VOL. XXVTI. LIBERAL Best, ï¬tting beech, Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 'EEURS “Calls by day and night: promptly at- ' tended to. DR. Our. Church and Carlton Sts., ' Toronto Will be in Richmond Hill 01": Wed nesda‘ypf each week. Ofï¬ce, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. J. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Dr. C. HAROLD CLAflK-z‘w DENTIS r, aomussxoxxn m Tm: HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢w Issuer of Marriage Licenses. - RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. ï¬amodellednnd newly furnished throughout Duo of hue mos onvenieuc and comfortable obels on Y-Inge Street. Every modern con- ieuiema S-J.~uple rooms for oommercml travellers. Auidaulstoppiug place for riding or driving partiesmicyclists, or farmers going toorrewruing from market. Electric cars pass the door Liver n‘ onnection JOHN R. CAMPBELL VETERINARY SURGEON, 'fhornhill. “NOTARY PUBLIC, PALMER HOUSE Want your moustache or heard Sibeauiiml brawn or rich mack? Use mm m. 0' mkun: W. C. SAVAG $1 per annum, in advance.] 1‘ )0 111 [Bee Hoursâ€"3.30 a. Wo'ovc‘o'o'o‘o‘o’o‘W’i‘mwmwa o o o u 6‘34 BUSENESS CARDS RICHMO ND ‘nl'. 10 \V ARNOLD D. A. MASON, Dentist, WOODARD & CROCKART, ’-‘ Aurora CLUBINE & PEARSON, - Thornhill PRNT ‘hpmhill Every Wednesdav. mos onv Y-Inga Sbro Sm'uple n Ania-mist mrcies,bicy ring from 'or Liver TERMS 81‘ lAVAGL W3“. 553833, Ibentist. 001- an d Yonge, Toronto. DXTOB b prk 12]: Victoria St. Toronto. ENIOND M c M-I‘A H. O I eta‘riamry Ecnï¬al 1.00 PER DAY BOPBIETOB also replating, at Good work. m. to 5 ENE FTTT Prop Barristers, Solicitors, etc. :TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 Rich- mond St. “7est.\Veslvy Blï¬ldings, (Methodist Bonk Pawn“) T0- runLo. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday - afternoon of each week. W R Home Life Buildin; hold ern Bldg), Victm'iu Sis JAS. N EVVTON arrisu-I's and Solicitors. Money to loan on land andchutbel mnrtgagesat lowest rates » Aurora. ofï¬ceâ€"Removed to the old post 011ch one door w at of the eutranue to the Oumrio Bun Newmmrken atticsâ€"Three doors south of the p.)SEO!ï¬ce I‘ HERBERT Lzuxox, G SIV Mane“: Aurora. Newmarket Licensad Auctioneer for the County of Yong. Goods sold on consignment Genera] sales 01 atoc sec promptly astended no at rea‘aonzb‘e rates Residence Uniouville _G R Guuldmg. Newton Brook. new for the J T Saigeon. J K N Maple Woe Snigcmn a: McEwen. above Licens e Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attpnded on the shortest notice and at reasonaberatas. P. Quack-ass King LENNOX & MOR Licensed Auctioneers for the County of ‘York‘ Salesmttendod to on shortestuoticeund 8. rom. onablemtes Patronagesolicited LicensedAuctionearfortbe Counties of York andOntarlo Allsales of farm stock, AM, at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Mortgageand bailiff sales attended to Residence.Stouï¬ville Ont ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJGIN BEE EJLS ’ Undertakers & Embalmers, ,SPV'W- ' â€"â€"â€"â€"oooâ€"â€"â€"â€"- RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILLE A Question in Farm Economics. Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. An eight ronmed brick house, in the village of Headfm'd. An acre of land and all kinds of fruit. gnnd stable and driving house zmd other cnnveniences. T. THOMSON. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Ric Lindsev Barrister‘s,30ï¬citors. Notaries, 8w. House to Rent. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure constinaunn. COOK & JOHNSTON Frest Wire Fence \It will turn Stock without injuryâ€" beautify Ling Farm â€" does not need comtant patching and with reasonable usage will last a lifGtime, Booklet and full Mcularsgiwxx on request. 