Special-~33 packagvs Quaker Oats, 250.; 2 packages Force. 25c.; 2 pack- ages Vim, 25c. ; 4 lbs. selected raisins, 25c.; 4 lbs. cleaned cum-ants. 256.; black lead, 50., rogular 10c. ; vasoline, '50., regular 101:. Naughtou Bros., Elgin Mills. A convent-inn of delegates of East York Liberals will be held in Buston‘s Hull, East Turoutu, 0n Salmday of this week, conunoncing at 1.30 p. m.. :fm'lhe purpose uf selecting a. candi- date to contest .the riding in the intvr- estuf the Liberal party for the Local Legishturc. See adv. on another page. Motormnn Thomas Ryan had an arm ‘broken Friday forenunn, A switch at. the siding Snulh of Aurora had been left upon. and the 10.30 cur, on ;which Ryan was mntornnu). ran into :1 con! car that had been left there. The veskihulenf the electric car was crushed in pinning the lnoturmun against the inside partition. Severn] 0f the passengers were also shaken up by the jar. A farm house near Purplevillo. oc- cupied by Mr. Rugor Harvey and fam- ily, was burned tn the ground Thurs- day morning. between 7 and 8 o’clock. The ï¬re was in the roof when ï¬rst seen, though how'it, originate-d seems to be a; mystery. The ‘huilding was in- sured by Mr. Savage in the Mercantile )ompuny tn the amount of $250. and the conte‘nts by one of Mr. Snigeon’s cnmpunia-s to the amount of $200. Much sympathy is felt fur Mr. Harvey in being burned out at. this cold Lime uf year. The Mail Plintmg (‘0. are giving as a remium to every suhscrilwr of The V eekly Mail and Empire their “ Atlas of Canada and the \Vnrld." The Mail ‘is $1 a year. The Mail and The Lib- Leonard \Vullace, 23 years ofage, second son of the late Hon. N. (J. \Vallucv, was shntwhile out rabbit hunting neut- \Vundbridge, and now lies in the Tmnnto Gmwxnl Hospital in an extreuwly criticle condition. averythil lino. ,is $1 em], The brethren of Richmond Lodge, A. F. & A. M.. :u-e invited to attend :1 meeting of Markham Union Lodge‘ Markham. on Friday evening. 16th inst, (m which occasion R. \V. Bm. Thompson, I). D. G. M., will be pre- sent. Mr. M. Patton, Grover, 0ft11isplac9, lost one of his \vol-k horses on F1 iday last in the city. The animal fell on thensphalt pavement. and in getting up broke one of its hind legs. Conse- quently it had to be shot. A meeting of the curling club is call- ed fnr this evening (Thursday) at 8.30, in the Council Chambvr. All interest- ed are requested to attend as arrange- ments must, be made if the nuk is to be secured. Get Christmas calendars, C! cards and ()hz-ishnus buoks LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. The Counc‘l requests us to say that; the rink will be open to skaters Saturday evening nfbhis week. The manager hopes to see a [pod turn- out on the opening night. 26, Mr. and MI two children day with Mr. Skatesâ€"All kinds at C. & E. Mason’s. Ivy LodgmNo. 114, A. O. U. \V., will meet for the election of ofï¬cers nu “’ednesdzny evening of next wee-k. Afull attendance of the members is requested. A nomination meeting for the nom- ination of wove, councillors and school trustees will be ht‘ld in the Council Qhambei- Monday evening, December Mr. nnd Ml spent, Friday MIPS. Killlwrl. Rev. A. P. Bruce. I Brook, has boon (-locu-d lain by the Gland Di Temperance. Mr. A. G. Savage is spending the week in tho nnrt hem part of thecmm- ty on business (-nnnecled with the Confederation: Life Assuciatiun. Miss DUI-nthy anlvr of Toronto. is spending a. few days with Mrs. D. Hill. Mr.