Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Mar 1905, p. 2

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"Then I started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. and I took them all 'Winter and summer while I was unâ€" able to Work. I took in all twelve boxes, and now I am perfectly healâ€" thy. My pains are all gone and I an: able to Work. I heartily recom- mend Dodd's Kidney I’ills to all sufâ€" ferers from Kidney Disease." A gunshot rent the air. The capâ€" tain turn-ed from his supervision of the men to find a Danish guniboat on his port-‘bow. A little drama, enacted in Icelandic waters, had beâ€" gun, says the London Daily Mail. It was a fishing vessel hailing from Grimsby that was thus rudely surâ€" prised. The skipper is the most poâ€" pular man in the Lincolnshire port. For a. Week his crew had Worked hard at the nets, and had gathered a. rich harvest for their labors, when the. gunboat came upon the scene. Could he be within the limits? Dodd's Kidnev Pills always cure the Kidneys. Healthy Kidneys’strain n11 impurities, all seeds of disease. out of the blood. That's Why Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure such a Wide range of diseases including Bright’s Disease. Rheumatism and Urinary Troubles. Could he be within the limits? That was the raptain's first thought. No. But the summons could not very Well be defied. In a moment his mind was made up. He must face the music. But in his sur- render Captain did not de- spair. He has a stout heart and n. brave spirit, and, While the gunâ€" boat was sending a. "deputation" to the trawler, he held a hurried conâ€" versation with the mate. If the Danish authorities had but known the secret that passed between the two men then! So a Danish officer and three men came aboard, and the captain was formally under arrest. They sailed into the nearest port, and the Engâ€" lish captain was Tried and lined £100, his cargo of fish and the ves- sel’s gear also to he confiscated. Without any violence or undue scene that trim little trawler sailed away for Grim-shy with the Danish men aboard, and safely landed its splendid catch. But while the magistrates were putting their heads together and deL riding upon this penalty, there was activity aboard the trawler. The mate remembered the captain's con- versation He was alert and keenâ€" eyed. The captain had been several hours ashore. That meant that the court had gone against him. So the mate took the crew into his confiâ€" dence, and they acted promptly. And the captain? He got leave to go to an adjacent town and seek the assistance of the English consul. And at this latter place he boarded an Aberdeen trawler and hid in the coal bunkers. They had heard of the escape of his vessel by this time and came in search of him. But the captain stoWawayâ€"and he Grimshy again. "That hateful Mrs. Nexdore re- marked to me to-day," said the pret- ty young Wife. “that ‘bcauty is only Skin deep.’ " Story onf a Grimsby Trawler and a Danish Gunboat. "Come. now," replied her shrewd ausband, “What are you leading up to?" ' “Well, I was just, going to say I’d like to have :1 little of it lhat was senlskin deep." HE WAS LAID UP FOR OVER A YEAR TILL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS KIDNEY TROUL‘. v . \Tow He’s Perfectly Healthy and GOT AWAY WITH THE FISH. Able to Work â€" Gives all the Kidney Remedy. Credit to the Great Canadian hi WISHI NG made an excellent saw his friends in Via the Chicago and North Western Ry. every day from March lst to May 15th, 1905, settlers one-way Secondâ€"class tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in ‘Mtah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Ore- ‘gon, Washington, California, also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin- ster, Rossland and other points in Tthe Kootenay District. Correspond- ingly low rates from all points in Canada. Write for full particulars and folders to B. H. Bennett, Geneh a1 Agent, 2 King .St. East, Toronto, Ont. you tell me what is to do for a. broken he "Oh, yes. Bind up t] tion with a gold ban orange blossom “an: plenty of raw rice‘ ( be well in a month.” Get up with the lark, but don’t disturb other people with your larkâ€" ing. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. It. soothes the child, softens the gums, ulluys pain, cures Windcolic, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the best. remedy to:- Diarrhoea. Twentyâ€"five cents a. bottle. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Bu sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." 22â€"04 “My husband has a. great advant- age over most men.” "Indeed?" ‘ “Yes. He walks in his sleep.” "I don‘t see What advantage that can be to a person.” To Washington, March 2, 8, 4, 16, and April 7th. Florida and New OrIeans, March 151, to (3th, via Lackawannn Rail- road from Buffalo. Lowest rates; choice of routes. Apply to A. Lead- ley, C. A.. Toronto, or Fred 1’. Fox, D. P. A., Buh‘alo, N. Y. “Why, he can carry .the baby all night long and still get his natural rest.” This is what a, boy can do, be- cause boys have done it: Ho can become famous. Charles Dickens did his "Sketches by 1307.” so Well that before he was 22 his name was known to all the World. He can write a poem. Alexander Pope wrote his famous “Ode to Soli- tude" when he was only 12 years old. He can "make his mark" so Well that it will open his career. Palmerâ€" ston, England's great statesman. was admiroc. in school home in Eng- lish, French and Italian that are models of composition toâ€"day. He can enter a great university beâ€" fore he is 13. William Pitt did it. “Your son has a fine touch, Mrs. Moriarity." "Yis; an’ shure it’s no wonder he loves the Piano and niver ti'res of it. He has great taste for music, and this is only natural, for his grandfather had his head broken with a comet at a picnic." Edithâ€""There is one thing in parâ€" ticular that I like Mr. Tactin for. He is so frank, you know. He al- ways tells me of my faults without the least hesitation. That was the agreemcmt I caused him to make.” Berthaâ€"“And you mean 'to say that you do not get angry with him?" ' Edithâ€"“Never.” Berthaâ€""Tell me some of the faults he has found in you." Edithâ€""0h, he hasn’t found any yet. When I ask him to name them he always says that I am faultless,” That Cuttlng Acid that arises from the stomach and almost strangles, is caused by fermentation of the food in the stomach. It is a foretaste of indiges- tion and dyspepsia. Take one of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets immedâ€" iately after ‘eating, and it will prevent this distress and aid digestion. 60 in a box, 35 centsâ€"16 Minard‘sLiniment Lumheimaa'sftiend The ferment in Russia has had a, curious sequel in a racial ferment among the 'I‘atars of the Crimea. for the restoration of their ancient king- dom. A pretender has even appeared styling himself Sabalâ€"Girez Khan, and claiming to be a descendant of Scachin Garez Khan, the last of the independent Khans, who submitted to Russia. in 1783. The pretender, who appears among the Tatar villages, with an armed bodyguard, has even issued a. manifesto claiming the re- storation of tho Khanate. Troops have been sent from Sevastopol to Buchaschisaraj, the ancient capital, and the mosque where the Khans of old Were inaugurated is under mili- tary guard. Heâ€"“I understand you have been attending an ambula'nce class. Can you tell me What is the best thrfig to do for a. broken heart?” Sheâ€" “Oh, yes. Bind up the. broken porâ€" tion with a gold band, bathe with SET’I‘LERS LOW RATES WEST. MID-WI NTER EX C URSIONS TARTARY’S A WAKENING. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS A GREAT ADVANTAGE WHAT CAN A BOY DO? NATURALLY er, and apply Guaranteed to The satisfaction of having the washing done early in the day and well done, belongs to eveg User of Sunlight Soap. 103 EXDURSIBNS Rates $34.25 to $44.00 Tickets on sale March lst to May 15th. ALL GRAND TRUNK TICKET AGENTS. An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and maintain robust health, and to resist winter’s extreme cold. It is a. valuable diet for children. out this brand Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasinsâ€"tough as whale- bonc, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch- proof, wind-proof, boil-proof, crack-proof, tear-proof, rip-proof, cold-proof, almost wear-proofâ€" certainly