Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Dec 1904, p. 6

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British bridgeâ€"builders, spurred to emulate this achievement, have nioroi recently accomplished a similar piece of work, which is claimed to outâ€"E rival the American record on the' Atbara. A span of Hopetown Bridng in Cape Colony was blown up by. our forces during the war for straw? gical reasons. A Millwall firm of em; gineers and contractors, having reâ€": ceived an order by telegraph to reâ€"z place. the broken span, had the whole l thing ready for shipment within? "eighteen days, and but for a (10111)" in railway transit of material it {voulll have been completed four days earlier. Considering that the span is 108 feet 10ng, this must he ack- nowledged to be The Americans are fond of bosz- ing of their building of the bridge over the Atbara River in the Sou- dan, and there is no denying that this was a very fine piece of “‘ork.‘ It was the I'encoyd Bridge Works of Philadelphia who obtained the contract. 011 January 24th the specifications and order were receiVâ€", ed, and on the following February 11th all the material had been or- dered. For a week from February 13th to 20th the works were closed on account of a blizzard, yet on March 7th the whole structure “'118‘ shipped. On April 2lst the erection‘ crew left New York, and they be-v gun work on the spot two months later. By August 19th the bridge Was completed and ready for railâ€"v way trufllc, making a total time from receiving order to completion' of six months twenty-six days. i WORK OF THE SMARTEST. ‘ Another similar feat must be cred- ited to the Widnes Foundry Com- pany. The Crown Agents having given them an order for a new steel given them an order for a. new steel bridge to carry the Lagos and COOâ€" massic Railway across a. river. with injunctions to have the work done as soun as possible, in the incredi- bly short space of nine weeks every span and girder was ready. This bridge is of six spans, 250 foot long in all, and carries :1 foot-bridge on Aids to speed were the brick 111‘15! instead of the ordinary hods, and[ the soft nature of the mortar, which? enabled the men to place each brick] in position with a single tap of thc‘ trowel. The same contractor built’ the Mersey Tunnel Power Station at: Birkenhead, and upon this work the5 men averaged 1,976 bricks a day,’ as against the 300 to 400 \vhich‘ used to be the regular day’s work of the oldâ€"fashioned, Another fine achievement was the building of the huge chimneyâ€"stack at the Neasden Power Station for the Metropolitan Railway. Twenty- two men completed this gigantic task in fifty (lays. Considering that the stack is 200 feet high with an inside diameter of 15 feet, this IS a Very remarkable piece of work. Aids to speed were the brick 111‘15 It is popularly imagined that our! cousins across the Atlantic hold all; the records for speed in constuction! of dwelling houses, bridges, and most other things, says London Tit- Bits. But this is not altogether the case. British workmen, when thoroughly on their mettle, can equal the feats of any other nation, 'Amerâ€" icans included. An instance in point is the spinning mill which was com-l pleted a couple of years ago for thb' Bolton Textile Company at Moses Gate. This immense building is 260 feet long and five storeys high” 260 feet long and five storeys high, and accommodates no fewer than 98,000 spindles. From the day it, was begun to its absolute compleâ€" tion, the time occupied was less than a year. This stands as a. record in quick erection for a mill of this magâ€" nitudc. \“I became dcspomlcnt uf evcr Doing Well again, when by good luck 1 th'nnced to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, and from the first, lhvy scmncd to 31“. my case. Five boxes cured me completely.” “For a your or more I had Kidm-y Trouble in all its worst symptoms.” says Mr. Yokom. “My 110ml was had, I had no appetite and 1 lost. wright last. At times I was entirely inca- pacitated. I doctored with a physi- Cian of vast experience, hut got no good results. Build Great Works as Expeditiâ€" ously as the Much-vaunted Americans. Welland, Ont., Dec. 5.