Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Dec 1904, p. 4

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Thu’Headfurd Mebhndist church re- -(\pvning was held on Sunflay last. which "was well attonded at both mmrning and evening services. Mr. Bakel‘o‘f annsview, gave us a rare 3treat; his sermons weie highly ap- ~precia ted. Alectul'e was given in the body of lthe Mrthodist church by Rov. C. O. Juhnson. Rvpnrt next week. \vaei-e pleased to See so many .‘xnung people over from Victoria "Square. and also from Buttonville. Sunday evening. Mr. A. Hislnp was visiting friends in Llw city over Sunday. “’9 are glad to know that Mr. Lilvy's daughter. Annie is recuvexing 'frnm hvr sex-inns illnees. Mr. Frank Hehnkay and family hope to vat Christmas dinnei-Jn then nuw house. The results of the nominations for ‘i-ho York County Council Monday Were as follows :â€" I'Div. 8. N‘éwumrkvt.‘ T. 'J. \Voodcock .aund W'. C. Lundy (ucc.). The sale of the household effects of st. A. Phillips on Tuesday of last \veek was well attended. and the articles were sold at a very good tigiu‘e. _ \Vnodln‘idée. 'A free-will otfering will lie take-n at ouch (if the services. Our merchants are making their Sim-es i‘e‘ry attractive for the holiday season, and are displaying a‘ large as- suitinent of articles suitable for Xmas presents. VPmcticm- Films," is and every .guud time «evening. Div. 1. East, Toronto, Alex. Build and James Ley. Div. 2. Deer Park. Frank Turner, '0. E. a‘nd \Villizlm Michell (:100.) Div. 3. \Vestml. J. D. Evans, John Gurdhouse and \V. E. Pearson. Div. 4. Vellm-e. \V. H. Pugsley, Ggmge High and James Kin-by. .‘Div. 5. Uniunvillv, Arthur Quantz, Alex. Pingle. RACfl‘e-i’ft, John Eckhart and Thomas Undenvuod, the two lat- ter retiring. 'The cartoons appearing in The World from day to day are no credit to modern journalism. A good car- toon is intended to make one laugh, but; no sensible person could even smile over the. cartoon in Tuesday’s World. . Div. 6, King. Joseph-Rogers, and J. XunCullum (aux) Div. 7. Ballimu-ue, “and Geqxge Powell (Hg No person need deny that there have been dishonest practices at ’some of the Ontario elections. It is also true that no charge has been made against the Liberal Adminis- ‘tration in Ontario. Party heelers on ‘both sides of politics have been guilty of corrupt acts, but seldom do any of the Opposition journals have the honesty to acknowledge that any mscality is practised on their side of the House. Politics will not be puri- ‘fizd so long as Opposition newspapers and ‘speakers pretend that all the sins are committed by the Liberals. Mr. D. Caliper has purchasezl the 'lmuso and lot belonging to Mrs. Phil- lips. :ind is moving 11. this week. Anniversary sermons will lieprea‘ch- (1d at, ane at 2.30 and 7 p. m. (In New Year‘s Day by Rev. G. L. Powell of ~\Vnodbridge. A free-will olfering will The Mail of Friday contained a letter from Rev. Edward Softly, i‘ecto’rof St. John’s Episcopal Church, Mo'r'p'eth, The clergyman refers to what he calls “ dishonesty, lying and perjury ” in the Liberal party led by Hon. G. W. Ross, and asks that they be turned out of power for the ras- cality shown in the courts. Will the Mail tell the rev. controversialistâ€" break the news “softly ”â€"thnt cor- Y‘uptio‘n can be greatly lessened, if not altogether abolished, as soon 'as both parties honestly admit that it exists in both parties, and both parties unite in an honest en- deavor to stiimp it out. So far the party that Rev. Mr. Softly is seeking to‘place in power will not listen to ‘any charge of corruption unless such charge ismad‘e against a Liberal. 