November 30th ; uurLeLLe from Elder’s ht ‘0 ï¬lled and a fair sile :thv hull. Those who 2 pmgx-m'n \vvl'e the fol- ? Bennett. lnuum-isb; rnel-ist; Mr. Duffy, tnâ€" Huntol', ean-tuinm'; ., banjo soloists; Arth- n-iume: Daisy N011e-s; u it tln-il utm- Alt-ntm '(wulty u'e shnwing good A snap in a few Nuughtnn Bros, I‘HORNHILL )ld in CCESS MI. “'m. layer on the uh and th( ‘ Mr. Ulif‘ of $1.20 : (L :maldu 'son the freâ€" 191(1- Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘. H. Rodditt of Bnn‘ie, spent Saturday with the Misses Rvddilt. i Misses Velma and 0mm Brydon Mr. Ellis \Viley of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving Day at his home here. Mrs. E. Norris of Tux-onto, spvnt Thanksgiving Day With Mrs. '1‘. B. LudfoI-d. Mr; John Hill. merchant“. at Mrion- ehme'; s enb Thursday and Friday with his ruthers here. Misses Velma and 0mm Brydon of Toronto, spent oK'ex- Thanksgiving at their home here. Dr. Cnulter of Ottawa, made a. short visit, Friday with his sisLlnjs, Miss Cuulter and Mrs. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. E. McMahon. Aurora spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. '1‘ F. McMahun and family. Mr. Tyn'oll friends Mias Alice Hamilton spent days \Vlth hm- sister, Mrs. 810th returned to the city Monday. Mr. Frank McDonald, a clerk Standard Bank at; Stuuffville home to spend Thursday wi parents. Miss Bell of Newton sggnt a cmgple _0f £15135 with Miss VVinih-ed Bel], Monday evening. Mr. Jerry Smith, WhO' had been ill for some time past, has sufï¬ciently recovered so as to be able to attend to his \vatchnmking busilmss again. Mr. and Mrs. C. M ason spent Thurs- day with their son-in-luw and daugh- ter. Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Paul, in Elm- vale. ing with Mr. J. V N. Boyle, has gone back to take a position in the general post ofï¬ce. Toronto. Rev. Dr. Dewart, a, retumed Mis- sionary from \Vest; China. will give an address in the Methodist Church Friday evening, 25th inst. Mrs. Mm-rison of Aurora, sister of Miss Leek, spent Thanksgiving with the latter. Mrs. Henrick of Toronto, also spent Sunday with Miss Leek. Mrs. H. McDonald and young son Toronto, have been spending the week with Mrs. B. McDonald. Mr. McDon- zi‘id also spent the holiday with his relatives. Mr. \V. Brydon, medical student. Tumnto, and his brother, also Mr. T. B. Ramsay, spent Thnnksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. BI-ydon. dl‘vn, C<}nrztghy also spent Thursday Friday with his father. Miss Violet Storey, Toronto. spent two or thread:in with relatives and friends here and returned Monday evening. Mr. FrunkStoreyzllso spent Saturday and Sunday in the. village. Mr. T. Ludford and Mr. \V. Ludfm‘d, with seven other sportsmen f1 0m Th'm‘nhill, Carrvillo, Elgin Mills and vicinity, went to Lindsay Monday Ln spend a week in shooting small game. CABLEâ€"In Richmond Hill. on Monday. 14:11 inst“, the wife of E. J. Cuhlp. of a daughter. GmDNmRâ€"PAULINEâ€"At the resmence of the bride's parents. “Dufl'enu Grove,†Richmond Hill, by Rev. J. A Grant. M A., on Thursday, Nov. 17. George R. Gardner uf Torcnm, to Mabel, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Pauline of Richmond Hill. _ BRODDYâ€"ELLIOTDâ€"At the residence of Mr. LE‘Coombs. Principal of Newmmkeh High Suhool.ou Nov. 16. 1904, by Rev. J. E. Starr 01‘ Torunto, Robert. Broddy. Shel'lfl, Bramlvtou, to Mrs.M. :1. Elliott, of Ncwmmkcc. One of Ayer’s Pllls at beï¬ï¬ï¬e'ï¬iill hasten recovery. ‘ Gently laxative. The east half of lot 64. Ist con. VVhitchurc-h (near Lake Wilcox), cou- tniuing 100 acres more or loss, the property of the late Robert Thom son. There are about 15 acres of good ush, about 5 acres of good young orchard, hard and soft water, and good build- ings. The farm is well situated, being about halfa mile from Yonge street and the Metropolitan Railway. For terms. etc.. apply to T. HERBERT LENNOX, 24â€"10â€"1111 Mr. Will Schell, who has been work- ,t'Ayex’l curry Pecmnl is well known in out my. We think it u the bell medicine In the world for coughs nnd colds." mu: Emmy. Pauluma. Cal. 1. c. AYER oo.