‘J. H. Gibbs of this place. saw his Vrtnxwky r-nlt. vightm-n mnnths‘ nld. to Mr. James Malloyof Teston, for $110.00 cash. As Christmas day and Ntzw Year‘s Day full on Sundays. Monday, Dec. 26and Mmdny, the 2nd hf Jnnmuy will be set apart as public lmlidays. A good lino nf paddedipnctg at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Mr, D. 0. Steele is mu‘x‘) in the city. O. & E. MnStm sell stoves ranges mnde by the best makers. Pocth dimies fnr sule ERAL Ofï¬cu. ESE-Em Eé‘iZ/iiamaï¬. RICHMHND HILL, Dvcmnber at. $ 1'. 80. 7. 30. 11's. Marshall Brown nnd n. Tm-nntn, spvnt Satur- - Brown’s parents hm‘v. 'asnn keep a full line of u the tin and haldwarc w-n (-lecm'd Grand Chap- Gumd Division Sons of . .Im". Qunntz of Edgelj', evening with Mr. and Brace, B. D., Newton In (2 Ill: M's, hristmns books at THE Lin s and prices ‘Hï¬: LIB- £13 jury- {UK Speded raisins, 10c. 1h.; selenth Valencia raisins, 3 lbs. fr11*250.; best Dehosa cluster raisins, 200. 11).; best Pan-21$ wnshvd and cleaned cum-ants, 3 lbs. for 250.; extra dates. 60.1b.; extra. ï¬gs. 50. lb. Atkinson &Switzer. Sanderson. V. 8.. ft house of Mr. \Vm covered from a case A large number (if Liberals attend- ed the annual meeting (If Vaughan Reform Association yestexday. After mntine business had been attended to, the fullnwim: ofï¬cers were re-elected for the ensuing yezll': Preside») L, ' R. Harvev; lst Vic‘s-President. “'11). Cook ; 2nd Vice-P:-os., J. A. Stevenson; Trens., Dugnld McDonald; 8. M. Smi Inspiring by Mr. A. Ha l'\'( An mwthllsiastic meeting of those inlcleslxd'in Canada’s natiuunl winter game was held in the Council Cham- her Saturday evening lust, when the following: ofï¬cers wvx-o elected : Hon. I’resh‘lent. J. H. Sanderson ; President, A. Boyle: lst Vice-Pres.) Jnhn Ginver ; 2nd Vice-Pres., W. 0. Savage; Sec’y-Treas., A. G. Savage; Captain, Gen. Sims; Managing Committee, H. Sunder- snn, B. Goode, F. Ludfol-d. Re-npouing seu‘icos will be held in the Methodist Church at I-Ieadford next Sunday. Dec. 18. Rev. E. Baker of Down'Evie-w, will preach morning and evening. when collections will be taken in aid of the Trust Fund. On the following \Vednesduy evvning, Dec. 21. commencing at 8 o’clock, a lecture will be given by Rev. C. O. Johnston, subject, “Characteristic People.†Admission, 25 cents. «J I r i ""’â€J "'o‘" Fourcharges of nitro glycerine were used, and it; is thought the thieves hurried away, thinking that the noise of the explosion had roused some of the villagers. Strange to say nobody in the vicinity was aroused. Some blacksmith’s tools were found in the store when the 010ka opened up for the day. County Constables Brown and McMullen are investigating. “79. have everything L.) decorate the Christmas tree with, and something to put on it for every member of the family. Only a few days left in which todo your buying. and the choosing cannot be better or easier done than now. Atkinson 85 Switzar. SAFEBLOVVERS AT W'OOD- BRIDGE. Bul'glars failed to get $700 which was in a safe. the door of which they blew off in Wallace Bros.’ general sLure YVoodbridge, on Friday night. An npe hall at V of this ‘ 'l‘hvre dialog! Enlmt brethren f‘mn have been invit brig trac‘ rant we‘lu doon An Xmas Tree and Entertainment will he half] on the evening of Friday. Dec. 23rd, in the Methndist Chm-ch, Victoria Squnm. Agnud progmunme consisting uf song‘s, choruses. drills. and dialogues will be given by the pupils of Him Sunday School. A pleas- ant time is expected. Santa Claus will appear at the close and distrilmte the prvsunts. Rev. Mr. lnmphell will be chairman. Everybody welcome. Cl‘horegvillube nu admission fee but, There will be no udï¬mis: instead a Sllver collection. Richmond Lodge. A. F. will meet next, Monday PM oï¬icinl visitis expected fl" Bro. Thompson, 1). J). G brethren from neighbm-i A (’1) 'istmns ment will he- he Schoul nn Thm \Ve spevinlly recommend our rom‘L ers tosuhscriho tn the Fnrmex's‘ Ad- vocate and Home Magnzino.’ 