e+++++++++e+++e+r++++++++++4+++++++w++t+i+++ The Gypsy’s Saer'ï¬se 1 t)R"“ï¬E" A SECRET REVEALED w++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i++++++++++rr* i E 3" CHAPTER XX. "Go Straight away toâ€"nigbt. I'll make things square with our pooping Go straight away and keep dark till the week's upâ€"oh, yes. I heard every word, and 1 know the arrangement“; that's been come to. You take my' advice. 1'11 explain things to the; people and keep 'em quit-t. Go upl to Londonâ€"there’s a. late train at Crossby you can catchâ€"and cut the gypsies' camp at once and for 1:11.; As I said, it's no place for either ofI you now."- ‘ "He is right, drunk or sober, and we must trust himâ€"seeing that we. can’t do otherwise. I should like to' have said good~by to Motbcr Katie, and some of the others. What course do you advise?†"Let us go, Jack," she said. Madge had been married ï¬ve days; and on this, the morning of the sixth, as she stood at the window of the London hotel, and looked down at the crowded street along which rushed the cabs and omnibuss- es, and flowed the interminable stream of eager, restless people, she asked herself whether she were awake 01‘ dreaming; and, indeed, in her love- ly eyes there was a look that was something like bewilderment, minâ€"f gled with the dreamy expression of perfect happiness and joy. For once Uncle Jake's advice had been followed. Royce had made up his accounts thaj..morning and reâ€" ceived his share of the profits, and with this by no means large sum he had started on their wedding trip. He had chosen London because it‘ Would be easier to baffle pursuit in that direction, if anyone had chosen to make it. There had been only time on their} way to the station for Madge to purchase a hatâ€"the ï¬rst she had eVer wornâ€"and Royce, too, exchang- ed his rough, tweed jacket for a con- Ventional coat; but the morning after their arrival, and directly after breakfast, she said with a blush: “Jack, will you let me go out for a little while?†“Let you go out? Why dearest? Are you going to run away from me?" “Not yet.†she said softly, the blush deepening. "May I go, Jack?†“No,†he said, with an assumed sternness. "You’ll lose your way. .What do you want to go forâ€"and alone, I take it?†"Yes. I want to go alone,†she said timidly. “Why I want to go is my secret. And I_won’t lose my way, I can’t go very far, and I know the name of the hotel and the street.†"Why musn’t I go with you?†“Because you must not,†she said, and she went and laid her head on his shoulder to hide her blushes. “How long are you going to be away?†he said. “I shall count the minutes while you are gone! To leave me so soon! I wonder you have the heart, Madge!" "Two hours,†she said. "Yes, that will be enough.†She got his pipe and tobacco from the mantle, and put them in his hand. “There, I shall be back almost before you have ï¬nished your pipe.†“It would be a big one to last two hours, Madge!" he said with a laugh that was rather rueful. “I wish you’d tell me what you are after. London’s a big place, and you have never been in it before. Better let me go with you," and he tried to look into her face, but she evaded him and with a shy kiss ran from the room. Royce felt half inclined to go after her and recall his consent, but there had been an undercurrent of earnestâ€" ness and entreaty in her voice which' kept him from doing so, and he lit his pipe and tried not to feel anx- ious about her. Madge put on her hat and shawl quickly, and, going downstairs, ask- ed for Oxford street. She had notic- ed as they drove to the hotel a big ith’oroughfare full of shops, and, ask- ing its name, Royce had told her it ,was Oxford street. The hotel porter .with a curious glance at her, directed her, and she walked quickly up the Strand and through Leicester Square looking into all the, linen draper’s shops as she went with a careful, scrutiny. She found one to suit her‘ at last, and, going in asked with a, calmness that barely concealed her? timidity for some readyâ€"made dresses. The man conducted her to the proâ€" per department of the vast and gorâ€" geous place, and there Madge purâ€" chased a couple of plain, but pretty frocks; one a dark blue, the other a gray. She also bought some collars and cuffs, and was tempted by somel daintin made shoes in another de- partment. These and one or two other things she paid for with some money which she had been saving for years, and {took