'Ol'mn Changeâ€" Changeâ€" »C u an geâ€" iiize fliberal. RICHMOND HILL‘ December 22, 1001 York 0011 My Council. New Advertisements. World's Dispensary Madicnl Aaaoc'n J. C. Ayer 6: Co. Kuuuexlv Sh Jerry Swim of the cantata, “ Under the held regularly twice a week one is looking forward to a at the concert next Monday Headford Maple Mason 3.1mm] School Lot Hartman Pbillipsâ€"MacMul'phyâ€"that the set- tlement uf claim of H. Grimshuw by the a-eeve for $262 he appmved. and ‘payment of the amount by the treas- urfr he passed. Cfiuncil udjdurned to meet on Dec. 28. tu confirm minutes. L. H. Unmplwll, M. D A. McClure, road work . . . O. Donn. road work . . . . . . . . W. Wood, timber . . . . . . . . . . J. D. McCullum, work . . , . . . W. J. Wells. road Work .A. Gilhzuu, bolts... . . . . . . , . . . C. A. Davis, gravel . . . . . . . G. Norman, road work . . . . Fleury & Son, blk smith bill S. H. Lundy, advertising .. \V. Clm'kson, road work, . . . J.M.Wnlt0n, postage, etc . . P. Delahaye, hlksmith hill. . G. Holden, hlksmith hill. . . . Jos. Ballard, hlksmith bill . W. Brnnd‘ie, balance of acct J. Cairns. shovelling snow. . John Egan, road wmk . . . . . . G.Redfern, reps. to culvert G. Lawrie, gravel . , . . . . . . . . T. H. Legge, postagt‘, etc .. Sheep Claims H. O’Brien -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 James Pearson . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Marshall Rush . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 L. F. Watson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ()0 Joseph Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Ira B. Shaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 James Duggzm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 R. \V. Fox . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > 1 00 George Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 00 \V. J. W'ells and Joel Edwards, col~ lectors. $60 FflCh on account df salary. Mr. D. Mann says the James Bay Railway will he completed as far north as Parry Sound by next; September. R. J. Fleming. City Assessment Commissioner, has accepted the p03:â€" tinn (nf Gon--x :1l Manager-of the Toron- to Stnwt Railway at a. salary of $10,- OJU per nnnum. Stepth Holley . . . . . . . . . . Jas. \V. Gamble . . . . . , . . . . . Samuel Roberts . . . . . . . . . . James \Vutson . l . .V . . . . . . . anj. Snell Wm. Storey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm. Crawford . . . . . . . . . . . Jas. Pearson. inspecting. .. ._ Dog Tax Refund Alonzo “'ollar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hu-ry Richhell . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . Michas’l Trainer . . . .. . . . . . . . George Hmp‘ex- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert, Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John McCallum . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . J. McClvment, statute lubOI' re- fund ‘ . . . . . Larkiiiâ€"ArmitagPâ€"that ‘the zelerk be instructed to engage \V. H. Grant to act as solicitor in suit; of T. Smythe for damages against. Vaughan and Kiyg townships. Robt. Norman J03. Billings. sillzu-y . . v . . . . . . . . $33 33 J. Edwards. sanitary inspector. 28 10 Dr. Breretun. M. H. O . . . . . . . . . . 20 00 Robt. Kelly, wm-k. . .- . . . . . . . ,. . . 79 80 Alex. Tatton, road \‘VUI‘k . . . . . . , 3 00 John Cook, road work . . .. . . . . 