VOL. XXV“. LIBERAL PEEMTING Is PUBLISHED EVE. THURSDAY MOE East fit-Li low Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Our. Ohu‘mh and Carlton Sts., . - Toruntu, Will be in Richmnnd Hill on Wed nesday nf each \vvek. 03306, next. dour nurth of Standâ€" ard B’mk. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"3.30 a. m. tn 5 D. m. JOHN B. CAMPBELL, Dr. C. HAROLD CL ARKSQN Calls by day and night; promptly at- tended to. J. H. SANDERSDN, NOTARY PUBLIC, HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. VEGETABLE sn'cm'mï¬â€˜ , flair Renewng Renews t what you restores t Piiii W l) i ' U E Newest varieties, and specialties in I J L‘ J \J 0 Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits and _ Shrubs, Ornamentals. and Roses. A BIG HMO N D HILL ‘ pel-munvnt situatinn. and territory 1‘?- _; .. f . .- . . k_ Ru'uo-le‘.lad,and newly furnished throughout l I“? Icazizzegnr 0 no of the was I: nuveuieub and cuzufortabi-e; 3" ‘ ' hotels on Yiyuge Street. Every modern con. particulars. and send 25 cents for our i l , . v vanieuze Sm Ile mums for ccémmeacxali pocket nncrnscnpe, Just the thing to travellers. \ni I'm! stopping place or r1 ing ‘ use in e ..l min . d .1 for or driving!) Lrbiasï¬ï¬‚cyulists. m- farmers going ; x‘ m g flees an pl“ ts harrqr-r-zixu fmvu nmrkeb. Electric cars InseCts' pan the door Live) 3' n ~ ouuection mm MAW, m, i STONE & WELLINGTON, $1 per annum, in advance.] VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL TERMS $1.00 PER DAY W43. SAVAGE - The property formerly owned and occupied by the late J. M. Davis. sit- uated immediately smith of the High Schoul on Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Em- igï¬mrmatinn apply to JAMES NE\VTON. Omce Hours â€"8 Thornhill 2nd and 3rd Â¥7Wednesdaya mm Our. Blour and Yonge, Toronto. BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY SURGEt 'Fhornhill. PHYSICIAN A ND SUI DB. WM. HUGE 1):? utist. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Maple, Ont. oommsstoxnnm TEE the hair, makes it new again, restores the freshness. Just 11 need if your hair is faded ortuming gray, for it always 31:: color. SAtops faililiingihrair, also.â€â€™â€œ".f':. "-“rémmmm 21 Victoria St. Toronto. pl‘k For Sale Wetcrixmnx aflcdiral. ntist, ileum. bh :MAHON. Pnommron 3 Dr. Sisley.) 1| )BLISH! so repla‘ting, at }00(l work. new; m. tn 5 p. m. l to 2.30 {NING “83, GEON, Elgin Mills. “(MR Prop A G F Lawrence W Riduut Wadsworth Lindsey. Lawrence 39 Wadsworth, Barrister-sï¬olicitors. Notaries, 366. Home Life Building (formerly Free- hold Lnnn Bldg). Cur. Adelaide & Victoria Sls.. Toronto. Barri‘sbers, Solicitors. etc. TORONTO OFFICE: N0. 33 Rich mnnd St. \Vest..\\-’osloy Buildings, (Methodist; Book Room,) To- 11mm. Mr. Cook will he at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. Mouev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest mm; Auroraoï¬iceâ€"Remo'ved to t 9 old post oflma one door west; of the entrance to the Onturlo Bunk Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the pm: orï¬ce '1‘ HERBERT LENNOX. G- STV MORGAN, Aurora. Newmarket Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, Goods said on consignment General Sales 01 atoc etc promptly attended to at reasonable races Residence Unionville 7 G R Gouldmg. Newton Brookagent for the above LENNOX & MORGAN, J T Saigeon. J K McEwan Maple Weston Saigeon a; McEwou. Licensed Auctioneers forthe County of York. Salesmtaeuded (.0 on shortastnoticeand a. tea.- ouablerates Pntronagesolicited ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E 14(1}IN BIIIJLS License Auctioneer for theCounty of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales acts-tidied on the shortest notice and at reasonaberates. P. 0. address King Licensed Auctionearfor the Counties of York and Ontario All sales of farm stock, &c, at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable mteq. Mortgageandbuiliï¬ sales attended to. Residenceï¬touï¬â€˜ville Ont Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings ‘ kept at both places. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL G S Lind LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill on Satut-duvs. A Local Salesman for RICHMOND HILL and surrounding territory to represent “ CANADA’S GREATEST 54m TORONTO. AS. N EWTON Undertakers & Embalmol's, Beet s MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Barristers and Sol COOK & JOHNSTON RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 19041 E. Lamâ€. Mail’ï¬g $993313, 158 KING STREET BAH. TORONTO ggggqmygodation to gunk. Board P53? 40'? WRIGHT BROS, EVANTED. J, HI. Pia-“lice. FONTFIILL NURSERXBS, (over 800 acres.) D. G. BLOUGXI, N. E. Smith. “ï¬nal. