iiiii ii UZAB’S ARMYLllST Forty Thousand by Oyama in THE RU SSIAN DIS ASTER. A despatch from 'l‘okio sayszâ€"l Every oflicial report from the front, adds to the magnitude of the. Rus-i siun disaster, and the indications are that the whole. truth of the crushing blow (It-liveer by Field-Marshal Oyaiua to the Russian arms will not be known for some day s, owing to the fact that the casualties are so great and the spoils so large that it is impossible as }ct to get accurate figures. As an indication of tllc.teries to command the line of losses inflicted on the enemy a des-ircu-Uap one desperate chance re- patch received at headquarters onemflinmp 11, was to qacrificp his, arâ€" Sunday afternoon states that the tillm‘y by moving- his batteries SO Russmn losses in front-of the armies as to Ijarul-Vyc the enemy's [me Tho, 1“ “‘0 Sim. “Ivor (“WNWU “I‘m†“:01? Russian gunners did their duty and égfooNgltzlsl?ilslfngy l‘rltï¬â€˜lgignflglmlfl: what was left of Konropatkin's dead on the flow. It is estimath aiuiies. It was sa\ e himself who can wounded spoils and The killed 90,000. that the total number about taken by the Japanese comprise a number of colors, (30 guns, 60,000. rifles, 200,000 slit‘lls, 23,000,00tb rounds of small ammunition, 2,000; horses, 23 cartloads of maps, a vastl supply of provisions, fodder, fuel, and clothing, railway and telegraph. materials, accoutrements, and sup-, plies of all kinds. livery despatch; received adds to the number of pris-l oners taken and guns captured. The official despatchcs state the pursuing detachments started from the right bank of the Hun River reached a line 13 miles north of the river Friday night. On‘1 Saturday the pursuit of the retreat- ing Russians was vigorously contin- ued. A detachment which left tliei iPu River, 13 miles from Mukden, on the ’l‘ieling road, that forenoon had. an engagement with a, large column of the enemy, which was making its Way northward as rapidly as possiâ€" ‘ble. The Japanese charged the Rus- sians. and a, handâ€"toâ€"hand fight oc- curred. Ultimately most of the col- umn was surrounded and captured. Those of the column who succeeded in escaping continued to ï¬ght hopeâ€" 'lessly for a while, and ï¬nally sur- rendered. ’l‘he whole ï¬eld was COVOI" ed with Russian dead. The Japanese‘ are now engaged in burying their own dead and those of the enemy. The Japanese casualties reported since Feb. 26 number 41,222. No reâ€" port haa been received from the Jap< that which anese operating in the direction of CHsingâ€"ching. Reliable unofï¬cial reports state that a detachment of the extreme Japanese left has reached Sintun, on the M‘ukden road, 10 miles south of‘ Tieling. A detachment from Fushun has ocwpied Lanoiwe, 10 miles north, having repulsed several flankl attacks by Russian forces from the mountainous district to the north-‘ east, in the direction of the Kaiyuani and ’I‘alin road. i It is reported that only 50,000 ofi‘ the Russians who were defending; Mukden have escaped to Tieling. l The Russians had in battle 376 battalions of infantry, 178 squadâ€" rons of Cavalry, and 171 batteries of artillery. In other words Gen. Kouropatkin's army consisted of} 300,800 infantry, 26,700 cavalry, and 1,368 guns. The total number of the Japanese forces is not stated,‘ but it is vaguely estimated at 700,5 000 men of all arms. ; Reports say that southâ€"west of" Mukden two Russian army corps were wiped out completely, all being k'illed or captured. The battle which drove the Rusâ€" siany from Mukden has been officially named the Battle of Mukden. KOU ROI‘ ATKI N R lCSIG NS. The St. I‘etersburg correspondent of the London Times says that the remnants of Gen. Kouropatkin's armies are gradually reaching Tielâ€" ing. Gen. Kouropatkin in reporting the facts, asks the Czar‘s gracious permission to hand over the coin- mand, alleging his urgent need of physical and mental rest. In a later despatch he confirms the reports of the Commander-in-Chief‘s resignation. The council of war has been