the greatest leather ever used in mitts and gloves. soft and comfortablg Sold at all dealers buf never with- hot porous, it is wind-proofâ€"will outwear three buckskins. Like buckskin it is tanned without oil, unlike buckskin it is “Pinto ” Mitts and Gloves never crack or harden, never get sodden, are always Warggliable, “Pinto” Shell Billings, Mont, Colerado Springs, Denver, Helena, Butte, Mont, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nelson, Rossland, B. C., Spokane, Wash., Portland, Ore., Se- attle, Wash, Vancouver, B. C., San Francisco, Cal. Cerdovan No Breakfast Table complete without The Most Nutritious and Economical. ONE -WAY son 2 The Wise artist paints a woman's portrait not as she looks, but as she imagines she looks. His FatheDâ€""Look hero, Tom, have you really gone and engaged yourself to that widow without my cornsént?” Tom (gloomily)â€""I did it Without my own consent.” MESSRS.‘ C. C. RICHARDS & 00., The inspector was talking about verbs and adjectives. “Does your master use adverbs and adjectives?” he asked. "Yes, sir,” choroused the scholars. “Well, what does he use when he does not use adverbs and adjectives?" There Was a silâ€" ence. Finally, a. little fellow waved his ham]. "He generally uses a rul- er, sir." Young Wifeâ€""Doesn’t this cake re- mind you of the kind your mot-her used to make?" Young Husbandâ€" “Yes, dear. Oh, those happy child- hood daysâ€"wh'at a digestion I used to have then, to be sure!” When Rheumatism doublesaman up physician and sufl'erer alike lose heart and often despair of a. cure. but here's the exception. Wm. Pegg, of Norwood, Ont, says: "I was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. I got, three bottles of South American Cure and they cured me. It’s the quickest acting medicine I ever saw.”â€"18 Customerâ€"“That; Watch you sold me the other day does not keep good time." Dealerâ€"“It isn't the fault of the watch. Haven’t you heard people say that times are very bad just now?” “I hate grammar awful," remark- ed a young fellow to whom someâ€" thing Hud bevn Said regarding that study. "Do you?" replied an elder- ly gentleman. “No doubt you will like it better when you become ac- quainted with it.” 011 c he hm a well wait 1 face, black “\Vh have h1 “Why “And Bickle’s Anti-Consum tive Syrup is an unparalleled reme y for colds, coughs, influenza and diseases of the throat and lungs. The fame of the medicine rests upon years of successful use in eradicating these affections. and in protecting mankind from the fatal ravages of consumption, and as u. neg- lected cold leads to consumption, one cannot be too careful to fight it in its early stages. Bickle’s Syrup is the weapon, use it Gentlemenâ€"My three children were dangerously low with diphâ€" th'cria. On the advice of our priest my wife began the use of MINARD'S LINIMEN'I‘. In two hours they Were greatly relieved. and in five days they were Completely Well, and I firmly believe your valuable Liniment saved the lives of my children. Gl'atcfully yours, ADILAIID LEFEBVRE. pra A man is in luck if turned down whilu something to turn up ance, picking of the nose, etc., you mm depend upon .it that the primary cause of the trouble is worms. Mother Gravcs’ Worm EXtermInatur eflectuull) removes these pests, at once relieving the little sullcrcrs. A Cure for Costivencss.â€"Costiveness comes from the refusal of the excretory organs Lo pcnorm their duties regular- ly from contributin causes usually (lis- nrdcred digestion. ’armelee’s Vegetable Pills. prepurvd on scientific principles, are so compounded that. certain ingredi- ents in them pass: through the stom- ach and act upon the bowels so as to remove their Lorpor and. arouse them to proper notion. Many thousands are prepared t9 bear testimony to their power in tms respect. Minasd’s Liniment used by Physicians lt Keeps the Muscles PIiant.