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- Phone Main 298-] NURSERIES.†ONTARIO. The following Special Christmas Music will Church on Sunday next, Dec. 25. Carolâ€"Ring out n Joyful Peal Soprano Soloâ€"le Now-Born Anthemâ€"Behold I Bring You Baritone Soloâ€"The Holy Shri Organ Voluntary Carolâ€"Ring Out. 0 Chriétmns Belis ‘ Soprano Soloâ€"Night of Nights . . . . . Anthemâ€"Sing, O Heavens . . . , . . (a) Chorusâ€"“Sing, O E (h) ()hlignto Soloâ€"BIL (c) ChorusmHosannn. Bass Soloâ€"The Star of Ponce . . Anthemâ€"Blessed is He that, Cometh Soprano Soloâ€"Glory to God . . . . . K “*-*""* y Organ Voluntaryâ€"Gloria ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . I . . . . . . . . . . . Mozart Soloistsâ€"Miss Switze-I', Miss Glass, Miss \Vright, Mr. Mason, Mr. I Samples of Choice Grain for the lm- provemeut of Seed. To the Editor of THE LIBEBAL DEAR SIR.â€"â€"By instruction of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture 'anotber distribution will he made this season of samples of the most- productive sorts of grain to Canadian farmers fur the improvement of seed. The stock for distribution is of the. very best and has been secured mainly from the excellent crops recently had at the branch Experimental Farm at Indian Head in the North-West Terri- The Council of the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan met at the Clerk’s Ofï¬ce, Maple, on Thursday, the 15th day of December, A. D. 1904, at 11 o’clock a. m. Members present: Wm. Watson, Esq., =Reeve; and Councillors James A. Cameron, Daniel C. Longhouse, J. Scott McNair and Isaac Devins. - Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The following sheep claims were presented: From Win. Kirby for 1 sheep killed by dog or dogs. Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Devins, Thatvthe treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the followâ€" ing claim for sheep killed by dogs or dogs, being two-thirds value of same: ~ Moved by Mr. Longhousc, seconded by Mr. McNair, That having examined the hooks, accounts, vouchers, etc., of the treasurer, that we do now adopt the same, having found them correct and satisfactory in every particular.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Longhouse, seconded by Mr. McNair, That the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the follow- ing road accounts: i To Geo. Kellum, hauling brush and ï¬lling in wash- out, and hauling material and building guard railing, lot, 20 and 21. con. 10 . . . . i i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 2O “ ‘Robt. Rumhle, unloading car of plank . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 “ \Vm.Dick, moving tree off road allmvance,cnn.10 1 00 “ Arch. Irving, hanks, links, etc., for Pine Grove ln‘idgc..., . , . . . . . , . . . . . . 350 “ J. VV. Franks, picks, hammers, lumber, etc, etc., as per account . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 68 “ John H. Watson, 867 yds. gravel 7c . . . . . . . . . 60 £19 _,:AJ Moved by Mr. McNair, seconded by Mr. Longhouse, That the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to Samuel McClure, Esq., the sum of $20, for injuries received by having his arm broken while working on sideline between lots 15 and 16, con. 8.â€" Carried. Wâ€"nlilgved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Longhouse, That the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay ing accounts: To D. McDonald, Collector Div. No. 2, as follows James Goodman, n0 (log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . thu‘les Shaw, uo dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Council then adjourned sine die. To “7 To John N.B0y1e, re Toronto Financial Corporation . $ “ J. S. McNuin “ V “ †II I‘ H “ Alex. Bryson, v . “ Alex. Brysun, yerunty Council and Kleinburg Geo. High, re Coulint‘y Council and Kleinburg bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm, Watson, re Wm. Mitchell of Toronto , . . . . Isaac Devins, re King Council and Thos. Smythe m . Kirby, for 1 sheep killed by dogs Fl «lsâ€"Sing, O Heavens. zuto Soloâ€"Blessed is He. Programme for Sunday. Sermon by Rev. T‘ lm-n King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You Good Tidings . . . . . . . . . Shrine union by Rev. ‘V. G. Smith. unben 115: MORNING AT 10.30. V aughan Council bl'idge EVENING AT 7 tm-ies, The distribution this spring will cnnslst, of samples of cats, spriag wheat. barley, Indian corn and pot".