Misses Bvul have gnm‘ lu few days “ith Br‘ydun. Prptt y East» the Lilwml Ufï¬ MIT. E. .3. CM “.8 u. Mr. Austin L nungvst sun r hursduy Lu 1 Miss 0mm [two wet-ks†Ill i It tnktâ€˜ï¬ thv iu'h( tn PM; A Lkinsun A; foods. I W'illin m Vaughan, :1 'rm Tuesday I Thomas: F‘rishy of Vin-lm-ia Squam- ’died at his hmmf yvslyrdny in his 83rd year. Funele Saturday at 2 p.111. Little Vinlt-t‘ Smith ha a ruthm' St'l'inlls auride frmn summl 'l‘uusduy e' fell oiIa hob-sh-igh and In Mr. R. E. Law is annual memng (If U)(’( the A.0.U.\V. :IS :1 (h Lodge of [his village. Watch the whim-n; Switzer. They are .- should be, we“ dl‘vssed A meeting of the East York Conâ€" servative Assuciutiun will be bold in the Victoria Hall. Uniunville, on Mon- dny mle, the 20th insl. at 2 p. m. A full attendance is requested. Hannah Buyntnn, widow uf thv Into George \Veldrick. (liud at hm- lute residence. Langstai‘f. on Monday in her Slst Year. lulurluont in the Thornbill cemetery yesterday Mun-- noon. Mn Everette Law 10ft, Suturduy Peach Laud, 13.0.. whvm mm ~ brother Roset‘e. he has taken up I: 5MP. Law wvnt by (LRK. and -.amp m‘vr for .‘l. fvw days \vixh brothur Elmm‘ at Qn‘ A pm He. [Local option Wu: Hay in the town of a majority of 25. the tbwn will ch August. Theliquc ever, that tlu- vote Next Monday worth Leuglw l will give an ad Revival†and t future.†Allan The sweetest plure in 601] 85 Swilzex-‘s. This ed by all who buy their lion-buns. te n d Fl‘id day here The ï¬ne dzl‘ix'y butter at. Atkinson dz Switzer’s uannnL bu beaten, but. lheil' eggs can and this latter item is worthy ot the attanion (f we: y housewife. RX ï¬guws in few days “Clear Vi Elgin Mill: lwn years Almim, w.- Um Julm-s cnurso so dition thn bonus of : Citizvns ar of doing: it mond llill‘ on the farm u sun, butween Ridgvs, and I to the grnum‘ inst. uhout 9 the building but in is sni had no insur; easily tum: tismle zâ€"cu Meat. ‘2. Du \Vhent, Bi: ure lax-d. ! wst Cnmr pmwlurvd : Swilzer. I;()(7 [k Ml An exciting played in Lht noon lxehvpcn North vs. the Inge. The m.- ‘hut by anulho' evening it, was hjld a. little L116 Horses ,‘CHMOND HILL, March 16‘ \Vv 01 lwueï¬t to l. without at little value hws a vnte . E. J. Unhlv Is uryunm in um hm-c are ilSSL’SSBU ‘he. u‘ C. Sheppard, Torontn. whnat- d the century birthday party ._v evening. remained Lil] Satur- and called on umï¬y old friends race-vies 11 mm I. E. Law is _:Itt.vuding the met-ting of the. Gman qugt: uf l' Roselle. he aw wr‘nt by «'1-1‘ for :L f< ‘1' Elinor :x-L Q stem 11! m H w s are In this Innday evening at ‘he Ep- ugue the Rev. \\'. G. Smith an address an [the “ \Velsh and the "Rovivzhls uf the All are welcome. ‘u'n Reid died on the 2nd (1“ . mile west of mi village )linn was carried an Sutur- liown uf Nmth Tm-rmtn by y of The three bars in will close on the 1% of The liquor pin-t y claim, howâ€" Mug ‘0' It \vxll msfonx corn st tun' I % 12mm 01‘ Ml 1k:- :11 said Blych lid“ 3's. Sl] uld. for s the buy Lh and 0mm], Lluydtuwn In ’: th'irAl'mt, Mrs ï¬ng game or now the rink Thursfl: =0“ pivkvd teams 1' he South part of l match ended in thew game plade E was decided that t l the hate 1- of it. 1ft l by M) Orillin papm' tl‘ 13' Railway will alter to much ()rilliu on C( the. ann give them ,OUl). and the Council a nusirlering the advisihil Tlmtnmmmt makes Ri‘ nd .