Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Dec 1904, p. 4

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The Mail and Empire of Monday says: “ The first task that will en- gage the attention of the Prime Min‘ ister upon his return to the capital will be the selection of A Speaker. The general impression is that; the choice for speaker ofthe Commons )vill fall upon Mr. A. Campbell.” If Sir Wilfrid Selects the member for Centre York for the position of speaker, there is every reason to be» lieve the latter will fill the position with grace, dignity and honor. The Ontario House has been dis- solved by the Lieut. Governor, and dections wiil be held on ‘the 25th of January. The Toronto Star of Tuesday con- tained an article in which it was salted thzit the Dominion Alliance would probably nominate candidates for the legislature at the coming elections. A member stated that if Ir. Whitney wins in the coming contest the Alliance will ask him to grant prohibition. This looks like fully, as Mr. Whitney has publicly stated that he has no use for prohibi- tion. To what crimes and offences (lees The». Mail refer ? Mr. Gamey has gone so far as to charge contemplat- eJ murder against; the Ross Govern- ment. The Mail would like to as- sociate the members of the Govern- ment with the recent; ballot box frauds at Belleville, but where is the ground for such a charge ? The Government and all honest Liberals deplore the rascality, and are pre- pared to do what they can in punish- ing the perpetrators of the crimes. There has been no charge of corrup- tion proven against Mr. Ross or his associates. If empty charges and coarse abuse would stand for sound reasoning and argument, the names of the members of the Government would have been wiped ofi‘ the slate long ago. But no charge of corrup. ' tion has been proven against them. The Mail of Monday repeats its bpinion expressed on a previous oc- 'casion that “ every man who becomes 5a candidate for the Ross Government accepts the responsibility for the po. litical crimes, and the nominee can- not be dissociated from the offences.” We have no doubt Mr. St. John ‘was sincere in uttering the above words, but had he said half as much in the recent Conservative Confer- ence in Toronto, he would have proved himself to be a man possess- ing backbone. When the subject of temperance was touched upon in the conference, Mr. St. John opened not his mouth. The door of the liquor traffic will never be closed, nor will prohibition be secured by speeches made in Massey Hall on Sunday fter'n'oo‘ns. Mr. J. W. St. John, ex-M.P.P. for West York, who occupied the chair at the meeting in Massey Hall Sun- day, in connection with the Canad- ian Temperance League, spoke of the growing temperance sentiment in Ontario. It was the duty of Gov- Ernments. said he, to safeguard the citizen, and every effort that tended to minimize an evil made for the Safety of the people. “To the ex- tent that you restrict the liquor traffic,” said Mr. St. John, “you open avenues for increased freedom among the people: Oh, for the day to comeâ€"and let it be soonâ€"when we will safeguard our youth against the avenues to sinâ€"close the door of the liquor traffic.” Change Change Change @119 meu ‘I‘CHMOND HILL NEW Adfiiiartisements. World‘s D J. C. Aycr >eusnry Medical Aasoc'n Dece mher 15, 1904 For the'purpose of selecting :1 Candi- date to Contest the Riding in the in- terests of Elle Liberal party for the Luca] Legislature. Enc‘n thDivisim). under the Con- stitutinn. is entitled to five Delegates. sm-h Delegates to be selected at, a meeting called by the Convener. on ARTHUR QUANTZ, A. R. STIVER, A Convention of Delegates of the sev- eral Sub-Divisions of East York will be held in aEéEREE EA§T TGEWNTG, Note the following clubbing rates THE LIBERAL and \Veokly Globe to Jan. 1, 08 . . . . . . $ 1 THE LIBERAL and \Veekly Mail, to Jnn.1. ’06 . . . . . 1 THE LIBERAL and Daily Glolm, one year, York On. 3 THE LIBERAL and Daily M:in one year. York Co. 3 THE LIBERAL and Dain World to Jun. 1 ’06 . . . . . . 3 Easi Yam iébmis XMAS ENTERTAINMENT. The scholars of the Presbyterian Sabbath School will present the fol- lowing program at their annual Xmas Tree Entertainment. which will he held in the basement of the church on Thursday evening, Dec. 22: Opening Chorus, “Awake! Awake l" “ Holly Wreath Exercise ” by twelve little girls. Uhorus, “When Good Old Kiis Comes Round.” Cantata (with music), “A Christ- mas for Santa Claus.” Chorus, “Rim,r Love into each Heart.” At the close of the program Santa Claus will distribute gifts, which he will manufacture on the spot. A special mill is being constructed ac- cording; to Santa’s directions, and no one should fail to see this wonderful machine. The program will com- mence at 8 o’clock sharp. Admission, adults, 