1t WRIGHT BROS, Has no equa! as General Purpose Farm Fence Nun J, II. P: entice. D. G. BLOUGHI, W ads RICHB'IOND HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1905 N. E. Sinilh. Building (formerly Tice. Richmond Hill on Saturdnvs. ' ’Eafllfl “HIE-1 U U l L (/25. E. m; 00.. WUL l. E. MEWS YE .La 9 “ WW' 1‘8“ sworth, HEADFORD P. O. issentzals :. Adelaâ€"ide & ‘m-(mto. Fho'ne Mail J K McEwen \Vastou EGAN free- 84 The funeral nf Oliver David. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Shuuk, of T0- l-nnLO Junction, a'n'd formerly of this I place. tunk place last Friday to Maple I cemetery. Many of the deceased’s young friends followed his remains to their last resting place, where the hur- inl service was read by Rev. \V. G. Back. The bereaved family haw! the ‘ sympathy of all, in their great lass. At tlwv'v't-‘ning‘ given by Miss I on Dnuwstic S‘ 0f VVnn 11 ing. The (:hnirwns occupied by M 1‘. Thurlmrn. :md songs weâ€) givvn by Mr. O. Nixon and Mr. W. T. (Bunk. Mr. Ger-i1 Keys has secured a pnsiâ€" tinn in tho store (If Mr. G. Teasdale, Lnskzly, zmd sturtvd to work there on Innday. Mr. and Mrs. \V. McCullnm, of Las~ kny. spent Sunday :11; Mr. \V. Carson’s. The Public Library Committee of Managet'ne'nt have arranged fur n. can- Ct‘i‘tvi'n the Masonic Hall on Saturday ’evening. The programme will he giv- (-n by Mr. J. H. Camernn, Mr. G. Smedley, and M‘s. W. Ramsay of To- ronto. _ A good “ng is expected. Mm. Gen. Dean who had been very ill is better. Miss Betta Lcek is at present visiting friends in Toronto. Mus. \Velmun was visited on Sun- day by her sistm- Mrs. \Vice and her husband, Mr. John VViue, Thm-nhill. Mr. Stevenson of Tm'ontn, preached a missionary sermon hm e on Sunday. He is an able speaker and his discourse was well received. Mrs.Tripp"1)f Ton'mtn, is visiting her parents_ he: q. , \Ve are pleased to note that MISS A. Lilley who was very ill is able to be huingalp. \ M1; Chas. T. Brodie was visited by her brother, Mr. Thus. Dnan of Penny Sound, last week. Mr. Barker and family who had :1 severe attack 01’ la grippe are again better. Miss Laura Leek visited friends in the City last week. Mm. Elson is very ill at, present. A social evening was spent at Mr. C. Hox-ner‘s home last week, M 1-5. Horner having entertained a number of her young friends.‘ Mr. Henry Phillips still suffers from his severe illness. Mrs. Suules also is on the sick list. Mrs. Geo. Padget has returned home from her trip to Buffalo. Mrs. G. Caldwell is quite ill. The flinch club is progressing favor- ably at Ileadfnld. Miss Ella Mapes is visiting at her home here. Miss Gertie Bond entertained some of her friends at her home \Vednesday evening, and a. pleasant time was spent. The passing of the. cedar swamp, toâ€" gether with the rapidly rising value of ash, oak and other timber in the older parts of the Dominion, a number of years ago, the questiOn of fencing our farms appeared to assume a serious problem. “’3 had grown accustomed to the use of wood. and wood only, in the surrounding and dividing of our land, and it, seemed as though nothing could take its place. A ray of hope seemed to appear with the introduc- tion of the planted hedge in many districts, but this proved a. very ex- pensive and quite unsatisfactory mode of fencing. Many were compelled to resmt to the use of barhed wire, but this proved a very expensive and cruel barrier, more especially to horses and cattle, since the animal losses from it proved enoinlous. l‘hen came the wo- Th! barrier, more especially to hurses and cattle. since the animal 105595 from it proved enmmuus. fth came the wo- ven wire structure. which. though in- adequate at ï¬xst. gradually became a. “satisfactory solution to the whole fencing problem. Through the wisdom of the Domin- ion Govermneht the grades of wire needed for its mmsti nctinn were placed on the Flee List. Keen competition hetween powerful United States fac- tories reduced the price of wire until itbecamequiteinexpensive. Canadian fence factories sprung up and began to turn out fencing of excellent quality at a price in keeping with the low value of Wireâ€"their raw material. This proved an excellent thing far the fence ccnipanies. but a better thing for the farmer, as he could use up his decaying, weedâ€"encouraging rail fences Rev I for 1h»- P\'(â€"‘Illl V. Mr. Logan, ( preached in th in Non-Esss-ntials , L ibert} Headford tit: )rn Maple McCullnm, of Las 1!; Mr. \V. Carson’s. IPY Committee of nn “Frui! C mncnpied‘hy “I the zL num "199th Lh :ltxigh honn It] )d Monday. 