VOL. XXVII. UBERAL annne & PUBLISHING HOUSE ' ' RICHMOND HILL,0NT. 1‘. F. McMAHON. “ mu: ï¬ihcrzï¬ " [S PUBLISHEDEVEM THURSDAY MORNING Beat ï¬tting teeth, also replating, at lowest, prices. Good work. DR. ARNOLD D. A. MASO N, Dentist, $1 per annum, in advance.] Our. Church and Carlton Staâ€... To w n to. Will be in Richmnnd Hill on Wed nesday of each week. Ofï¬ce, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Wins Want ï¬ï¬r moistaéhe or beaï¬l U B M ’8 Obcanflmlbrownorrichblack?‘u3e mimosa muonaamoommsl. Dr. C. HAROLD CL ARKSON DENTIST, JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Room 12. 12L Victoria. St. Toronto. J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON Uulls by day and night promptly at- tended to. NOTARY PUBLICt oommssronxn n: In; “‘53 COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Bumdnllednnd newly furnished throughout One ohm mos lxonvenieut and comforcnbxe bangle on Yunge Street. Every modern cun- Wmuae Snuggle rooms for commercial Waylon. Auidealstopping place for ri'iiug admins psrtiosï¬icyclists, or farmers going lam-ramming from market. Electric cars POI! ihodoor Livery n-‘onuection PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, Oï¬ce Hoursâ€"3.30 a. m. to 5 p. u). 011m Hoursâ€"6 to 10 a. mul to 130 p. m 7 to 9 p. m. TERMS 51.00le DAY W. C. SAVAGE - The Tampa-W formerly owned and occupied by the late J. M. Davis. sit- uated innnediatcly south of the‘ High Scboul on Yonge Street. Richmond Bill. For infnrnmtinn anplv tn JAMES NEWTON. Thornhill 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays. 001‘. Bloor and Yonge, Toronto. BUSLNESS CARDS. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thoruhill. PHYSICIAN AND SURG Maple, Ont. RICHMOND HILL M. TEEFX’. DR. VIM. HBQERS. 1) e11 tis tr. Emma J: Pnormmon (Successor to Dr. Sisley.) aflcdiral. weteriuam For Sale AI‘ THE 1mm. SURGEON, Elgin Mills; Prop G G S Lindsey.K C A G F Lawrence W Ridout Wadsworth Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, 35c. Home Life Building (formerly Free- hold Lom) Bldg.). Cm. Adelaide & Victoria £513.. Toronto. LIBERAL Oflico. Richmond Hill on Saturdavs. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- mnnd Sty. \Vest.VVe-eley Buildings, (Methodist Bonk Room.) To- runtn. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. Mouev to loan on land andohabte‘u mortgagesat lowest rams Auroraomveâ€"Removsd to the old pom: Ofllc.’ one door west of the entrance to the Ounurw Bunk Newmarket ofï¬ce-Three doors south of the l; mnmï¬ne I‘ H537.an Lnxxox, G 811] Mm. Aurora. Newm LENNQX & MORGAN, Licenced Auctioneer for the Caunty of York. Goods sold on consignment Genera) sales 9) stoc etc promptly attended to at reasomnflt tar-es Residence Unionvilte ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, l3 14(}IN' BIIIJIJS "Gall ébuldllâ€"lé; Newton Brook. agent for the above J T Suigeon. Maple JAS. N EWTON Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales-Mabeurled Lo on shortestnoeiceand a res.- enablerates Patrounrgesoï¬dted Licena e Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spscbfnl 1y solicits your patronage and Iriendly influeme Sales actmxded on the W actin- and at reasonaberates. P.O.n.ddress King Liceufled Auctionearforthe Counties 01 York »lnd0ntarlo Allsales of mm stock. kc. M.- teuded m» on the sbmastnaï¬ce and reasonable tutu. Mortgagemd M1141! sales kw“! 6'0. Hesidenceï¬touï¬n‘fle Out A-iax-ge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. RICHMOND HILL 8: THORNHiLL A Local Salesman for RICHMOND HILL and surrounding territory to represth ' Newest varieties, and specialties in? IIzudy Fruits, Small Fruits and ’ Shrubs. Omauwntals. and Roses. A‘ permanent situation. and territory re- ‘ sen-ed fur the right man. Pay week- ly, handsome outï¬t free. “'rite far particulars. and send 25 cent: for our . packet, microscope, just the thing to. use in examining trees and plants for | insects, STONE & WELLINGTON, 4 “ CANADA'S GREATEST 54m ‘ TORONTO, Lindsey. Lawrence Ra W adsworth, Undermkers & Enhalnlers, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. COOK & JOHNSTON 158 time STREET EAST. some Beat .coommodanion no guesn. Board ,81 nerday {ICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1904 Barristers and solicitors. Vegetable,rliveripills.i The! is what they are. They cure constipation, biliousncgg, sick-headache. m... Barristers, Solicitors. etc. E. Lgmwv. MLKEE EMEEX" Saigeou «t Mel-I‘ve“. WRIGHT BROS, WANTED. .5. ll. Fleuaice. D. G. LOUGH, FONTEILL Nam. (over 800 aches.) N. E. Smith. “flaw. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." Phone Main 2984 NURSERIES." J K McEwen Weston Newrï¬arket ONTARIO. East. Yolk Liberals met at Markham [ yesterday to nomimt' a candidate for ‘ the Local House, owing to theresigna- . tion of Mr. L. Anuis on account. of ill health. The President of the Associa- tion. Mr. Arthur Quantz. presided. Pei-feet unanin‘iity prevailedmnd every candidate proposed seemed anxious that the strongest man should he se- lected. After accepting Mr. Annis' ! resignation and passing a vote of ' sympathy to him in his illness. thet foll twing were placed in nomination : ! Mr. Sunnnerhayes, Mr. VVz-lter Scott. ‘ Mr. Douglas. Mr. Jas. Loy. Mr. R. J. Gib ton, Mr. Lione, Mr. Fitch, Mr. J. Gould and Mr. Ross. After telling speeches Messrs. Summerhayes. Lione and Gould retired. On the fourth ballot Mr. Sci-tt remix ed a. majority and his nomination “as made unani- mous on mutitn of Messrs. Douglas and Ley, the next two highest candi- dates. Mr. Scott accepted the nomin- ation gracefully,thanked the delegates for the honor and expressed a. hope that with the earnest support of his Liberal friends he could win the elec- tion on the 25th of January. Mr. Arch. Campbell was milled upon and madea rousing speech on behalf of the candidate and the Ross Govern- ment. The meeting adjourned after the usual cheers were girrn. t Nominations for rem-e and council- lors tnuk place at Vellm'e on Monday. Mr. J. B. Madman acting as returning oflicer. The hull was clowde and much interest was manifested in the pmcvcdings. The fullmving nomina- tions were made :â€"- For Reeve, J. N. Buyle, proposed and seconded by A. Bryant: and D. McDunaXd; \Vm. \Vutsuu, by T. Keys SIâ€"(‘unded by Mr. Mullny. For (‘uuncillms D. C. erghnuse, by H, Rumble and T. F. \Vallnce; J. Scott McNuil; by Mr. Bell and Mr, Stevenson; Jaws. A. Czulwron, by A. Brysun and T. Keys; Isaac Devius by Mr. 0111) and Mr. BI-yson; Jacob \Vil- linms by Mr. \\'hitmuxe and Mr. Feu- wick; \Vm. Thomas by Mr. Andrews and Mr. Kellum. At the after meeting Mr. BJ-yson was elected chuimmn. Emil) of the nominees wade shurt N‘pvechcs, also the nominees for County (Yunnan. Messrs: Pugsley, Kirby and High. Mr. \Valsnu 'deulim'd thu Rumina- tviu'u fur the wave-shipmud the ‘thurn- ing Ofï¬cer den-lured Mr. 80319 elccu d by ucclamatiun. ' .‘ .1 1 «a m _ ,, , An election will he held on Monday for the councillors as above. The main question discussed was the com- mutation uf the statute labox. Dear teacher, our studies have been illuminated by your patient gracious- ness. The little. gift we offer is rich in low, and gratitude and respect. I Please accept it with 0111' unite-d hopes i that; you! life will he ever as happy as you have made ours, 1 From the pupils uf Langstatf Public 2 School,__ A ‘.. The Clusng exerclses of the Lang- stuï¬ schonl were held last Thursday evening. The program was provided entirely by the pupils of the schm-l and young people of the section. 