MT. Harvey Pnttmwvn is spending a Week with friends at Oshawa. Smnll coal oil stove, almost new fur sale. Enquire at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Mr. W. A. Glass. tem-hvx- in Midland High School. is hunm for the holidays. Miss Gminge-r nf Tun-unto, spout. over Uhristnms with her mother, st. J1. 'F. Hopper. Miss 13m LII spending the. Runsom's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gx-ulngvr of Taran- étu, anï¬'Mr. and Mrs. J. H Lever and .son spent Christmas “ilh Mr. and Mrs. H. F. HQppt‘L Mr. Althm"1'uckvris spvnding the week at his hume in Sun-l, Quebec. H -MI'. Lo“. Lynvlt, Aurora, spent Christmas at, his home on the souuud of Markham. The High and the Public Sclmnls will 1-e-upun here Tuesday, the 3rd of January. Mr. and Mrs. M. hulidnâ€"yvin.wamu Stublls and family Miss Sombiu of Gnlling\\'nnd, Spout u few-days with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hopper and returned on Tuesday. Rev. Dr. Millignn, mndorntm ‘of t-lw Presbyterian Gum-ml Assembly, spent Christmas at. the Mamv. Miss Ivy Newton and Miss Jones. ‘mu-ses in um,\Vest¢-rn -H:)ipital. Mr. fliarrV‘Newtnu and Mr. \V. Cluzie. all of Toronto, spvnt Chrislnlns Day with Mr. and Mrs. T. Newton. It. will be seen by adv. on another «Rage that W. H. Medd, Esq. of Villowdule, roqnires the services mi it ï¬rst class farm hand and general stock-man. \Vugvs a minm- considvn ationi-jf the right mnncun be secured. Mr. J. H. Slwppm-d uf \Vvstnn. visit- Pd his mu-le, Mr. David Bnylu on Sn!- m-dny. My. and Mrs. R. E. Law went, from Saturday evening until anday with their daughter, Mrs. Vivian. Mr. Armand» F. Ten-1'); hurl'isim'. Clucugo, is spn'lu‘ling a few days with 1118 pm'enls and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Gen. S. Sims wont, Tlmmem ille un Friday to spvnd a f days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sims. Mr. Sidney BuVle, who has been at- tending the Collegiate Institute in Owen Sound, is spending the week at his home, here. Mr. Fred Graham has been engaged astencher fut-S. 5. N0. 7, Markham, and will comumuce duties next Tues- da y. THE LIBERAL carrier boy hopes to make his annual how Monday mm'n- ipgmnd extend to his patrons Lhe season‘s greetings. Pure kettle-rendered farmer’s lard, llc.’ lh,; best dates, (5c. 11).; ï¬gs, 5c. 1!»: 1re.tahle raisins. 200. ll). Atkinson &Switzer. The Misses Camplwll of Tar-onto, Master Al'Lhur of Tole-do, Ohio, and :Mr. Rolletuf Turnntn, spent Christ- mas at the Parsonage. ,There was no quorum at. A. O. U.\V.meeting \Vpdnesdny evening of last Week, consequently the election of ofï¬cers did not take place. Mr. OWWJtJflpKDRSP. will preach at'Butanï¬e next,- Sunday, _ Jan. 1. “10.303. m. and '7 p. m; :He will also $933k at Zion in the afternoon at 2.30. The annual offering for mission- ary purposes will be take‘nw‘t these \services. ‘A man’s fur gauntlet was‘flmnd and 'lé‘ft at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. “'ill the owner please call for it nrseml in the mute. i-Mr. W. E. Stoddurt, proprietor and pulvlishex of the Cookstuwn Advncutv. and Mrs. Stoddurt. spent ovm- Clnri>tâ€" mus with Mrs. Glass and family. MESSIS. F. and E. G. Rodditt of Bur- .riP. and Mr. Ernest, and Miss B. Rvdâ€" 'flitt, Toronto, spent the holiday with their HIOLhPl'. As an expm'ims‘nt a special our will mm from I‘montn tn‘NL-wmgwkvt and intermediate points this evening, le-ux- ing Tux-onto teuuinus at 11.30. This will give; patrons a chance to visit the theatresor other places of amusement. Rxcnwmn HILL, In cc-mhm- 2!), 190-1 "‘The artist’s touch is in the make-up of our made-tn-ulensure suits. Atkin- sqn §r swipzer. . 