A large number of visitors from To- ronto and nther places spent Thanke- giving Day with friends in the village. Miss Sweetmzm of the Deaconess Home. Toronto, gave two addresses at, flnpe on Sunday afternoon and even- mg. An interesting address on Mission Work was given last, Thursday even- ;mr hv Mm. (Rem) G. Browne of T0- An interesting Work was given 1 ing by Mrs. (Rem) ronto, under the VV. M. S. members of the Met] 13ch School purpose givin tuba, “ Under the Palms," mas timv. um: uxuv. A good time is anticipated at the concert of the Public Library on Fri- day evening. Miss Maude Killough returned on Saturday evening from a four munths‘ visit to her parents in the North \Vost. Mr. H. Jackson is making improve- ments in his house here. and intends mnvinq into it before long. R‘év. and Mré. have also lwon visiting during the past, week. Mr. H. Jackson is mnk ments in his house how. moving into it before 1011 Mr. and Mrs. McKay are visiting Lhoir dunghi Wednesday, Nov 30â€" furuimre Lt Richmond 1. Peach. Sale at 1. T the name timoaunl plm the late Geo Pouch, H Lot muteinag acroe‘ ‘. _;1_‘hurs(ln y oqwatsprim i‘hlsélgtbwii. tho 1: Sale at 1. Ten mon uuots A /: Wednesde Doc 7 and mmlemem‘sou property of Mujm‘ I months. J H Preht The Village Council having decided to rent the rink [m the ensuixlgvinter seueon, and ordered that it; be let by tendm‘,t1wI-e[nre, tenders will be re- ceived for the Renting 0f the Rink Between Toronto and Newmarket. GOING NORTH LeaveC P R Crossing at 6. 7.20, 9.40, 11.3( 1.30. 2.40,} ' .‘45 00 p. m. _ _._ .10 Up to the 30th instant, subject to certain conditions and rules to be seen at, the Clerk‘s Ofï¬ce. The highest or any tender nnL nvcvscarily accepted. By order of the V illztge Council. P. G. SAVAGE, Reeve. Richmond Hill. NOV- 197 1904- Richmond Hill, Leave Biéiiï¬gggd 'H_m s Leave Newmarkec 7 .30 METâ€"ROPOLITAN ‘TIME ATIABLE Leave Richmmiéi hm 2 40, 3.55. 4.: Biuday. ‘ Presbyterian Churchâ€"Serncea at 11 a. 1n..and zvp. m. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting edneszluy evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sundays at!) a. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 a. 111.. and 7 p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M -Meets Mon- dav on or before full moon CourtBicbmond, A 0 Fâ€"Meets second and {until Friday Ivy- Lodge. A 0 U Viv-“Meets third Wednesday at each month Camp Elam, S O S â€"â€"Meeta amend and fourth Wednesday 3 T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday 0! iendérSr‘Wanted mom-h rublic Lnn‘ary and Reading Boomâ€"Open Tuesday and Sutl‘rdnv evenings. Enwortb Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Monday. Church of Eng 'Fixzé Brigadeâ€"Meets POST OFFICE NOTICE ï¬gm‘t periences of angle] ers and campers. 4 with 2 Rad Advcnmre “FOREST AND G STREAM,†or send us twenty-ï¬ve cents for four weeks trial trip. A large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, ï¬shing, natural hisâ€" tory and yachting. A Home and ifs surroundmgs. new depart- ment has to do thh the Terms: 54 a_year, $2 for 51x months: We Send free on re- quest 0 u r catalogue of t h e b e s t books on on FOREST AND STREAM PUB. 00. 346 Broadway, New York. ï¬ï¬‚age Directory. Sale Register. fix), 374:; 545. 9.00 p. :noud Hm 8,20, 10.30 a. m, 3.30.435, 6.30, 8.35 p.111. use: van «1 outdeor life and recreation 1-5 of the Methodi_st 3.15.6115, 7.393. 9: Maple some SHUT}; “dugpices of ï¬endâ€"Services at 3p. In. every lhurcbâ€"Servicea at 11 a. 111.. and School at 2.30. Prayer meeting ? liké to read of the ex- pen'ences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- m 1513925, n.55 a. m.. 4.55. 6.55,B.10 p. m. terested in country life, ask your newsdealer for -Auct, '1 Hill 4", J... v .. H mm. Sula M7 10. '1‘We 'VVAH r u a. 111.; 2, 3.15, m snIe of farm stock . Jl-h con M m‘khgm the Suigeou ï¬rst Monday of every on sale of household the property 01 Mrs 3 momhs. A150 at house and lot of contains 9 meme. )1) & McEweu,a.ucbs. sale of fresh milk mttle at the hotel. of Harry Jifkins. liEBOD & McEweu, Ly of Tiveflnn. hler, Mrs. (D12) N. McKinnnn at Dr. Logan‘s at the 11.30 8,. m 52.20. 2.20. st Sab- xe on n- Christ,- ing; or If you are mâ€" the you a to d of STANDARD BANK Received HIGHEST CURRENT RATES. Money Loanml on Farmcrs' Sale Non-s. Blank Nose Forms Supplied l-‘n-e. General Banking Business Transacted. For other particulars call at; the Brmk The undersigned begs to thank the public ior the gen- erous patronage accorded him as Senaral Blacksmim Anyone sending a sketch und descfl tic quickly nscertnin our opinion free w etl invention is probably pntcntnble. Comm Mons strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on P sent free. Oldest agency for securing pate Patents taken through Munn 5; Co. r spacial notice, without chm-w In the A â€" ...4. W... -u‘JAA PATRONS 1 A ï¬nndsomely inns culation of any scl year: fggr [nogths THOTlK/IJE‘ W].