Mrs. D. C. Slmtton of Clyde, New York. has come to spend some time with her friend. Mrs.Androw Newton. Boots and Shoesâ€"Remember we Fhave a full stock of footwear at less :.t.hun Toronto prices. Men’s and boys’ :x-ubbers and socks all sizes. Afull line of oven-shoes. Naughton 81-03., ,Elgin Mills. week-in the M( count of the Cln‘istums tree. Ml‘.Cairns of \Voodstuck, spent a day 01' two this work assisting Mr. Armand Savage, agent for the Kan] Piano Company. THE LIBERAL wishes readers and friends a very Happy Uhl-istn‘ihs. The pick (21’ Santa’s is here presented to kiusou &, Switm-r. Miss M. Keith, teacher in the mediate dvpm-tmvnt 0f the School for the past four 01‘ ï¬ve has resigned to accept a posit the School at Campbellford. Mr. Reuben Phillips of Sharon, was in the village on Monday. renewing old acquaintzmceship, and made iL the occasion of visiting his mother vlodge, Richmond, on Monday night. Nomination for move, councillors and school trustees will be held in the Council Chamber Monday eyen- ing. commencing at 7.30. 011 next Sunday Rev. Mr. Campbell will prequ 11 Christmas svrmon. Regular Quarterly meetingbf Cmn't Richmond, A.0.F., will be held Fri- duy evening of this week. ‘BBV.-T.Giln1pht-‘ll preached special sermons on the Downsview cilcuit last. Sunday. By Mn'J. H. Gibbs, wil'l receive his attention. Mr. Fred “7. Harrison Queen‘s Cullvgv, Kings for the Christmas hulidu Aurora Bunnorâ€"MIS. \V. C. Savngo of Richmond Hill. was 11w guest; of Mrs. A. V. Snowden this week. A Christmas Tree and Entertain- ment will ho held ut‘ the. Methodist Chumh. Heudfm-d, un Christmas Ere. All m~e>welcmne. Admission, 15c. Hand sloi Mason’s. The Maple Methodlst S. S. purpose gi'Ving till‘e Jnusical cantatay “ Under ‘-the Palms,†on the evening of Monday, 'Dec. 26. - The Rev. Ml. Grant will p1 eaeh the anniversary sermons at _Victoria Square on Sunday, the lst of January, ast.2.l5 and '7. Mr. Grant’s work here and at Thornhill \viil be taken on that. day by one of the Methodist ministers. Mr. Mark-y Barker has taken a posi- tion in the harness establishment of Mr. M. \Vhite, Markham. Blanketsâ€"WVeare showing a bar- gaiu in white wool blankets. Horse blankets less than wholesale prices. A few men’s heavy overcoats at half :price. Naughton BI'OS., Elgin Mills. The rink will ,be open Saturday evening everv week. The rink will also be open to skaters Christmas «flex-noon (Monday) but will be closed as usuathristmu-s night. “(Tyke Eflil‘agml. Our store is stacked with big-heart- ed balgnins at big-hearted plices for (Christmas. Atkinson & Switzcr. Orders or parcels left, at. Smith‘s jew_e_lry store £1! Adeliveij in ’1_‘m-0|3tp Mr. W. T. Storey, jl‘., :1 clerk in the ‘x'l‘m'onto Post, Oï¬ice, passed success- fully tbe recent Civil Service examin- ation. The list of successful candi- dates was published in the Saturday .evening dailies. The. Sun in 1905 will put up a. most, -vigorous ï¬ght fur the farmers’ rights. 3181;) the cause by subscribing now. Orders taken at THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce, or send card for special clubbing list. Ho sfur Pmï¬t, a must vulï¬nble hog Iboo . given away free to every new .subscrlber. The \Veekly Sun, 26 Ad- elaide St. \Vest, Toronto. A city paper reported yesterday that. Mr. Leonard \N'ullace of “’ood~ bridge. who was accidentally shot one day last week, is improving nicely in the General Hospital. Mr. Edward Dils and Mr. \Vilfox‘d Clark. Monck County, who attended the funeral of the late Levi Richard- rson, 3rd con. \Vhitchul‘ch. spent Tues- day with Mr. T. F. McMahon. Dv- céased was interred in the Aurora. cemetery on Mnnduy. Snow shovels, % cents at C. & F. Mason’s. 