them to the hotel in a cab. I The two hours had barely elapsed’ and lloyce was looking at his watch for the tenth time, arideondering whether he hadn't better go in search1 of her, when the door opened and she entered,.standing with a burning blllsh on her face and downcastv eyes. Royce uttered an exclamation of ama’xemcnl , turous admiral ion as her. which nu-rgvd into rap- bo gaved at "Whyâ€"why, Madge, I didn't know" you!" he exclaimed. “Howâ€"bow on earth have you managed it, and so quickly? Let me look at you!" He took her by the shouldcrs and turned her around tnit‘c, his large with \vonrlcr; llu'n bc caught her to him and kissed her with the loving approval which is so swoet and precious to (\vcry woman. “This isn‘t my Madge!" bc evâ€" claimcd laughing and stroking bcr hair. “This is some grand London lady who has paid me lbo honor of a morning call! Andâ€"and it ï¬ts like, like a glove! Good lleaven, Madge, is it magic or what?“ and he held her at arm's length and lookâ€" ed her up and down with passionate admiration in his eyes. “And what an idiot i must be not. to guess what you were after! But I never thought of that!" ‘ “You thought. 1 should be content to go about with you in my old brown dress, and red shawl?" said Madge in a low voice. “Of course," be said. "They were beautiful in my eycs, and I'd be- come used to them. They wore part of you, you see.†Her eyes were raised to his with melting gratitude for gin-instant. “But how did you manage it?" he demanded, laughing as he pulled her down beside him and continuing to examine the neat blue (lrcss, the dainty shoes, the white collar and cuffs. “What wonderful creatures women are! I should have thought you would have been too frightened toâ€" go into those crowded streets alone, much less info shops! Wonâ€" derful!" “It Was rather terrible," she said softly, “and it was hard to ï¬x upon the right shop; and then the people â€"I mean the men and women in the shopsâ€"stared so. I supposeâ€"â€"" her lips quiveer for an instant, “I sup- pose they saw I was a gypsy, Jack.†“Nonsense! No one could mistake you for anything but what you are â€"-a. lady, Madge." "And you like it, Jack?" "Like it? Like isn't the word,†he said promptly; "and, look here, Madge, though I don’t know any- thing about women’s dress, I know, somehow, that it‘s just the thing you ought to have bought. What's the other like?†, “You shall see it on toâ€"morrow," she said. “Don’t crumble the colâ€" lar, sir. I haven't many of them.†“Not yet," he said, “but you will have presently. Why, I was just go- ing to remark at breakfast this morning that we should have to buy some things. I haven’t a dress suitâ€"†‘fA dress suit, what is that?" she asked. “A swallowâ€"tail coat and the Vest in black, just like the waiter here wears." “I see,†she said thoughtfully. "And you’ll want some evening dresses, or one at any rate." “An evening dress?" Madge repeat- ed in low voice. He nodded. “Yes, the ladies change their dress- es for dinner, don't you know!" “No, I don't know,†she murmur- ed half audibly. “They put on their war paint as it's usually called; something light and pretty, but always rather gor- geous; ‘cut low in the necl',' I think that‘s the way to describe it.†“Andâ€"and I shall want dresses like that?" she said. "Yes, a regular rig shall always prefer the brown dress and the rod shawl. Madge! What have you done with them? I hope you haven't made way with them." “No,†she said softly. “I have kept them. 1 will keep them to re- mind me,†she put her arms around his neck, “of the days when you loved me though 1 was only a com- mon gypsy girl." “No more of out. But I that, dearest!" he said. “You are Mrs. Royce Landon now. But look here, I'll tell you what we will do. We will go tothe theatre to-night Madge. You’ll see a real play then, and the women in the boxes and stalls in their evening dresses; that. will be better than my poor attempts at description. And now let us go out and buy some more nice things. I want to Show you the streets, andâ€"oh, all sorts of things. There's such a lot you onght to see, that I don‘t know where to begin ï¬rst. But never mind, we'll take it as it comes." When she came down with her out- door things thcre was more exrlamaâ€" tions and admirations over pretty jacket she once again Royce told her that he -should not have known her. They went out, and Royce began his part of Cicerone. To Madge the great city