IJOCAEJï¬. Division Court here next Saturday. Miss Brown.Toronto. spent Friday l with friends in the. village. I ‘The \Vhist (‘lub will ineretrthis week i on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Lamon. Mrs. F. H. Mears of Aurora, is spending.’ a Week with her sister, Mrs. w. E. wait-y. Miss L. House and Miss M. E. Mapes Spent Hnndav with thelatter's niotlier,’ Mrs. M. E. Mapcs. Mr. James Brackin of (‘hathain, .has been spending a few days at Richâ€" mond Hill and Elgin Mills. The T. Eaton’s hoclj-y tt'ani defeat- ed Richmond Hill last, evening by a score of 7 to (l. Mr. “"idTriTcliliwhoi is attending Victoria College. Toronto. preached in the Methodist. Church Sunday morn- ing. Mr. and Mrs. I). L. Impard of Newâ€" market. spent Monday afternoon and evening with Mr. T. 1“. McMahon and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Long and dangli- ter of Hartney. Man.. called on friends Thuisday. and \V't'll‘ guests of Mr. and Mrs. \V. limes. Mi's.~{Re‘.‘.) \Vcllwrvod of Dundalk. passed through the village Friday on her way to see her mother, Mrs. John Beynon, King. who is Seriously ill. The Aberdeeus of East Toronto. dc- feated two rinks from our curling club yesterday in the preliminary round for the District Cup. It will be seen by change of card that Dr. C. II. Claikson, dentist. will visit Thornhill professionally \Yednes- day of every week, instead of 2nd and 3rd \Vednesday as formerly. Mr. Frederick A. Bell died at his '«home in East Toronto on XVednesdav of last week. interment in Norway cemetery the following Friday. he. ceased was a brother of Miss Bell. teacher in our High School. The annual meeting of the Rich- mond Hill and Yonge Street Agricul- tural Society will be held in the Lorne Hall, on Saturday, Jan. 21. at 2.30, for election of ofï¬cers, etc. Blanketsâ€"“VJ have a line stock of white wool blankets. Dutch kerscy horse blankets, $2.25 per pair. worth $3. Naughton Bros. Elgin Mills. A missionary sermon will be preach- red in St. John's Church, Jefferson. at the afternoon service (2.30 p. in.) on Sunday, Jan’y 22. by Rev. J. 0. Rob- inson. M. A,. a missionary in Japan now home on furlough. Friends of Sabbath Schools who are in a position to attend are requested to remember the S. 8. Convention of Vaughan Township in the Methodist ‘Ohurch at. Kleiiibui-g on Friday, the 20th of January. Interesting sessions ‘moining, afternoon and evening. Those who are in a position to know the result of the vote at the various polling places in East and \Vest York are requested to send returns to Mr. Jerry Smith by telegraph on the even- ing of the election. or to ’phone central .uflice at, Sanders-011’s drug store. V’Ve don‘t pretend to know it. all, but all we know is at your service. Atkinson 8: Switzer. TESTON. An oyster supper will be. given at Teston on the. evening,r of Monday, Januaiy23. Tea served from 4- to 8, after which a musical and literary enâ€" tertainmet will he rendered by ex- cellent talent. FOR THE'SAHTH'NEDAL. A series of club matches for the Smith medal have commenced on the rink. Tuesday evening G. (lowie‘s rink defeated \V. A. Sanderson by 3 shots. and G. McDonald defeated F. E. Sims by 2 points. J. Michael defeated J. Glass, and E. Barker won from G. McDonald. There is no loss so serious to us as i .not to please a customer. Atkinson if: Swizcr. ’ ‘PUBLIC MEETING. A public meeting in the interests of Mr. McGowan and Mr. St. John. Con- servative candidates for East and West York respectively will he held in the Masonic Hall this (Thursday) evening. (.‘hair to be taken at 8 o‘clock. Mr. Scott. Mr. Vcrral. the. Liberal candidates, or their represent- atives are invited to be. present and address the electors. Everybody in- \vited. STEPH ENSONâ€"STEELE. A very pleasing event took place on Tuesday evening, 17th inst... at the home of Mr. John C. Steele, Newton Brook. when his daughtei Ruth was united in marriage to Mr. Arthur C. Stephenson. Rev. J. A. Grant. per- formed the ceremony. only the im-’ mediate relatives being pi esent. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Steele en- tertained the company, when a sumpt- uous repast was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson will live on afarm‘ spear the old home. 3 ‘bcis Messrs. scoring the James Bay Railway Com- pany. met the village, council and a. ciliw-ns' committee here Tuesday. and obtained from the latter a promise to (‘ndezuor to grant the railway 4; acres lol‘land for a station-ground directly Barber and Sykes, repre‘ east of the \ illagc. ANNI'AI. (‘IiUIitTIi MEETING. The animal meeting of St. Andrew's ‘ and St. l’anl's Presbyterian churches. Vaughan. was held in St.l’aul‘s church on tin-evening of Tuesday. the 10th inst. Tea was served and an en- joyable lll'll‘ spent between the mem- and friends of both congrega- lions. licpoi-ts were also read for the year. showing that everything was in a prosperous and progressive condi- tion. SKATING AND HOCKEY. The hockey club have made arrange- ments for a skating carnival and hockey match in the rink 'l‘hiii-sdayevening next, Jan'y 26. A hockey match will be played between ‘ tho I'nionville “Stars " and the home team. This will no doubt prove a very exciting: match. Game called at 8.15. Thoio will also be skating before and after the match. and a good band will be in attendance. Rink open from 7.30 to 10.30. Admission 15 cents. A. O. 1“. INSTALLATION. The members of Court Richmond. A. 0. 13.. had a social time attheii' regular meeting last Friday evening. Iiy invitation Bro. A. E. Pearson of Thornhill. I‘). (I. R. for Llllsdisll’lt'ir. installed the ofï¬cers for the present year. There was a goodly attendance and after the regular business was transacted a program of toasts and song was enjoyed. The chair was taken by lln- (‘hicf Ranger elect, Bro. T. H. 'l‘rr-nch. The toasts proposed were “ The King and Forestry,†“ The lligh (‘onit," “The District. Chief Ranger,†and “Court Zichniond.†Among: brethren from a distance \veie A. .I. Rupeit and ii. Elliott. Toronto; and A. ’l‘honipson. a member of Court Union. Thoi nhill. Iefreshinents were served by Pro. T. B. Ludford. and during the evening musical selections were contributed by Bro. \V. A. \Vright. Prunes. 5c. 1b.; ï¬gs. 5c. lh.: dates 6c. lb. 1 pure rmrnstarch, Sc. ; Rangoon rice. 51-. 1b.; dried apples, lb. : h '-L' minim-ed lard. 10c. lb. ; powder- c i .i._"ir. 16 lbs. for $1; special value, v. c- il'i-e. ground while you wait. at l r.) and 400. lb. Atkinson & Switzer. THI I‘EIJNEATOR for Februai). with a beautiful art Cover and a varied table of contents. is a most attractive number. As a special feature. Lionel S. Mapleson gives an account of Grand Opera on its travels. a. paper that is full of humor as well as of genuine inteiest aiid is strikingly illustrated. The ro- mance of Chopin and the beautiful Countess Delphine I’otocka. is cliarine ineg rilatcd by Gustav Knohbe in the “Coinposers’ Series.†and in an iii- Lt‘l'OSilllg paper Alan Sutherland tells something of the origin and romance of that inatcliless hymn of Henry Francs Lyte. “Abide \Vith Me.†Theic are also good stories by Maiy Stewart Cutting, Anne O'Hagan and Owen Oliver. in addition to the chil-. dren’s corner, which includes one of L. Frank Bauni’s “ Animal Fairy Tales" and a “ Son of Riley Rabbit†story by Grace Mat-Gowan Cooke. Some of the early spring styles are shown. and of further interest to women is the. chapter on “ The Making of a House- wife,†containing a world of sugges- tion. The department “ Good Looks.†which discusses the forehead. and Mrs. Theodore \V. Bii-ney‘s contribution on “ The Mistakes of Mothers,†are other items especially helpful. JANUARY CANADIAN MAGAZINE Tic Canadian Magazine starts the New Year with a new serial story. the scenes of which are laid in the war of 1312. It is entitled “The Builders,†a most apt title for a story which deals with the struggles of those who helped with the foundations of Canada. The author is a Canadian, a resident of Toronto. The 013th features of the. January number are also worthy of consideration, G.M.L. Biown. a Canadian traveller. writes interestingly of Curacao, one of the most important of the smaller West Indian Islands. The editor reviews the new life of Sir John Beverley Robinson. and this contribution is ac- companied by an unpublished picture of the late Chief Justice. and an un- published peacil-sketch of Government House, Petal-borough, built in 18215. Dr. Drunimond contributes one