Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Dec 1904, p. 8

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Ont! further notice Hails will be closed at the ahmoml Hill Post Oflica as follows:â€" MORNING ......... 8,00 EVENING ......... 6.15 1| B.--Regiqterod Letters must be handed in at lanai; Fifteuu Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours [or closinn. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.3C P M Leave C P Y v 1‘- uuv, ucu aâ€"nuuuuu 01.1‘4 V. n... .â€" implements on lot ‘28, 6c}: con Vaughan the property of Alfred Bimbo . Sale at 1. Terms 10 months. Snigeon d: ncbwan, aunts Saturday. Dec aâ€"Auctiou sale of 21 standard bred horses at. the Eagle hotel, Weston. Bale at 1. Six months. Suigenn dz Mona-en. uucts 'lnesday. Dec Gâ€"Auctinn sale of farm shark and impluments on lot 2l, 5th con Vaughan. the roperty of David Sea<1.jr. Sale at 1. Terms 0 months. Snigeon dc McEwen. uucca Wednesday, Dec 7â€"Auction sale of horses, colts. hash mllk cowe.springern and In a feed- mg steam at the Palmer House var a.Rich- mund dill. Sale at 2. Terms 3 11:05.5 mot: and :0 mos, Snigeon 6: MoEwon.aucts Wednesdtw, Dec 7â€"Credit sale of {arm stock and lmnlelnencs on lot 15. ml con Markham the property of Elliott. Sale at 10. Twelve montlm. J H Prentice. uuct W. 4-4. and V Fr‘dav. Dec Qâ€"Anntion sale of fury} $2961! and ,A- n... 'I uesday. Dec Gâ€"Auc and implements on lot roperty of David Seen 0 months. ‘Sniaeou dc V FridavaaDâ€"Auct implements con 8. Prurerty_nf.M£ Smelsc 27.2 heave Rn-h (‘hmch of Englandâ€"â€"Servi Bun-lav. Prehhytorimx Churchâ€"Set 7 p. m. Sunday School at '2 Wodnes" 5y evening. Ro-nm Catholic Churchâ€" natn Suudnva at 9 11.111. uni Methodist Church --Servi( 7 n. m. Sunday School at 2 meeting Thuvsdn-y. evening. Rwhmund Lndgn. A F M) dnv an m‘ hefore fu‘l moon Smizoon’ & ale E No hanve N ewm m‘kct 7 Leave T Rwhm dav on 1 Court tom-N1 I A Blu tail ; u] METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Wednv‘s 1m R T ~t‘ 'l of each vur Fire Bri: momh The Next No. 3, ( Tuasdmv The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for s-fle some good young stock. 'l‘homugh-brvd bull and hog kept fm- service on the promises. a MSW! RICHMOND HILL _.QN_ SATURDAY, JAN. 21, 1905 POST n m D SUNNYSIDE FARM 346 Broadway, New York. new d C o u n t r y Home and its surroundings. Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for six months. We send free on re- quest our catabgue of t h e b e s t books on on do with FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. Betwe RICHMOND HILL iST OFFICE NOTICE 49t- wk and Tan Bitch, with a short so a. Spm ted Dog. JOHN GLADY, 53 Bthvhm'sL St” Toronto. Commencing at 10 u. m. f‘hursdny. evening. ‘nd Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meeta Mon- ‘ hefore fun moon iohmoud. A 0 F~Meets Second and iriay Ins. A O U Wâ€"-Mects thiri Wednesday muth . Hz: ms 0 S â€"Meets second and fourth "-S' ’I‘emneranceâ€"Meets first Manesqu emperance '11 th Sale Register. illage Directory. iau Churchâ€"Services at u a. m,.and Jday School at; 2.30. Prayer meeting evening. athnlic Churchâ€"Services on alter- 3 at!) a. m. and 10.30 a. m. , Churcb--Servit‘os 8510.30 3. m.. and army School M. 2.30. General prayer ‘ Sitting of Division Court fox Inuuty of York, will be held in the Court Room, u. (laâ€"Meets first Monday of every nfi bfitdaor life and recreation my and Bea-ling Room-Open Saturdav evenings. ngue â€"MI.-ets evm‘v Monday. the GOING NORTH 'I‘or GO lNG SOUTH LOST l'uu L‘. F. MCMAEON CLERK H1“ D. G. GOUDERHAM, LOSES AT 7.30 P M M. TEEFY. Post-master nuc g at 6, 7.20. 9.40, .45 5.45. cUNI] P. ll 8:30, 10.30 a. m‘ 6.30. 8.35 p. m. 30‘ y mun. i'ru 3819 of farm Mack and King. nmu' Nobletnu.tbe 1-. Sales“. Ten mouths. .15, 11.15 a. m 7.30 p. m. . 8.10, 9.55, 11 0.56,B.10 p.111. 