"In the grocery one day my hus- band was persuaded to buy a. box of Postum, which he brought home, and .I made it for dinner, and we both (thought how good it was, but said nothing to the himd men and they \thought they had drank coffee until ‘we laughed and told them. Well we ‘kept on With Postum and it was not i'long before the color came back to «my cheeks. and I got stout and felt. Qas good as I ever did in my life. I have no more stomach trouble, andI fknow I owe it all to Postum in ‘placc of coffee. “One day I t00k a. drive with my husband three miles in the country, 'and I drank a cup of con‘ce for din- ner. I thought sure .[ would die before I got back to town to a doc- itOr. I was drawn double in the bugâ€" gY. and when my husband hitched [the horse to get mu out into the doctor's ofï¬ce, misery came up in my throat and seemed to shut my breath off entirely, then left all in a flash and went to my heart. The doctor pronounced it nervous heart trouble. and when I gob home I was so weak I could not sit up. "So I commenced it again and continued about six months until my stomach commenced acting bad and choking as if I had swallowed something the size of an egg. One doctor said it was neuralgia and indigestion. "When I was a. young girl I was a lover of cofl‘ee, but. was sick so much the doctor told me to quit, and I did, but after my marriage my husband begged me to drink it again, as he did not think it was the con'oe caused the troubles. "So I commenced it again and “My husband brought my supper to my bedside with a. nice cup of not cofl‘ee, but I said: ‘Take that back, dear, I will never drink anâ€" other cup of coffee if you gave me everything you are worth, for it is just killing me.’ He and the others laughed at. me and said: It hardly pays to Laugh before you are certain of facts, for it is someâ€" timos humiliating to think of afterâ€" Wards. body! -" ‘Woll.’ I said, ‘it is nothing else but coï¬ce that is doing it} “Even the Czar's cow cannot bring anything else into the world but a calf." “The Year in the eye of the Czar costs his country many. many a. handkerchief." “When the Czar has the smallpox his country bears the scars." “The troika (team of three horses abreast) of the Czar leave a deep trace behind it." “It is no more difï¬cult for Death to carry a fat Czar than to carry a lean beggar." “When the Czar plays, his minis- ters have only one eye and the coun- trymen are blind." “What the Czar cannot accomplish time can do." It will take a lot of nerve for some Christians to stand up and look over their lives at last and hear the judge say: “well done, good and faithful servant!" In a. recent number of The Paris Figaro were found collated some characteristic Russian proverbs that regard the Czar and his position, and ï¬nd much current application: “When the Czar ride; behind a tired horse every step is charged as 'a league." “The Czar may be a cousin of God, but His brother he is not." “The Czar's arm is long, but it cannot reach to heaven." "Neither can the Czar’s vinegar make anything sweet." “When. the Czar writes versesâ€"woe be to the poet!" "The Hand 'of the Czar. .too, has onlzrï¬ve ï¬ngers." ""ic voiceâ€" of' the Czar has an echo even when there are no mounâ€" tains in the Vicinity." ’\“15Iy husbana h‘as gained good ‘ï¬ealth on l‘ostum, as well as baby and I, and we all think nothing Is too good to say about it." Name given by Postum 00., Battle Creek, Mich. "Even the lungs of the Czar can- not blow out the sun." “The Czar's back, too. would bleed if it were gushed with the knout." "The crown aces not proieét the Czar from headache." "The Czar even covered with boils is declared to be in good health." His Luck, His Power and Ilia Limitations. "When the Czar shits into a dish, it breaks into pieces for very Pridej" "'I‘he idea. of coï¬â€˜ce killing any- THE CZAR IN PROVERB. THE TRICKS. Cnï¬ee Plays on Some. “I ï¬rst leal‘ncd the value of this Kidney Remedy some years ago. I Was then suffering from Kidney {Disâ€" ease. My feet, and legs swdlcd and I had to rise eight cr ten times in the night, because of urinary trou- bles. Six boxes of l’iodd's Kidney Pills restored my health at, that time and I have used them at intervals sincel "To anyone afflicted with Kidney Trouble I say 'Dodd's Kidnuy Pills are all right..' Try them and you will be sum to ï¬nd a beneï¬t.