3 20 W. V‘Valker, road work . . . . . . . 17 30 S.VV.A1~mit-Age, road work. . . v . 3 70 JJVOOde. cutting thistles. . . . 2 25 T. H. Dennis, disinfectant . . . . . . 75 F. Leonard, road work . . . . . . . . 3 If) H. Miller, road work . . . . _ . . . . . 14 85 Tecjlmfeth §[).3_1'n;1(l Work . . . . . 6 86 Council met on Dec. 15. Members all present. The following bills were grdeyffilo be paid : An enthusiastic convention of East YUPk Liberals was held at East TL- mntn. Saturday, to nominuto a candi- date fur the leincial Parliament. Mr. Arthur Quuntz, president, presid- ed. The following were nominated: Levi Annis. James Loy, W'm, Dnug‘hm. C. R. Fitch. F. K. Revsur. WANTEDâ€"Quickly, haw long: established wholesa! murclmms and agents. I counties. $18 salary und Expense money advancel Permanent. engagulem. Previups experience not Defir Mf'. Editm'. we wish you many happy returns nf this fvstive season. Mr. Fred Jflllllatl)“, who has been indispnsed for a Week or two is hettt‘l‘. Mrs. G. Snules has returned after being away for several weeks. The earth hns donned her white mantle once again. The sleigh hells have started to jingle through our quiet, little street. Come boys get, ynm' hruums and sn‘Jw shovels to work; the ice is jmt as good as ever. and you know thr- girls do enjoy skuting so much. Hurrah fur the Christmas tree Sut- nrdny night. Santa Ohms is 0xpvcted with :1 full supply of Chxistmas boxes. Everybody cmuo. sall-uddresséd euvm TENDENT 'l‘nAVELEus King Township Council Sheep Valuator’s Nominated and Retired. B__ssed envelope \Vire Fence Bonus News Notes. ;on lsh..... ker ran“ w 5 Demâ€"burn 116 e I) exl B r wsons tn represent muse among rolnil ml ternwry of Raw muses paid weeklv. Commission exlm. Fees ntiul‘ . SUPERIX Sm. Chic-a,- 11 2 40 4 00 13 60 2 20 5 44 3 2O 3 92 8 68 3 If) 14 85 6 86 13 00 12 7'? IU 01 mmmmm 13251. 267 00 ()0 00 râ€"vâ€"uâ€"t HHANUIOO commâ€"loo» SONIC.“ 71 43 60 35 37 Ol) Jul 0:099§§§§¢§§¢¢§¢§§§f§§90090 61y \Ve have recently-been asked to fill positions at $50, $60.01‘ $65 a month. The demand for our graduates during the last few months has been most re- markahle. "\Vintél‘ term np9ns Jun. 3rd. Hand- sume catalogue free. WI J. ELLIOTT. ¢¢§¢¢¢¢¢¢§¢¢§¢§QQQ¢Q§¢§§§¢ Any person knowing of her where- abouts will p1_ ' sg piti‘f'xfilyf’tbyger, A red so‘w, Tnmwmth, full grown, 'stmved from the premises. lot, 23. 3rd con. Vaughan, on '01“ about the first of December inst. 21-10-1111 Tho east half of lot 64. lst con. \Vhitchuruh (npar Luke \Vilcnx), cun- tuining 100 acres more 01- Iess, the pmpm Ly of the late Robert Thompson. There are about 15 acres of good hush, almnt, 5 acres of good young Orchard, hard and soft water, and good build- ings. The farm ifi \W-H situated, being about, half :1 mile from} Yonge street and the Metropolitan Railway. For terms. Pu; ' JOHN STARTUP, M :mager ennrd over 5- in u may {miner sex. young or mu. m. not required. You are amned free Those w'busnrt 5! us absolume sum of me: link: fortunes. A“ i: new. Admissions for skaters. 106.; Chili under 12 years, 5 cvnls. Fifteen adult, tickets for $1.00. Thirty childi en’s tickets fur $1. The above Rink will ho'open for Skat- , ers during the season on SATURDAY EVENING Rink \Ve affer superior advantages with eighteen teachers, fine equipment and thorough work. We have helped hundreds to mount. up the the grade.