, . nj ~ "' sr. mum-5.. ‘ ' Sale Register. SAioicoN 6: lllcl’Iin‘EN's LIST. Mar. Ill--Alhert Hill, lot 9, con. 9, Tecumsclli. Mar. ll~\\'cn “'inlcr. Tory Glen, near Blal'k (Iron-k. \Vi-sl York. Mar. litâ€"Thus. Ker-soy, lot 22, con. 10, Vaughan. Minvli lil --l":iim stock. implrnicnts, Geo. Row-rs. lot 1$.coi~.1)’, \Vest York, lï¬elehrsiedlésrs ï¬lm 7 mos. __ Halt- at 1. Mar. ll ~~~ Stock and implements. Hex-l). lli-lluuin, Breton. {Sale at 1. ti mos. Mar. l»l~«llolel Furnilurc, etc, at the Golilcn Lion Hotel, Lansing. Sale at 1. T01 inr, i'nsl‘. Mar. '11» 7 Him-l; and implements, John l'lirluvr, near 'l‘llisilelon. Huh: “L1. ï¬lm's. Mar. lIiâ€"-\\'. 1.. Duiiaghy, lot 312, con. 4. Uningnarousy. Mar. 1.) 7- Him-k and implements, lot 7â€, mm. l.' King, \K'In. Coleman. Sale ML 1. .‘4 Inns. Friday, .\1Ill‘l'll l7.»F:n-m stuck. in)» plenwuts. vim, on lot 27. 8111 con. Vaughan, lho property of James Neal, 51'. Salt-:11 1. Term 4 5% mos. Mar. l7â€".\lrs. McKenzie, lot-12, con. 4, East (3 ll‘tlnll. Mair. lH#.\l«-x. Dale, lot 15, con. 4, Tecumsrlh. Mai. Elkâ€"Cattle, Ilolil. 'l‘opper, near VVoodlu-idnc. Sale, at l. 8 mos. Mar. 2l ~ Rvuh‘tvl‘t'll 'l‘lioi-oiigliln'e(l . Cattle. 3rd con. Albion, near Mai-k- Vlllt', G0 in elluw Bros. Mar. 22â€"btm:k and 'mplcments, lot 2, con. 5, Vaughan, 1,);«lziel Bros. Sale at 1. :4 mouths. Mar. 23â€"llorses, milk coWS, spring- ei‘s, fart (- {zle and fl'(‘lll’ls, at Palmer House, the pr.-per_ty of .l.H. Brillinger. Terms, 3 to 0' mos. .Sale at 1:; ’ i V ' Maul. â€" v. Ill. ' Dolly. Balleymy near Grangeville " ~ Mar. men r.'C1u‘oling, 101.12, con. 5 TECUIIIN'U]. ,_’ . Mar. 27~â€"Stiick and"inmll‘ments. lot 22, con. 1. Elohicoke, A. Young. Sale . at 1. 8 months. Mar. 2iâ€"Siock and implements. Jnn. Lennnx, near Weston. Sale at 1. 8 months; Mar. 31â€"Geo. McKenzie, lot 9, con. 5, Albion. .1. H. PRENTICE‘S LIST. Friday. Mar. 10â€"Farm stock and im- lements, lot 16. con 5, Scar-hero. R. etch. Sale at12. 8 months. J. H. Prenticii. auct. Mar. llâ€"â€"â€"Stocl{ and implements, lot (ion. 4. Seal-born, R. S.~ Powers. Side at 1. 9 months. I Mnr.)3â€"Stock and implements,- lot 30, con. 1. Vaughan, Geo. Smith. Sale ‘ of, 1. 9 months. Mar. l-lâ€"Stoek and implements; Int 34, con. 3. Scarhoro, \Vm. Keall. Sale at 1. 8 months. Wednesday. Mar. 15â€"Fm'in stock and implements, lot 16, con 6, Mark- ham, Wm. Mnnkman. Sale at 12. 8 months. J. H. Prentice, auct. Thursday, Mar. lGâ€"Farm stool: and implements, lot 28,con.5,Scaibom, Oliver Harding. Sale at 12. Smos. J. H. Prentice. auct. ’ 3 Mar. 17:; Valli-ible 100 acre faim, grain, roots and‘ha‘y, lot 1. con. 1, Markhan known as the Robinson Homestead. Sale at 1.- . Mar. 20â€"50 acre farm, .farm stock and implements. lot 24, con. 4, Scar- borough, W. A. Macklim. Sale at 1. Tuesday, Mar. 21â€"Farm stock and implements, lot 8. con. 3, Markham, Win. Gross. Sale at 1. 9 months. .1. Prentice. nuct. Mar. 22â€"Farm stock & implements, lot 29. ‘lst con. Vaughan, \Vm. Ford, Sale at 11. 9 months. J. H. cocci) Elam instruments in use. ' Endorsed by such lendingr musicians as Professors Torrington. Vogt, Fisher, Forsyth, etc. Manufactured by THE D. \V. KARN CO., at \Voodstock. Ont., the largest manufacturers of musical instin- ments in Canada. ‘ Prices rightand terms to suit purchaser. _ Guaranteed for ten years. u“; ARMAND SAVAGE, Local Agent, Richmond Hill memes messes i M ETRGPOLHTAN STORE - i .