†"How do I keep young looking," the postmaster says. “Well I atâ€" tribute it largely to my good health and my health 'is mainly due to the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. At, an auction recently, when an article was knocked dowu to the highest bidder, the clerk called out. "What name, please?†And a small man with a small voice answered, “It's me." Tnbucintac, Cumberland C0., N.B., March 1.3â€"(Special).-â€"Horatio J. Lee, postmaster here, is now in his seventyâ€"sixth year, but so bright and healthy does he look and so ener- getic is he in his movements that he would easily pass for ten years younger. “I know it's you, but will you oblige me with your name " said the clerk. When a man thinks he has a cinch on sin he is apt to ï¬nd that the hal- ter is on him. You never know how much' religion you have until some one treads on your best corn. HIS HEALTH MAINLY DUE TO THE USE OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. lived. Peace on earth waits for the peace from heaven. You cannot touch men as long as you think of them as masses. Running in old ruts may be more risky than blazing new trails. The flowers on tlie streets of heav- en are the transplanted sorrows of earth. ’fhey Who really pray for the poor ï¬nd themselves saying Aan at their door. There's something wrong about a man's piety when it provokes others to profanity. Getting angry, the young man With the book shouted, “Supposing you are a foundliug, surely in a. Christi- an country they called you some- thingâ€"Street, Brown, Jones. Robin- sonâ€"we can't waitâ€"hurry up!" Postmaster Lee Looks Ten Years Younger Than His Seventy-Six Years and He Gives the Credit to the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. There will be good will in all when God's will is over all. Tï¬e man who sbws nothing always reaps something a good deal worse. It is caSy to preach on thoâ€beneï¬ts of Walking when you are in the band wagon. w Our biggest, blackest troubles are often only the loquotive drawing our richest treasure train. The same answer came back in the same apologizing tones, “It's me." The advantages of the open-air treatment for consumptives may be thus briefly sumnmrivod: The patient exposed continuously to fresh air gains in appetite. assimilates his food better, sleeps more soundly and awakens more refreshed, writes Dr. H. W. G. Mackenzie. Free exposure to air is the best nntipyrctic. Sweat- ing at night, formerly so common a. symptom, usually ceases. Colds are practically unknown among; patients loading an open-air life. Secondary infection. on account of the comparaâ€" tive freedom of the air from (micro- organisms, is much less likon to oc- cur. Tolerance of ouï¬siue air is very quickly established, and no one who has tried the open-air life will wilâ€" lineg go back to the former condi- tions of stufl‘mcss. I have never seen any one made worse by-rexposure to fresh air. Even during a thick London fog patients get on better lying in bed on a. balcony or in rooms with windows wide open and a good ï¬re burning than whcn at,- tempts are made to shut out. the fog by keeping Lhe windows shut. THE POSTMASTER TELLS HlS SECRET ‘ The man who suspects everybody is surely a suspicious character. You can't, expect a nickle's worth of religion to last you ovgr Mppday. Still the weak V-‘oice replied, “It’s me." At, last the auctioneer remonstrat- ed: “Are you deaf or mad, my good man? If you can't give us your name the article you bought must be pub up again." “Hard luck,“ was the meek reply, “just because my father wasn’t call- ed Jones I must lose a table. I'll spell my name; maybe it is a bit misleading and personalâ€"Nee. Me." And thé laugh was turned against the smart auctioneer and his impaâ€" tient clerk. THE OPEN-AIR TREATMENT“ joy unshared is always short SENTENCE SERMONS . GIVING IIIS NAME Level-'9 Y-Z (Wxse Head) Disintect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disinfect: and cleans at. the same time. Dr. Pillsburyâ€"“I don't like that; .pough of yours." Mr. Kidderâ€"“I'm sorry, doctor; but it's the best one I’ve got!" Nervousnesa. Dyspepsia. £ndlgestion and kindred ailments, take wings be- fore the healing qualities of South American Nervine. Thomas IIoskins, of Durham, 0nt., took his prencher's advice, followed directions and was cured permanently of £110 worst form of Nervous Frustration and Dyspepsia. He has recommended it to 'others with gratifying results. It’s a. great nerve buil(lur.