‘ May we not, help you ? Let us send you our handsome cut- alogue at, any rate. Write \Vhat about making at step forward by spending a term in our schoolâ€" The SKATING RINK N0 Better Commercial School in Canada than the popular Jorner Yonge and Alexander Stvs. 6W \ _ . After Holidays (I)! Enema Erurtiml ai’ntrhmakcr TORONTO. ONT. Winter Term from-Jan. 3. W. H. SHAW, Principal Q EWOTI MW W RICHMOND HILL open to Tuesday FOR SALE 0f each 1‘. H ERBERT LIENNOX. fluids are some. bu! those Vino wrlle Suuson & CouPnrtland, Maine.will receive free. full information nbom work whioh (hev mm G». And liven! mum will my _ _< .M. , 4d a Hmhmm 31M mg Strayed HORACE 'RUMBLE, Maple P. 0. igfi‘nmfim m \vook from 7 to 10 o‘clock. Curlers everyday. and and Friday evenings. K: to 55Vpcr day.‘ Some b'u vie ,lher scex. young ow old. Capital a free These w'bgglpfl. 5! one. PRINCIPAL. P. G. SAVAG mm A [II on. Children Reeve T. B. LfiBFQRD, Prep. 5Q®®$® S§®§§®®§®§WGQ®QS "' as: flfifififiétfifififififiiéaééfiQQQQéQ-fifiédfifiéfidfifiéfiélfi @9Q3QSQS WQfifE‘QfiQfl @Qfivéfifié ~2‘++++~§~++++%+4~++~§0§'>§"{ӤҤ"§'+-§“§"} ++++ @bvtéfi‘Vii‘iiiifliiiii?9%9i9fl?9i§¢§9§§ii§ifib§ii§ A _ _ H A_-n-Au‘-â€"_ __. , A ~:4ta»'9~1~M-MM++++++++++++++~§~+ ++~z~+++~zo++ EQWERWa UFE aiéééaafifii an. 5:5:- LIVERY IN CONNECTION; ++WH+++++Â¥+M%++%%++~§ §-++++++-§"§'++~1 P. G. Savage &; DR. SPINNEY. Founder 0? Dr. Spinney a 00. When it comes right down to good. strong dependable Cattle Chains there is none to excel the kind we sell. A complete range of sizes to suit-the bull or the calf. This company issues one of the best policies on the market to- dny. It is easily. understand. Just, as we explain it, so it is; if not; you are not asked to accept it. Ask those who have them and see what they will tell you. People in/this age are alive in respect to Life Insurzmse as an investment, with its protection, and insist on having the best. That, is Confedâ€" eration Life Association. Strong Cattle Chains. PIANOSV ORGANS, NEW WILLIAMS SEVVING IMIACHINES. Our Prices are Right. The Russill Hardware Co. \A ill have 'our prompt attention; A1} AI companies. QR. OYSTERS. BOOTS; SHOES, HUBBEBS. 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. FIRE INSURANCE 290 WOODWARD AVE.. DETROIT. MICH‘ ~2»:«:-++~:-++.:~§~++~§ We Cure Varlcocele. Blood and s Nervous Debility. :riotures. Bladdorl Urinary Diseases. n ‘Stfictures. no matter where surrounding slmcturts. If m urelhral stricture will produce ting, stretching and hearing are treating this disease. The stri ods employed by us are free fro are absolutely safe and harmles sue is dissolved and leaves the c natural discharges cease. any il disappears. the Kidneys. nladr surrounding organs are strong! rclums. Our ADSORPTIVE CONSULTATION FREE. Oueaflon Lls! ‘rreatmem Sent Free. SPNNEV €93: ++++++++++ fi+~§~+++++é WAN STGRE é“? ‘3‘ 4,. nattcr where located, are apt to involve the runs. If neglected or improperly treated. will produce distressing symptoms. Cut- d tearing are the old barbarous methods of :c. The strictly modern and original meth- 5 are free from the horrors of surgery and and harmless. The nbnorfiial stricture t1;- 3 leaves the channel free and clear. All pnl cease. any irritation or burning sensation ‘dneys. Bladder. Prostate Gland and other 5 are strengthened and the bliss of manhood lSORPTlVE TREATMENT will positively an nnv luulru filial-Ix ++++$++'§°¢+++¢~§++é++++ -M+§ hh",1v‘t~1f\qv/~ Warm and Windproof “9+4”?+++++++++++é+++++ Blood and Skin plseasos, 91-..... --- e-~s«++++~:«:»x~+-:.+++vz« Cured To Stay cured GI]. mew Kidney' 76an For Home

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