title . .,... ,, - my ’lli. RICHMOND HILL, December 1, till)! lu(-)(‘) A1134. Mr. J. ll. Brydon spent Sunday with relatives at Lloydtmvn. York County, (‘Hlill'il chm-“l its Nu\'t'llllll'l‘ session Saturday t veiling. Regular rnoirllrly nit-cling of the Fire Brigade Monday evening: in-xt. the 5th inst. Ml: John liligr-i-s takes possession ()f the Queen's llo‘rrl, lfiiioiivillc, timiav, the 1st of lll'l'l'llllll'l'. Miss Angel of New York and Miss Fritli spent, Saturday at I’orildcn L'algo with Miss (loan-ir- llrown. Miss Beulah lhylloii \ iwilr-d v. ill; lit-r sisters, Misses Velma and Hi ma Brydoii, in Toronto Sal urday and Sunâ€" day. Rev. \Y. I'V'. Smith will take for his subject ii. the Methodist (‘lnrrclr next Sunday morning, “ The Pharisees and the Saddurcres.“ The ‘VOXIIJII‘S‘ \li iouaiy Society will lzold their Decembermet-ling at the home of :lll‘S. Storey Thursday, Dec. 1st, 51.13 p. in. The Pear-h piopr‘ity. comprising a nine room liuirsr- and about two acres of land, was yesterday sold by public auction to Mr. Frank 1\tkiiisv:ri<nillii~: village. The price paid was #300. Messrs. Newton tk Bro. llith' sold their 100 acre farm ill the 22nd con- Cession of Markham to Mr. Ralph \Videiiian. Price 316,800. Also the .30 acres to Mr. Simon Baker. Price $2,400. The right. side of an overcoat story will be told at Atkinson (M Switzei-‘s. The Aurora Banner was enlarged last. week to i: seven column quarto. The change was made on ing to a do- liiaiiri for increased space by advertisâ€" ers. This speaks well for the inert-h» ants and other business men of Aurora. Revival services closed at the Head- ford Methodist Church Sunday even- ing. In those services lit-v. Mr. Campâ€" bell was ably assisted by Mr. 1“. J. Pcthick. Special i'r-viurl srrvilrcs opened at Victoria Square Tuesday evening. It’s our business to like whatcver you like. Atkinson & Switzer. , L, , L7,. ,, The High School (Joninn-ucemcnt Exercises -will be held iii the First Form of the High School on Friday evening, Dec. 2, at So‘clock. An iii- tci‘esting prograirr is beingprepared. All interested in the school are invit- ed. Admission free. Mr. J. H. Sand- erson will occupy the chair. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the East York Liberals will be held in Victoria Hall, Unionville, on Monday next, the 5th of December, commencingr at 1.30. Ofï¬cers will be elected, and arrange ments made fora convention to noniâ€" iuate a candidate for the Local liouse at an early date. A large attendance ' is expected at the annual meeting. Tied ties and tiablc ties for men at Atkinson & Switzer‘s. \VINNIPEG LEADS. Building Operations are, brisk in To- ronto and probably in all cities iii the Dominion. but Winnipeg has eslab~ lished r; record for all Canadian cities. A special building number of the Man~ itoba Free. Press, from our old friend. Dr. Hutcliisoii, shows that in the present. year 1,737 building permits were issued iii \Vinnipeg. and that 2,214 buildings were errcted at a cost of $9,173,150. \\'EICKLY TRl PS. Commencing this week. Mr. Herbert Gibbs will make regular weekly trips to Toronto, taking freight and small parcels, and collecting similar corrr inodities in the city. lie. will go on Friday this week, but after that his regular day will be Thursday. He deâ€" sires to inform his patrons