'Skips have been selected fur the Smith medal. and play will cmnmpnce inafew days. Those who pm-pnsv joining the club should hand in their names to the president or ï¬ecretary at once. There will he a three-cornered cor» test. for reeve in Markham townshim ;the candidates being A. B. Summer-1 feldt, J. E. Francis and J. Slater. We understand that ton men are running gs councillors. r Thachurch-going public are kindly requested to weuwmber the \Vmchâ€" Nigbt Service sin the vestry of the Heme-dist, Church on Samxflay even- ing at 11.15. s. M. ltnusmn spent the wmnrket visiting Mr. J. Gibson of Vandnrf, is hdï¬ï¬‚nys at Mr. Fred Sims wont, to torspond» a few The Conservativos of East: York on Tuesday numinntrd Mr. A. McGowan to represent them in the approaching mum-st. Yesterday Mr. XValtt-r Scott Was nmninatvd hy the Llluâ€"rals. Both uu- promian fm-nwrs and are resi- dents of the riding. The Conservativ Tuesday Imminntt tn represent them LECTURE. A lecture of the Story on the Scot- tish ()ovmnmle-rs will he delivered by Rev. Alexander McMillan of Toronto, in. St. Andrew’s Church, Maple. on Friday evening, Jnn‘y 6. Admission, 2O coma. Chair taken at 8 sharp. givers and nu )ity nickvl In burner. $2.15 sun & Swilzvl As a token of estvmn and good will Mr. “'11:. Innes :1 few evenings ago was In vsr-ntml by the inside employes of mill and shnp with ml easy chair and Mrs. Inm s with a jzn'dinie-re. The outside men also prvsentvd Mr. John Inst with a similar (~Imir. Bnth pI-vsz-ntulinns mm: ncrompunied with app! (IpI-intv addresses. plCL‘S n in tho oveuin some of the h season. Dum‘s rises at. 8 u’ulm the play, as \v will he DH‘SOI An Anys’rm‘ supper and -mil.01~tain- nwnt will he held in the Mofhndist Uhmc‘h. 'l'hnrnhijl, on the evening of Monday, Jan’y ‘2. Oysters servpd: from 5.3!) tn 8. after which an inlm‘vst3 ing [11‘0ng m will he give-n by the fol- lowing talent: Lur'v A. Lillie, Jnsefl" B. Nelson, anvvs Mnrivl Lillie, Ethel Birmingham. Mrs. J. Davidson, Ida ‘Huntvr. :nul Arlrigh Rumsden. Ad- missinn. 30 cents; children under 12 yvars. 20 cents. Thv anniversary tho n‘ sou-view will be In 1d 011 Sunday, Jnn'y I, at 1030 a. m. and 7 p. m. Miss Swvvtmuza, ra Dwmrmr‘ss of Toronto, will speak at both sex-view. Nominatmns were taken by Mr. Toefy Monday evening fin-the ofï¬ces nf were, councillors and 5011001 trus- tees. For rveve Mr. P. G. Savage was elected by :u‘clamatiun. An election will be hvld fur the tour I’E‘ant coun- cillorsâ€"\V. Innes, .l. Pauline. T. H. Tlonch, and J. P. Glass and Isaac; Crosby, E. Barker and A. J. HUI’HP." H. A. Nicholls was nominated for" I). S. trustee as well as those whose term had expired, but; Mr. Nicholls having (lzr-rline-d the honor, Messrs. D. Lynett. G. McDonald. and J. H. Sanderson were dvclured elected by :mclumalitm. Mr. Harrison and Mr. D. Hill were nominated to complete the lZE-‘l'lll of Mr. Storey who xeumved flom the municipality. Election for the above will take placcron Mon- mother Atkinsnn & Switzcr are the nil-won‘â€" aIl-thP-t‘ime clothing ’lauuse. Clothing made, by expv'rt Lailum, from honest fabrics. “7.9 \vvuld be ._ploased tn measureynufm a ï¬ne, stylish suit THORN H ILL PR ES BYTERIAN 8.8 measure ynu for a ï¬ne, strylish suit and quote for extra line black or blue venetian morning cont, suit $17.50, 01' sacquo cozgt,$16.50. PRESBYTERIAN S. S. The Presbyterian Sabbath School held its annual Cbristnms entertain- ment on Thursday evening. The lecture room, which was tastefully decorated for theocczlsion, was ï¬lled by a very appreciative audience. The children sang a. number of chorua es. which Were very much enjoyed. The Holly Drill was exceedingly well performed by a. number of the girls. Theieading piece on the programme was the cantata of Santa Claus; Santa and his band of performers did their purt‘su well thatit called forth the hearty applause of the large nudi- vnce. A new feature in the entertain- ment Wasa renl old-fashioned wind- mlll erected on the platform out of which came numberless presents. which Santa Claus :mddtis'baufl sf helpers distributed taeldgmd young. As the clappers of the mill rolled round out came two large .