summoned to meet, March 11. It. will, in addition to formulating de- signs for the next campaign, probab- ly decide upon Gen. Kouropatkin’s successor The choice lies between the Grand Duke Nicholas Nichoiaie- vitch and Gen. Sukhomlinod. Per- haps the latter will become chief of staff to Grand 'Duke Nicholas. The ofï¬cial dcspatches record the loss of nearly ï¬ve hundred guns, scores of regimental colt-rs, and over 200,000 men. The. public is ignor- ant of the extent of the losses. It knows nothing of the Commander-inâ€" Chief's resignation, but this knowâ€" ledge would not alter the intensity of the resentment and humiliation which RiISsiaus generally feel. Such details as the censorship allows to appear induce the. tvlankest amaverimnt, as the official Lll‘Sll‘Citl‘lU'S published last Week related nothing but sucrtsses. The story of the vlrfeat and retreat is coming out piecemeal. lt >l‘iUWs‘ that the Russians were misled and outmaimeuvred at exery point. Yet Gen. Kouropntkin seems at one time ,and a pledge that 'the railway has been out north Prisoners Taken One District. Would in a telegram to the (Var, the disaster might have been averted. llis crowning blunder was weakening his line from l-‘ushun to Mukrlen. lle apparently forgot that the, Japanese were able to cross the llun River on the ice. He realized his mistake when he heard of the capture of kmâ€" sai. on March .10. do then immediâ€" ately ordered his aimies to retire. but 'he Japanese swariried from the. east and West and placed their batâ€" over the, fro7en plain bordering the Mandarin Road. The first fugitives reached Tieling within 30 hours. Gen. Stackelberg's and Gen. Zarubaicfl's corps were left to guard the line from Fushun to Mukden. If. is fear- ed that they haVe been captured or annihilated. (lens. 'J‘serpitsky's, Hilâ€" derling's, and Toporin's corps, which (ten. Kouropatkin himself led in a desperate attempt to drive Gen. Nogi back, sustained terrible losses. The correspondent claims to have the best authority for stating that Japan has twice informally apâ€" pi oached Russia in regard to peace negotiations. The proposal failed each time, because the Japanese deâ€" manded the payment of an indemnity Russia would not keep warships the Pacific for twentyâ€"five years. l‘he insistence up- on an indemnity convinces the Govâ€" ernment that Japan's resources are exhausted, and that by continuing the war for a few months Russia. will be able to compel better terms in DETAILS OF GREAT FIGHT. The Tokio correspondent of the London Telegraph says that Gen. Kouropatkin has been driven out of Fushun, and that the Japanese have entered Mukden. It is believed that the Russian central position is sur- rounded and the army there almost annihilated. All the important posi- tions in front of the Japanese left, have been occupied. Gen. Kouropatâ€" kin is making desperate efforts to reach Tieling. The weather is ex- cellent and the ground is hard. In a later despatch the corresponâ€" dent claims to have ofï¬cial authority for the statement that fully 200,000 Russians are enveloped. Information from independent sources in Tokio is that the Japanâ€"i csc extreme right wing is engaged and is driving the Russians hard, at the point of the bayonet. The Rusâ€" sian centre is retreating under a ter- rible ï¬re, and has been practicallyi annihilated. It is announced from Tokio that of Mukden. This leaves the country roads and the light railway between Mukden and Fushun, 20 miles to the northâ€"eastward, the only avenues of: retreat of the Russians. A telegram to Berlin states that the Japanese have occupied Mulxden. A report from Newâ€"L‘hwang, by Way of Tienâ€"Tsin says that Tie l‘ass has been invested by the Japanese, and that (Jen. Kouropatkin, liming no alternative, will probably be forced to surrender within a week. ln the opinion of English military Cl'lthS. Gen. Kouropatkin's fol‘t‘OS‘ are doomed to complete disaster. and the best he can hope for is to save a mere remnant of his