â€"(Slj 'zi‘here is no better known ()1 highly res'pccwd man in \Vvllu Mr. J. J. Yuliom. Burn and Up in the neighboring: towm Crowland, by his own inzlust sterling honesty lie has gm be one of VVvIluud's loading thants Consequently, \vh'vn J' on; comes out, with a slalom? he was cured or n. serious ill Dodd's Kidney Pills, cverybod; it must be so. BUILDING AGAENST TIME [NSTANCES 0F RAPID WORK BY BRITISH WORKMEN. THE STORY OF A SUCCESSFUL MAN HE FOUND HIS LOST HEALTH IN DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. Leading Business Man of Welland Gives His Experience With the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy! dge is of six spans all, and carries n *1) side of the rails GO-EASY BRICKLAYER -!laud's lvading morâ€" quently, \vlit-n Mr. Yok- With a statement that of a serious illness by Pills, everybody knows DOC. 5,â€"(Special) bro ‘lo thirtyâ€"two feet. A onefoot layer ‘of concrete was sprmd over the botâ€" tom of llic pit, and on this was set the you] foundation, consisting of crosx'e'd layers of sun-1 beams and girders. The Sprecklox Building, in San Francisco. wiiicli Weighs mm‘ 24,- 000,000 pounds, refits on donsc “‘t‘t sand, on which a solid platform of lstcol and artil‘icia! stone was laid gas a foundation. The building lias gpnssod uninjured through the test jof a savory parthquakc sh'oclx‘. Ca rry each. Few, if any, tall buildings are on Worse soil than those in Chicago. Piles more than one liumlrod foot long- are roquirod to reach the Hard pan. or bed-rock, and most of tlic tall buildings there really stand on great rafts built on the surface of The St. Paul Building, in New York, is supporth on u very deep bed of fine. wet. sand, which was oniy excavated lo a. depth 01' about thirtyâ€"two feet. A one-foot layer of concrete was sm‘md over the botâ€" tom of We pit, and on this was set the real foundation, consisting of great the r "It is perfectly .Szlfo, however. Nearly 4.000 piles were driven in by a 2,000 11). hammer falling 20 feet, which compacted it until even the trumenilâ€" nus blows could force tliom no furâ€" tlicl‘, and ilicy Could Well carry their lnu-zls of 2,000 pounds cacli. Groups In" thosu piles: were capped with conâ€" crete, and ryl‘umidnl brick piers Wem built, on them. Steel beams were crctzr, .1 built 01 laid on hute 111 the mas. Park Row Building, in New York, is the tallest commercial stmcture in the. world, ant! probably the heaviest also. It weigh's over 55,000 ions, which' means a pressure of nearly 9,â€" 000 lbs, on each square foot of the site. This enormous load rests upon a bed f event him-arc A]n~.\\'lxsl ow‘sSoo‘rnmo Smu'r hn bean 5361 v. m|lliomxof mnllu'rs (or IIIer children while teething Ilmmheathe child. softens 9.119 2mm. allayipnin. cures windcolic.xegnlales (heacomaoh and bowel&. Andi: tha butreuwdylur Diarrhmn. Truancy-tire cenls a bottle Sold by druggisu throughout. the world. Be sure sul lhmr".\lu . Wmsw Masoor: susvmu‘,” ’:~o| Indigestion. that menace ta hu- man happiness, pitiless in its assaults. and no n-spvctnr of persons. has met its conqueror in South American Ner- vinc. The great stomach and nerve remedy uimulznos digestion. tones the non" aids circulation, drives out impuri‘nm. dispels emacintinn. and brings Iml‘k the glow of perfect hI-nlth. Cures hundreds or "chronics" that have bnmed physérinmaâ€"GS In the matter of woodâ€"Working Britain cannot, however, produce a rival to the achievement of an Amer- ican carpenter named Vankirk, of Paterson, New Jersey. For a bet of £200 he succeeded in building; a workshop of two storeys, 80 feet long by 50 feet wide, in the extra- ordinary time of 200 min. Of course, everything Was cut, and prepared boâ€" forehand, and he employed seventy- fiVe men