'David G. Stephenson. the Schom- berg man who was struck by a. Metro- litau Railway car on Monday at ansing. died Tuesday afternoon in the Genexal Hospital. Deceased was about ~15 years of age. An inquest was held yesterday conducted by coroner R. B. Orr. RICHMOND HILL, Dem Prayer U)Cl‘( i ng THE FARM ERS' CHAMPION. LOCA DIED FROM INJURIES {115, all prices at C. 8: E. up; is withdrawn this t'hndist church. on He- prepurutiun for the u-riï¬on. a student in Kingston, )5 home pnck (If presents the public. At- mber 'tive years, posxtnon m 1904 inter- .’uhlic Zion E. L. Sunday School, Shem wood, purpose having their Christmas Tree and’entertainment, on Saturday evening, Dec. 24. at 8 o‘clock. Mr. F. J. I’ethick, Richmond Hill. nnd Miss Mnhel l’ethick will assist with a. mum- lwr of songs. Presents will he receiv- ed for the tree from any who wish to conti ihute. Freo-VVill offerings taken at the close of the service. Every- body welcome. Rev. Mr. Back of Maple, will occupy the chair. ON onmsï¬ms imam: Thennnual Xmas Tree and Enter- tainment, in connection with the Methodist Sunday School will be held on Xmas night (Monday). The pro- gram will consist of a. Christums cun- tnm entitled “The Old Fashioned Santa Claus,†which introduces Santa Claus, Elves, Fairies, Flower Girls. etc. Also :1 number of fancy drills. Doors open at; 7; entertainment, at, 7.30. Admission. 15c.; children, 100. For programme and particulars see dodgeâ€"rs. ' Something to suit every one‘e stock- ing and strain nohndy‘s pulse in our stock. Atkinson 85 Switzer. Mr. William J. Mortson, aged 46 years, died at his hnmv. 2nd con. Vaughan, early Sunday morning. Deceased had been in pom- health for a number of years, and had suffered severely at times. The burial took place in the village cemetery Tuesday. Rev. T. Campbell c'onducting the ser- vice. The two sons and a. daughter have the sympathy of the community i_n the loss of their father. the mother having preceded her husband a little less tlmn a year ago. The Sun is easily the best farm pa- per in Canada. and whuba. pity ibis that so many farmers instead of get- ting the \Veekly Sun content them- selves withsome gossipy sheet of no real vulue‘to them. Instead uf giving their families the cream of agricultur- ul knowledge, they simply feud them on the whey and political party gush. The Sun is ï¬ghting asplendid battle for the farmers of this country, and deserve their unanimous supportâ€"J. W. Hay, Shefï¬eld, Ont. Nomination for Country Councillors for Division No. 4, took place at Vel- lm‘e on Monday. The following nom- inations Were made :â€" Something for every purse ~the penny, the dime, the quartex, the half and the big $; and something for ev- exy personâ€"the mother, the father. the lover, the girl, .the boy and the baby in Atkinson & Switzer’s Chris:- mas stock. ' “'11). Henry Pugsley, by T. F. “7leâ€" lace. seconded by Chas. McNeil. . Geo. “Tm. High, by Alex. Bryson, seconded by \Vm. Thomas. Jas. Henry Kirby by Dugald Mc- Donald, seconded by R. Rumble. Mr. Alex. Camel-sou presidod , at a meeting. .held afterwards when the candidates discussed the municipal questions of the day. CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR THE FAMILY The cheapeet, best and most =1“)- preciated Christmas gift would be a year’s subscription to the Family Her- :11d and \Veekly Star of Montreal. It costs but a dollar and the whole fam- ily will enjoy it. The beautiful pic« ture which accompanies the Family Herald this season would help to brighten the home. \Ve believe the publishers intend to make the Family Hemld and \Veekly Star better than ever during 1905. We hear this great weekly is more sought after this year Lhan ever before. An oyster supper and entertain- ment will be held in the Methodist Clnnch. Thornhill. on the evening of Monday, Jan’y 2. Oysters served from 5.30 to b‘, after which an interest- ing program will be given by the fol- lowing talent : Lucy A. Lillie, Josetf ‘B. Nelson, Frunces Muriel Lillie, Ethel Birmingham, Mrs. J. Davidson, Ida Hunter, and Arleigh Ramsden. Ad- missiun,30 cents; children under 12 :yoars, 20 cents. The anniversary services will be held on Sunday. Jan‘y l, at 10.30 a. m. and 7p. In. Miss Sweetmnn, a Deaconess of Toronto, will speak at both services. Among the best. things of 190-1», we welcome the annual Christmas num- ber of the weekly “Farmers Advocate and Home Magazine.