Mr. Walter Scott of Victoria Hluare, Markham TOWnship, who “waived the unanimous nomination gt the Liberals of East York yester- day, is a strong candidate. He was nmlinated by Mr. Lyman Kennedy, The Famity Hemld :md \Vtekly (“Hair has recently hinted that thm-e might, pnssibly be a surprise for its Ivmims in the near future, and we see in this week’s issue bhvy have carried mm the hint. Ralph 001mm, the am hor of “The Man from Glenguu-y," has issued. se‘veI-al sLurLIing stonies, hm, the greamst of all is his thrilling Wax-k entitled “The Pl-uspvctor." UnLy Hie wealthiest magazines of England and the United States with Ihn-it millions of readers have hereto- fm 4‘ been able t_0 pa): the_ price. to se: ! n'ing the Christmas huiiduyx. This A 2):: doubtivss due in a meas‘m'e to the manager, Mr. W. H. Moore, nder- iiw‘ing hy posters that there. would w cheap rules. Tickets were Sold at e’ngle fare, good to the 2nd of Jun- mry. between points where the fare < iiO'ceuts or over. The manager is to h.) vmnmended for having taken the mhlié illln hiq conï¬dence, and giving .hnuboveinfunnatinn, but he might 1.1» e gone a step further and made it mmwn that late cars would he run thistnms eve. Huwevvi', the travel- :ugpuhlic wereapieusvd 103m 509- n'e rettiiinlg‘in the ears what, the rates shall be. It is one thing to have Twin] fares but, quite another thing in let, the puhlic know in proper time. Ante the following clubbing rates :â€"â€" l n u: LIBERAL and \Vevkly Globe to Jam. 1. 06 . . . . . . $ 1.75 l‘mc LIBERAL and Weekly Mail, to Jun. 1. ’06 . _ . . . 1.80 Tm; LIBERAL and Daily Glnlw, one year, Yul k 00. 3.50 Tmc LIBERAL and Daily Mail one your. Yolk Cu. 3.50 'l'm: LIBERAL and Daily \Vorld to J an. 1 ‘06 V . . . . . 3.50 Tuesday, Jam-3, 1905. P we Markham township ’coim‘cil, and .‘IS ï¬lled many oft-ices of trust wich inch credit; Though always a iorough Liberal he has never been mked Upon as an exm‘em'ist, and has joyei lerespect of both politic-11 armies. He is in the prime of life; )‘5ngo--World‘s Dispensary Medical Aasoc'n hingeâ€"J. C. Ayer At 004 "a Lugeâ€"Atkinson & Switzer ‘bunge-Jen'y Smith Ythc Farmers’ Institute, and is rcc gnized as a man of excellent parts. ie served tor a number of years in > i‘ubils are {ngd to be present on Hm «lay of opening. 1mm. SHA\V, B. A., mammal. L11. SANDERgUN,_ RICHMOND HILL. December 29, 1904 n cx-reevc of Scarboro, and second 1 by Mr. A. J. Reynolds, secretary d we- bespeuk for him a strong pport. ‘ The passenger trafï¬c on the MM: 0- ‘litan branch of the Toronto and urk Radial Railway \v:}_s_very htflyy men SCHOOL 2:5 - OPENING \Vednesdmy, Jaâ€"n. llâ€"Crndit sale ofil 1m stbck'kud implements, on lot 11.‘ :1. 6, Markham, the property of VIwILCamplmll. Sale at 1. 'Nine m. J. H, Prentice, auct. '1‘hnrsdz‘iy. Jun. lQâ€"â€"Fan‘m stock. im- n‘menbs and furniture, Int 29, con. 5, whom, propel-1y 0f Daniel Casely. .lw at 1. Nine months. J. H. 1 z! serial rigth of such stories. and '1 indeed a surprise to learn that - Family Herald has secured exâ€" <ive Canadian rights of “The Prosâ€" -r.m-" as :1 Christmas gift to its rend- Family Herald readers may well 3' proud of their weekly visitor. for ‘y cermiuly are in for a big dollar’s xth this season. by at 1. Nine months. J. H. V ntice. auct. ' -. ‘ lindny, Jun. 20â€"qu‘m stock. im- JI-xents and furniture, Int, 16. con. 6, nlre lut, Markham. property of m‘z-Heisey. Snleat 1. Nine II)(-S.' H. Prentice, aluCt. ‘ Fridgy. Jun. 6 â€" Honses, cattle, hicleé and implements. at Lloyd's m-l, King City. Sale at 1. Ten K‘s. D. G. Bluugh. :uxct. \\’vduesduy. Jun. 4â€"F1'esh milch \w. 3 ï¬ngers and yearlings, at;- Ilmer inuse, Richmund Hill. Sale L Snigeon & McEweu, aunts. ‘ The Richmond Hill ‘High School will re-open on New Advertisements. he ï¬iheml. afar the coming t.erln.