that he will call at the stores and shops for parcels every \Vcdnesduy evening. Charges moderate. “'HIST CLUB STARTS. The \Vhist Club held its first session at the home of Miss Laura Duncan last. Thursday evening, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. A pleasant fcature was the. presentation of». beautiful pipe and a supply of tobacco to Mr. H. A. Nicliolls, the winner of the gentleman’s prize for last season, Miss Bertha Palmer. lhe winner of the lady‘s prize bring preâ€" viously presented. Mrs. Duncan right royally entertained the assemblage. Compare your ideas with our goods. Atkinson & Switzcr. CO URT CASES. Only three crises came before His Honor, Jud-go Morgan, at. Division Court. held here last, Saturday. and the last called, Glass A: Glass vs. Nicol & Nicol, was unfinished when the court. rose at 5 o’clock. This case was again adjourned to a day to be named by the Judge. The two other cases are as follows : Knight vs. Forsterâ€"Judgment sum- mons, $40.56. The Judge made an order of $2 a. month ; ï¬rst payment. in one month. Champion vs. Clatfeyâ€"Plaiutitf sued for balance of wages, $99.10. Judg- ment. for $90 and costs. Next. court, Saturday, let J an‘y. lil£\'ll£\\’ 01“ REV1E\VS. Seviirrl years ago, the daughter of the port Longfcllow plitl a visit to the i)jlil\\il_\' Indians, on the north shore ol Lake Huron, and for licrbciir'iit the Indians tram» a presentation of their play "Hiawatha." Since that the play has been gin-n r-vr-ry summer near the \illagl- of I)t‘.\ll.‘u':ll~‘, on (lcoi'gian llay, and [host- who have llt‘t'll piii ill-pod to St‘t‘ it arr- r-nlhusi- :is'ril', ill their praiseot'llieribways’ inlripr-vtalioii. The play and its ae- l't‘ï¬5tllil‘5 are fully tlt‘stfl'illr'tl in the llrcu-inbrr nurnbrr of the {mivw' of lit‘\il‘\\'.\ by Mr. \Villiain (‘. Edgar. and his artich- is illustrated from pliologl‘aphs oi' the lirdiaii actors ill custnirzl'. A PLl't’lx' Y ACT. Mr. (-‘eo. ('owiu the north end black- smith, did a plucky thing on 'l‘liursday by stopping a rrili~away learn of horses. While the di-i\ t‘l' oflln- Queen (‘iiy (lil (‘ninpauy's train of chestnuts was doing lnusnn-ss in lln-liardwair stoic ol'J. l‘i)'('|' k Son, the horses be» carrre frightened and ran northward up Yonge street. Mr. (.‘owie, who was Working iii his shop at the time. rushed out with a horse- shoe, in each hand and endeavored to stop the run- away team. The horses appnrcnlly were not afraid (‘1'lioiseslior-s,:rii.l did not slarken their speed, but Mr. Cowh- irianagvd to grab one of the whittle- ,lrl-es, and linally got liolil of the lilll'S, lstoppiiit: the horses. There was no (damage done, but the driver insisth on Mr. (‘owic taking a. dollai for the risk he ran in the somewhat danger- ous zicl. lilS FA TA. 1'. FALL. An unfortunate accident, prmed fatal, occurred at lilgin Mills on Monday of last week. Ilai'l'y “fright, who had worked asliostler at the Dominion House until it chang- r'tl hands a few \veeksago, and who al'tr-iwards went to (Josgrove's hotel, ‘was assisting in pulling iiia cistern tank at Mr. M. Naughton‘s. \Vhen the tank dropped into the hole Hairy evidently kept hold too long),r and fell in. striking his head against the bot- tom oi' the tank. lie was rendered unconscious, and was removed to the hotel, but never rallied, paralysis