Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jan 1905, p. 3

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Grape-Nuts is made of the selected parts of wheat and barley and by the pgcullar processes of the cooking at the factory, all of the starch is turned into sugar ready for immedi- nta digestion and the more perfect. nourishment of all parts of the buly. particularly the brain .and nerve centres. Road the little book. "The Road {a Wellvine.” found in each package. It. is plain that if he had been put on Grapeâ€"Nuts at an earlier period in his life, and kept from the use of foods that. he could not digest, he never would have had appendicitâ€" is. That disease is caUSed by undi- gvsted food decaying in the stomach and bowels. causing irritation and making for the growth of all kinds of microbes, setting up a diseased condition which is the active cause of appendicitis, and this is more marked with pcopie who do not pro- perly digest. white bread. A little boy of eight years Whose parents did not feed him. on the right, kind of food, was always nervâ€" ous and sun‘ei'ed from a. weak con- dition of the stomach and bowels. lfinally he was taken down with appendicitis and after the operation, the doctor, knowing that his intes- tinal digestion was very weak, put him on Gram-Nuts twice a day. He rapidly recovered and about two months thereafter, his Father states, “He has grown to be strong, museuiar, and sleeps soundly, weighs 62 pounds, and his whole system is in a fine condition of health.” Name given by Postum (50., Battle Crock, Mich. The young woman then started the jaunty popular song, and in a few moments, to the amazement. of themselves and the wonder of the Workers aboard the steamer, every one in the boats was singing "Be.â€" delia." From that it was an easy step to other nirs of a lively nature, and long before the boats were recalled their occupants were almost enj ‘râ€" ing the. novelty of their stern situa- tion. The Pacific Steamship Company deCol‘afed With gold and silver medâ€" als the captain and men who risked their lives to save the ship and Das. sengers. ’l‘hev also presented a token to the brave singer. On it is :ng'raved, "For Singing ‘Bedelia.’ " A Lot, of Trouble From Too Much Starchy Food. Then, strong and clear, a cheery voice made all sit up and listen. “What is the matter with you people?" it said. "We‘re not going ‘to die. The fire. is growing smaller. We shall all be in our bunks in an hour. If you must sing, sing 'Bv delia.’ ” Balty Mooreâ€"Oh, pshaw, old man, I Wouldn't worry about Blowhard's opinion of me, if I were you. Ca1â€" \'ert, jr.â€"It isn’t his opinion I’m worrying about. It's the grounds I happen to know he has for that opinion. ’l‘hc'n, strong voice made all “What is the people?" it said I1 An Incident in the Wreck of the Steamship Queen. IMIGHT HAVE SAVED IT. A SONG OF COURAGE "It seems odd that the English alphabet, out of which can be con- structed several thousand of words, contains just, one word formed by the letters in their present order," remarked the observant young man. "That word is 'No.’ You can look the alphabet over and you won't find any other combination of vowel and consonant characters that will form a. Word. The nearnst approach is 'Ab.’ which by straining a. point might be considered an abbreviation of ‘Abraham.’ or ‘Hi,’ which might answer as short for ‘Hiram.’ But 'No,’ one of the shortest words in the language. is the only bona fide word formed in the arrangement of the alphabct's twenty-six charm} tors." Dorld's Kidney Pills to friends and to all those who Dodd’s Kid‘noy Pills cure. a ney Diseases from Backac Bright’s DiseaSc. "Two boxes Pile cured me, betes is all g“ Dorld's Kidncg friends and to A cry of alarm went up, and every- body clutched at everybody else, when all at once the crowd of buy- ers, the auctioneer and his desks, found themselves in a heap in the cellar below. The floor being too rotten to support the great weight. of people and furniture, had given Way and collapsed like a. trap-door. For some moments everybody was bewildered and unable to realize what had happened. Then, picking themselves up, the company tried to find a. way up to the street. At, last somebody came across a, door and through-it they all streamed. In the darkness, the subterranean explorers stumbled upon some steps, a trapâ€"door was opened, and the company found themselves safely in daylight again. The most serious injuries consisted of bruises and scratches. Ste. Marguerite, Dorrlwslcr Que” Jan. 23â€"(Spccial.)