'Jhe price is $1.50. The paper is issued every Thursday. Subscriptions taken at tlus ofï¬ce. 151; Vice-P 2nd Vice-P Tl-eusn Du Secy.. XV. Chairmen An ope-n Mooring wifl he m ‘1! at \Villnwdnlc on Friday this wet-k, in cmmoctinn ms of 'l‘empomncv. TheI-c ight spvnkvrs. good singing active vlouutiun. Talent, 1 Live R mue. XMAS VAUGHAN LIBERALS. und Rum m. \ML-Gl \V. BOARD OF HEALTH . XV. D. McDonald. mon_nt polling divisions : g addresses were delivered . Campbell. M. P.. G. \V. ndidute for “’est York; R. I. Naughtcu and others. UL’EN MEETING. 1 Mooring wili he hvld in the illnwdnle on Fri‘duy vveuing H4; in cmmvctinn with the 'l'cmpomncv. There will he mkt-l's. gnnd singing and at- vlocutiuu. Talent, from T0- 1 other places. Everybody Silver collectiun at; the HOCKEY CLUB :son; }llli\‘l‘:ly aighton; : HEADFORD. LANGSTAFF ENTERTAINMENT. Tree. at n l“. (K? A veiling. 'I'om R. | R. \V. M. , an d ludch tut-tain- CONCORD. I +++++Mmmghnbu¢¢¢ M.. An Ared sow, Tamworth, full grown, struved frmn the premises. 102; 23, 3rd con. Vaughan. on up about the ï¬rst of December inst. Any person knowing of her where- abouts will plwlse notify tlw uwnur, HORACE RVMBLE, PAULâ€"At Elmvale, {m (be 7th inst, a. son to Rev. and Mrs. A‘ J. Paul. HooPER-Bowm -AD Due Parson-EEG. Maple, on “Wednesday. Dec.7. Dy Kev. W. N. Ch \ntler, MiSF Jennie Bowcs. daughter of Thomas Buwoe uf Vaughan sowmhip. to George Hewett Hooper of 'l'horuhiil. IJENmmâ€"-â€"RANGLEâ€"-At the Pursnnaaa. Dir-h- mrm'l 3141. on Wezlnesday. the 14th of De" . Mr. C. Donnie, to Miss Annie ’Rangle, both of Vi {aria Square. It is said that the Family Herald and \Vee-kly Star of Montreal has more readers than any other ï¬ve weekly papms in Canada combined. That it goes on increasing year after year is no wonder, fox its marvellous circulation enables the publishers to speua more and more money each succeeding year to keep the Family Herald ahead of all competitors. This year we are told their premium pic- ture, which is given to all who sub- scribe, cost more money than any two former premiums. “The Princess at \Vorkâ€-is the title of this year’s pie» turc, and it is a. perfect beauty. One dollar seemsa small amount to pur- chase such a picture, and a year’s sub- scription to that big weekly. \Ve learn that the Family Herald is ha-vâ€" ing a phenomenal int-Tease in the num- ber of its readms this year. At Christmas time many peoplesup- pnse they are charged more fur pur- chases than at, other seasons of the year. Possibly ibis so at some stores. but not at Atkinson & Switzer’s. \Ve can just save you $3.00 on :1 ï¬ne black or blue Cheviot suit if you give us your order. Posters are out announcing nomina- tion meetings for the various divisions in York County, for County Council- lors for the next, two years. The meeting forthis division, No. 4, com- prising the township of Vaughan, and the Villages of Richmond Hill and VVoodhridge, will he held at the Town- ship Hnll, Vellore, on Monday, the 19thinst., between the hours of one and two o‘clock. If n greater number of candidates are nominated than are required to be elected, the polls will he opened at the polling places for the polling sub-divisions within the said district, on Monday, the 2nd of January next. A school cuncex-t will I)? gin-n in S. S. 7, Vaughan, Concurd. on Thursday, Dec. ‘22.. Programmn tu cnnsist; hf funcy drills, marches. dialnguvs, mt?- tntions, musicmtc. Admissiun : adults, 15 cents; children. 10 cents. Dom-s open at 7 p. m. Programme at 7.30 p. m. slmrp. The fullmving were l‘IPCLl'd ofï¬cers of Court Richmond, No. 7046. last Fri- day evening, for the year 1905 :â€" P. O. R.