†London. Out. Like Canada itself, it grnws better, and it grows hetterfast. The progess- ive-farmeris justly proud of so able an ally in his work and enterprise. To have produced so magniï¬cent. a number as :l regular week]; issue. is a. splendid tribute to the capabilities of , the editorial and busine3s manage- ; ineut. Lovers of the horse and chil- dren will be sure to like the taste- l ful cover. The articles discussing the great problems of practical interest to I farmers and homemakers, as well as: those of a. more entertaining character 1 are both able and gra. hic, and the i1- lustrations are super . To properly ap reciate the number it must be seen an read, and, like the] regular issues, must go a. long way to making the i farmer's home intelligent and happy, ' and his business prosperous. l NOMINATION FOR DIV. NO. 4. THE FA R MER’S CHRISTMAS. ‘V H AT READERS S DEATH AND BURIAL SHERWOOD. THORNHILL. Tree Enté-tmnment. which will he held in the basement of the church on Thursday evening, Dec. 22: O oning Chorus, “Awake! Awake l†“ (:lly \Vreabh Exercise " by twelve little girls. Ohm-us, “ W'hen Good Old Kris Comes Round." Cantata. ‘(Wibh music), “ A Christ.- mas for Santa Claus." Chm-us, “Ring Love into each Hem-t." On Monday evening of this week Richmond Lodge, No. 23, G. R. C.. A. F. & A. M.. was en fete. and turned out in large. numbers to do honor to R. ‘V. Bro. J. J. Thompson, I).D.G.M. of Toronto East, District No. 1113.1)“ his ofï¬cial visit. Visitors were also present from sister lodges. and one of the most pleasant and proï¬table even- ings in the history of the Craft were passed. W. Bro. D. HillI VVorshipful Master. occupied the chair. and raised Bro. A. G. Savage to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. \V. Bro. Hill and his ofï¬cers received the higlr est praise from the R. \V. Bro. for the excellr-ntlnanner in which the work was performed. After the lodge meeting the brethren repaired to the Palmer House, where mine host, \V. 0. Savage, had prepared an excellent repast, to which it is needless to rea mark the Masons did full justice. The. inner man being fully satisï¬ed, W. Bro. Hill in the chair. supported on his right by R.VV. Bro. Thompson and W. Bro. G. B. Newbery, and on his left by R; W. Bro. H. A. Nicholls and ‘V. Bro. Saigeon, proposed the King and the Ora-ft,†which was re- sponded to by the brethren singing God Save the King. The chair-maul next propwsed “The Grand Lodge.†which was ably responded to by R. \V. Bro. Nicholls. P.D.D.G.M., and V.\V. BIO. Newton. P.G.S. The next toast “Our Distinguished Guest, the DD. G. M.,†was proposed and very en- thusiastically received by the brethren. R. ‘V. Bro. Thompson rep’lied, and if possible more greatly endeared him- self to the brethren by the able and pleasant manner in which he handled the toast. R. W. Bro. Nicholls assum- ed the gavel and proposed the toast “Visiting Brethren," which brought forth happy speeches from \V. Bros. Saigeon, Kirby, Rumble and Bro. Bailey f1 om Vaughan Lodge, Maple ;‘ W. Bro. Thompson, Patterson Lodge, Thornhill; and Bro. Thompson flom Rising Sun Lodge, Aurora. “The Officers of Richmond Lodge †was next proposed by the D.D.G.M., and was responded to in good style by VV.Bros. Hill, Newhery, T. H. Trench, G. Leek, and Bros. Lemon and Phillips. The pleasure of the evening was greatly enhanced by songs from V. W. Bro. Newton, Bros. Osborne, Moodie, T. Thompson, and Ashford Wright, of Richmond Lodge, and Bro. Percy Thompson of Aurora. The morning came only too soon, when all dispers- ed after singing Auld Lang Sync and God Save the King. It was ayea great night for John Thompson's bairns.