â€"'l‘hat most serious forms of .Kidnoy ease cannot stand “Wm-o Dmill's ney Pills is being daily proved Quebec, and one oi the most vincing proofs is given right in Ste. Margum‘ite. Donat LaflA Whom everybody knows had Di es. This is one of the ext stages of Kidney Disease and it fles ordinJrv medical skill. C< q‘ue’ntly it is not surprising that doctor who attended Donat flammc could not, help him. let Mr. Laflamnio 1.011 the most ‘ derful part, of his stmy himself: During an auction sale of furniture which was being conducted in a shop in Victoria street, V‘.’ol\‘crhampton, England, recently, tho auctionevr was "knocking down" a writing desk with the familiar words, “go- ing, going, gone," when it seemed that the walls were rising up to overwhelm the numerous company present. Crowd in a British Auction Room Show How. the (tomhine llvs in thn the I‘nitod States SH tion. Mr J. Farrell, the Corporation's exporting been in Europe for snmn He is leaving for Amer atcly, and upon his l‘op thn inclusion or othe-rwim pomtion within thn com They Always Cure all Forms of Kidney Disease fl‘Om Backache to Bright’s Disease. COI‘ bvc HIS DIABEWS HS DONAT LAFLAMME F CURE IN DODD'S K PILLS. 1hr British and Continental Firms 1L which l‘8.( mm I‘_V Bv‘i fish ng‘ very l‘ho chit-l“ erma n ma (In in Cont. of outnu t‘ rm {Jim ..... small (lmlur 1n WORLD’S STEEL POOL GOING, GOING, GONE [fixer] (m tlu May J NO” IS UNIQUE ()Il lh )1] sm dil All 0," he says. gone and I 1‘ cy Pills to h. 1H ALL GONE NOW cult)“ oin Forces the 4 allnl allow 1'11) )I'I ’111 'Dodd in NI tho :1 hich for m In "N 'iso of )mhim 67 H“ ml [n OUND A ZIDNEY 'My :com all itmh For} at! z) (Jonsoâ€" Lhat the '5 Kid ed il fiammc Diabetâ€" XLI‘cme Iii RI] But, N011- nt here (01'- in ih Jinksâ€"“Huw’s vour Wifu, Rinks?" BinksH'TIer head troubk‘s her a good deal." "Neuralgia‘?" "No; she Wants a new hat.” CANADIANS APPRE CIATE PIC- TUBES. The enormous demand for the series of Marguerite pictures is- sued by the Tuckett Company has induced the Company to acquire all Canadian rights in Snowman’s celebrated picture of the King and Queen in their coronation robes in Westminster Abbey. The pictures were painted by command of their Majesties and the reproductions are being made by Their Majes- ties’ special lithographers, After March 1, 1905, they will be for- warded to any address on return of two hundred Marguerite bands. Mn:_“v‘“..- ow'rSO.'l'IHNU Sv‘cL' .- hu ham gul by minim no! moth-rs fur vhciv c;il lren “mils mun 'I (- “Enomasvhe nhild' .ioflcna {hr rusm. Mun-mum, ~urn Iindcolic.regllluleblhcglonm““UN “l'Wu‘l-i. ouu n: [Astral-nudyr-ur U ur-hwa‘ l‘auJLy-‘Jm mun x my,“ hnlu by Mun/gins Luruugixuul we world. 15.: sure anl “k ur‘mln . \Vmaum' rsuomxmuz. m- " 3.; .95 qu tive in ca §( Minard's Linimezlt Um‘es: fields, 8w “Papa, I wish you Wouldn't look so fierce when young goutlcmon call to see me. It: frightens them." “How would you like me to lookâ€"- meek?" "Well, not 100 _]_I_!_(-\ek; that might frighten them away." Cym'l1is~â€"“I Maudie. [In with Ihcso yo no intontinn I 14112111 :ld'vofl have donc \x‘i but I lion applicants Cynt hisâ€"- in 11: man. own? t haul- "Oh, you 1111‘ I do not want span-l :1 f4)“ delightful res commodation For txrkets and full infonmntiong call at any Grand Trunk Ticket. 0f- 115011113 Clemens 5 it unt Trun . | P H \ DYED 43‘ CLEANED LUnTIMJb Lma NEW. \\'rlle Lu In about )uura'. IIIUIH k-JEBIDAN DYEING 00., Box 153, Montr 1‘5 CO. An admirable food. with all its natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and maintain robust health, and to resist winter‘s extreme cold. It is a valuable diet for children. Maud“ Sb. Catharina; Mineral Sp Pat bvnolit {IVS LINN Thc CHENILLE CURTAENS 88129. C. C. RICH/U. CAME-'03? ONE WOULD BE EVOUGII came to m‘riago, : “Have 1 nskal 'l‘he Fru i t “cum! on salc No Breakfast Tabla complete without 11] n For the Wmter I'm svck of run so young follows Linn whatever of ,th Use for a hu Yours rrr (Iver S’I'v \'~1-$ who 9 Most Nutritious and E00311}. i031. W ‘Ch {HI‘ trip nail 0]) ilh think and ma, mama ca rLomnA. HSS Mineral Sprinqg need a. rest should days or \VOL'RS at this on. Best, of hotel ac- toll you what it iv,” said the 301mg on any mom-y of your the careful father. understand me, sir! to buy her." O TU of Sunshin l‘lowvrs ourisi. Llcke m] 1il~ you‘ll Mimal 31th? ” line of Grant) l'nHilL‘J: about 3 who've trot ll'] )9 & CO be plenty (lat hter I] It, is not every father who can see four of his children married on the same day. so no one need feel sur- prised if M. Girard, a farmer of the village of Huguetiere, in the Ven- qdee, England, on such an event oc- Icurring in his OWn family, determin- lcd to celebrate it