‘ / for Lowell. Mun We know what all good doc- tors think of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doc- tor and ï¬nd out. He will tell you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed tunes; and controls the hardest of coughs. Hard Coughs, Sen. GraiugL-r and Miss E. are spendmg a few days with m TUI'GIILU; PERSONAL 5. Cherry Pectoraï¬ FOR SALE MARRIAGES. Iainiltnn spent a feW istvl‘, Mrs. Sloan, and city Monday. nDunnld. :1 clerk in the BIRTHS and Robinson, her sister, returned ille. was with his Am era i +++++++++++++++++++~§~++++4 i [JDâ€"The old reliable Stock Food so well and mvor- a.ny known bv the farmers of Ontario. It is a. grand preparation for keeping horses. cattle, sheep. pigs and poultry in a. flue healthy condition. ‘ It increases their flesh. puts life and umieion in them and gives them a. sleek and glossy cont. YORKSHIRE COUGH AND HEAVE CURE, guaranteed to cure any case of coughs, colda. heaven or ‘ bruan wind, or the after effects 01 influenza. or opiznobic. Price 50c, Your receipts for condition powders put up promptly irom pure drugs at wholesale prices. Salts 3c 11)., 10 lbs for 25c Radway’s Relief 17c Sulphur 30 1b., 10 lbs for 25c Stuart’s Dyspepsia. Tablets 35c ' S;tleetre, pure. 2 lbs for 250 Davies Pain Killer 18 1 Glauber Salts 3c 1b.. 10 lbs for 25c Peruna 75c Castoria 25c Dr \Villiams Pink Pills 300., 3 £01- 89 \V & R Butter- Colnr 16c ' Electric Oil 2 bottles ior 25c Kendall’s Spnvin Cure 75c Carter’s Liver Pills 2 for 25c Pages English Spavin Cure $1 Chases Syrup Linseed and Turpentine Rum Oil gt; Tar n H , n~_ 168 Mustang neave qu-c 40L: Chases Ointment 38¢ Emulsion Cod Liver Oil large bot. 25c Ayer's Hair Vigor 650 Pages ECZPluil Ointment 40c.,guamn’d l Ayer’s Chen-y Pectoral 20, 40 and 650 Miuard’s Linimenc 151: 1 Norway Pine Syrup 18c Omega Oil 40c Page’s English Cough Syrup large Burdock and Sarsaparilla 65c bottle 250 \Varner’s Safe Cure 65c Gray’s Syrup Red Spruce Gum 180 Yorkshire Stock F und is for sale by ; Hagyard's Pectoml Balsam 130 A V Geo. McDonald, harness-maker ; This is only a partial cut p1 icé list. ' ‘Ve sell everything at :uL rate prices and ‘ you save money by dealing with us. n- ~§~ +++ԤҤ"§"§"§0§‘+++++$++éw++++++ +4i"?+~§%+%+%+%M++++++4‘+++++ï¬ You “auto†know we sell all kinds of stoves H H “ We guarantee all kinds of stoves to give _ satisfaction. u H “ We stake our reputation on the goods we sell. “ “ “ We set them up for you. H “ “ \Ve would be pleased to have pou cell and inspect our stock of ranges, heaters, .parlor cooks, before purchasing elsewhere. Hard- ware of all kinds. Pure Drugs, Medicines & Condition Powders AT CUT-RATE PRICES. ‘thlesule and tenth druggistsI Successor to C. D. Daniel & Co. and J Miller 6: Co. 171 KING ST. E., TORONTO. OPP. CLYDE HOTEL. Remember we sell everything at wholesale prices, and can save you from 10 to 25 per cent. by dealing with us. -++ ++++++++HW++++H++++++'§"§-'§-++~}~++’§i'§‘ JACOB EVER &. 36H. Riaha‘mnd Hill ++$+++++++é+++°§é+é++++++++ $M++++4~+++¢+~Â¥~PM°§ IT WILL PAY YOU TO THIS These attractive money-saving offers are sure to be appreciated by the wise buyer. We want you’re trade. That’s what we ad- vertise for. If low price, reliable goods and good treatment are worth anything to you, this is the store for your trade. for 20c 34 inch \Vrapper Costume Cloth, regular-250. for 200.yd Special Fine. Swiss Embroideries, regular 50. for 3c.yd. Extra Hem y 10-4 Twill Bleached Sheeting, regular 50c. for 350. yd. . Heavy Circular 42 inch Pillow Cotton, regular 25c. for 200. yr. Heavy 10 oz. \Vhite Duck, regular 250. for 20¢. yd. \Ve will make to your measure, everything guaranteed a ï¬ne Colored \Vorsted Suit, regular $18 for $15. WE ADVERTISE to induce you to visit our store and see our stock. We rely upon our goods and prices to make sales when they are brought to your notice. ATKINSON & SWITZER J. A. JOHNSTON 8/3 00., Heavy 34 Heavy 32 inch Navy Drill, regular ]80. for 15( inch Striped Feather Ticking. reg §6+§§+O§¢§§H¢66 ¢§O§§§¢§§§¢§O§¢§ ’QQ’OQHéQ +++ §~§ +++++++ Peruna 75c Uastona zoc \V & R Butter Color 160 ' Kendall’s Spnvin Cure 75c Pages English Spavin Cure $1 Pure Oil of Ten- Mustang Heave Cure 250 Emulsion Cod Liver Oil large bot. 25c and Hugh