of his famous habitant poems. Cy \Var- man‘s satire “Dog Eat Dog" will inter- est the people of the \Vest who have recently suffered from alumber com» bine. ProfessorCappon’s article on “Robert’s and the Influences of His Time" is the ï¬ist of a series of four on the same. subject. There are the usual short stories, poems and depart- inentseeach depicting some phase of ourn'itional life. The national tone. which has given distinctiveness to this publication. was never more in evi- dence than in this issue. Village Councfl. The inaugural meeting of the Muni- cipal Council of the Village of Rich; inond Hill, was held in the Council Chamber on Monday, Jan. 9, at 11 o‘- clock a. in. The following members present ex- ecuted lheir respective declaration of qualification and ofï¬ce and took their seats. viz :â€"P. G. Savage, reeve; Wilâ€" liam Innes. Isaac Crosby, and John P. Glass, Councillors. The following communications were read from 2â€"Jacob Eyer & Son. notice of resignation ; Joseph Blanchard, claiming refund of dog tax; J. Ross here on ‘ “ i All drugiau. :Wez. T 1Watson of Ayr, Robertson, Esq., on behalf of the Sick Children‘s Hospital. The following accounts were read : John T. Htai-tiip, for services ..$1(3 SS Jacob Eycr & Son, care and re- pair of Fire Engine . . . . . . . . 16 66 'l‘reasurer‘s account for disburse- merits and postage for year. 9 65 (‘iosbyâ€"Innesâ€"that the :l‘l’t‘ilslll't‘l‘ do pay the foregoing accountsâ€"Car- ried. Glass~1nnes~that the Treasurer is instructed to remit $5 to the Secretary of the Sick Children‘s Hospital. (‘ar- l'ied. The (‘lerk is instructed to icinit $5 as subscription to the Municipal \Vorld, for use of Councillors. .\li-. limes introduced by-law No. 19-7. to appoint certain persons to of- ‘ï¬iw to serve the corporation during the year 1905 as follows :-â€" Auditors. R. l‘}. Law and A.J.Iiuinc. A><l-.\Si)l'. II. A. Nicholls. Iiiin School Trustee. for term, J. A. E. Switzer. liillll‘tl of Health. M. McNair, for term. Medical Health Officer. Dr.I..Lawra- son. Public, Library, Hesse A. Nicholls, for 1min. Village Inspector, John T. Startup. Town bell ringer, M. Ransom. It‘ence-Viewers. Messrs. .\I. McNair. J. Besiard and S. M. Brown. The bylaw was read a first, second and third time and passed. The following committees wore ap- pointed :~ Fire and \Vatei', [ones and Glass. Park. Messrs. Trench. Crosby and Savage. lly-laii s, Messrs. Crosby, Innes and the (‘lcrk. Streets and Sidewalks, Council. divided in the set-i ions :e East of Yongc and north of Centre streets, Councillor Crosby as super- visor. East of Yonge and south of Centre streets, Councillor Trench as super- visor. \\"est of Yonge and south of Centre streets. councillor Glass as supervisor. \\'cst of Yongc and North of (‘ciilie sticets. councillor Innes as supervisor. The council adjourned. M. TEEFY. Clerk. e‘¢4> »â€"- N9 Difference. No distinction is made as tothc kind of Piles that Dr. Leonliai'dt‘s Hein- Hoid cures. The names Internal. Exteriial,Bli-cd- ing. lilind. Itching. Suppuiating: etc., aii- simply names of the different stages tliiough which every case will pass if it continues long enough. Piles are caused by congestion or stagnation of blood in the lower bowel and it takes an internal remedy to re- move the cause. Dr. Leoubaidts Hemâ€"Hold is a tab- let, taken internally. It is a permanent cure, and no case of Piles has ever been found that it failed to cure. Money back if it does. A guarantee, with every package. Price $1.00at any druggist's. or the \Vils‘tiii<1“yle CO., Limited, hizigai‘a. Falls, Onl. â€"â€"â€"â€"o. Messrs. Savage. the whole following Our Positlon in Educatlnn. "Education is not perfect in this or in any other country. nor never will be perfect. in accordance with the ideas of some people; but v.0 know where We stand," said Premier Ross at the Toronto banquet. "We tool. the III'SL position at the World's Fair, and we take the ï¬rst position in the estimation of visitors from abroad who examine our schools. The proâ€" ducts of our schools and universities take ill'St positions with the products of other unchrSitics. (Applausc.) You had an example here in Toronto the other day in the person of Dr. Oslei‘, who has bocn transferred to ï¬rst