‘ eese‘ one for the minister and the a I We the superintendent. The pustgp. Rev. Mr. Grant, gavea short address Ethanking the audienze in the name 9‘? .the Sab- bath SChOuL'fUl' their attendance and .ap recialitm. also egpressing Mama an the wngregntion’sgindebtedness to the Sabbath School.staï¬ for their valuable services. He especially thanked those .who had devgted an much time in the getting up of the en- tertainment. The singing of God Save the King brought‘the lenjoyable meeting to a. close. ' 21y. IN glut is “R rs and nu VILLAG E NOMINATIONS. [‘H !S L. \Vlzit‘e’a company will present ‘vllltcrmwn and over pupulnrpluy. Iv'l‘nm's Cabin.†under the nus- nftlw Rirhmnnd Hill ï¬remvn. m Muconic Hall nvxt Monday ng. The company (claim to have nfthe best porfnrnm-s of the n. Duorsupm) at, 7.30; curtain =1t8u’clock. The old fwlturvs of l:1y,us well as maw attractions, lw prosvntx-d. Fur particulars mush-rs and uavm-tisement on “UNCLE TO M'S CABIN.†lifv! Our lamps are light mum-y Savors. Tho Queen I lnnlp.cmnplvtu with centre .15 is hard (0 heat. Atkin- H4151 THORNHILL IONS XMAS TREE. I A large and appreciative audience ‘ greeted the scholars ofthe Sabbath School in the school room of the Methodist Church Monday evening, when they presented to a crowded house the Very pleasing cantata. the “Old-Fashioned Santa Claus." The superintendent. Mr. Switzer, in a few remarks. Welcomed all present. on be- half of the ofï¬cers and teachers. and .laterin the evening Rev. T. Umnpbell made a short speech expressive of his delight that the entertainment was such a gratifying success. Mr. H. Sanders‘on made an admirable Santa Claus, whose acting was exceedingly clever and natural. and he, was ably assisted by Miss lda. Glass, whose. voice was engagineg sweet and pure. Donald Atkinson, as Jack Frost, was about peifect in his make-up, and Willie Patton was among the boys who acquitted themselves with much credit. The antics and performances of the Jolly Elves were laughable in the extreme. and the fairiesand flower gills delighted the audience by their singing, speaking and lovely attire. Nor must the Spry and active band of boothlacks he forgotten, as they fur- nished amusement, galore for those plesent. The quality of the \‘oices iu the sevetal choruses Was musically good, and many of the numbers (‘uttlti not fail in eliciting enthusiastic ap~ plause. The dumbbell drill by nine boys, and the star drill by twelve gil'lfl twere also remarkably Well exe- cuted, difï¬cult though the exercises were. Axcornet solo by Mr. E. Mason and an encore. werehappy features between the two parts of the pro- gramme. There were many “stars†in the company. but where so many took putt in the entertainment it is difï¬cult to individualize. Suï¬ice it to say. however, it was the best pio- grainme ever given by the scholars of ‘theschovtl. which is saying a great deal, and the committee. Miss \Viley, 1Miss Switzer and Miss Barker, Well merited the hearty Vote of thanks they leceived for training the scholars so et‘ï¬etently. The proceeds amount-ed to $40. SPAULDINGâ€"On Friday, Denomhor 23.t0 Dr. \Villwx-t G. L. and Mrs. Spnulding, at ‘29 Mackvnzie Crescent, Toronto, it daughter. :» up a c j- wards :5 pneun vise p2 "Tho b 7 la Ayer'n children 1 230..8)6.. s ' All drugï¬ Ayer’s Pillsrgreatly ai’dâ€"fhéWCherr Pectoral In breaklng up a gal . nghavevrgcently been asked to ï¬ll ! ftions $60.0! $55 xn .montb. A. {dam} ,‘e‘QF‘B‘E‘EEKWWflWW The demandifar. on: mde .ammg 93" FBPICW mum Mammyâ€- Hmrkahle. "Wi;£é}‘term opme-tï¬nd- #1894- some catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT. [@Winter Term from Jan. 3. Vtht about, making a strp forward hv spending a term in our svhonlâ€" The W0 offer superior advantages with eighteen teachers, ï¬ne equipment and thnrnu h work. “’0. have helped hum reds to mount up the the grade. May we 13m. l‘n-lp you ? Let. us Send you. Olll' hundsdmé cut- alugue at any rate. "The best conga medicine money can buy ls Ayer's Cherry eccoral. For the cough: or children nothinscould @51ny be better.