seemed, as it seems to all who see it for the first time, too marvelous to be real. Royce tooki her to the biggest shops, and St. Paul’s Cathedral, and the National Gallery, and Madge became l)l'L‘L1l.lllv‘SS undrr the mighty spoil. She was so absorbed and rapt in delight that she did not notice the attention they c) 05 ‘ were attracting. Mon and womenâ€" espccially the formerâ€"turned and looked after the couple; and it was not only their good looksâ€"for there are always one or two handsome men and women in Londonâ€"not only Madgv': beauty with its delicious freshness, but a something in her manner which drew the notice of all who pass (1. Most wdï¬an, alas! have not a good walk. Civili/alion has taught us many things, among others the mini-ing gait which fashionable wo- men have fallen into. Madge's walk, though as graceful as that of an Athenian woman of old, was uncouâ€" venional. She moved with the frceâ€" dom and case one sons in I‘lgyptian girls as tllcy come and go from the wells with their pitchers on tln-ir lbcads; and lu-r lilbc, supple form, lnolwitbstanding its fashionable drch and jackcl, seemed to move to music. in the middle of the day Royce took bcr to a we]lâ€"l«.nown restaurant for lunch, {1nd llladgc, though outâ€" wardly calm and Sl-ll-leSSt‘SSell, was inwardly almost too excited to Cat the dainty things which the wellâ€" trained and attentive waiter brought them. {oyce had bought her a neat opera cloak, and taken a box, judging rigblly that she would be more at case there than in the publicly of the stalls. Madge hold her breath as they clllt‘l‘t‘d, and she looked around the magnificent house tilled from pit to gallery, and stood in the front of the box, forgetful of hcrself and everything but the wonderful sight; and lloyce looked at her with ad- miration and delight in her delight. But presently opera glasses were levâ€" eled at. her, and he saw people whisâ€" poring togclbcr aniglancing at the box. He drew the curtains partially entranCcd Madge, but the playâ€"ah, who shall describe its effect upon her. It was only an ordinary melodrama, but the principal actor was the most famous in Londonâ€"or the world: and to Madge it was all real. The lovely face became pale and red by turns, her lips quivered, her eyes ï¬lled with tears, and Royce could feel the hand he held trcmble and start at the exâ€" citing portions of the old and back- neye'd play. He scarcon looked at the stage. Her innocence, her delight, her emO< tion fascinated, thrilled him with an unspeakable joy. It was as if he had captured some exquisitely bcaua tiful wild creature, and taught it to love himâ€"and him only. I She sank back at the end of cac'lf act, and looked at Royce like one awakening from a. dream. “You are happy, Madge?" he whis- he said. “How do you do, Lan‘don?" Royce looked slightly embarrassed for a second; then he shook hands. "Yes, it is 1, Rochester," he said his frank manner coming back after that one second. “Come in! Ilow did you spot me?" “I'm in the second row of the stalls," said the gcntleman. Madge looked up at him. He was young, handsome, and distinguished looking; and though there was not a tram of foppory about him, he was extremely well dressed. He looked at Madge and seemed to wait, and Royce, after the faintest hesitation, said: “My wife, Rochester." The gentleman bowed. Madge was about to hold out her hand, but a happy instinct kept her from it, and she just inclined her head; and so 1 the! had bought, and“ .gy instinct did the right thing. .\ faint look of surprise had flashed for a moment in the visitor's eyes, but it was gone almost as soon as it :â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"_ [Federal Life Assurance Company OF CANADA. 23rd Annual Report and Financial For the Year Endin ’l‘be twentyâ€"third annual meeting of held- at the bead ollice of 190;), the President, Mr. ‘ ‘ David and 111111an ment of the company for the year duly vouched for by the auditors. The security for the close of the year outstanding claims, elusive of uncalled 837.81. Policies on eighty-two lives became of $157,010.00, of which $12,585 was incluélling cash dividends and divid ums, W1 1 annuities, the to 2 l 9113*. to lpiymcn (,‘arefuh attcntion policyholders incl $1,902,930.50, guarantee capital, provnl Show an advance of thirteen ’l‘hc assurances carried upon which the and, in addition thereto, The ï¬eld officers and agents of the are entitled to much Credit for their tercsts. The members of the ofï¬ce st pany's service. Your director.K are company for the past two months in the corresponding months of last ture is very bright. DA VID DEXTER, In considerabl Gentlemenâ€"We have carefully company for the year ending 31st Dec accuracy. The cash and journal vouchers hav the entries recorded. The debentures, bonds, etc.. in the spected, Whilst ï¬ed by certiï¬cate, ment of assets. The accompanying statements, viz.. company. Respectfully submitted. ASSETS, “EOE Debentures and bonds Mortgages Loans on All other polici , bon assets Reserve fund ..... . Death losses awai Other liabilities . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surplus on policyholders“ account g proofs Assets . . . . . . . . . , . . ......... Guarantee capital . . . . . Total security Policies were i . ued assuring the company. in Dexter, in statement were submitted:â€" IDHREC 'l 0!! 5’ REPORT. Your directors have the honor to present the to $3,018,773.37. showing a surplus of and by the company company holds reserves to tile able representation pleased to be able to the result of the year’s operations, and, Statement. g DeCember 3|, 1904 the shareholders of this company “7&5 Hamilton, on Tuesday, March 7th. the chair. The following reports report and ï¬nancial state- wbicb closed on the 81st. December, 190-1, The new business of the year consisted of two thousand two hundred and ï¬fty applications for insurance, aggregating $3,146,500, of which two thou« gantridorie hundred and seventy-seven applications for $3,010,400.50 were ac- As in [ll‘CVIOUS years, the income of the company shows a gratifyin in- crease, and the assets of the company have been increased by S285,97 .52, and have "0W FGHUIH‘" $2,l118.77:l.37, exclusive of guarantee cupitul. udiug guarantee capital, amounted at and the liabilities for reserves and all $1,055,837.81. Ex- the surplus to policyholders was $185,- claims through rcinsured in other companies. ends applied to the reduction of remi- t to policyholders amounted to 198,- death, to the amount has been given to the investment of the company’s funds, is.) as to hide her, but with a Proud iqnlglllil-felca‘jst :io'nds, mortgage securities, and loans on the company’s policies I . . 1 , ; rir ) -s‘, v _-. ' y . , . - - ~ sunâ€, on ms “100 In a†that Vast “no of “Item‘qu rt crves Our lnxcstmcnts lune yielded a. very satislaCtory tllcull‘e time was not a more lovely Expenses bavc been conï¬ned to u re asonable limit, consistent with due woman than his wife! CHOKE“ “7r ’iew “ugliness- y. . , ie rcsu ts of tie your indicate a most rrqtif ' ‘r ' r C l , , I ‘ .0 > . , ‘ ‘ _ _ . . g . ymh progress. ompare( lbc 11111510 l).\ “‘0 glo'“ 0' hequa With the picccdinp year, the ï¬gures submitted by the directors for your up- u half now per cent. in assets. amount to 316.047.806.23, full amount required by law, 0 surplus. company are intelligent and loyal, and of the company's in- an have also proved faithful to the com- stnte that the business of the 0f the current year has been better than yea-F. and that the outlook for the fu- President and Managing Director. AUDITORS’ REPORT. To the President and Directors of the Federal Life Assurance Company:â€" aurlitcd the books and records of your ember last, and have certiï¬ed to their 8 been closely examined, and agree with possession of the company have been in- those deposited with the Government or banks have been veri- the total agreeing With the amount as shown in the state- reven ue and 'assets and liabilities, show also, the ï¬nancial pesition of the H. S. STEPHENS, pere‘d. CHARLES .‘TIFF, “Happy!†A smile broke slowly Auditors, over her face, and crept into her dark eyes, FINANCEAL SYATEME NT FOR l904- Soon after the drop fell on the V, ‘ , , third act a knock came at the door RI“ EIPI‘S' of the box. Hamilton, lst, March, 1905. nIt is 0,11.y the attendant with Premium and annuity income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 542,388 RB iceg u gal-d ROYCC with a smile and he Interest. rents, and proï¬t on sales of securities 86,329 51 I ., .. , 0 opened the door. But instead of the s 6‘8'718 34 boxâ€"keeper, a. gentleman in evening DISBllRSESHENTS. dress, with his crush hat under his ' arm, stood in the doorway. it‘ll†t1? llOlicyltolrlcrs ................. “By Jove, I thought it was you!†Bamï¬cémnff)???L“ WEBER 3 I, 1904. ...... 5 695.38.") 8‘3 .. 