place among the positions 01 Great Britain. (Renewed applause.) Icebergs in the Arctic regions are neither so large nor so numerous as .rthosc seen in the Antarctic seas. jAyer’s Cherry Pcctorai t quieis tickling throats, hack- 3 ing coughs, pain in the lungs. {‘ ._ It relieves congestion, sub- ,1 thrry Pectoral x dues inflammation. It heals, : strengthens. Yourdoctor will . cxplainthistoyou. He knows 1 all about this cough medicine. _: "We hsve used Ayer’l Cheri-y Pectoml in -' : our family for 25 years for throat Ind lung ;-‘ . troubles. And we think no medicine equal: it. " Mas. A. Power. Appleton, tuna. 25c..50c..si.06. .1. c. AYIB 00.. . Lowell. Mass. ‘ A for Ae' ll " i-Purely vegotable, gently laxative- FOR saris ' A Second Hand Pulper made by forsale. Applyat this ofï¬ce. moans Tabules: for soni- stomach. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Mal recovery. ‘ ++++++++~i~+++~:-+++++++++++++ is +++++++++++++++++«lâ€"M ' *- "Hui-i «"1 s ‘I‘ l . '1- +++++++H+++++++++++~P++++~9++++++++++++++++4 ATKINSflN & SWITZER. Richmund Hill “M§§§¢§¢H§H l 1 We know the people of this town and vicinity know what is good, appreciate what is good, and want what is good. This qual- ity characterizes our stock. +++++~z~++~§~+++++++++++++++ + You may ï¬nd goods of equal value else- where and you may ï¬nd prices equally low in other stores. but you will not ï¬nd goods of the M+++++if++% +++++++$++M++++++ )+++++ ++++++++++++++ ++++++++%+%~§~%++%++++++++++ same quality as ours at prices as low as we are asking. We are conï¬dent that our combina- tion of high quality and low prices is not ex- celled in Ontario. \Ve quote: ~S~+~z~++++ ++++++H++++++++++++++++H +++++++M++++H ++++++++++ :i‘W'li-l- ++M+++++vr+++++ 10-} heavy twill bleached Sheeting rcg‘nlar 500. for 350. 36 inch heavy navv drills, regular 18c. for 150. The best 6 cord, 200 yard black and white cotton spools. 45C. dozen. Heavy 40 inch wrappcrctts. 15c. yard. Heavy. striped, 36 inch llannellctto, 100. yard, regular 120. yard. Ladies" ready‘to-wcar cloth and tweed skirts, neatly trimmed. $1.50. $2.50, $3.00, $1.15 and $4.75. Fancy crctomics. 8, it). 12, 15, 20 and 25 cents yard. Fine furniture covering, green and gold, crimson and gold, 50c. yd. +N+++++ +++éur+++4+++++¢r++y++++++i+ +++++< ++ swewewewe r+++++ Mum-a-+++~H~+++++++++++++++++44- '?'§'++++-§â€Â§â€˜++H+++er'+ The big and Use small purchasers are . 4'? equally welcome at our store, receive equal attention, and will leave equally well pleased. Jan. 12, 1904. {WriWW “90964906 ATKINSON 86 SWITZER ++$+++++$¢+++++c+++++++é-§' Mus-+5 rM+~2~+++++4 o 1531* '1' e+++++++~ ++++++++H*+*+M'Â¥+ <++++++++-§«§+*++++%+'5" +++4°+§°++++++M++++++++ol +++~i~§°+ +~20ii+++++ +++++++M++++++~X~++év%%+Ԥ~++ t!*§~¥€*Ԥ'~i‘$é+$+++++°§++éw+++°w+ï¬ , CSTTERS \Vlien buying a new cutter see that it has the trade mark Mo stamped upon it. If it has you can depend upon it to be made of ï¬rst-class material and unexcelled in ï¬nish and design. (this tirade Only, and That the Best) Motto of MCLAUGHLIN CARRIAGE CO., Oshawa Ontario. (Jail and see our display. JACOB EYER &_ SGN, SELLING AGENTS Binhinond Hill, Ont. I GERSTEHO l Makes all kinds of stock thrive. Splendid for milk cows: inreascs the flow of milk, fat tens calves ai.d stall feeding cattle and hogs. Gives horses a sleek coat. fatteus them. purifies the, blood, cleanses the legs and gives them a healthy appearance. This Stock Food is manufactured by practical stoeknien, and is guaranteed to give quicker. better and more pprll’ltult‘llt results than any other Stock food. or money refunded. If you ' have been disappointed in other sn-called Stock Foods. get a sample of “YORKSHIRE STOCK FOOD’and the results will convincc you that it is premier stock food in the market. "â€"r.oo.y-vp- ’5wa is x. .» u.‘ .Yorlzshire Cough and Heave Cure I Guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, Distemper and first stages of heavea. which are frequently caused by chronic coughing after distemper. This is a grand preparation and will stop any cough. For sale in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, Harness Maker. XVI-ite : for sample toâ€" l. l. liliiliSlil & 80.. Ill Kill?! 81. E. TORONTO. Opp. Clyde Ii otvel Agricultural Druggists.