army after devoting whole divisions to slaugh- ter. Much importance is attached to Gen. Kamainura's mysterious unâ€" located army, which momentarily is expected to complete the closing of the net around the defeated host by appearing somewhere in the extreme east, around Vingfan, thus blocking‘ the sole remaining route from Ying- fan to Tie Pass through Wankaikon Pass l ...._._. WILL BE CUT OFF. A dcspatch from St. l‘etersburg sayszâ€"The atnioSphere of the War Office is intensely gloomy. The ofli- cials admit that Gen. Kouropatkin has suffered a bloody defeat, but RUSSIANS SURROUNDED. A despatcb to the London Times from St. Petersburg says that oili- cial news of the capture of Mukden appeared late Friday evening. Teleâ€" graphic and railway communication with Mukdcn was finally severed late Thursday. The latest telegram from (-‘en. Kouropatkin was presumably sent by inesSenger to 'l‘icling, and reached 'l‘sarskocLSelo Friday. It said laconicnlly, “I am surrounded." lt is bclicwed the message was flesv patched early Friday morning. It inspires the worst fears in view of the previous news of the approach of an eastern flanking force_ .‘lll'lx'lllCN. from 'l‘okio says:â€" Tokio officially announces the capâ€" ture of l’ushun and the occupation of Mukden by the Japanese in the following bulletins:â€" "0ur detachments occupied on the night of March S), and now are attacking the enemy, who is posted at the angle of the heights north of li‘ushun. "Our troops occupied Mukden 1O a.m. Friday. Our enveloping moveâ€" ments since some da,\s proved sucâ€" cessful. and the bloodiest battle is now proceeding in varies places near Mukden." ' The Tokio correspondent of the London Standard says that the de- velopment of the Battle of Miikdeii. OCCUPATION ()F A despn tch li‘ushun which resulted in the occupation of the city, surpasses the, most sanâ€" guine anticipation. The Russians have been outgeneraled at every point. Several corps south and east of Mukden are completely surrounded by the Japanese, whose centre, by a bold (lash, pushed straight to the hills midway between Miikdcn and Fushun. The Russians everywhere are burning their stores. Their lossâ€" es, including prisoners, will probably exceed 200,000 According to the Tokio corresponâ€" dent of the Daily Telegraph the Japâ€" anese are now within 15 miles of Tieling. He says that the Russian disaster was partly due to the in- efï¬ciency of the intelligence depart- ment, which was not aware of the Japanese marCh to Sinmintin until it was too late to make a counter move. The Japanese cavalry worked splendidly throughout the battle. They made a. series of forced marchâ€" es, capturing supplies and tearing up the railway. The heights northeast of Mukden were captured Tuesday. The Japanese now bar the roads from Fushun to 'l‘ieling. It is rum- ored, apparently without foundation, that Gen. Kouropatkin is a prisoner. A news agency despatch from St. Petersburg states that news from a. military source has been received saying that Gen. K'ouropatkin will transfer his headquarters to Harbin. His last despatch was filed at Tiel- ing, where he does not intend to stay long. OYAMA R SPORTS. A despatch from ’l'okio says: Field Marshal ()yama telen‘raphs as follows under Friday's (law'â€" “We occnpicd Mukden at 10 o'clock this morning. “(lur surrounding movement, in which we have been engaged for some day's past, has now completely Succeeded. “The fiercest fightingr continues at several places in the vicinity of Mukden "We captured a great number of pieces, enormous quantities of arms, ammunition. provismizs. and other war supplies. There is at present no time to investigate the number of these." U’I‘TERLY lll‘IMtlllALI/dfll}. A desi-atch from Ntwv-(‘hwang says: The Russians, since they were driven out of Mukden and Fushun and cut off from the railroad, have been reâ€" treating in a deiiioraliyed condition to the hills to the ninthâ€"east. They are moving in detached bodies, sonicL times roughly and hastily