to help him. At one o’clock he shouted "Go!" and by ichLy minuLes past four the place was ready for occupation. The Foundation of Some Great Structures. In this case the bridge was not lying ready completed at the side of the line. Two girders Were first thrown across by the aid of large cranes, and then the rest of the bridge was put together. The contractors who have in hand the great, harbor Works at Dover have been pushing along all through at a very rapid pace, and have on several occasions bcen forced by prospect of bad weather to extraor- dinary efforts. Not long ago they beat all records for deepâ€"sea blockâ€" laying by depositing in one day on the Admiralty Pier forty blocks, not one of which weighed less than forty tons! Here is another building record which is interesting, because it proves that in one direction at least, British workmen can beat the world. At Davenport the firstâ€"class battle- ship Bulwark, of 15,000 tons, was completed for launching within seven months of the time she was begun. Within that short 1)erio(l’5,500 tons of steel were built into the ship. This is a, feat which the Americans will find some difficulty in equalling. mnployc posit ion not incc Station croc ti ( the (r. not an iron "\Vil! th'c cashier be away long‘ It all depcnds upon the jury!” over minut the 51 th< At thr. n railwa e is found to the time to s: . and mac} THEY BUILT ON SAND ion, and hen nconvonioncet performed at Inlnyed for Stowmark Railway, ( L03, in on tone hrng it. Th which is this enormous load rests upon of fine, wet sand, scarcely difâ€" fmmquicksand, and about one (1 feet deep. perfectly .s'al‘o, however. Nearly and machinery combined are do of. About two years ago reat steel bridge which carries Pennsylvania Railway across {aritan was found to need re- Ig. Though it weighs 1.836 m pan y god to much TN Over Slxty Vear‘ ead's also bridg C’I‘EI) IN ONE DAX swim; Steel beams were at pierâ€"tops to dish‘i- over the surface of Some of these columns {193,000,000 pounds ough it moved a -in just flat to m [go which OH {00d I-‘ridn which had been y cross the line “'0 hours by a he conh 1;: the I: )tably 11 second. on the C , 'A similar feat Wickham Market the G.E.R., whore fighing fifty tons bridge on a busy )cd replacing, then what brains, mus- ery combined are just ur lin ll] piece on th 11 cm nkc ro< wei dis IIICC rt, lying of the thrown cranes, 1t three )m for rail h“ y?" ail- SWAMERERS HE ARNOTT INSTITUTE. BERLIN. ONT Fm- m.- m-nrment of all forms of SPEEC! He was feeling his way. "If I were to tell you, Editha." he said, in a low, earnest tone, “that. I am about to start on a long journey, even across the sea, and that. it may he months, and possibly years, ere 1 return, what would you say?" If the girl drooped it. wasn't percepti- ble. “I would say, Mr. Swanbill,’-’ she replied, "ta, ta." ACry forHelp.â€"A pain in the back is a. cry of the kidneys for help. South Am- erican Kiduuy Cure is the only cure that hasn't a failure written against it in cases of Bright’s disease, diabetes, in- flammation of (he bladder, gravel and other kidney ailments. Don’t neglect the apparently _lnsignificant "signs." This powerful liquid specific prevents and cums.â€"70 Young Ladyâ€"“You are a Wonder- ful master of the piano, I hear.” Professor Von Spider (hired for the occasion)â€"".[ blay aggmnpaniments zomctimes." “Accompaniments to singing?" “Aggompunimcnts to gonx'crsations.” Shilah’s ‘ Consumption; Cure $2:;t“"g i is the only remedy that will do this. It gets right to the root of the trouble. It is guaranteed to cure. is the best carth‘. Nunnyâ€""It’é awfully sweet of Arâ€" thur to let you always have your own way!" Fannyâ€""Yes; it saves me tlie trouble of taking it." It is a good deal easier to debate on Virtch you have not got than it is 1.0 demonstrate those you ought to have. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia low. yot!’ Help “1e Overworked HearQ. â€"-Ts the great. angina which pumps life through your system hard pressed. overtnxed. groaning under its load because disease has clogged It? Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. is nature’s lubricator and cleanser. and daily demonstrates to heart. sufferers that it is the safest, surest. and most speedy remedy that math .11 science knowsâ€"67, I Believe MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure every case of Diphtheria. Riverdale. MRS. REUBEN BAKER. I Believe MINARD‘S LINIMENT will produce growth' of hair \EFEQTS. (rent [lie cause. not simply lh‘ .abit. and thcrcfnrc produce nnturnl speech. \Vrite for particulars “Why?” "Mau'hos would cost. him more." Small Bobby had met with a sliglit mish‘zip, and was crying bitterly. "Come Here," said his mother, "and let me kiss away the tours." "\Vâ€"Wait a mâ€"minuto,” sobhed the little felâ€" low. "I liavcn's finished câ€"crying " Pure soap 1” You’ve heard the words. In Sunlight S o a p you have the fact. 1mme GAP ::::::: An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact, fitted to bude up and maintain robust health, and to resist winter’s extreme cold. It is a. valuable diet for children. Stanley. P. E. I. I Believe MINARD'S LINTMENT Oil City, Ont. You can’t cure a cough or cold from the outside. You must cure it through the blood. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 312 25c. 50c. $1. LeRoy. N.Y..’l‘oronto. Can. 1413.15 'crL-iznléhi '6? Ali'fia'nfis ' of 5P1; EC_H No Breakfast Table complete without The Most Nutritious and Economical. ISSUE N0 . 49â€"04. Ask for the Octagon Bu. MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON. 1d of cigars he smokes." ‘Match'es would cost him household remedy MATTE-H AS FOLEY. câ€"crying “They tell me your horse threw you the other day." “Nothing of tlie kivd. The story arose from a ‘littlc' event that ha'ppened while I ‘Was out riding. It was in the na- ture of a coincidence. At th'c very moment my horse kicked a dismount- ed on? his head!" Materfamilias (11 p.111.)â€""W'hat's the matter? You look distressc ." Paterfamiliasâ€"“I thought it about time to give that young fellow in the parlor a Vigorous hint that it Was nearing midnight, so I Walked right into the room and, giving both him and our daughter a severe look, deliberately turned out the gas.” “Mercy! Didn't he get angry?" "No; fie said, "Thank you.’ " On another occasion, while in her mistress’ bedroom, the spirit. of a. man in his shirt. sleeves roamed into the apartment, and having adjusted his necktie before the looking-glass, retired without parlcy. The rector, during his twentyâ€"one years' incumbency, has not himself been favored with a. visitation, but. members of his family and his dom- estics have heard the rustling of a. silk gown and other sounds consis- tent with the dignity and. gentleness of an abbess. Whenever the spectre has been seen it has usually been on the eve of All Hallows’ Day. The story, however, does not rest; on such slender evidence alone. Dur- ing the time that the living was held by the present rector’s brother the maid of a lady visitor from Lon- don saw the apparition several times In form it was that of a lady attir- ed in black, and the first occasion she saw it was while waiting for her mistress to come upstairs to bed. The door of the room was open and the light, revealed a figure standing on the landing, which, however, vanished on the maid, who thonght it another servant, opening a conâ€" versation. For several centuries there has been a tradition in Cheadle, a, village in Cheshire, England, that the rectory is haunted, and, according to the Rev. F. A. Macdona, the present rector, weird noises have been heard from time to time for \Vhich there is no possible explanation, except by the admission of the presence of the supernatural. many unsuccessful attempts to ob- tain permission to return, and a. lat- ter written by her to Thomas Crom- well, Earl of Essex, is still extant. Her appeals were in