Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Dec 1904, p. 8

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In one pal-eel, the fullnwing lands and gremises, situate nnd hein in the ownship of York, dcscribc as fol- lows: _ IUWU O Consisting of '1 58-100 acres of the north-east comer of Int N0. 15 in the first cuucessiun \vvsL 0f Yungu Street, in the Township of York, known as the Goldeanhm Hun-l. ’ er_., __ lulu uuuu .. u“... -,».-_ .7 .The lafi'ds are situate on Yfmge Street, about nine miles north of Tok ronto. and the Metropolitan Street curs pass the hl'tt‘i eight times a day. On thv- lands is erected a hotel, ll substantial frame structure in fair re- pair. containing a bur-room, small waiting-roonhtwo sitting-1m)nis,kitch- on an dining-room. and eight bed- rooms upstairs ; there is also :1 di iving house, with stuhling fox eight horses; also two driving sheds, each about 36 feet in *length. The hotel at present is unlicensed. The property will he offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. The purchaser shall pay 10 per cent. of his purchase money at the time of sale to the vendor or her solicitor; and the balance in thirty dzin thereafter into court to the credit of this action without interesti 7 < . . ‘ , In the Town-ship of Yolk. Pursuant to an order of film Higff Court of Justice in the action of Thom sun v. Thompson there will he ofi'ere fur sale with the approbation of the Master in Ordinary, B? D. Blough. Auctioneer. at, the Golden Lion .Hubel. Yonge Street, in the Township of York, at oneo‘clock in the afternoon, on Tuesday, 10th day Jan’y, 1905, HOTEL - PROPERTY I'lvll\r\lv ....‘.. VVH The vendor will only be required to furnish a. registered abstract of the title and to produae such deeds, copies thereof. or evidence nf title as are in her possession. In all other respects the terms and canditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the 601111;. Further particulars may be had from Mr. T. H. Lemmx, Aurora, or frmn Messrs. McVVllinney. Lennox. Woods, & Brown, Home Life Build« iug. de-nnto. Dated at Aurora. this 22nd day of Dccembei‘, 1904. Strayed from lot, 20, con. 6. Vaugh- an. on or about the 15th of November. 1904. one red and white yearling Heifer. A‘\.-L\r- Any'information leading to the re- covery of the same will be thankfully receiwd by 26-3 JNO. R. WILSON. Vellnre. A Second Hand Pulper made by VVaLson of Ayr, for sale. Apply at this ofiice. Wanted to engage by the year, a. first-class farm hand and general stookman, one used to blood horses preferred. \Vuges are a minor con- sideration for a man capable of taking charge and who can be depended on to work for my interests. Apply to \V. H. B. MEDD, \Villowduie P. 0. Farm is 13; miles \Vest (If Finch’s Comm-s, Yonge Street. ¢§§§§§O¢§MH§§§§§§¢§¢§§§f W§§+§§§§§§Q§§§§O§HN§§ PENNYROYAL WAFERS. JUDIBIQL SALE Watches that Keep Time is due to the fact that I have re- fused to sell cheap grades of The same rule is in effect; yet. always on hand. watches. This was a detriment to the watch business in the com- good timepieces we! e sold it gave satisfactory to watch buyers. No cheap watches but the best this store the reputation of being mencemeut, but after several The increase in my watch sales Jerrv Smith, FOR SALE WANTED Practical \Vatchmaker. LOST Alpeclflo monthly modlcinc for India to mum and rezuhw she munc- mdhuclns (fine, brim: $1 punks- u'gu o u: as or m on How used by over 30,0001MI: neeuud muwmun. luvigomla. {new organ Buy or your drung only those filth our nun, [cro- hmool’hbal. Amdsu “um Salad 1: Man III-11rd Ir sump. LW per 7x.7_ “gnu. MA _1_ AL R'EIL MACLEAN._ 'ciiiéf Clerk M. 0. J AS. H. KIRBY Your Vote and Influence are Respect- fully Sulicited for Yofif'Vote and Influence are Respect- fully Solicith for GEO. W. HIGH Your Vote and Influence are Respect- fully Solicited fox- W. H. PUGSLEY Your Vote and Influence are Respect‘ fully Solicited for Vaughan iTuwnshiu J as. A. Cameron Your Vote and Influence zu'e Respect- fully Sulicited fox- ISAAC DEVINS Your Vote and Influence are Respectâ€" fully Solicited fur Your Vote and Influence are Respeclr fully Solicited for D. C. Longhouse Your Vote and Influence are Respect- fully Sulicited for Your Vote and Influence are Respectâ€" fully Solicited for SCOTT MONAIR Your Vote and Influence are Respect,- fully Solicited for William Thomas Your Vote and Influence are Respect/- fully Solicited for J. E. FRANCIS Markham Township Monday. Jan. 2, ’05 For Councillors As County Councillor for Divist ion No. 4 Arthur Quantz As County Councillor for Divis-r ion N0. 