entrenchâ€" ing to Check pursuit. It will be im- possible for the Russians to xesist for many days in the wild country cast of the railway, because they Will be unable to obtain provisions. They will possibly try to reach Kirâ€" in through the valleys, but a special Japanese corps; from the Yalu threat- ens to intercept them. Gen, Ix'uroki is n0w moving: to tbe nort’hWest, pushing the retreating Russians against Gen. Nogi's army. DESPISE DEATH. [’etersburg A despatch from St. ,7 says: The correspondent of the Russ they insist that it is not a decisive disaster. Despatches of Kouropatkin: and Sakharofl‘ reporting ï¬ghting on the “north front" seem to refer to‘ Japanese attempts to break througlii the lilissian line. screening the comâ€"l municaffons with Tie Pass, but the} public regards it as an acknowledg- ment that Gen. Nogi already has severed the Russian line of commun~‘ ications and enclosed at least a porâ€"‘ tion of Gen. Rilderling's army. which1 was bringing up the rear. . It is Said here that (ion. Kouroâ€"i patkin, with is now at Fankiatung station, the railroad, ten miles below Pass. The general staff admits that the carnage in the battle will probably exceed an,\tliing in modern warfare. In addition to the Eastern Chinese Railway and the Mandarin Road, it turn: out that the Russians have a narrow gauge railroad Mukden with Tie Pass, over which to o n 'l‘ie to have realized the critical nature of the situation. for on March 3 he began the gradual removal of his impedimenta. Had he then ordered a. general retreat. as he intimated lie effect their withdrawal from their positions. his headquarters staff,‘ connecting , at Mukdeii telegraphs:â€"-“'1‘he Russian army liiing through some painful moments. rl‘liroughout 10 days of unceasiiig battle, under the fire of Shrapnel guns and amid a whirlwiiif of whistling bullets. our men lave' scarcely eaten anvthing and have slept w'l‘ere they could, The contest has been one of endurance and cour- age. The gr..-y~Co:iterl soldiers have accomplished miracles. The enemy also seem to be mad» of steel. They Were tired out and had ben two days without fooii, but ()vama told i'f; llit‘ll lb“ (‘llll if the slaughter would soon IUTIlI‘ and thy fought (in. ‘lifilli the Russians an] Japanese are fighting: lfert-ically. The infantry on boil: sides lbL'lll as if tlnv (lt'.\[‘l.\‘0 death. ILikdi-n sleeps b'ut restlesslv. ,\\L:.t w‘ll the morin bring forth? ,Tho nie'li' is full of low inuiiours. All I lis animation in the ln-spitals which ‘af‘c full to overflowing, and the ‘ll‘.00ll~ of wounded mtn :Ll“ lwai'l everywlr re. Whit will (:Utl grant ius after this?“ t l i l $1.102: geiivi‘ul were put LEADING MARKETS Stock The Ruling Prices In Live and Breadstuï¬s. RRl‘lAllS'l‘U l-‘li‘S. Toronto, March l»t.â€"â€"\\'hentâ€"â€"-0nâ€" lfll‘io red and white. 510?: Hut: spring, 98c to title; goose, Side to 91c. Manitobaâ€"All iail quotations are, No. 1 northern. $1.10; to 31.†H; No. 2 northern, $107; to $1.â€" ) n 0H: No. .‘ delivered. Hourâ€"00 to $1.50, west; northern, $1.01; to $1.02 per cent. patents, $1.13 buycrs' socks. east and 15c to 200 higher for choice. Manitoba, $3.30 to 0.3.70 for first patents, $3.10 to $5.40 for second patents, and $3 to $3.30 for bran exports. Millfm-d $1.": to $l3 30 for bran in bulk, $17.50 for shorts east and west; Manitoba, $20 for shorts, $18 for bran exports. Harleyâ€"rifle to 47c for No. 440 to 450 for No. 3 extra, and 420 for No. 3 malliiig, outside, Toronto freights. Ryeâ€"73c to Tie for outside. I) ‘4. No. 2 f. o. b. Cornâ€"Canadian, 45.1,(3 to 40c for yellow, and 4423c to 45c for mixed f. o. b. ('hatliam heights; American, No. .‘l yellow, Silt; to Wile; mixed, 5330 to but: on track Toronto. Oatsâ€"No. 2, 400 to 41c outside. Rolled Oats-$4.15 for carsiof bags and $4.40 for barrels on track here; 250 more for broken lots here, and 40!? outside. Peasâ€"(30c to 07c for No. 2 west and cast. buckwheatâ€"550 to 560 east and west. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Rutter~Creamerv continues come forward fairly Well, but ies are scarce, and firm in tone. Creamiery, prints .. 27c to 28c Dairy tubs, good to choice 19c to 20c t0 (lairâ€" -do medium . . . . . . . . 17c to 180 do inferior grades . 15c to 160 Dairy lb. rolls, good to choiCe . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22c to 21c do large rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c to 22c do medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 to 19c Cheeseâ€"The English market has advanced sharply, but there is no sign of change here, and the market is quoth steady at 11,}c for twins and 11c for large. Eggsâ€"22c to 23c for new laid. Limed are quiet and unchanged at 18c. Potatoesâ€"Ontario, 00c to 700 on track, 75c to 80c out of store; eastâ€" crn. 75c to 80c on track, 90c to 95c out of store. Baled flayâ€"Quotations are unâ€" changed at $8 per ton for No. 1 timothy and $7 for mixed or clover in car lots on track here. Baled Strawâ€"Quotations are unâ€" changed at $6 per ton for car lots on track here. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, March ll.â€"Grain â€"â€" In oats there is not a great deal doing h't'l‘O, and no further thange in the condition of the market, and sales of car lots of No. 2 white were made at 45.}c to 48c, and No. 3 do at 450 per bushel export. Flourâ€"Manitoba spring wheat pat- ents, 5.80; strong bakers', $5.50; winter wheat patents, $5.70 to .,.‘).- 80: straight rollers, 55.3.30 to $5.40, and in bags, $2.50 to $2.60. li‘eealâ€"lM-anitoba bran, in bags, $17; export, $19 per ton; (lntario winter» wheat bran, in bulk, $17 to $18; shorts. $19 to $20: mouillie, $24 to $28 per ton. as to quality. Mealâ€"Demand for rolled oats limâ€" ited and market. quiet, with prices unchanged at per bag, and at $1.50 per barrel, (‘ornmeal is quiet at $1.35 to $1.45 per bag. Hayâ€"No. 1, S9 to $9.50: No. 2, $8.25 to $8.75; clover mixed, $7 to $7.50, and pure clover, $0.50 to $0.75 per ton in car lots. “vansâ€"Choice primes, $1.10 to $1.45 per bushel, S .25 to $1.27.; in ca'r lots. I’rovisions»~Heavv cut pork, $10.50 to short cut, $16.50 to $17; American cut, clear full back, 5520; compound lard, ch to 7c; Canadian lard, 63c tc MC: kettle rendered, 8.‘_.c to 9éc, according to quality; hams, 12c to 13c; bacon, 12c to 13c; fresh killed abattoir hogs, $8.25 to $8.50; heavy fall sow, $5.15 to $5.35; mixed lots, $6 to $6.15; select at. $6.10 to $6.â€" 25 00' cars; country dressed at $7.- 25 to $7.75. (‘heesoâ€"Ontario fall white, 105C to 10:0; colored, 10k: to 110; Quebec. 10c to loge. Quotations are nom- inal. Rutterâ€"Finest grades, 30c: western dairv, 213C to 22c; ioll butter, 25c to 26c. Eggsâ€"No. 2, 17.1,c to 190: Montreal limed, 19c to 101w; selected, 20c to 21c. and new laid, 23c to 21c. Canadian short $17.50: light Bl.’ F'FALO MARKETS. liuflzilo, March 1-/l.â€"I710urâ€"-Steady. Wheatâ€"Sprii dull; No. 1 Northern, no demand. Ccrn~ ,_ yellow, 53c. Oats No. " 1c. lg, winter. Strong: No. “ â€"l’irni; mixed. .- white, iitiï¬c, No. 2 Barley and rye â€" Unâ€" .,â€" ‘changc'l. ('A'l‘TLl“. MARKET. Toionto, March lf.â€"A less feeling pervaded the Western (‘a‘tle Market to-da;:, and sales in pushed with 'l‘lie of OXpi‘i'lcl's' iioifi all?) to $4.00 per cwt, rather list- prices \igor. ‘ ranged" .q _.â€" The following quotations were pre- valent for butchers' cattle:â€"Select butchers' $1.20 to $1.10; good butch- ers', loads of, $1 to $1.25; fair to good, $3.50 to St; cows, $2.75 to $33.10; common to rough, S .25 to $2.80. l-‘eeders and stockers were quoted as follou'SIâ€"Feeders, shortâ€"keeps, 1 - 050 to 1,230 lbs, 31 to $1.10; feedâ€" Hflf) to 1,030 lbs, S3 “" to $1; ._.) ers, istockers. (350 to 800 lls., $3 to $3,- 50. The prices of sheep and lambs were followszâ€"l-Txport ewes, $1.50 to 1'†export bucks, $3.30 to $4.