04393 were. fTUrvnu‘n, Cnmplwll, ts of Sm:- had h-nw diff- wont for summt resultâ€"the price. of Wire must; rise, whit-l1 would seiinnsly interim-o with farm imprm'mnent, zmrl throw the funvc- factories into confusion. Many of the old foncosnvith all their unsight- ly appearance and inconvenience. would have to remain a few years long;- er: stock keeping and dairying in the prairie country would l-eceivo a Set- hack, and nothing but loss and confu- sion would he the result. The present situation in regard to fencing is satisfactory. Let every farmer and farmer's friend urge upon his rvp'l'ésentntive at Ottawatheim- portauca of opposing any movemént in the direction of placing galvanized iron or steel wire Nos. 9, 12 and 13 upon the dutiable list. Llll A New Idea which means a great deal in the Treatment and Cure of Disease. Dr. Leonhnl'dt. of Lincoln. Neh, the foremost physician of the Western States, has put fUl'Wau'd a new theory as to the cause of disease. He says:â€" "There can be. no doubt. from the evidence at hand, that the stomach is and has always been the ï¬rst cause of ninety per cent. of all the illness of mankind. The failure of the stomach to digest the food properly results‘in fermentation and decomposition, and the poisons arising from the foul and rotting mass get into the blood and tissue and nerves and breed diseases of even y kind.†Dr. mehardt has found a. remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bilinus- ness and Constipation. He has trled it in thousands of cases without, a single failure. ' He calls it, Anti-Pill. It is sold at 500. by all druggisrs or the VVilsnn- Fyle 00.. Limited, Niagara Falls,0nt., sole agents for Canada. For interesting illustrations and va- riety of contents, the March Canadian Magazine is noteworthy. The beauti- fully tinted pictures of the Russo-Jap- anese war show considerable care on the part of the publishers. and set a high standard for Canadian printers The article on the Cornwall Canal Lightning Contract should attract con- s'derahle attention. The case is well s-ated, from a purely business stand- point. while the illustrations add to the illuminating explanations. Fred- erick Hamilton’s sketch of Professor Robertson will no doubt be widely read, for it is well done. The mtiele on “Agricultural Progress in Quebec,†with its striking portraits of families of thirteen and sixteen children. is pleasing as well as informing. It may surprise the average render to learn of the magniï¬cent 'development which has recently taken place in a provmce which is often unfairly said to luck the progressive spirit. Alan C. Thomp- son, a brother of Seton Thompson. writes on “The. Taxation of Fran- chises.†Douglas Kerr has .1 message for the puhlic in his “Future Calls up- on the Empire.†Albert R. Carmzm deals with the. universal practice of “Tipping.†The stories are five in number. the authors being “7. Victor Cook, H. M. Johnston, Mary Stewart Dorie, James \V. Falconer and Eric. Bohn. The frontlspiece, “To the Memory of Brave Men,†presents a famous incident in the Metebele wan-'3. Mr‘. G. L. Stpphenson 0f Peterhoro, sayszâ€"“Fm-nverten years I suffered constantly with Piles. ï¬rst, Itching, then Blevding; pnin almost unhear- ahle; lifeahm-dvn. Tried P'verything in vain till I used Dr. Leonhardl‘s Hem Roid. "I had tnkpn but a few closes when I began to notice an improvement. I decided to keep on and now after using three lmx9s I am glad to say I am onmplvtelv cured. My anerul health has also gI-Patly improved. 