â€"12 Minam‘s Liniment [lures Dandruff. Dolly-“When I refused Jack, he vowed that he would do something desperate." Molly~"Nonsensc! He proposed to me last night!†Dollyâ€"- "Geo-duess! I had no idea he meant what he said!" Gentlemen,â€"Theodore Dorais, a. customer of mine, was completely cured of rheumatism after ï¬ve years of sun‘cring, by "the judicious use of MINARD'S LINIMEN’I‘. A. COTE, Merchant. St. Isadore. Que., 12th May, '98. Higheeâ€"“Do you consider it more blessed to give than to receive?" Wyldrâ€"-"It depends on What you get!†No woman needs the ballot to en- force her rights; she can do it with tears and a. handkerchief. I To proveï¬o you €119.91 m Chase‘s Ointment; fs a certain and absolute cure for cacl' and every form of itching bleedingand protruding piles, he manufacturers have (mare. nteed it. we tes- imonials in the daily 7111635 and ask your neigh- tors What, they think 9m. You can use it and get your money back if not cured. 600 a. box. at .11 dealers or EDMANSON.BATES Sc 00.. Toronto Skin Diseases relieved in a. few minutes by Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Agiiew's Ointment relieves instantly, and cures 'l‘etter, Salt. Rheum, Scald Head. Ecze- ma. Ulcers, Blotches, and all Eruptions of the Skin It is soothing and quiet- ing and acts like magic in all Baby Huiuurs, Irritation of the Scalp or Hughes during teething time. 35 cents a. OILâ€"7 Happiness is the harvest of helpful- ness. Making a life is greater than mak- ing a living. Kidney Duty. â€" It is the particular function of the kidneys to ï¬lter out poisons which pass through them into the blood. When the kidneys are dis- eased they cannot do their whole duty, and should have the help and strength that. South American Kidney Cure will aflord in any and all forms of kidney disorder. It relieves in 6 hoursâ€"14 MESSRS. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. The above fads can be veriï¬ed by writing to him, to the Parish Priest, or any of his noighLm's. Worry never made anythingâ€"but wrinkles. Don’t expect your friends to be stuck on your jokes if they are point- less. The little troubles that afflict chil- dren come without warning, and the careful mother should keep at hand a medicine to relieve and cure the ail- ments of childhood. There is no medicine 'does this so speedily and thoroughly as Baby's Own Tablets, and the mother knows this medicine is safe, because it is guaranteed to contain no opiate or poisonous soothing stuï¬p These Tablets cure colic, indigestion, constipation, di- arrhoea, simple fever; and teething troubles. They break up‘ colds, pre- vent croup, and bring natural sleep. Mrs. Mary Fair, Escott, Ont., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets with the very best results, and would not be without them in the house." Sold by all medicine dealt-rs or sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writâ€" ing The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. It soothes the child. softens the gums, allays pain, cures winclcolic. regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-ï¬ve cents a bottle. Sold by drugglsts throughout. the world. Bu sum and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." 22â€"04 Snacksâ€"“Did your wife's mother treat you with silent scorn?†Jacks- "No such luckâ€"she just treated me with scorn.†ï¬r. chase’s Giï¬tmen‘i Results from common soaps: eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. REDUCES EEEEEEE FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS CAREFUL MOTHERS hk for the Ortncon Bar 'Minatd's Liniment Bums Bums. etc. Those Worrying Pileslâ€" One appli- cation of Dr. Agnew's Ointment will. give you comiort. Applied every night. for three to six nights and a. cure is effected in the most stubborn cases of Blind, Bleeding, or Itching Piles. Dr. Agnew's Ointment cures Eczema. and all itching and burning skin diseases. It acts like magic. 