15 cents ; children, 10 cents. The Maple Methodxst S. S. purpose giving the musical cantata. “ Under the Palms,” on the evening of Monday, Dec. 26. ‘.._»_ wbvuw. Hum“ UVA‘AUI'AJ u; Avw counties. .518 salary and expenses paid weeklv. Expense money advanced. Cnmmissiou extra. Permanent eugagment. Business successful. Previous experience not essential. Enclose- sslfâ€"addressed euvalone. Address. SUPEBIN TENDENT TRAVELERS,325 Dear‘aom St" Chica- WANTEDâ€"(gummy. few persons to represert long established Wholesale house among remil Rants and agents. Local tenmlry of few Come now, Mr. Mail, tell your readers what Mr. Ross has said in a isneering way about Mr. Whitney that shows him to be a dwarf among men. Surely you do not take your readers for a. lot of blockheads who swallow everything they see in the newspapers. Give Mr. Ross’ exact words and let people judge for them selves. You often talk of British fair play, but we fail to see any trace of it in your remarks as quoted above. “Mr. Ross has begun his cam paign in the Globe by sneers at Mr. Whitney. Such tactics reveal the exact measure of the man who re- sorts to them. They show that the Premier is a dwarf among men.” The Muil of yesterday contained the following among its editorial notes:â€" Mr. John Richardson, who has been local member for East York for the past ten years, has been appoint- ed Clerk of the County Court for the County of York. Mr. Richardson have been a faithful member of the House, and his geniality and honesty has made him a favorite with both sides of politics. He has never been noted for making long speeches in the Legislature, but his previous municipal training as township councillor, county councillor and ‘ warden made him one of the most valuable members of the various committees on which he worked. Mr. Richardson has not en- joyed the best of health for a num- ber of years past, but we sincerely hope he may long be spared to fill the position to which he has recently been appointed; «mg called by the Convener, on (:vqung before the convention, at President BGSTON’S HALL, AT 1.30 P. M Club Rates. ER 1 594 Sec‘y-Tre; 12.23 3.50 3. 50 3. 50 1.80 ¢¢¢¢§¢¢§¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢6¢¢64W¢§¢§ PENNYROYAL WAFE RS \ ADpeclflc monthly 1! to restore and my producimg free, hom‘ dluclmrgu. No aches puma!) Now used 0: Unueused wmusea: than m1:an Buy only those! with our (mm orlube‘. Avoid 3‘ m5 ulars muled 2c _ox. Avjqreas, EUL‘. Real Bargains {#90f0¢¢é¢§¢¢§¢§¢¢§¢09¢606 @Winter Term from Jan N0 Better Cnmmel'cial School in Canada than the popular Private Funds to loan on Farm Property, at 5 per cent, Interest pay- able hulf yearly. Apply to 8-11-lm H. A. NICHOLLS In siiverware "I can afford to give real bargains in up-to-date goods of first quality, having purchased a traveller’s sample line. The fact, that they were chosen for samples is suflicient proof of Lheir quality and finish. These godds are excellent choice for Ghlistmas buyers who want good silverware. Write 111218. We 'ofi'er superior advan‘u‘gvs with eighteen teachers; fine equipment and thorough work. We have helped hundreds tn mount up the the grade. May we, not help yuu? Let, us send you our handsome cut- fllngue at, any rate: Bargains are generally gnods sold at a reduction in price on account of being out of date, or of poor quality; but that is not the case here. What about) by spending The 5% off for cash until Christ- Eerry Smith Money to Loan After Eiolidays c mongth H. SHAW’, Principal making a step forward a. term in our schoolâ€"â€" {size LE5â€" ménres; :19! 9.1151 painless indie! 54? 4.+'++++++++-zo++++++++++++++++ +~§~M+++~§~+++¢+'}~~I*-£"§‘*}‘~‘~-I0{'++++- o +4~++~3~M~++++++~§~§~++++++++++~3~ ++~z~:~+ awwwag Q Gaflw‘fi’zfifi METROPOLITAN fifflfi 9E§®Q§§Q§§W6QSQ§2S§GQ >$+W+M+M+++++++€~l~+e M»:-+++~§~+++++-:â€"~:~:~~2v:--§w:~ o ~2»4~+-§«§~+++++++'~?++++++++++M4 FE? LIVERY IN CONNECTION. This company issues one of the best policies on the market to- day. It is easily understood. Just £13 weexplaiu it, so it is: if not you are not asked to accept it. Ask thosa who have them and see what they will tell you. People in this age are alive in respect to Life- Insuranse as an investment, with its protection, and insist on having the best. That is Confed- eration Life Association. PIANUSJAQBVGANS, NEW VYILLIAMS GROCERIES, VH1] have our prompt attention. A11 A1 companies. +-2»2~++++.;~+~:~~;~.~++~M OYSTERS. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS. . B. LUEFQRQ, Prep. “AGENTS FORâ€"â€" EBNW ii??? Efiéfiéfifigfifi $9. IRE I}? Sflfiflffiflfl . SEWIN G M+~2~++++~9++ mun-mm :o+«:-~z~-:--:~~:~++++++~Hus~+++++a+4"; . ACHTNF PRUVISIDNS M~+++++MM»:-M+++~2~~zvzwz~+ 1; Eu! “(’15. A‘ P" nu .gafn mm 33‘?

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