‘LlI other outbuilding ‘f thevlnte Robert Timmy the Summit House, On 11115, new designs, at ) 1‘ M r. um 1' for posit/inn in Detroit. nut, «If (Uh? stmnnr‘h Switzc-r's breakfast th in Tnmntn noting of the cuurls. In is ab hume for Cnl’l’lil is'nk t every rnlnpm‘é’r who bun the 2M1) in favnr LT") fur station grounds netit all whether they much or little. bio n \V' i I wme 0t nookvy was ink Thursday afterâ€" kvd teams from the nth part, of the vi]- 1\ ended in a draw, tune played Saturday ecided that the north delegate fox-VIVV nf' Atkinson 65 ‘llwuys, as you )tlny art! P. R. . and days wit h ppm He. town is Atkir s acknowled; chocolates an “I ll ny evening. 1 \VP undmst: rlially iuml mm. Mr. S“ .mtvuts. lllll me of wned with nng home niug. She u- berm-m. But \V. C Atkinson trilnmpr‘. [.mv. left r at nunt hockliy “'38 MI ,1 value a lltyhy hun‘ 11).; ()l'm tes. 4 111.: 1905 Atki Bl ydnn Spout, a ;. Jumps at Mu'rphy north 1; i)’ ‘il tn be 2 I. railway uld be m MI 51 um ISO!) nun $0. ] VfO'lr‘d’. Mr. tor his nd. ‘ood his ,1) at [Ls 1nd \VHIST CLUB. The \Vhisb Chlh win mm‘t at the hnnw (-f Miss Annie Bnyle on Thurs- dily evening the 23rd. Splendid 'npphl-tunity is :affuI-ded for hmdy during the spring months by The Genlml Blisintâ€"‘ss (‘rnlll'ge,'I‘I-I'nnh), \vhmi- cam! appHu-s in nnr mlvvl‘tising columns this mumih. Rvnd it. \h u.;.-..~. A Public inpming 1n umsider the‘ C M“ n I I h advisability of \‘uting fur the sum of - wug‘ï¬l‘ngICUfgzmgfgf g‘anflggfe,‘ $539.75 in purchase land for a sLutiun ‘ 7U _ ‘ bmhe fur the James an Railway will M . . - , a. le bu held III the Council Chnmlwr I‘ups- p (lay evening. let just. at, 7.30. All The Musunic HR“ was “H.†r“‘('~‘})“yel‘5 “"9 "‘“u'd m "9 pvesem" Seam-day evening at the con The Spring Tvrm in the popular Elliutt Busim'ss (lounge. Tux-onto, opens on April 3rd. This scluml is lerunglily unto-(lute and enjoys a splvndid attendance. The Principal, Mr. \V. J. Elliott. will he plvused to send u calalngne tn nll intending tn secuze a business or ma'thalld educa- send seen: tion. The Executive committee of the Rii-hmunil Hill and Yonge strvet Agricultural Sucwt‘y “wt on Saturday and revised the prize list, for the annual fair un tlw 24th (If May. They recmnmonded am incruuse in the prizes in several clussws. The pmposvd (‘hsmgvs and increases will be sub- mitu-d for ratiï¬cation at the next annual hul' 0n the» 24m recmnmonded am incru in several clussws. (‘hsmgvs and incr use mhu-d fur mtiï¬culin meeting of the Suciety Rubber B0()Ls.â€"â€"â€"Men‘s Rubber Boots, best. quality, wau-aned Lu wear well. Women’s Rubbers, all sizes. Buys‘ heavy and strong Bouts fur Spring. Men’s VVaLel'pl-(mf Boot the besL anb for the money mudu. Naughtun Bros. Afterzt partnership of three years in the hurdwzue and liusuxith busi- The Annual Rv-Uniun Mastvurs will he held in Lodge No.23. ALF. AJ dnyy evening, March 2‘), chairs will 1w ï¬lled by 111 1’. M.’s:â€"â€"â€"I Crosby, \V.M. Mahon. S.\V.; ’1‘. H. ’1‘1-0 The prize list of “19‘ Show has been incx-p: until it nuw amounts sum of $7,000 in trash .