$$3. -ud board can be had at reasonable THE SECRET IS OUT. Sale Begisner. CH EA P RATES. Club Rates. Léh’n Boaid of Ed. UNCLE ï¬'he Only Marks BENEFIT Richmand Hi5? Fia'emeaa MASONIC HALL A Company of Artists that have been picked from the best to give a proper rendition of this Play. THE BRIGHTEST EVA REMEMBER--Although the adâ€".. mission is the smallest you ever paid to see this great play, we carry a company of carefully selected dramatic stamzand over 1200 feet of scenery for a prcxper production of this great Drama. The Original Legree Wï¬QW§NN¢¢¢Q¢QQQ¢¢¢QQï¬Q §§O§H§H+¢W§¢§§O§¢¢§§§HQ ON THE EVENING OF THE FUNNIEST TOPSY QMWWWQNO 1.11.} LY. a .. . . .fluuz..iir r TN T 1L3... The Irresistable Ophelia." mwawa-M E$QSW®S @5Q5Qï¬â€™ï¬ï¬9 @QSZï¬S Q3? '§"3‘>§"§"5’r+%+++++%+++~%+~§+++$~§~§ ~E<ï¬~+++++++++++++~®i+++%++‘3‘+§~ ‘ '1 +.zv-.z+«:o++~:~++a~-;~++++++~:«:~z~++ â€"â€"A-GEN TS FORâ€"â€" ï¬ï¬NFEBERNï¬ï¬i’é UFE lï¬Siï¬Mï¬GE 60 :.+++tt~€s+w+~ww++++int-Mu»M»: {+2 WARNING SIGNALSâ€"Nervousncss, bashfulncss. poor mem- ory. pimples on the face. aching back, cold feet and hands. no ambition or energy, tired mornings, poor appetite, syn: pathetic dreams at night, 515 of depression. morose and sullen temper. restless and suspicious. spL‘cks before the eyes. desire for ~50li- 'tudc, inability to ï¬x the attention, etc., YOU HAyE NERVOUS DEBILITY. Dork": neglect it. It ismllya step to paralysis or complete 1635 Of manhood. No matter the causeâ€"whether indis- crcctness in youth, excesscs in manhood or business worriesâ€"- OUR VXTALIZED TREATMENT \VILL CURE YOU. va\ ‘Alnkluku .u......m.,u; V'Aku‘\/A\Av .Vv. Founderof YOU CAP! PAY WHEN CURED. Dr.Spinney&Co. We Cure Varlcocele. Stricturas. Blood and Skln Diseases. Proatauo Troub- les. Urinary. Kidney and Bladgjer Diseases. Consultatlon Free. Qucsuon L131 Sent Free For Home Treatment. METROPOLITAN STORE TLV-e have .a 5.1;ng .raagn (if Axes, pf‘mes- go dmvnuu‘ low as Fifty Gents, but tliere'is no economy in buying a low pi‘icedaxe. aIt’s our aim to Sell you one of which you’ll say f‘that is the hest axe I ever used." Such is mu- ‘When‘it comes right down to good. strong depnduhle Cattle Chains there is none to chel the kind we sell. A. complete range of sizes to suit the bull 01- the calf. @QQQ ï¬Eï¬Â®Q§€ï¬9®6QS©6Q§Q This company issuvs one of the host policies on the market to- dny. It, is ensin undi-rstnnd. Just, as we explain it, so it is; if not you are nut; asked to accept it. Ask those who have them and see what they will tell you. Pimple in this age are alive in x-espwctr to Life [mm-nnso as an investment, with its protectinn, and insist on having the best. That is Confed- eration Life Association. E“ LIVERY IN CONNECTION. SHRED 3‘6 $5183? CERES) Strong Cattle Chains. GROCERIES," PROVISIONS, UYSTERS. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS. - V\ ill have our prompt attention. A11 A1 companka «w-:~§-~:~:~:«:â€"+-:-+++++4 PIANOS, ORGANS, NEW WILLIANIS SEWING MACHINES. 290 WOODWARD AVE., EETROIT, MICH. WVWVNQMMAi‘MW ‘2'. B. mmmm, Prap. BLtrï¬Prices are Right. . ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬' «‘ the Russill Hardware Co. MWSAWWWANWW Doflar 'Axe. 5128 ’EAST KING WT, Tm. FIRE IN SURA‘NGE §~vS~-£«§--?-+~:-v:»§“t--}~+-§‘~2-+++~E~+~£~ . gamgae & Em M~+ loo? .1 ++++~§.+++- ~ +++++++++++ ‘4 ‘0 ++++++++++++++ +4. + Maw:»:â€"-:»:*+++M++++-;«:«:-+M ï¬EBEE-LWY‘ Is that giveu‘hy our “Super- inl‘ Lanterns,†a- brilliant, steady flame. which will not be extinguished :hy the strongest, wind. The lantern we sell is gt. od‘flSe. value. but we cut the price to Are our Horse {‘Blankets. \Ve .hrwe ~them ‘in various weights, sizes and patterns, for street and stable use. Our buying. in ~grent unnu- ties direct from the ax-gest'. makers in Canada. enables us to sell to you at, prices the average dealer would have to pay to the wholesaleman. Warm and Windpmaf Our Prices are Right Sixty-five 'Cents. DR. SPINNEV.