â€"Mcn given to muscular sports and exercises and those who sufier muscular pains from bicycle riding will find Dr. Thom- us' Eclectric Oil something worth try- ing. A5 a lubricant it will keep the muscles pliable and free from pains which often follow constant use of them. without softening them or im- iug. As a lubricant it will keep the muscles pliable and free from pains which often follow constant use of them, without softening them or im- pairing their strength. For bruises, sprains and contusions it is Without a. peuxx TEA~Unelceping vigilance selects the TENDEREST LEAVES, scrutinizcs every process of th?ir manufacture and carefully SEALS THEM IN LEAD PACKETS T0 PRESERVE THE FULL FLAVOR. No wonder ‘hc BEST is" BLUE RIBBON TEA. TRY THE RED LABEL- If your children moan and are rest- less during sleep, coupled, when awake. with a loss of appetite. pale counten- ance, picking of the nose, etc., you mm dgpuxyl upon .it that the primaryucgpse From Tea Plantation to Store Mail‘s’ Mills, 10th June. ’99. to c And “'03 W l And one 1 ad re 11â€"1411; *en ear. his 11 What did 111 FOUGHT IT OUT who occasion :cemly e , Dr. Mill's 1t diâ€"d you fz 10 ha. II ha‘ M said page-boy, whom 'agcd, astonished by appearing- to with a swullen or unmistakable L] the master, teen lighting." was the reply. your opponent he doesn't get waiting for out about WE WATCH ’1'; l Shiflegh’s ‘ ) fi©nsumpfion Mim'st'enâ€"J‘So you don't think I practise what I preach, deacon?" Deaconâ€""Well, considering that you have been proaching on the subject of resignation for the past thirtyâ€" seven years, I don't quite think you do.” Use Lover’s Dry Soup (a. powder) to wash wooleus and flannelsr you’ll like it. Keep Minard‘s Liniment; in the house "Isn't that merely idle gossip?" "Gossip, my dear," answered Miss Cayenne, “is never idle. It is the most industrious thing on earth." “Do you mean to say you don’t have any trouble in keeping your wife dressed in the height of fashâ€" ion?" “That's what I said. my trouble comes when 1 don't keep her Georgeâ€""I know I am not Worthy of you, l)ut-â€"" Ethel-“Don’t ever say that again; it's no use worrying over what you can’t help." The man Who has half an hour to spare generally drops in and occu- pies a half an hour that belongs to some other man. Vanity makes a cheap chromo feel like an oil painting. "She is a. very sweet girl," "Why the hcartless flirt has promised to marry four difiel‘c-nt men.” “Well, that’s what I mean; her manners are most engaging.” Eyes and Nose Ran Water. â€"C. G. Archer, of Brewer. Maine, says: "I have had Catarrh for several years. Water would run from my eyes and nose for days at a. time. About four months ago I was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrlml Powder, and since using the wonderful remedy I have not had an attack. It relieves in ten minutes." 50 cents.â€"17 Ask for Minara’s and take no other She (swaetly)â€"â€"â€""What beautiful roses; so fresh. Is that dew on them?" He (haughtily)-â€"“’l‘hel‘e is nothing (lue on them.” trouble comes dressed that w Tenantâ€"“1' came to inform you sir, that my collar is full of Water." Landlordâ€""W111, what of it? You surely (lid not expect a cellar full of champagne for ten dollars a. month, did you?" In Nature's Storehouse There Are Curesâ€"Medical experiments have shown conclusively that there are medicinal virtues in even ordinary plants grow- ing up around us which give them a. value that cannot be estimated. it is held by some that Nature provides a. cure for every disease which neglect r-nd ignorance have visited upon man. How- ever, this may be. it. is well known that Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills d.-.t;lled from roots and herbs, are a sovcrn‘nzn remedy in curing all disorders of the digestion. Dyeing I cleaning! Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands are covered over with warts. Why have these disfigure- ments on your person when a sure re- mover of all warts, corns, etc., can be found in Holloway's Corn Cure. Montreal,Toronbo. Ottawa, Quin, Heart relief in half an hour.â€" “Ifll'l'lfll AMERICAN DYEIHD 00.” Look {or sun: In your town. or Mud and. Do you catch cold easin ? Does the cold hang on ? Try [or tho "n hen-end you: work N) no nn.’A. w. cHASE's cmnnu cum; 250- ISSUE NO. 1 1â€"05. W m Innnn UUIII- I u _"' is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers. clean the a]: passages. stops droppin s In th. throat and permanam y cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo.

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