-+++++~2»++++++++++-M~+Maui»wwwww+++++s-++++e~~r+{v++l? GRUCERIES. PROVISIONS, OYSTERS. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS. if LIVERY IN CONNECTION. ++W+MM+M+M+$+++M+F$MW¢+v?*§-’§"2-+'§“¥5'l‘-{0§'+++>3'-§~ ‘ T. B. LUDFQRD, Prop. . §®6§§§§® .. BERALS ULUBBiNG RATES . a I l l Prentice. auct. Mar. 28â€"â€"House, lot and furniture, at. Newton Brook, Brennon estate. Sale at 1. Cash. , . _ D. G. BLouoH's LIST. Mar. 23â€"FM'm stock and imple- ments. renr lot 25, con. 5. Vaughan, Glo b e D. M. Malloy. Sale ‘ _â€"-_ +8.11 ,1 ' ' '5 Liberal and Daily ii Globe, York County LE . . The Liberal and Daily Q Leaveo PR Cr:::::t:uf;:30. 11.30 mm. Q} . 1.30. 2.40, 3.45 5.15. 8.00 p. in.†P .. , . 1‘°"°“‘°’"§§8.‘l§5‘,â€o%%°: I The Liber 8.1. and Daily 2 5 I Gonzo SUUTE ' ‘ g 7 Leave Newxnarket 11.15 a. m.; 2, 3.15, . 7.30 p. m. “m , . Leave Blchmond am 7. 3.10, 9.55, 11.55 a. .. p no evening dehvery 2 anti further notice “oils will be closed at the a shaman Hill Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" MORNING .. .. 8.00 EVENING . .. 6.15 . y . .Einré‘rgzrriii.22.33.23: resin The 1411081081 and the Farmer S Ad- vocate and Home 2 5 Witness The Liberal and Weekly V :12:%::§1:er€inpomnceâ€"Mcels ï¬rst Wednesday I miggthrigndeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every Star The Liberal andâ€"{lifeekly 75 3.59 - 4- , i yiii-1:; -- " ’ METROPOLITAN TIME TAB Between Toronto and Newmarkct. Village Directory. Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3 p. in. every Sunday. . _ Presbyterian Churchâ€"Serums at 11 n. m.,and '1 p. in. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday in chin-.1. Roman Catholic Church-Services on alter- nate Sundays “.9 3.111. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Churchrâ€"Servicos at 10.80 a. m.. and 'i p. in. Sunth School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- dav on ur hetoro full moon Court Richmond. A O F â€"Neeta second 3nd fourth Fri-lny , Ivy Lndlgo. A O U Wâ€"~Meets.thir1 Wednesday of each month Camp Elf-11.5 O S â€"Meots second and (earth The Liberal and The 2.50 Magazine Farmer’s Sun 1' The Liberal and Daily 1.75 Tues-my. and Saturday awnings. Epwortl‘ _I,Q§;1l_le-h_lcels cvor'.’ Monday. 1808139! Hug Thighs "answering this adwrtisement before .w. GOLLAND, iishiziiisiel 13* ~ '7.» N , fl) , o. s. I. Geo. 3236301115121 sensors LQGK - Strongest é? Best" If We cannot prove the. above state- nient we will give you one of our farm gates for nothing. These. gates are 12 feet long and sell for $36, but any one the 14th of March, stating {hey are in- l terested in fencing and wish to see our samples, can have one. fol $4.75. Diop us a post. card and we will call and show you over 100 different styles of fence. ‘ C()N C()‘RD 350. per Foot. All kinds (if Imple- ments Repaired W. Eager, Prop. ijrï¬o A man to represent Canada’s Greatest Nurseries In the town of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES In fruit trees. small fruits, ornament- als, shrubs, roses, vines. seed potatoes, etc. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man, Liberal terms, outï¬t free. puy weekly. \Vi-itc for terms and send 2.31:. for our pocket 1 microscope, just the thing to use in examining trees and plants forinsects. 810nm. Wellingtan FON FHILL NURSERIES, Over 800 acres. TORONTO - 36-4 mos. ï¬eld! are scarce. but (base wao writs Sumon A Co..l’nrtlard, Mnlnc.will receive free, full informniion about work which (hey can do. nnd l:ve n: humeJhnl will my them from to lo 32.7 per day. Some lune corned our 5‘“ in a day Either sex. young or old. Capilfll not required, You Me suited free Thou wlw Tran a! one. In Absalom: Inn: 01' may liiLle fortunca. A1 ii 0". ONTARIO. Sells everything in tho Tin and l'l‘»li\l\‘.’.ll‘~‘ Ki“ - ' ‘ . . " ,r_ line cltcsp for cash, and lif1<in stock in." ' €71 .. .. . J:~(}l..i‘3“:>1 <13 ,,‘.(._ (imagining. iron 5‘." l'i'i'illzyf. 111- .17} ware made to \in NULL 1".) l 1“ b have soil-l coinfoit in the way of . . lankcts and Robes. and. in fact; P\('l‘}‘1hlil;( in the line of Harness; Rubi-s, Gounlli-ts necessary for the comfort of yourâ€" self and horse. Blankets. Fur and many Coats, other Mitts, in titles 7 - - . The goods we oil‘ei- are honcsllv made, and will stand the wear that. you expect of lhcm. i . \Ve sell reliable goods at reasonable prices. Richmond Hill ' " ._1 RICHMOND HILL. ï¬iï¬i’fllï¬ï¬ RENE The above Rink will be open for Skatâ€" ers during the season on SATURDAY EVEN ING Of each week Trom 7 to 10 o'clock. Rink open to Curlers every day, and on Tuesday and Friday ex enings. Admissions for skaters. 100.: Children under 12 years, 5 cents. Fifteen adult tickets for $1.00. Thirty childien’s tickets for $1. Jon): ST.\R'I‘L'P, Ma nuge r. P. G. SAVAGE; Reeve SUl‘lNlSlDE FARM The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Ulioster white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thomliill) has for sale some good young: stock. ’l'horough‘lu-ed bull and hog kept for service on the premises. D. G. GOODIERHAM, Proprietor 49f,- Something Deï¬nite. HEAVEN. REVEALED ‘By BENJAMIN HSKE‘BARRET 383 pp., 51x7 inches, Large Type, Fine Cloth For a limited period this book is offered at trade rates, 50 cents, “fith 9 cents postage for mailing. CONTENTS: The Origin of Angelsâ€"le Essential Nature of Heaven.â€"()hzirar-ter of the Angels.~Testimony of Scripture.â€" The Sure \Vay to I{caromâ€"Practical Tendency of this Dischauraâ€"Environ- ment in Heaven and what Determines it.â€"Societies in Hcavcn.â€"~A Heaven for the Non-Christian \Vorld.â€"-Are Earthly Relationships.Continued in ervoli?~â€".\leuting and RocogniLion of Friends in the Hereaflviaâ€"Personal Appearance of the Angelarl’icjuven. escencc and Growth in Heaven.â€" Houses and Homes in Ilenven.â€"â€"-Gnr- ments in Heaven.â€"-L‘hildren in Heaven. ~â€"Si-x and Mnrriagc in H(::i\'cn.-â€"\Vork in Heavenâ€"The Three Heavens, and How Relatedâ€"Eternal Progress in. Heaven.â€"Consociation of Angels with Men. Address THE NUJC LICET PRESS, 42 “gist ()oulter St. Phila.. Pa. .3 . Rlpans Tabnles cure bad breath.- Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tuhnles cure liver troubles. \_.,_.A, A _