- Dmu u ï¬ï¬zflfï¬rslmco' 3 6 1 Brondwg'THéWVYO __ m: u m Wnuhingfï¬l’L D. C. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Capital Resn gï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬'ï¬Ã© fï¬m'grigggggz Stee! Hog Traughs RI‘CEIM’OND HILL 350. per Foot. All kinds of Imple- ments Repaired Branch émce. All kinds of Blacksmithmg done. Horse-shoeing a specialty. rived in Savings‘ Bank Depart,- ment and interest, allowed at GEO. COWIE, Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduet his farm Farming For Profit. on strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-to-date far- mers. By reading THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer’s Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. THE SUN’s market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service THE SUN has ren- dered him in a public way. It was due to the action of THE SUN in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage across rail- ways, and farm ï¬res caused by railway locomotives has been amended. And hopes for a continuance of the same. We will send THE WEEKLY SUN from now to lst January, 1905, in combination with Of Cam ada THE LIBERAL for 30 cents. J'. W. OSBORNE. ’I‘O IIIS . Mager, Prop. a1 _' $1,000,000 $1,000,000 DEFâ€"Eâ€"SITS RICHMOND HILL. 'UI u . v . . 7 , a. 625 F St. Washington. D. C. lush-Meir! weekly Largest cir. scientiï¬c journal. Terms. $3 5 tbs. $1. Sold by all-yewsdflulers. Made to order at (on and deacflgtion may lpinion free w ether an ntcntable. Communica- L1. Handbook on Patents 7 for securing patents. Ell Munn 5; Co. receive Mme In the AGENT. +++++MMMMMMMMMM-g- HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Are Your Lungs Worth 25 Cts. ? Use Sandn rson’s White Pine and Tar is now complete comprising Black and Blue Woxsted Twins. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Why do you Cough all Day? Use Sandersnn’s \Vhite Pine and Tar. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. RICHARDSON HOUSE Will Relieve Cough in a few Hours- Calls from a. distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL FALL AND WINTER Will Cure in a Few Daysâ€"â€" Use Sandex-son’s White Pine and Tar. Nothing Better for Coughs and Coldsâ€"Use Sandersou‘s White Another good seasonable article at this time of the year is our Chocolate Coated Bromide and Quiniue for Cold in the Head and Grippc. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sanderson’s White Pine and Tar. My Stock of Woolens for Best quality. A. Sénderseni Pine and T‘ BIAPI JE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. . HEWISON, Tailor, Richmond Hill FREDERICK BACK, Prop DRUGGIST .HUME, -USEâ€" 000000 ‘ar. Low prices. Threshers’ Coal on hand. LIVERY Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. June 11. 1903 'Z‘ï¬E élï¬ï¬‚ï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©e’ $1.00 IN ADVANCE. Michael Bros“, Ge 0. McDonald, We have solid comfort in the way nf Blankets and Robes, and. in fact, everything in the line of Harness. Robes, Blankets, Fur Coats, Mitts, Gauntlets and many other articles necessary for the comfort of yourâ€" self and horse. The goods we offer are honestly made. and will stand the wear that you expect of them. \Ve sell reliable goods at reasonable prices. Richmond Hill Richmond [-1111 Tinware. Stove-pipes, Elbows, Eav troughing, Iron Roofing. and every~ thing in the tin and hardware â€"â€" line. â€"â€" Repairing promptly and neatly done. COAL Also all kinds of WOOD And set them up for y‘ ad ï¬iii ï¬aï¬i‘é . 84 E. MASON Emgas ! THE - LIBERAL The sweet tone Mason 8: Risch. Also tuning and repairing. Second-hand ones for sale. Renniring The Merchants’ Fire Insurance has the lowest ratesâ€"Renew with us. Crown life and endowment policies. Get our terms. Digest of Canadian Mercantile Laws. PIANUB AND URGANS Fer E‘éléan m Beast SINGER SEWING MACHINES FIRE AND LIFE INSURAN Nowis the time to get your furn- ace put in order before the busy time, and if you are thinking of puttingin a new furnace we can give you a price We also sell all «.incls of you right. Subscribe for . J. PETHICK, RICHMOND HILL 01 all kinda of machines. Oil and neediea for sale. Eave- ‘CE