“ Fred Hopper; C. R.. T. H. Trench; S. C. R., Frank Hopper: Twas, H. A. Nicholls; Secy., W. E. \Viley; S. \V.. J. Glove-x; J. \V.. J Tifï¬n; S. 13., A. Metcnlfe: J. 3., Lame Patterson; Auditurs, A. G. SaVnge, D. Hill, A. \VI-ight; Trustees, H. F. Hopper, D. Hill, Newton. Leave your order at Tm; LIBERAL Ofï¬ce for a copy of the Canadian Al- manac fur1905. The publishers prom- ise they will be ready tu-u'uu-l-uw. The annual Xmas Tree and Enter- tainment, in cmnmction with the Methodist Sunday Schnul will he held on Xmas night. (Monday). The pru- gram will consist of a Chi-istnms cam- mm entitled “The Old Fashioned Santa. Claus.†which introduces Sum-a Claus, Elves, Fairies, Flowvr (ill-ls, etc. Also :1 number of fancy drills. The committee are making an effort t0 make. this entertainment, the best, yet. Hair Vigwé' i Gooci Hair $1.00 a. home. Andra ï¬sts. the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. "I have used Afor’s HM: VI or for over“! years. I am now 9 years old an have I heavy growth of rich brown hair. due. I think. on- Uely :0 A31â€: [Igu- Vigor Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it’s probably too late. You neglected dandrufl’. If you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured NOM INATION MEETINGS. 0N CHRISTMAS NIG HT. TH E BEST ALWAYS. A. O. F. OFFICERS. Strayed MARRIAGES, M. Al'fï¬iiwa. Belleville. [IL BIRTHS for age, D. Hill, W. Maple P. J. 0. AYE}! 00-. Lowell. Man. Guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, Distemper and ï¬rst stages of heaves, which are frequantly caused by chronic coughing after distemper. . This is a. grandfrepnyut‘imlpqd willÂ¥s_t_n»p» anyAcuugl]. _ For'sule in Richmond Hill by'Geof'McDonald, Harness Mak W 't for sample toâ€" g. A. magma & m. m King St. E. TORONTO- Yorkshire Cough and Heave Cure Makes all kinds of-stock thrive. Splendid for milk cows ; inreases the flow of milk. fattens calves aml stall feeding catLlo and hogs. 'Gives horses 8. sleek cunt, futtens them, puriï¬es the blood, cleanses the legs and gives them a. healthy appearance. This Stock Food is manufactured by practical stockmen, and is guaranteed to give quicker, lem- and more permanent results than any other Stock food. or money rpfumlvd. If you have been disappointed in other so-culled Stock Foods. get a. sample of “YORKSHIRE STOCK FOOD’and the results will convince you that; it is premier stock food in the market. +++¢+++ To warm your friends on Christmas morning. There is nothing as nlce as to have a ï¬rst-class Heater. W'e can supply your wants in every particular. Satisfaction or no money is our motto. ‘ WEBB EYEE 8;. 3% Riahmaï¬‚ï¬ 5% ' +++++++++++++++ a {I‘PEClli 4-4- "{"l' +++ +++++4~§~+++++++§~ +++M+$+++ 9W++M%++++4'+6 *5 4' 4' + .§. + .§. .§. M .g. Q. 4° .g. .g. + .g. .g. 4° + 4. ~H"§"§‘ .g. 4' ‘9 1‘? ‘9 4‘ .g. M + .§. M + M 4- +455; + 'z'r .g.‘ ATKINSGN & SWITZER +++++++++++++¢++++++++++~2~++++++++++++++++4+ A Multitude of Fancies for Here you wii to be procured in We have everything here that you can think or dream of. D To visit and inspect our stock will be a delightful experience to you. As is to be expected our prices are the lowest. The very best qualities and special values in Raisins, Currants, Spices, Peels, Essences, Teas, Coffees, Figs, Dates, and Patterson's Fancy Chocolates. We have everything that can be had to suit all tastes and purses. Buy here. They buy because our goods and prices please them. DOUBLE HEATERS the Glorious, Generous Christmas Groceries. I‘l I'D] Most Wise Buyers You should have one oiour “MM-MW Christmas-Tide ¢§§H§+§¢¢¢HOH vyill ï¬nd the very best that is DNOQOHN .f. 3T? Hotel i; .hogw! 1:1. .++.I v+++++++++ _+++++++++._ 1:1, .12 I: :3. i