- toes. The quantity of outs to be Scnl’; this year will be 4 lbs.. and of Wheat, 01' barley 5 lbs.. sufï¬cient in each 0 \se to sow one-twentieth of an acre. The samples of Indian corn and potatoes will weigh 3 lbs. as heretofore. A quantity of each of the following varieties has been secured for this dls- prihubinn : _--. < . . w Outsâ€"Banner, \Vide-Awake. Im- proved Ligol'vo, VVave-lley,(3‘roldï¬nder. Abundance and Thuusand Dollar. \th'dLâ€"PI'CSLOU, Bed Fife, Percy, Campbell. all things, Charity.†be given in the Methodist . ‘ . . . . . Roper Van de ‘Vater . . . . . . . . . Tours 0)00000 OWOOOOO 1111112 â€"Carried. â€"â€"Carried. tbe follow- 300 300 t’s 12th M Derry. VVezttherley mmmmw‘w 2.1111,]. â€"Cai'ried. Curried. $1600 .PaI-km‘ Simpson . . .Burt Roper Espoix Smith Blake fol- vlass l “quite Stanley Fifo. l'mvedâ€"Sidnoy. In and Canadian ’I‘lu POtntm‘sâ€"Cal'm W hite l’rizr». Canadian Bvanly, 1'!) Sam. Amm'ican \Vumler, Ilmoo. Ea Amlvs and Lalo I’m-Man. Every farmer may apply. hub 01 one sample can he svnt to each.- plicant, hence if an individual recei‘ .1 sample of oats he cannnL alsn rec» one of Wheat, barley m- put‘atues, :1 applications for more than one saw for (me household cannot be entorLa ed. Those samples will he sent; free charge Lhruugh the mail. Applications slmnld ho addres t0 the Director of Experlmer Farms, Ottawa, and may he sem any timo lwfnre the 151; of March, ai which the lists will he clused, so t' all the samples; askvrl for may he 5 out in good time for smving. Par Applications Should ho addressed to the Director of Experimental Farms, Ottawa, and may he sentm any time before the 151; of March, aftc 1‘ which the lists will he closed, so that all the samples asked fur may he sent out in good time for smving. Parties writing shnnld mnntinn the sort or variety the-y would pl‘efm', with n sec- ond sort as an alternative, and should the available stock (If both these varieties be exhausted, some other good sm-t will he st‘l'lt, instead. Thnse applying for Indian corn or potatoes will please bear in mind that the corn March 01' April, and that potatnas cannot be nmilod from hex-e \uftil danger frum Ernst in transit, is ovel. \VM. SAUNDERS, Director Experimental Farmsl Ottuw The microscope shows that in the blood ofevery person sufl'ering from typhoid the little germs can be found as shown above. They are supposed to get into the water or milk we drink. The germs multigly so that one germ is capable of pro ucing about one undred trillion germs in twen- ty-four hours. That is why if they ever get into the water supply of a town they multiply so fast that nearly everybody drinking the water comes down with the disease. There are exceptions, however, and they are the persons whose health is perfect, whose blood is pure, and liver active. When the germs et into a healthy body they are thrown cg with the other poisons. Recent Chicago statistics show that one»eighth of all the deaths in the past two years in that city have resulted from pneumonia. . a,.,i,,_LLL_ Bm 1v , Mn n The best advice we can give is to put the body into a perfectly sound, healthy condi- tion. Be assured that yoq have rich, red blood and an active liver. Many years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, who is consulting surgeon to the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y,, found certain herbs and roots which, when made into an alterative extract (without the use of alcohol)x seemed to be the very best means of putting the stomach, blood and vital orga_ns imp proper condition. This seemed to him as close to nature’s way of treating disease as it was possible to go. For over a third of a century Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery has had a wonderful sale and the cures resulting from its use are numbered by thousands, It is a tissue-builder, better than cod liver oil because it does not sicker: the stomach, or offend the taste. It strengthens or renews the assimilative or digestive pro- cesses in the stomach and puts on healthy flesh when the weight of the invalid is reduced below the. normgl. -n ‘3â€, n:.;: §Fuu\.\.u Luau" uh. .‘v.....__. 'Accept no substitute for “Golden Med- ical Discovery." Nothing else is “just as 303d." __ “,1‘,44 4....» kn: “nag- Dr. Pierce’a Pellets cure biliousnen, TYPHOID GERMS. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ruoaus Tabuies cure liver troubles, Rzpaus Tabules cure bad breath: [Single copies, 3 cts. the-y would pl'me', with :l sec- t as an alternative, and should lilnble stm-k (if both these 5 be exhausted, some other rt will he svnt instead. Those 9; for Indian corn or potatoes use bear in mind that. Lhe corn \illl.|lli(‘ for distribution until 01- April, and that poutmsï¬ Huron Sixâ€"rowodâ€"Mvnsm'y, 0d Id, (‘lnudvund Royal. '1‘\' ,lm-y. Ilnincihlo, Stundw 1904 n-p m (H ll] l‘t md \Vhit ub only Mich ap- receives sample tort-nil) md