vain, and in 1559 she died of a. broken heart and was buried in the chancel of the church which she had built, three years previously. English Village Has a. Peculiar Visitor on Hallow Eve. According to the legend which the rector informed a representative of the Daily Mail he believed to be true, the (lisquleted spirit is that of tho Abbess of Godstow, who, when expelled from her nunnery near 0xâ€" ford by Henry VIII., went, with her nuns to Cheaclle rectory, She made Many a man who prays for power ‘to lift a world shuts his eyes when he sees a poor Woman struggling with a, heavy basket. Poverty is Hort dishonorable in it.- self, but only when it arises from idleness, intcmperance, extrava- gance, and folly. South American Rheumatic Cure Cures Consumption.â€"â€"It ls safe. harm- less and acts quick~gives almost in- stant. relief and um absolute cure In from one to three daysâ€"works wonders in most acute forms of rheumatism. One man’s testimony: "I spent 6 weeks in bed bm‘orc commencing its useâ€"4 bot- tles curunl mu."â€"60 Lifebuoy Soap â€" disinfectant â€" is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against in- fectmus diseases. 22 To prove to you that Dr. B Chnsc' Ointment 33 a certain and absolute cure for each and every form of itching. bleedingandprotrudin piles. he manufacturers have gum? mood it. so res- imoniaJs in the daily m‘cs‘x and ask yourneighl hora what they think orit. You can use it and [at your moncv bar‘k if not cured. 600 a. box. a! 11 dealers or EDMANSDN,BATES & Co.."‘oronto Minard's Linimenf Cures Dandruff. There is plenty of room at the top. The trouble is in the crowd at the bottom of the ladder. THE nnvquy _comMIsSIofi A..- The more a man talks about him- self, the less need he has for vhe truth. an ghase’g Qintmeni PWU’M There is OLD RECTORY GHOST. plenty of -.-.---wv-VII UV- ? I Cor. West Market and Colborno 8:5, TORONTO. “Well,” said Jack nmfuflly, "I can hope, that‘s all.” "What did she say?” “She said she's file my proâ€" posal with all the others, and con- sider it whcn she got. down to it!” It is impossible to make people understand their ignorance, for it re- quires knowledge to perceive it, and therefore he that can perceive it has it not. What is charity itself but the 010 vation and refinement of fairness? Have perfect the one virtue of fair- ness, and you will have all vir- tues perfect. "Well, Jack," said his ch'um, alto} Jack had proposed to the prettiest} girl in town, “is it all right?" Minard's Liniment for saie evewwhere The indolent are not wholly lent. Though the body may labor, the brain is not idle. does not grow corn it will thistlcs. alive or dressed Also your butter‘ other produce. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder.â€" Rov. W. FL Main. pastor of the Bay tist. Emanuel Church. Bnflnlo, gives strong testimony for and (9 a firm heâ€" liever In Dr. Agnow’s Cntarrhn] Powder He has tried many kinds of remedies without. avail. "After using Dr. Ag- new’s Catnrrim] Powder [ WM benefit;- ed at. once," are his words. It. Is A wonderml remedy. 5O cents.â€"65. Minard's Liniment Eures Burns. etc. Montreal We can Sold at all dealch but only with this brand :â€"- ‘ Each shirt bears a. tiny book that tells the whole history of the “Big” Shirt, and also contains a notarial declaration that the H.B.K. “Big” Shirt contains 39% to 42 yards of material per dozen. man to work in with comfort. Has more material in it than any other brand of shirt in Canada. Made on the H.B.K. scale it requires 39% to 42 yards per dozen: and comfortable and wears well That’s the reason why the H.B.K. “Big” Shirt never chafes the armpits, is never tight at the neck or wristâ€" bands, is always loose, full common shirts have only 32 to 3 3 yards HUDSON BAY KNITTlNG C0. Made big enough for a big SEEM“ dressed to best adantngo. handle your poultry either. Winnipeg honey and Limited Dawson indo- Shirk If it grow

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