â€"COM. The scholars ‘er the Presbyterian Sabbath School will present the fol- !9Wing_pmgram at their unnule Xmle At the close of the prngmm Santa. Claus will distribute gifts, which he will manufacture on the spot. A special mill is being Constructed ac- cording to Santa’s directions. and no one should fail to see this wnndei-ful machine. The program will cum- mence «1t 8 o’clock sharp. Admission, adults, 15 cents: children, 10 cents. All goods at right, prices at G. & E. Mason’s. Skatesâ€"All sizes and prices at O. & E. Mason’s. SLINEYâ€"Neau- Elgiu Mills. on Thurs- day Dec. 15, the wife of William Slime-y, of :L sun. ‘ INNESâ€"STARTUPâ€"At the residence of the bride‘s parents, by Rev. J. A. Grant. M. A., on \Vednesdny, Dec. 21, Mr. Harry J. Innes, to Miss Annie Startup, 3rd daughter of Mr. ,flohn Suu'tup, all of Richmond Hill. Ayer's Pills greatl aim, the Cherr Pectoral In urea ng up a col 3- Cherry ; Pectoral “The beat c0115}: medicine money can buy I: A ar'l Cherry ectonL For the cough 0! ch“ nomm could dbly be better.†5m nun. Sutton. Ind. 25c..soc..31.m. J. 0. Ann: 00., All druzz‘llu. tA__ Lowell. Ma Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. 'JBA" mam: ems SSII’IQBJ, sued“; Ripans Tabules cure nausea Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules: at dnuggista. You can hardly ï¬nd a home without its Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Throat, Lungs up a cold in a single night, wards ofl' bronchitisrprevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- vise parentsto keep it on hand. XMAS ENTERTAJNMENI‘. VISIT OF D. D. G. M. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS for ! ++4o+++++++++++++++ +é‘M'é-é-+é+$+°§°++++é~++é+~F§+++ +3???+++$éé$+$++é++++$$é+1+$ '3‘: Makes all kinds of stock thrive. Splendid for milk cows : inre'ases the flow of milk. fattens calves and stall feeding cattle and hogs. Gives horses a sleek coat, fattens them, puriï¬es the blood, cleanses the legs and gives them a healthy appearance. This Stock Food is manufactured by practical stockmen, and is guaranteed to give quicker, better and more ermanent results than any other Stock food, or money refunded. If you ave been disappointed in other so-called Stock Foods. get a. sample of “YORKSHIRE STOCK FOOD†and the results will convince you that it is premier stock fund in the market. Yorkshire Cough and Heave Cure Guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, Distemper and ï¬rst stages of heavea, which are frequently caused by chronic coughing aft/er distemper. This is a. grandgrepag‘aQioggugd will stop. {myreongt}. “ Yorkshire Stack Food. Fm-‘sale in‘Richmond Hill bfGeoch-Donuld, Harness Makel; \V 't, for sample toâ€" J. A. JUHNST‘JN & 0.. I'll King St. E, TORONTO. Agricultural Druggists. Opp. Clyde Hotel a. +7??? .Iii, +4. $3. 4.7.? i +++é+++%+++%++++'§°+%-§'++++++§+M+++++++++~§W++é When u-ying a new cutter see that it has the trade mark ' ‘ stamped upon it. If it has you can depend upon it to be made of ï¬rst-class material and unexcelled in ï¬nish and design. f+++H++HW++++M++M++¢+++++++ï¬++++++++4§ (One Grade Gnly, and That the Best) Motto of McLAUGHLIN CARRIAGE. CO., Oshawa Ontario. A Multitude of Fancies for We have everything here that you can think or dream of. ATKINSON 6’6 SWITZER To visit and inspect our stock will be delightful experience to you. As is to be expected our prices are the lowest. Here you will ï¬nd the very best that is to be procured in We have everything that can be had to suit all tastes and purses. Buy here. They buy because our goods end prices please them. The very best qualities and special values in Raisins, Currants, Spices, Peels, -u--._.--.... rsvvu’ I. 9919, Essences, Tégé;wtoffees, Figs, Dates, and Patterson's Fancy Chocolates. the Glorious, Generous JACOB EYER & SON, Richmond Hill, Ont. Christmas Groceries. GUTTERS Most Wise Buyers Christmas-Tide SELLING AGENTS Call and see our display. +M+++++ §§+§¢§§§§§§§§§W b§§§§+¢ §§+ ++ 54 +++++++++++++++++++++~§~++§+ Mo v++++ .++.~..I ++++++., V++++++ _++++L 7.2.3.. +4.. 7...: T+++++ +++++¢ 71.??? v.m..~..~..m:: z??? $.71