11.1 Newmmket. .cea at 3p. In. every Proprietor ILW n. m {12.20, 2.20 2, 3.15 STANDARD BANK Received HIGHEST BURRENT RATES. General Banking Business Transacted. Money Loaan ml Farmors' Sale Notes. Blank Note Forms Supplied Free. For other particulars call at the Bank The undersigned begs to than}; the pubiic for the gen- erous patronage accorded him PATRONS I Anyone sending a sketch and dcscri Hon may Quickly ascertain om- opininu free w ether an Invention is probably pntentuble. Communica- uons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for secunng patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without. charge in the ‘ “ or" , , 0 “.4- _> A A fieagra! 3% A hands‘ culntion year : f0 year; IOIII‘ luulluub‘ A. UV.“ ., mum gama'mmw'avi‘wiéw m ,, M n m XVan‘inrvvntx T), (1. 350. per F001;. All kinds of imple- ments Repaired W. Eager, Prop; Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Capital Rest; g‘c‘igfififié éaigéficag: Horse-shoeing a specialty. All kinds of Blacksmithmg done. lira: GEO. warm, Of Canada RICHMOND HILL Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and up-to-date far~ mers. By reading THE VVEEKLY SUN, the Farmer’s Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- ness. THE SUN’S market reports are worth many times the sub- scription price to you. Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service THE SUN has ren- dered him in a public Igray. It was due to the action of THE SUN in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards, drainage across rail- ways, and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended. Farming Far Profit. \Ve will send THE VVEEKLY SUN from now to lst January, 1905, in combination with eived in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at THE LIBERAL for 30 cents. And hopvs for a continuance of the same. I" u: MU. u . . .. nr-h Ofilco. 625 F St. Washington. ‘0. C. )mely illustrated weekly Largest air. of any scientific journal. Terms. 83 n at months‘ $1. Sold by alLyewed‘cillen-n. J'. W'. OSBORNE. TO 111$ RICHMOND HILL. 3,1 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 DEEPâ€"075th Made to order at AGENT. agfis ++M+++++++~b+++++++¢++++++ HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and. Paper- Hanger. W. HEWl30N, Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. RICHARDSON HOUSE Black and Blue \Voxsl Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL FALL Are Your Lungs Worth 25 (Its. ? Use Sandm-snn’s White Pine and Tar Use Sander-son’s \Vhite Pine and an. Will Relieve Cough In a few flours. YVill Cure in a. Few Days-â€" Use Sanderson’s White Pine and Tar. Nothing Better nt' Coughs and Coldsâ€"Use Sanderson’s \Vhito Pine and Tar. 000000 Another good seasonable article at this time of the year is war Chocolate Coated Bromide and Ouinlne (or Col-.1 in the Head and Grippe. Best quality. My Stock of \Voolens for BIAPI JE . THOROUGHLY REFITTED. Sanderson’s White Pine and Tar. is now complete comprising Why do you Cough all Day P Tailor, Richmond Hill ++-s-+++-:~~2~+++M++ v , a r Y ,9 ~3~H~+ FREDERIC K DACIL Prop DRUGGIST â€"USEâ€" {$3361 Blue \Voxsted Low prices. Threshors‘ Coal on hand. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Riohxnon d EIill June 11, 1903 LWERY LIBEfigz’ms ' sum 1:: anvsmcs. Coal and Wood Prices R Eiichael Ema, §§é§mfifl§m§ "rec. Mcfionaid Tinware, Stove-pipes, Eibows, Eave- troughing, Iron Roofing. and every- thing in the tin and hardware Repairing promptly and neatly done. CGAL :QfiWMfi-fiww 7 ELM W069 Ight And set them up for you r Dehvered. . & E. MASON «15- an uh... &flfi $5§§UQ£J~ W'e have Blankets. nverything RON-s, Bl Gauntlets necessary self and h mnd you prices The swec THE ' ibiUll rown life SINGER SEWING iishmenfi Hill @513; an IRE AND LIF :9 goods we offer are l o..nnd will stand the we export of them. ‘ ‘9 sell reliable goods at 1‘6! Subscribe for ing tuning Second~ba )w Mt RICHMOND HILL h ( Db AND URGANS Bsf‘ilfl and 1 g in t mkets and 2C}??? md endmvment, policies. iet our terms. anndinn Mercantile Laws. many 011' the cumfm «iEGK, .6. Sim. LIBERAL ‘E INSURANCE r» Insumnr-e hm; the H'ne HI‘ ds at, reasonable MACHINES :uvzlziues. Oil and w with u‘ if Iil in the way of ml. in fact, nf “Hsirnesa, ‘Juats, Mitts. thor articles mt of- your- *e honestly ch. lI‘ that £4

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