‘ are distributed for th most; importme :UL’l'iL'i Thelth Annual Uuum will bu held in 1‘0]‘Ulli( Thursday, Friday and '2b'lh, 27th. 23th, :In( ï¬rst visit h Hod ucod return Li Ly ‘l'lw Slu with l Pm-linnw rogard H from the Toronto. Happiness dvpen tinn and the secret is in the purity u table snpfilies bf and be happy. ‘hursddy, Friday :1 ()‘Ih, 27th. 23th, : SusLm‘ week and he Gwveruor-Gene h-ey have svlvcted irst. visit: tu Tux-(mt Tbe Aurora Banner is quite expr- cised Over the fact. that Richmond Hill is likely tu grant $528.75 tu me- James Bay Railway Company to build a station on the border of this muni- ls likely [(1 Bay Railv station on cipulity. ] “6m: Would think the milw puny would be glad to build without asking a lmnns in nhlam the trufl‘v: from the L is us inform our nm-thern who appears in rbuw Sn much about ()111' welfare, that the SPRING FOR STUDY. CANADIAN PAST MASTERS’ NIGHT. THE BANNER ALARMED! BUSINESS CHAD \V HO MAY VOTE. S PRING TERM th BLlC MEETING. dupends_l lll' ants (-lnse on m' the. sh and cups, which - the hum'ï¬t of this :1-icu‘.tura1 Industry. madiun Horse Show .1111: on \Vodnesdny. and Sulurday, April Ind 2S)Lh. This is Their EXCellencie-s m1 and Countess of this pol-ind fm' their 4;, and will preside »f the Hm-se Show. 'atos will be made, L15 largely on diges- "Wt"; ’0‘ 9“: hf proper digestion Eisngf’ii‘i‘g fund. Buv your wwwcqs‘m. tkinsnn & Switzur An druggms. ____â€"-‘-fl 38.75 t1) the Jan pany to build rler of this mu k‘s Bumwr said the railway cu to build a stati Canadian Hm-s use on April 12th Henry \Vude, Infurmntinn in mm hv obtained tewzu'L Houston, SE SHOW. NIGE. M nt Past- Richmond . on Mon- when the : following T. F. Mc- D. ()f C m-( anxuâ€"ty Reunvny and ticks CUlll ition The Masonic Hall was well ï¬lled last Saturday evening at the concert given under the auspices of the Pulilic Libiary. The prugrannne was given by Mr. J. H. (Jamerun, Mr. G. F.5llh-dâ€" Ivy and Mrs. \V. Ramsay of Toronto, and was greatly enjoyed. Dr. H. Logan acted as chairman. The sun] of $47.50 was taken at thv dour. Last \Vednvsday evening the choir of lhv Presbyterian church and a 1mm- lwr of their friends Wei-o vnleilained by Mr. and Mrs. J. Mallny at their hmne at, 'l‘t‘stnn. Miss Bella McNaughton rel ni-ned on Tuesday M'ening from a. week’s visit to friends in the city. On Sunday there passed away one oflhe oldest residents nf this neigh- bnrhnnd in the pm-snn of Mr. Jnhn lamphell. (If Slim-wand. The funeral tnok plnve on \Ve'dnesday afternoon and was largely attendvd. The sym- pathy of all is extended to thl- snrrmv- ing friends in tln-ir bvruavoinent. De ceased was 78 years uf age. Company is not askin for n, lmnns A farmer survey local ed the truck a couple (if miles from our village, and the ()lft‘l' was made m the company in give them lund fur a. station and station yard if they would change thvir line 50 as to touch this mum: cipallty. If the railway could lie in- duced to touch Alli-um nn similar lei-ms we believe the Banner would he only too pleased to favor the prupusitinn. "I. Friday evoning, March the 3rd, Mr \Villiv Bnyntun entertainvd a, large number of his Il‘iPl'IdS when a \m-y pleasant, evening wm spent. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bassott. of Cushel. visited at Mr. A. E. Jelmings’ lust er. and Mrs. visited at Mr. A. \x'vek. u ‘vu. Miss Alice Lnnau I‘t‘tlllYH‘d with her Lmnnnviilo friends in spend a iime. She will lw missod by mvm than mw. Miss T. Tl udgr-un, nt’ Markham, has been visiting hm- sislm' Mrs. B. Carver. Miss M. \Villiams is visiting in Rich- mrmd Hill. Mvsm's. L. and F. Rmvlmlhauu \jifwd at Mr. \‘\' on Sunday. Tuesday evening the Lvugue Topic was very ably take-n by Mr. [’elhiok, of Richmond Hill. ' Muster \Vultm‘ Scntb and skier Jenn visited with their grand-mother in Amman, over Sunday. )npvll’s, uI flusmnunu um, Mus. \Vihnm. of Turontu. is visiting her hrnthvr, Mr. A. Stoutonlwn-uugh' \Vultor Frishy is home for :L