35 centsâ€"15 Minard's Liniment fer saie everywhere “Let me see, a, cynic is a. man who is tired of the world, is he not?" the young student of language asked. “No, no my child," replied the know- ing tutor. “A cynic is a man of whom the world is tired!" He who does not give does not live. The Refreshing Fragrance TERED NERVES “'éri'amgii'clé‘sm‘ INVIGORATED QNLY ONE BEST TEAâ€"BLUE RIBBON’S IT Mrs. De Brideâ€"“George, do you really think that distance lends en- chantmeut?†Mr. De Brideâ€""Look here, Minnie, I thought we agreed no‘ to speak of your mother again?" It i twenty years since Germany began to build up a. colonial empire, and the net result is that. after spending nearly $100,000,000, she has acquired more than a million square miles of territory, with a sparsely scattered German popula- tion of bethen ï¬ve and 51x thou- sand soulsâ€"men, Women, and chil- dren. 0f the adult, male population a third are ofï¬cials or soldiers “I manage to keep my paying- guests longer than you do. at any match†said the ï¬rs‘ landlady. “Oh, I don’t know,†replied the other. "You keep them so thin that they look Integer than they really are!†Each shirt bears a tiny book that tells the whole history of the “Big†Shirt, and also contains a notarial declaration that the H.B.K. “Big†Shirl: contains 39% to 42 yards of material per dozen. Sold at all dealers but only with this brand:â€" Has more material in it than any other brand of shirt in Canada. Made on the HB.K. scale it requires 39% to 42 yards per dozen, whereas well. That’s the reason why the H.B.K. "Big" Shirt never chafes the armpits, is never tight at the neck or wrist- bands, is always 1603:, full and comfortable and wears man to work in with comfort. common shirts have only 32 to 3 3 yards: GERMANY’S NEW EMPIRE Made big enough for a big SEER? is the comfort of all women who have tried It. The Flavor is Most Delicious. OF A HOT CUP 0F STEAI’IINO Only a. woman is capable of arriv- ing at a conclusion without using either reason or judgment. Dr. Agnew’s Cure fort he H ear. ucLs directly and quickly. stimulates the heart's action, stops most acute pain. dispels all signs ol‘ weakness. fluttering, sinking. smothering, or palpitation. This wonderful cure is the sturdy ship which carries the heart-sick patient into the haven of radiant and perfect. health Gives relief in most acute forms 0 heart, disease in 30 minutes.â€"â€"11 “Look at Mabel Ca‘shu'r's diamonds mother! I wonder however she manages to afford such jewellery!†“My dear, haven’t you heard that glass has just gone down in price?" Ireland's bogs contain the equiva- lent of 5,000,000,000 tons of coal, according to the estimate of Sir Richard Sanhel. Eyeing I Cleaning! Montreal,Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec, MinaId's Liniment Believes Nemalgla EXCURSIUNS Shiioh’s Qonsumption Rates $34.25 to $44.00 Cure THE FOR No real need to buythe more expensive oils if GOOD BURNER is used and KEPT CLEAN. If you want a. BIG LIGHTâ€"THREE 0R FOUR GAS jETS IN ONEâ€" TRY ALL GRAND TRUNK TICKET AGENTS. PRATT’S ASTRAL 9" LAMP 0n. Ecogom Sarnia 935 Prime on, White " IRIYISH AIERlBAI DYIIIII 00.†[not (or mu In your town, or and and. Tickets on sale March lst to May 15th. t The Lu rare Tonic “8 is guaranteed to cure. If it doesn’t beneï¬t you, the druggist will give you your money back. Prices: ‘ S. C. WxLLs & Co. 302 25c. 50c. 51 LcRoy, N. Y.. Toronto. Can. Billings, Mont., Colerado Springs, Denver, Helena, Butte, Mont., Ogden, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nelson, Rossland, B. C., Spokane, Wash., Portland, Ore., Se- attle, Wash., Vancouver, B. 0., San Francisco, Cal. The harder you cough, the worse the cough gets. I! you do not know this Mervlnnt, write u! and we will not only tell you who he is. but forvurtl you a handsome souvenir FREE A Merchant in your neighborhood is showing his appracimion of cash trndo b giving absolutely free. these DINNE SETS. The Brlush Canadlan Crockery 00., Ltd. TORONTO. CANADA. FOR CASH TRADE. BENEFITS THE MERGHANTS BENEFITS THE CUSTOMER Dinner-Sets Free QUEEN 0m On 00., For “to vary bun-u no: work to tho Queen A Cyty Oil Lamp The Choicest Oil Made is For Sale by Dealers. ISSUE NO. 10-05 ONE-WAY BEAUTIFUL LIGHT LIMITED Toronto.