†A003 BULL, Saratoga.’1nd. 23c.,mc..81.00. J. 0. Ann co.‘ All drumz‘llts. l- __ Lowell. Mas W 1-} £8 You can hardly ï¬nd a ’home without its Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks up a coid in a single night, wards off bmnohhiaprevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- vise parents to keep it on’hand. Thmat, Lungs y _ PRINCIPAL. qunex- [Yonge and Alexander 834, ‘No‘Bn-ttex200mumrciul School in Canada than Lhe pupulur After Holidays Qhen‘w Pastoral H. SEA-.3: TORONTO. ONT. gmow BIRTHS for ‘53, Principal +++++HM+++++++M++++++++ {-Q ++ "++++++++++++++++++++++~F + +'§"{"§‘+M++++é+++é+§++r§++++ “5%?++%~++++++%M++~b++¢++w++Â¥ For-sale in Richmond Hiil by'Gen.‘ McDonald, Harness Maker. Write for sanwle‘ t4)â€" A.J‘8£NSTON 81.80.. [7| Kim 81. E. ' ntadjp cure Coughs, Colds, Distemper and ï¬rst stages of hunvea, which are requently caused by chmpic coughing after distemper. This is a. grandfrepafatziog‘qu will‘s‘tan @nyflcnug‘h. “ ‘1 vv ... "-h Yorkshire Stock FoOd Makes alla‘sinds‘gfï¬tock thrive. Splendid for milk cows ; inronses the flow of milksfatteua calves m.d stall feeding catch and hogs. Gives horsps n sleek cont. fatten; them. puriï¬es the blond, cleansgs the legs and gives them a. healthy prenx'unc‘P. This Stock Fund is Inanufaetured by practical stockmen, nndis guarantevd to give quicker, better and more permanent results than any other Stuck fund. or money refunded. If you have been disappointed in other so-culled Stock Fonds. get a. sample of “YORKSHIRE STOCK FOOD’ and the results will convince you that. it. in premier stmk;â€t~ Yofksï¬h‘e Cough and Heave Cure Agricultural Drljggists. Opp. Clyde Hotel F!" ; +++++++++++++++++++++~x~++++ -:~-:-++++++++++ ..§..§.‘ .$++&.++++ T++++++++L i MMMMMMMMM-Ha-Mwa- MMMM-t-Mwwwa ‘ 3!? When buying a new cuttersee that it has the trade mark stamped ;upon it. If it has you can depend upon it to be'made of ï¬rst-class material and unexcelled in ï¬nish and design. (One Grade Only, and That the Best) Motto of MCLAUGHLIN CARRIAGE CO., Oshawa Ontario. ATKINSON & SWITZEH, Richmund Hill Our stock has had a very big pull on it during the Chrlstmas trade. Business has been extra good yet. Here are prices and merchandise that carry the conv1ction of then correctness: A , 77...â€..-“0, an.“ lobe. yard. Extra heavy 40 inch Wrapporett. 150. yd. Extra heavy grey Military Flannel. 300. yd. Hewty RM weal 28 inch grey Flannel, 250. yd. Heavy grey wool Tweed, 350. yd. Heavy navy W001 Serge, 300. yd. Ladies’ heavy flannelette \Vaists, $1. Ladies' heavy VVx-ztppers. $1. Ladies’ heavy plain or x-ihbed black cash: 25c. air. xtra heavy ribbed Hose, 3 pair for $1. 3 lbs. best Patras Claimed Currants for 250. 3 lbs. 'bpst 4-crown selected Valencia Raisins for 2'50. “’9 have the provincial curra nts cleaned at 41}' 250 and Valencia. Raisins 4% lb. for 250. Best; Dates. 6c. lb. Best, Figs. 50. lb. Extra Japan Tea, 23c. lb. Pure Corn Starch, 8c. Canadian Laundry Starch. 76. lb. Best. White Gloss Starch. 8c. lb. St. Lawrence Powdered Sugar, 161bs. for $1. Now is the time when our lig variety, best quality and lower-than~any-where-else prices loom up in their importance. ATKINSON 8c SWITZER The low price mark reaches every rock and corner and touches every prlce and article in our big store. HenviestBGinch Striped Flannelette, mce patterns Dec 29, 1904. JACOB EYE‘R 85 SON, I?iehmond I‘Iill, Ont. IN GROCERIES CUTTERS SELLING AGENTS Call and see our display. 000§§§¢§+¢§§§0H TORONTO- MOQ’OH‘QG Eflc ribbed black cashmere hose, 1:... _+++ _.++++++, _+++++.I T+++++++++++ +., .+++++++++++++_ +4-