4. As County Councillor for Divisâ€" ion No. 4. Jacob Williams Municipal Election As County Councillor for Division No. 5. Election on As Councillor far 1905. As Councillor for 1905. As Councillor for 1905. As Councillor for 1905. As Councillor for 1905. As Councillor f0! 1905. For Reeve As Reeve for 1905. +++++++++++~r++++++++++++++ 4. I; Are Your Lungs Worth 25 Gm? E White Pine and Tar 4++M+++++++++++++WW§§ Threshers' Cual on hand. LIVERY Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices nght. GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. June 11. 1903 The above Rink will be. open for Skat- ._ ers during the Season on SKATING RINK SATURDAY EVEN ING Rink open to Curlers every day, and on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Admissions for skaters. 100.; Children under 12 years, 5 cvnts. Fifteen adult tickets for $1.00. Thirty children’s tickets fol-$1. J on): STARTUP, Manager. 24-10-1 m The east; half of lot: 64. Ist con. \Vhitchurch (near Lake Wilcox), con- taining 100 acres more or less, the property ofthe late Robert Thompson. There are about 15 acres of good bush, about 5 acres of good young orchard. hard and soft water, and good build- ings. The farm is well situated. being about, half a. mile from Yonge street, and the Metropolitan Railway. For terms, etc.. apply to v T. HERBER'I LENNOX, Sisal Hag Troughs 350. per, Foot. All kinds of Imple- ments Repaired éon. Markham (Thornfiill) has for sale some good yqung stogk2 The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- provedib‘heister w_h_ipe hog-s! lot 32, lst Thorougii-breci bull. and hog kept for service on the premises. D. G. GOODERHAVM, W. Mager, Prop. Private Funds to loan on Farm Property, at 5 per cent. Interest pay- able half yearly. Apply to 8-11-1111 H. A. NICHOLLS ' TfiE’ LIEEQJQL. ‘ Will Cum in a Few 1,7275â€" Use Sandal-son's \Vhite Pine and Tar. Nothing Better for Coughs and Coldsâ€"Use Sundersnn’s White Pine and Tar. 000000 Another good sensonable article at this time 0! the year is our Chocolate Coated Bromide and h Qtfinine for Cold in the Head and Grippe. Why do you Cough an Day 1 Use Snndorsnn's WH‘BC‘ Pine and TM. Wlll Relieve Cough in at kw flours. W. A. Sindersuni DRUGGIST Michael Bros., Money to Loan Sanderson’ White Pine and Tar. SUNNYSIDE FARM RICHMOND HILL Richmond H ill Of each week from 7 to 10 o’clock. FOR SALE 49t- $1.00 IN AnVANGE. Use Sander-Sun‘s Made to order at COAL â€"USEâ€"â€" WOOD P. G. SAVAGE. Proprietor Aux orn. Reeve f POLLING, JAN. 25, 1905. 4f 3+++++++++++++~2~+“Ma-Hwy? +4»:-+++++++++++M++++++++~k+ ~i~ The Next Sitting uf Division Court to: No. 3, County nf York, will be held in the Court, Room. M++++¢$€flb+-$"§-1'+-14-K;+++++++@-§‘ ++++H+++++WH$++H$W RICHMOND HILL DIVISHUN - CWT. RICHMggig HILL SATURDAY, JAN. 21, 1905 Provinsial Eleatmns Riding 9% W33: Ymfia YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE g 125) g v v J~fi’glgilykfiufiégbods at reasonable - ‘ prices. Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill Cnmmencinz at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON. CLERK Richmgmfi was Hardwara Store Spring and Hockey Skates, Table and Pocket Cutlery Tinware and Royal Blue Graniteware, and everything in the Tin and Hardware line. Glass all sizes, or cut to Size. Repairing promptly and neatly done. ARE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED W%§EW@$WWWWW3Q Hardware of all Kinds. All suitable for Xmas Presents. A Resident of the Riding and ple's Interests. G. & EMASON Represeatative of the Pen- 1135 in Stock H~~z~+++++++ OQO¢W0¢¢¢ k+++++~§+++ “’9 have snlid comfort in the way of Blankets and Robes, and. in fact, everything in the line of Harness, Robes, Blankets, Fur Coats, Mitts. Gouutleta and many other articles necessary for the comfort of your- self and horse. Every Accommodation for the -tn.v- elling public. u;.. ...... .._..... . The gunds we ofl’er are honestiy made, and will stand the wear that. you expg'ct of them. -.- n ,1.. -1. -A..n-_.‘..|.l.‘ RICHARDSON HOUSE THE - LIBERAL For Man or Beast DIAPI 4E . THOROUGHLY REFITTED. Subscribe for FREDERICK BACK Prop Vermfi Masâ€"van...”

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