- : “‘J- 1. per cwt.: cull shccp. $3.30 to {l 3 >5. ’5 slim each; grainâ€"fed lambs, $6.50 to R7; barnvard lambs, $5.50 to $6.50 per c\vt.; spring- lambs, $2 to $8 fflf'll. ('alves sold at 5H to tie. llog prices ruled as followszrâ€"Se- let-ts, 100 to 200 lb., $5.75; fats. $3.50; lights. $5.23. â€"â€"+ DARING JAIL BREAKER. Dan Forsythe's Escape From Chatham Prison. A despatch from Chatham says:â€" Satirday evening between 9 and 10 o'clock a very daring escape was made from jail here when Dan Forsythe, who, with Charles Benja- min, was arrested the other day and pleaded guilty on several charges of grain stealing and burglary, in the neighborhood of Ridgetown, broke away. li‘orsythe was confined in a Cell, and kept calling for a drink of water. Turnkey Somerville Came to give it to him and as he opened the door of the cell Forsytho attacked him, and, after a sharp struggle, succeeded in locking him in the cell. He then went to the cell where Benjamin was Confined, and asked him if he would run for if. and, on the latter refusing, struck him over the head with a bunch 05 keys taken from the turnkey. Forsy’the then left the room where the cells were, and, passing the guards' room, went up the stairway and out over the porch, slid down one of the pillars, and disappeared. Nothing has been seen of him since. Benjamin released the turnkey, who gave the alarm and the police were shortly on the escaped man's trail. Dr. Charteris, the jail surgeon, 'dis- covered that Somerville’s injuries in- cluded a broken rib, cut head and front teeth knocked out in the. strugâ€" gle with Forsythe. .+___. LIFE SENTENCE AND LASIâ€"I. Severe Penalty Passed Upon Jos~ eph Kennedy. A despatch from Brantford says:- Life imprisonment in Kingston Pen- itentiary, with 75 lashes, was the extreme penalty passed on Joseph Kennedy by Mr. Justice Teetvel on Wednesday night. The jury, after a half-hours consideration, found Ken- nedy guilty of the charge preferred against him, that of a serious crime upon Irene Cole, a. girl 5) years old, who was outraged and murdered in “the Willows," in this city, in Sep tember ‘of 1903. Thus ends a Case with a history. KENNEDY llANCS lllMSfCLF. Joseph Kennedy, who was on Wed- ntsday night sentench to life im- prisonment with 7.3 lashes, in (onâ€" nection with the death of lrciie Cole, hanged himself in his cell at the County jail shortly before, eight o‘clock on Thursday morning. The only other occupant of the jail cor- ridor was Felix Doyle. charged with the murder of his mother. At 7.20 on Thursday morning the guard left the room while the prisoners were eating their breakfast. After the meal. Doyle went into a room at the end of the corridor. and, returning in a few minutes. found Kennedy hanging by a led sheet from the- top of the cell door. lloile raised the. alarm. but it was too late, as death had already resulted from strangula- tion. WAS WELL PLANNED. It is apparent that Kennedy had the whole thing deliberately planned. He acted with swiftness and success during the only opportunity that. presfnfe: itself. The noose in the bed sheet. was neatly made with the assistance of a shoe lace. Evident- ly Kenneth swung himself from his cot, thus leaving his whole weight suspended by the sheet 4*..â€" PLOTTED TO KILL. Six Russian Nihilists Captured b French Police. ' ' A dcspatch from Marseilles saysrâ€"â€" Local police officers on Thursday captured six Russian Nihilists be- longing to the Executive Revolution. m-y Committee of Moscow, who were it is believed, in communication with Father (lopon. A search made in the rooms of the prisoners (liiclosed the fact that they had been charged with the assassination of the Grand Imkes .‘\lt'.'~ s and Vladimir, and that they should have left )fai'SL-illes at, once to ex-cute their plan. -_ .â€"â€"..â€"_ VESUVIUS EMITS FIRE Volcano Becomes Agitated, Throw- ing Out lava. A dos} atch from Naplrs 5413332â€" ,VL-sll'iiils‘, \‘.lll('ll litiS lit‘Yt‘l‘ iii-rm tion.;â€" was nifil‘t- agitated lifcan/lesceiit lava, ple‘ieiy lllw‘lli‘v, \\'etlnwsdaj.' nn:ht. at‘i'niuimnied by flashes of light, was fi't-qileiill) thrown out. 'l‘hert- is i'w’ron to expect greater acti\ity shortly.