in style. On the day of the weddings Huguetiere gave itself up to rejoicing, as did numer- ous guests from the surrounding coumryside who had assembled to see the four couples and the imâ€" posing procession which accompani- ed them. At. midday a banquet was held, at. which more than 400 guests sat down. "Viol, it's a burning shame the \my this house is disonivrcd. Your collars and tic-S are scattered all over the room!" "Are they, my dear? That dog's honn up there again, then. Yes,” continued Smith, as he drew his friend into the parlor, "I would nut take. a big pot of money for that; (log. Why, the noble fellow saves; me about twenty scoldings :1 week. The Chicago, Union Pacific and b'on'lh Western Line runs through IllS’t'ClaSS Pullman and Tourist sleeping cars to points in California. Personally conducted excursions from (hica'go every week. Lowest rates. Choice of routes. Finest scenery. Special attention given to family parties. P‘vr maps, illustrated fold- ers and rates millsess B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King St., To- ronto, Ont. To prove to you that m. I Chase's Ointmentisaoertain and absolum cure for eac!’ and every form of itching. bleedimznnd protmglin miles. rue manufacturers have guaranteed If. ea res- lmonials In the daily preps and ask your neigh' corn what they think oHt. You can use It and ret your money bark if not cured. 600 a. box. Id ll dealers or EDMANSON.BATES & CmTomnm “That was a great sermon you preached this morning," said the old ohurchwm-den, "and it Was well timed, too.” “Yes,” rejoined the parson, with a. deep sigh, “I notic- ed that?" “Noiiced what?” asked the puzzled warden. “That several of the congregation looked at their watches frequently,” answered the good man, with another (let-p sigh. for that Minard‘s Liniment Durex Disfie "It must, have been the dog, my than” was his reply. “find who was it that dropped IhoSu ample pcelings on the floor?” shu demanded. “It must be a great satisfaction to have such a palatial residence,” said the oldâ€"time friend. "lt is," answered Mr. Cumrox; “it’s a heap of comfort to have a. house big enough to wander away and get lost in when mother and the gals are giv- ing a muisicale or a reception." "5'0. s31: that's my dog," remind fllfilh. prowl'v "You (lunt really mean it, old man. Why, Ive known you now for Lu» yom‘x. uni you've always had 11 marked avers on to dogs.” “Yes, [ did until lately; but I wouldn't he without nno now. This 1mm: is: a noble, faithful fellow, and I wouldn't takeâ€"3‘ But; at th-s Juncture he was inter- rurtwl by his wife calling down the stairs“â€" my Levers Y-Z (Wlse Head) Disinfect- anl houp Powder iss~ a boon to any bume. It disinfects and cleans m “Hnm'y Smith, who Was it that Sf‘ath-I‘ml these cigar ashes {111 (War "Waiter, how do you pronounce gâ€"l'â€"uâ€"y-eâ€"râ€"e cheese?" "It is a. mat- Lur of personal opinion, sir. A gen‘ Human who was in here last night pronounced it the Worst he ever tasted!" tume. It dis me same time 05-. Qhase’s Ointment nn-nt the 1 the l CALIFORNIA EX CURSIONS W FOUR MARRIED AT ONCE o, my dear, the dog's to Mime thm I14 (Zed/w lh 1t you'd have a 3105.; in ' ('u tinucd Janus. "It mm of your neighbors. I ABLE DOG n’t havu believed onus. in nslonish- :(l in to sea Smlth and was met in Rel-nard dog. believed what?" H.99MM'SSQNLQQ" Limited Arkct and cnlnorna 525.. 'ronom'o.‘ Stamper “Did you over long for death?"- asked the soulful, dyspeptic young man. It, was the fourth long can he had made on her that week, and she was sleepy. "Whose death do you mean?" she asked, in a. dry. dis- couraging tone. Minard’s Liniment Durex Diphtheria If a girl wants to get rid of an undesirable suitor, all she has to do is to appear on the scene of action with her hair done up in curlâ€"papers. Shiloh’s Consumption (Cute “Do you read much fiction?" “Now I get all the fiction I want listening to my husband's excuses for coming home late!” ‘ Minam’sLinimant Eures Garget inflows We Can handle your poultry eithen alive or dressed to best advantage“ Also your butter, eggs, honey and other produce. ‘ The Lun Tonic g and the cough will stop. Try it to-night. If it doesn’t benefit you. we’ll give your money back. Priccs: S. C. WELLS & Co. 307 25c, 50c. $1 LeRoy.N.Y.. Torontofiinn. Coughing is an outward sign of inward disease. Cure the disease with Has more material in it than any other brand of shirt in Canada. Made on the H.B.K. scale it requires 39% to 42 yards per dozen, whereas Made big enough for a big man to work in with comfort. ' «an r A mw ISSUE NO. 3â€"05. SHEET

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