'Ih: seating capacity of the school wa; taxed LU the utmost, and the reena- tions, songs and dialogues were thorougth enjuyed. During the ev- ening Santa Claus (Mr. D. Gooder- ham) appeal-ml, and from a. large Christmst teee distributed many pres- ents. The pupils, by way of Santa Claus, sent an address, given below, and a beautiful clock, to their teacher, Miss M. E. Hairison. DEAR TEACHER zâ€"Itidelvolves upon me to offer you. in the name of the pupils of .Lzmgstaff School. a slight token uf mu- estecm and regard. Tu myself it. is a source of immense pleas- ure to be made their mouthpiece on this occasion, since our sincere delight may make some amends for our many shgrtcomings. \Ve are not nuw addressing you as ourteachrr, but as our frivml, our much tried fnend, for how often have we not tried your temper and your florhearance. _V_‘.vn, Miss Harrison, in reply. thanked the children and friends of the school for the interest. they had taken in the eu- terlainment. The kindly relation that existed between the childrqu and baself made I; ‘1- work a pleasure. The proceeds. which amounted to $15, will be devoted Loa school library. Mr. E. Oxley is receiving many con~ gratulations nu his appointment. to his new position in conLXQCIion with the Metroptrlitau railway. r: 'I Mr. Rolmd Gwse has gone to Hamil- ,ton for Christmas. Mnand M15. \Vells of Rochester. N. Y.. are visiting at Mr. W. H. There is special value in our 25 and 30c. Japan and Ceylon teas. Atkinson & Switzer. Cluhine‘s. East York Liberals. Vaughan Nominations. Langsbaï¬ 0mm ' We are glad to see the faces of the I prodigals returned to spend the holi- Eduy season. Among the number are ‘ Mr. John Tran of Duluth, Cecil Klinck lot the 0. A. 0., Louis Nicholls of 1:0. "mm Normal and John \Villiams :Llw of Toronto. None of them, however, look as though they have been forced to eat husks dug‘ing their absence. _ Allsaom to be enjoying the p10 “1-95 of Christmas-tide. The Christmas tree and entertain~ ment on Friday evening was well ab tended and all renounced it :1 grand success. Old :ulta. as usual, was very liberal in his giving of handsome giftvs‘ Mr. Bert- meek IS slowly l-ccoverm; from the serious “shake-up†receive] inrthe runaway. . .. . Ir- late. "‘Wélfréldi-‘r‘y to hear that Miss Euunah Hopper has been rather ill of Mrs. I. Fleury, who has been attend- ing her sister during her recent, severe illness. has leturned. field is uhhsnlly merry this Christmas. 7 ILj§ a daughtey. _ Miss Bertha. Trudgeuvn of is visiting with her sister, Ca I'Vé‘l'. Frishy and wife of Eglinton, are spending pan, of their holidays at thy home ofitlixe l;}_tter:s_gnothf’r. VMa‘Isteil and family of Detroit, are Visiting with the former’s sister, Mrs. T. Frishy. Mr. T."l‘run and wife of Toronto Junction, Miss Liddell of Tux-onto. and Miss CIISr (If \Vuudsbuck, spent, Xmas with Mr. J. Tran. :‘twnuinrlrnréx- of hath (-Id and yvuug spr-nb an enjoyable Saturday evenng with Mrs. Uunk. Luudy spent Christ- mas with Mr. VVilsun and family of Uashol. â€" RV. Scntt and famin spent, Mun- day with Mr. ScoLL’s muLher all; the 01d hmnrsteud in A‘urm-u. Mrs. L. vNichan Wont to Tun-um 1m Munday. Their daughter apt-tut Ll‘\g_d:|y ir[A_u1'(rx';t. , AL“. -r. a -m -3, _- _,,, , Mrs. “700de has returned after spx-nding a few \vvvks in Osprey. Mr. \Vosley prnmn has necently purchased a new horse and cutter. Hun-y Fol-ester has ‘alsn got things in readiness fur the snowy seasnn. W‘NTEDâ€"Qulckly. iew persons h represent long established wholesale house among retail merchants and agents. Local tenuan of Iew counties. .318 salary and expenses paid weeklv. nyuusa money advanced. Commission extm. Purmanent eutagmenb. anmess §um~emiuu Previous experience not essential. Enclose- sslhxd‘lresasu envelope. _ Agnew,“ SUPERIN his: eiiievjfhidiupsdnn of Tm‘onfo, husrlxeen visiting with her u'ncle, Mr. J. Luimu. a..vuu-.a vnr‘..-..v- ._..- - SJlfaul‘ll‘esflsd envelope. Adhgéss, SUPERIN TENDENT umvmnnus, 32.5 Dem-born Sm, Chica- go. 12cm Our church re-openin has been a great success. On Sun my, the 18:11 inst.. Rev. \V. E. Bakernf D(>\\'n.