having followed the injury. Uri \\'td nesday he was removed to the Toronto (it-ricral llospita‘l. but died the follow- ‘ing day. Deceased was an English- man about 1‘0 )eal‘s of age, and was a member of tire Sons of England So- ciely at liglinton, l’oor Harry! the writr-r always found him kind and obligirig, and it is painful to refer to his death, so sudden and untimely. ANNUAL MEETING .5; BANQUET. A number of Liberals in the vicinity of Thoriihill, with a felv others from a distance, met at lluglics’ Hall Moriâ€" day, and arranged for a banquet lo ht" held in Victoria Hall, Tliornhill, on Thursday, the 8th of December. Arthur Quantz was appointed chair~ man of the meeting, and T. F. Mc- Mahon. secretary. Among those present were Arch. Campbell, M.P.. A. F. \Vilson, James Ley, \Valtei' Scott, A. S. Russell, H. Creighton, H. A. Mason, M. ilai iison, R. Rumble, J. A. Stevenson, J. H. Kirby, J. \\'. Dalzicl and others. The annual meet ing of Centre York LilwralAssocia~ tion wiil be held at. Thornhill in the afternoon of the bib, and it was thought desirable that the friends from Centre, East and \Vest York should meet around the festive board the same evening. Committees were zlpptliiilctl to carry out the work, and banquet tickl‘ts \vere placed at fifty cents. Tickets may be had from the chairmen of the dill’ercnt polling sub- divisions, J. \V. Dalziel, Edgely; A. ll‘. \‘v'ilson, Markham; or '1‘. F. Mc- Mahon, Richmond Hill. A special Metropolitan car will leave for Rich- mond Hill and Toronto at the close of the banquet. Among the speakers at the banquet are cxpectcd several cabinet ministers, the Liberal mem- bers of York, and several local Liberals. which SCOTCH CONCERT. Thi- Scotch coi'recrt. under the aus- pices of the \\'illing \Vorkers’ Mission Baird, in the basement of the Presby‘ Lerian Uhui'cli last evening. was well attcnded, and an interesting pro- gramme was rendered. The enter- tainment was decidedly Scotch, but English, Irish and Scotch flags inter~ twinr-d were part (’1' the decorations at the rear of the platform. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Grant, made an agreeable chairman, Welcoming the appreciative audience on behalf of the Mission Band. The following numbers were given: Vocal solo, Scottish Blue Bells, Miss J. McDonald. Reading, The Relief of Lucknow, Miss .\iacdonald. Male Quartette, led by Mr. Geo. Elder. Chorus, Messrs. Newton, Sims,Boyle and Lainoii. Heading. McGreggor’s \Vheelbarrow, Miss G. Boyle. Cor-riot Solo, Mr. E. Mason. Swing Song. by eleven girls. Reatli' ‘, by ROY. J. A. Grant. Duet, " '. Geo. Elderaiid Mls. Grant. Readinr. Miss Macdonald. Corner Solo, Mr. E. Mason. Male Quartette, Loch Lomond. Aceompanists, Miss Clark and Miss Anglin. , The rendering of the various selec- | tions was thoroughly appreciated, but; the readings of Miss MacDonald were particularly clever. This young lady is giftcd with a clear voice, her enun- ciation is crfect, and she recites the Scottish ialect with a natui‘alness and ease seldom heard. l Before closing, the chairman thank- ed theaudiencc for their attendance and expressud himself well pleased with the entertainment which was mostappi-o riate on the anniversary of St. An rew, after which “Auld Lang Sync" and "God Save the King" were_sung. l l liinc_ Maple L The concm’t last