704,1le H 410,615 3' 348,005 3. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"$2, l‘t8,773 37 51,140 00 37 » ,773 37 ),000 00 . . . . . . . . . 331018.773 37 .3 3,010,409 5’ Total insurance in force .. . 16,017,806 2.3 The foregoing reports and statcmen s were received and adopted, on the iIr{iotion of President David Dexter, seconded by Vice-President Licut.-Col. erns, 'l‘be retiring directors were reâ€"clcctetl, and at a subsequent meeting of the directors the following ofï¬cers were rc-clct‘tcd;â€"Mr. David Dexter, President and Managing Director; Licut.-Col. Kerns and Rev. Dr. Potts, Vice-Presidents. 730,600,000 came; and in the most self-possessed “Yes; he is “‘0 “"I’hcw 0f the DukelLC'ltOFS dl'lm‘l‘ed and natural way he said: Of “toâ€- You l‘elnt’mbm‘ Alto" get‘ Postcards delivered ..... lei-7,900,000 “An unexpeCted pleasure! I'm ting the (I‘ll‘ed‘m1__n He Stopped Newspapers delivered 33,700,000 afraid this old plav bores you awâ€" confused ,Tclegrams handed in 28,216,000 fullv Mrs. Landon?" Madgc's color arose, and She 100‘“ chis‘tcrod letters ....... (3,502,334; lifts. Landon! It seemed as if he‘ 0“ at him for a“ ill-“HM Sadly-H ,Outstantling loans ...... $57,932,101 could not mean her. The Color" “How Shoum I mmcmber? Shedllarriaaesi . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,215 came to her face, then left it pale. said in a 10w voiCC- ‘fIt is you Whojp..aihsâ€due to accident 2,477 “ls it old?" she said. “It is won- f""g°t that a gypsy gm '5 “at “k? IIaifpt-nnv tramway awful!†ly to know anything about dukes! pussyng‘ers . ...... †47,342,809 “I congratulate you, Landon!» he He took her hand and stroked 1t; 6. said in a voice too low to reachl ,he WOUId have take“ “0" "1 his arms . Madge. “I didn't know you were If he COURL ‘ w , MENELIK To TRAVEL, married; It wasn't in the papers, (T0 be COleranCd-l That Meuelik the Abyssinian emâ€" “23‘5th " said Ro ce Then he lau h- PCI‘OI‘. is Soon to take a trip to 0d son'lv ham)â€; "..we were 0E1), LONDON IN FIGURES. Europe is the information sent by a. marriedvvesterday,†â€""‘ _ I SWiss engincer ‘ employed by the The other opened his eyes, then he The Tremendous Act1v1ty of the Abyssmian government 1n a letter glanced at Madge. “Will you be offended if I say that Mrs. Landon is one of the loveâ€" liest women I ever saw?" _ “Not a bit; because it's true," said Royce, flushing proudly. “And if you knew her better you would add â€"the best." “l‘m sure of that," said the other "Well," he shook hands with Royce, “you are a lucky fellow!" .\ud after a lilllt- while he bowed to Madge and left the box. "Who was that, Jack?" World’s Metropolis. l London has been reduced to ï¬gures ‘in a remarkable manner in the sta- itistical abstract for 1904 recently issued by lht' London County Coun- cil. Every dcpartmL-nt of life in the imet‘ropolis is stated in quantitiesâ€" ; rom the population to the half-pcnâ€"' my tramway fares, from the outâ€" standing loans to the number of Laws of (irunkminuss, llclow are a few of the multitule of items in the \volume: I l "Lord Rochester," said Royce.fhlmxicfltms liquor 110‘ ' “He is an old friend of mine. We (“n-“PS - - - l . - - - r - v - . - - - - ~ . l 10.702i “cm at school lug-:th-rl‘. Ht- is an “(H1505 (l‘utcdl . . . . . . . 619.335g1 awfully good fellow, and 1 think lili'mvntary school chilâ€" l you will liki- bim, Madge. ,' 'll‘l'n . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' “Yes,†she said dreamily. as lllc‘llll'flg liven . . . . . . . orchestra played its Swi‘it‘st. “Lord Pawnbrol. llot'llcstt-I'Y lie is a bird, Jack?" I‘aupt-rs‘ of all i'l.;>‘ 1530,2133 llcr brows knit slightly. ilniniltic asylums 10,306 wilful m to his family in Zurich. According to the letter, the Negus intends to Visit London. Paris and Home, and the journey is to be made within a. few months. His advent is arousing deep interest in these capitals, for be is more than a barbarian, and his little country has shown itself great in war, as the Italians know to thl'll‘ cost. Not only this, but Europe rtn'lll'WES that Abyssinia a valuable customer. and can be made nun-h more so. hl'l‘rlik traces lllS (lwf'wlll in a (lirwt line to King Ho- lnlnoo and the Qumjn of Sheba, f'ols for l‘abivs are much more conunon in Cf‘l’lllzflnf,‘ than England. .\'o l'i-wi-r than 1,539 children have l‘nuland in twelve months llllllll_!.'l1 “Flotation, caused by sleepâ€" ing with the parents. 5 (328,718 34[ “'F‘*/"'