~‘view, preached able and helpful sex-[nuns to gngd and attentive congregations. n "y , n14 0""‘ "~ â€"- --- "vri 7 n U On the evening of Wednesday. let Rev. C. O. Johnston gave tuafair msdiwce his celebrated lecture, en- titled “Characteristic Penpl-n†The people were more than delighted with the lecture. Rev. Mr. Campbell mud» a. ï¬nancial statement: showing th;:t about, $10 was needed to meet I}! liabilities, which was contributed in a. few minutes. wthad: the church was declared free from debt and a few dull-41s left in the treasury. Mr. Campbell expressed his gratitude at the liberality of the people.stu[ing many of the people not belunging tn the church contributed freely and generously to the undertaking. :,,L.._ c“"'*“~ J " "W V On Saturday evening a. very inter- esting concert was held in the church, and from a very fertile Christmas tree many beautiful and valuable gifts were distributed. The minister was not forgotten. Re ort for December. Fourth and Thil' classes are given in “1-da- of merit, average percemtavge of Fourth class mar_ks .bei_ng given : um um erthiEvex-ette Brown, 77; Zella. Welsh, 71; Irene Rniney. 54: David Thirsk. Murray Summerfeldt and Florence qug. 49 (equal). .v:--v------‘râ€"*I Senior 1â€"1121-1in Thomas, Eva Coul- sun. :ï¬ï¬iettd Brm'vu, Hal'- old Hyper. innie Yake. "11.1-: Int.“ 1‘â€. an... Harv-fl “Senior SeetHJdLIx-Ene Pingle, Germ Summerfeldt, Mabel \Vagg, Dunuld ngpqr. Mal-fly: Stjqklex. I! 0.4 THEâ€"John Coulson, Hag-y Stiver, ROSS Haypgr. Pal-i711â€"7â€"Alexfl-Iarper, Mert- en Brown. Earle Gowlund, Jenet ,Sunanmrfgldg1 Olivei Yake. “ 1. I v"jimim‘ Iâ€"Darlene Olaverton, Mary Harper. Leslie Richards, Hurry \Var- liner, Roy Rajney. ..‘n w,___-_ m, _I___ Just to hand at Atkinson & Swit- zm-’s, Gowan’s fresh roasted famous hlvnd coï¬ees; try the 30c. or40c. qual- ities, ground while you wait. Victoria Squa. re . No. 11, Markham Headiiord. KLINCK, Teacher. Mt. Joy, Mrs. B. “Aunt Cassie came to visit us and she law I wgs nervous, had the ï¬dgets all the time, and she asked me many questions, and ï¬nally said, ‘ Why, you dear sweet girl, it's not your temper that's ba , it’s your constitution that's out of kilter. You sit right down now and write letter to Dr. Pierce. at Buffalo, N. Y., tel? him all you: symptoms’â€"and so I did. It wasn’t long before I had a long reply, carefully going over to case and telling me just what to do. I ate my present happiness and little Cupid’s return to the very day] sat down to write that letter to Dr. Pierce, for his odvice was so good and his ‘ Favorite I‘re- ecription ’ worked such a complete change in me that now my former cheerfulncss and good healthrn'ot to say anything of good looksâ€"are restored to me. I have summoned Tom back to my side and we are to be married in June." The pro deters and manna of Doctor Pierce’s worite Prescription now feel fully warranted in ofl‘tring to {my $500 f0; any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of the Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. It is natural that a woman who has been cured of womanly ,isease by “Favorite Prescription†shoul believe that it will cure others. It is natural too that she should recommend to other women the medicine which has cured her. It is such commendation which has made the name of Dr. Pierce’s Fa-VOrite Prescriyâ€" {ipn a household word for the past £11111? eight years. GIRL’S SEGRE T. The undersigned begs :0 thank the public for the gen‘ erous patronage accorded hxm as Gama! Blacksmith PATRON-S ! HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Papers Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL The necessity of the day is specializatiun. Skill in gm- line wins out where scattered abilin counts fay awthing. Young people ï¬nd Stenugruphy the quickest and surest, means of udvanceuwnt to best, pnsitiuns. Last week we bad 'calls from three prominentrailway ofï¬cials for private secretaries at. ghod salnrivs. This was in railway Rivann Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans 'l‘abules cure dizziness Ripans Tabules cure constipaupg. All kinds of Blacksmithmg dune. Horse-shoeing a'specialty. GEO. COWIE, [Single copies, 3 cts. And hopvs for a continuance of the same. . HEWISON, '1‘ () II 1 Si RiCHMOND HILL. No. 26