fcw holidays. The Mucous Membrane Part it Plays in the of the Body. The Mncnuq Mequ-n [19 is rho inside lining (if ll](' bndy. and Hf all its ws- sels and organs. The mums-“t this muvuus lnemlu'nnP hocrum-s out of cnmliliun, ew-r so little, lllneï¬s follows swiftly. in some form or ntlwr. In ninety-nine cusps of a hundrvd diwnsv has its lmginning in mme dvmngmm-nt of this Mucous Memâ€" hmue. l: is very (lelicatH :md ext-Ionwly svnsiLiw, and consequently very liable to (ii ' If you are not feeling w he sure [but the M ucuus M sume mgau is sick and medintv treatment. There is mm mum-cine tl Cd to act. and does acL, ( cumLive-ly on the Mucuus It is Dr. LmunhardL‘s Anu- L)y.<pepsia. Buiousuess, stiputiun disappear as s Lvnnllardt’s Aim-Pill has mucous Memnmne to heuiLhy (:nmhLmu. ‘50 ce N Keep the bowels Open With one of Ayer's Pllis at bedtime, Just one. PENNYRO and F. Rowhnthauu visited \S'. ()npvll’s, uf Richmond Hill, Vicnoma Square are not feeling Well ynu may but; the Mucous Membrane uf gun is sick and requires im- treatment). is mm mum-cine that is intend- *t. and (luvs not, dileclly and ly on [he nnwuus Mn-mbmue. Lmunhardb's Ann-Pill. What BIRTHS. 661123531. year as 3mm as Dr. 1-Pill has restored the .ane to its natural :11. 50 cean '4 bottle, ;, 01- "Lhe \Vilsuu-Fyie Ninguru Falls, Out. YAL WA is it. wine that is intend- s not, dileclly and .mwuus Mn-mbruue. AnLi-l’lll. March 8. 1905. the and the Important Health or Sickness a \ 2: gainbe him EUNA CHEH16AL um “10'- and Con FERS. ++H+H+++++++%+++++++++++ 30} +4¢++M+++++++++++++++ -§-§-~§‘-;‘+%+%%++++++++é+++++%++ *ï¬uh‘ ca +++~k+++++++é+3v+++4 i ++++++MMMF+++++~H+++++ +++++++++++++++++4 GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Throshers’ Cua} on b me ELL ++~§+++~§++++++++§°+++%+%++++ 9-H Our Store AS Wu 3% h Emmi H, 1903 Is a wonderland of grandeur, beauty and bargainsâ€"full of suggestions to consumers. Freshest of goods from home and abroad. A vast variety to select from. Many articles and styles not to be found anywhere else- Opportunities to see everything. No solicita- tions to buy. No compulsion to keep alter you have bought if not satisï¬ed. Perfect satisfaction with qualities. Perfect con- ï¬dence that prices are lowest. Here are quotations that have big value behind them : [ickael Bras.. B iohanond E} ill A clean, well-lighted store, bristling with bargains. March 16, 1905. ATKINSGN 6’6 SWITZER A lot of Ashton’s regular 1250. prints, for SC. yd. Heavy 32 inch Canadian prints, 10c. yd. Crescent brand butting, in 1 lb. and :5 lb. rolls, 156. 1b Fine 26 inch cotton vuile in leading shades. 100. yd. Heavy 29 inch linen suiting. in nice Shades, 14c. yd. Fine 26 inch fancy silk spotted lawns, at 200. yd. Ladius’ fancv scrrin collars, in leading shades, 15c.eacl‘ "§'+‘§°-§"§'++++ OQQ¢6¢Q¢§§ % é"!~§W§"§‘++é++~®§~++++++++é¢++++++ 1905. T he necessarily Industrial Home Commissnu 5 several Gold Medals, they 5 Exposition. gar-1f you i Lomplete Catalogue of 178 from photographs taken at (3111 MORE PRiZE +++++VW§°++++++3P+4 nx's are wanted fm' H rn and pig pen at, tyht Newuxu-kvl, Ydrk (‘1 Plans and speciï¬c" lat the Home at. N -e~mnst he address The low Plans and spe at the Home “must he ad 3.0021)“ rho ( (la m MȤ~+~:~-:~z~~:»:«:»:~:-++;+ 1111131551011 3 later than 3r any tun Chairu J AS. H. Maplg, ALP Ont fLIHARTMA AUI'OI. a, Ont. ’fifp'UGSLm'. {ichnmnd Hill, ninnv 3.3+? v+++++¢ :3 Twit? ,+++._ K I RBY. rectinn (he i to