1!: gives me great; pleasure to H-cnmmend Hem-Raid to all suEel-ers with Piles, and I fer-I convinced that what it has done for me it will surely do for them.†A $1.00 guarantee goes with every box nf Hem-Roid. Price, $1.00 all druggists. or The “’ilsun-Fyle 00., Limited. Niagara Fails, Ont. hirH MARCH CANADIAN MAGAZINE. con Hunt. so far as l'mwlng is cun- , can mmtinuv to go on us it. has ningfm: flame years. with cum- \'v]y iitLiv vxpvnsp. Butn clwttk :ltvi’md. A number of manufac- cuncex'ns in Canada Wnuld like ago in making the grades of wire are admitted free of cuï¬'tmns mt they cannot do so pmï¬tahly tilz- price 01' wire. goes up. To plish this an (:ifnrt, ls under way 0 a duty put on those. \Viros.‘ If 5l1(:l".°t‘d- thoro must he. one sure â€"the price of wire must, rise, would Seriously intm-fero with improvement, and throw the factories into confusion. Mule A Theory Proved. After Ten Years. '1 H1 C Izm’it} inlâ€" Cun- ;lms 3(1111- WHAT AHLS YGU the U. S. mail will bring you the best medical advlcc for only the cost of wrltlng materials and stamps. Many people owe lheir present good health to the fact that they consulted Dr. Pierce by letter, giving him all possible in- formation about their condition, a mptoms, ’etc., and received in return goo medical advice which cost than not/ting. Write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, founder of the Invalids' Hotel pod Surgical Institute, Iiuï¬hloh N. Y.‘ Dr. Pierce by no means conï¬nes himself to prescribing his well-known medicines He tells you in the most common-sense way what ails you, what you ought to do What line of treatment should be follow __ out in your articular case, arid if your can does not in lost: the need for this proprie- tary medicine, he tells you 1) ainly and frankl what you do nud, an the belt pogsib e method of improving your health. K 7131'. Pierce treats mahy "chradic cases at a distance, through the mall and all you have to do is to write him your symptoms. . "During m two ears of married life I have not had go heal h," writes Mrs. Daisy Stud- dard. of 608 5. Es Inn-dc Avenue. Leavenworth Kane). "I was a rundown, end my husband at me t? write to Dr. Pierce. I got an early eply tell ng me what the trouble wan. I com- menced taking Dr. Pierce'n Favorite Prescrip- tion, and else the ‘Pleasant Pallets,’ and now can say that I feel like a new woman. I do all m workout! do not feel tired out like I used to. I nave taken eight bottles of the ‘Favorlte Pre- lcï¬ptlon.‘ It makes one feel well Ind strong." ++++++++4~+++++++++++++++++ 151'. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure dinj- teen and sick headache. ~z~+++â€":~++++M-M++~:~:-+M+er++++ SMEMRE BARK Received mth HEGHEST CURRENT BATES. Money Lonnod on Palmers’ Sale notes. Blank Wore [arms Supplied Frt'e. ieneral Banking Business Transacted. 'or othm' particulars call it the Bank Are Your Lungs Worth 25 Cts.? White Pine and Tar Notice of withdrawal sary. AlldepOSits on demand Will Relieve Cough in a few Hours. Why do you Cough all Day ? Use Snndex'snn’s \Vhite Pine and Tar. “fill Cure in a Few Daysâ€" Use Sundial-son’s W'hite Pine and Tar. Nothing Better fur Coughs and Coldsâ€"Use Sanderson‘s “’hite Pine and Tar. 000000 Another good seasonable article at this time of the year is our Chocolate Coated Bromide and Quinine for Cold in the Head and Grippc. 0t Canada RICHMOND H ILL Capital â€" $1,000.000 Best) @1000 000 BEBEâ€"8mg E5. 5. Saazsiei's DRUGGIST Sanderson’s White Pine and Tar. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW? [Single copies, 3 cts; J. W. OSBORNE. Use Sandersnn‘s in Savings’ Bank DPpM‘t- and interest allowed at mm not he payable AGENT