Friday evening, in iiid of the public library \\ as fairly well attended. and the sum of $30 was , realized. Mr. J. Augustine Arlidge, Senttisli vocallistof Toronto, icnder- l ed a number- of Solos in lilll' style and was warmly :rpplriildl-tl :rt‘lr-r every i number. Mr. J. Alexander gave- both ‘ Comic and sentimental solos and reci- talions, and his llillt' daughter, Lilian, i contribute-d son in] i‘r-cilalioiis to the program. At the close a vote oft thanks was given to the ï¬rm ot i Mason and Itisclr for the use of a' magnificent piano which they loaned ‘ for the occasion. lb-v. \\'. N. (‘hantlci' preached a, forcible lempcraiicc sermon on Sun» (l:r_\‘ evening. Miss Maggie (iarrow is away on a month‘s visit with friends at l.ai'ig~ man. Misses (J. and M. ("lribino of Lang Slill’l'flVl'H’ thr- guests oi~ Misses lda and Annie Rumble ov er Sunday. ,-_ ...,c Our math->1o-irieasuie suit; for men is an ideal suit at an ideal price. At- kinson (\- Swrizr-r. â€"â€"mâ€".oo News N ones. Mr. John Roi-tram, President of the ‘ +.:~+-:‘+-:«i~+++~1-++oi.+-i«-i<-z.+~i«:-+~:<+++ :- - Bertram Engine \Voids, died on Mon- day. You like good things â€"we can sup- p‘y the best. Atkinson & S\\'ilZf‘I'. The Liberal majority in the new House of (luminous is (5:3, with the Yu- kon yet to be heard from. Extra quality new ï¬gs. 5c. lb. ; 0x- tra quality new dates, (Sc. lb. ; sci-(led raisins, 10c. lb. Atkinson k Switzor. 7 The first halfâ€"year‘s interest, on the Ontario (im ernmr-nt loan to the “Son†industries has been paid. Best pure lard, 111-. 1b.; \Vethcy’s mince liit'ul, 10c.: pure corn starch, Sc. Atkinson K’ Switzer. The Grand Trunk Railway (‘ompany will pay $180,000 cash for the old Par- liament buildings site, arid with the morn-y the ()ntaiio Gmerninent will erect. a new physics building at the university. “'0 can say no more than our goods themselvrs say. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. J. \V. St. John was on Saturday nominated by the Conservath'es of \Vcst York to again be their standardâ€" bearri' at the coming Provincial elec- tion, and Mr. (S. \V. Vciral was nomâ€" iuated the same day by tho \Vest York Liberals. A Men's Overcoatsâ€"VVe have a snap in men’s ovci‘eoats. Men’s overalls ih large variety. If you want horse blankets come and see us. Naugliton Bros, Elgin Mills. DEATHS. CARNicGiEâ€"In hiclirrroirrl Hill, on Saturday, Nov. 2t},.\1aria Carnegie, aged“ years. _. One dose of Ayer’s Cherry E Pectoral at bedtime prevents .1 night coughs of children. g No croup. Nobronchitis. A gherry Pectoral 1 doctor’s medicine for all ‘_; affections of the throat, bron- ' : chial tubes, and lungs. Sold - for over 60 years. . " I have used Ayï¬s Cherry Poctonl in my .j 2 {nmllv for eight ye a. Thereis nothing 9 mil ;. to it for coughs and colds, especially for c 111- . ' dreu."â€"MBs. W. H. Barnum. Shelby, Ala. ‘ 25c..50c., st. a. O. AYER 00.. "V ‘ All drugglstl ‘ ‘ V “ .Ol_M mg 0911 Keep the bowels open with one of Ayer’e Pills at bedtime, Just one. CENTRE YORK The Annual Meeting of Centre York liberal llsatlaliar “'ill be. held at HUGHES’ HALL, THORNHlLL,i (Thursday , COMMENCING AT 2.30 1’. M. At 5.30 a banquet will be held in Victori' .‘Hall, Thornhill, at which . several ‘abinct. Ministers, Mr. Arch.’ Campbell, M.P., Mr. John Richardson, M.1’.P., Mr. G. \V. Verrall and others are expected to deliver addresses. M. NAUGHTON, A. F. \VILSON, President. , Secretary. 8, : grand preparation and will stop any cough. .3. 4c '2' 4- +++++++++++++++ -:--i-++++-§~+-§~+-i~'!*»1‘++-z<so?>§~++>20r>1~r+>b IT \VILL PAY YOU TO READ THIS ¢§¢§§¢¢¢++§¢§§§¢ {a}. . .3. .3. o o g. . . 4.4.4. v I +++++~i~+++i +++++++h++ .3. «twiâ€" Hut-t†+++++++++++++++++++M~+++++ ++~r~+++++++ é+++~§~+++++ ++++~i-i~ +++~l~4 -+++++i~i~i~i+++++++++~i~+a+++++ + .. r L .z.;. .f. 4.4.4. .3"; .7..rfl.f..f..j..i. Tlicse attractive money‘saving Offers are sure to be appreciated by the wise buyer. \Ve want you’re trade. That’s what we ad- vertise for. if low price, reliable goods and good treatment are worth anything to you, .4..j..j...g.._t..f. 4.4. .3034": this is the store for your trade. .I . 'l‘ . . '5' Heavy 3-1 inch Navy Drill. regular-185:. for-13c. yd. 3: lleavyliz‘. inch Striped Feather Ticking, regular 2.30. »i~ 501- 20c. yd. I’yl- inch \Vrapper Costume Cloth, regular 27m for Elk-.vd Special Fine. Swiss l‘linln'oideries, regular SC. for licvd. Extra. Heavy Ill-l Twill Bleached Sheeting, regular 30c. for $0. yd. Heavy Circular 12 20c. yd. Heavy 10 oz. \‘Vhite Duck, regular 250. for 203. yd. \Vc will make to your measure, everythincr guaranteed a fine Colored \Vorstcd Suit, regular $18 for $15. «i-:~+ .c-a-z‘ +++++++++++++++~i~+++++++ 4. ++ ++++++++++++++++++ r++++++~i q 'o inch Pillow Cotton, regular 25c. for «:«M .v u “202-401-4402.+~2-+++++ +++++++++++++++ - n o D .4. 4§¢§¢¢§§6§§§§§¢¢ WE ADVERTISE to induce you to Visit our store and see our stock. We rely upon our goods and prices to make sales when they are brought to your notice. a} '5' ++++++++ b§¢§¢§¢¢¢+ ATKINSON 6’6 SWITZER +++~§°+++é~+~?%++++++++++++++§+M+++++4d~+++~t~+ï¬ni w+++++++4Â¥+++++~z~>4s++int-z»: + 4.x. +$++++++++++e+++++++++q+++++++++e++++t+++++++++++++++++++++++¢++++++++++++4++++. +++é+++ '? '2' o'. a» Mrw+~3~+~z~-r~+w+~z~++++++++i~+ M wart-+44%+~:~++++++++~:~+3w~z~+ You “auto†know we sell all kinds Of stoves “ “ “ We guarantee all kinds of stoves to give satisfaction. “ “ “ We stake our reputation on the goods we sell. , “ “ “ We set them up for you. H H H We would be pleased to have you call and inspect our stock of ranges, heaters, parlor cooks, before purchasing elsewhere. Hard- lili 3? Oiksi. Stock FOO Makes all kinds of stock thrive. Splendid for milk cows : inri-aScs the flow of milk, fattens calves and stall feeding cat’rlr and hugs. Gives horses a sleek coat, fattcns them, purities the blood, cleanses the logs and gives them a healthy appearance. This Stock Food is manufactured by practical stocknien, and is guaranteed to give quicker, better and more permanent results than airy other Stock food, or money refunded. If you have been disappointh in other so-callcd Stock Foods, get a sample of “YORKSHIRE STOCK F001)' and the results will convince you that it is pl‘cinicl‘ stock food in the market. Yorkshire Cough and Heave Cure Guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, Distemper and first stages of heaves, which are frequently caused by chronic coughing after distcinper. This is 21. Write . ;.-’._A.. .o, For sale in Richmond Hill by-Gco. McDonald, Harness Maker. for sample toâ€" l. A. lllHliSith & 00.. Ill lilllE St. E. TORONTO. l.Agricultural Druggists. Opp. Clyde Hotel