Salted Almondsâ€"Salted almonds are expensive at 80 cents a pound and it is q'litc an economy to make them at home. The Jordan almonds are the best (they are the long, slenâ€" der- ones), but any kind will do. They can be bought for 50 cents a pound in bulk, ready shelled. Blanche them 'by pouring boiling water on them and let stand four or ï¬ve minutes, then the brown skins will slip oil readily between the ï¬ngers. Dry them and to each pint. of meats al- low two tablespoonfuls of olive oil. Pour over the nuts, toss with spoon or fork till “ell coated, set aside for an hour to let them absorb the oil, then dredge lightly with salt, a. tablespooniul to a. pint of meats, put into a bright bakingâ€"tin and set in the oven. Bake till a light gold- en bl‘own; shake the tin frequently to let the nuts brown evenly. They will be done in about ten minutes. Oyster Saladâ€"Cook for a few minâ€" utes a pint of oysters in their liquor. Drain and cover with this dressing: Beat well two eggs and to them add one-fouth of a cupful each of milk and vinegar, one-half of a tea- spoonful each of mustard, celery salt, salt, a dash of cayenne pepper and two tablespoonfuls of butter. Cook in a double boiler until thick. Pour over the oysters and when cold set on ice. Serve on a bed of water cress after mixing with a, scant pint of diced celery. Rice Crumpeis.â€"lleat three eggs until light and then add one and one-half cupluls of milk, one table- spoonful of melted butter, one cupâ€" l‘ul of cold boiled rice, one cupful of Com flour, half a cupful of wheat flour, half a, tablespooni‘ul of salt and two teaspoonfuls of baking powâ€" der. Beat these ingredients well toâ€" gether and bake in greased mufï¬n pans in the oven for twenty minutes. White Fruit L‘a1(e.â€"One cup of but- ter, two Cups of sugar, one cup of Sweet milk, two and a half cups of flour, Whites of seven eggs, two even teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one pound each of seedless (Sultana) raisins, ï¬gs, and blanched almonds, one-quarter pound of citron, all chopped ï¬ne. Mix all thoroughly be- fore adding fruit; add a Leaspoonful of lemon extract. Put the baking powder in the flour and mix well be- fore adding to the other ingredients. Sift a little flour over the fruit be- fore stirring it in. Bake slowly two hours and try with a splint to see when it is done. A cupful of grated The Excelsior Life Insurance 00. {Q <<§€€€€Q€€€€fl€€<£€€€€€dfl DDDDDDD>))DDB))))9))§)3 DOMESTIC RECIPES. The comp {or good Those Inter municntn Western Mn. Ofï¬ce. 'l‘orc A.. Toronto. President: S. J. 13311., Owen Sound, and Ruliï¬ Esq.. Toronto, Viceâ€"Presidents; Gooderhnm, Esq. Toronto: Long. Esq., Toronto; John F Esq., M‘A†MIL. Toronto; J Ross. Es ., M.D.. L.R.C.P‘_ ' W. J. ManrIund, Esq.. Toront under Fnsken Weir. Esqw] |aq. onto About 1%.]. Dres _ Snrni Wimgpeg House the W ‘sir lia \\‘ ,m Harvey. or the Hem: . Toronto; ‘onto; Alexâ€" B. Colter, George Thomas FergusQI}. 5. Harv G ord cocoanut is a nice addition to this cake. Mutton, Venison Style.â€"Cut cold roasted or boiled mutton in thin slices. Put into the chafing 'dish four tablespoonfuls of tomato ketchup, one tablespoonful of tarragon vineâ€" gar, four tablespoonfuls oi currant jelly, and a tablespoonful of butter. Stir all these ingredients until hot. Put in suflicient mutton to absorb the sauce thoroughly; add half a. teaâ€" spoonful of salt. and a sprinkling of Pepper- Imperial Cakeâ€"One pound of su- gar, one pound of flour, Lhreequar- tcrs pound of butter, one pound of almonds, blanched and out ï¬ne; oneâ€" half pound of Citron, one-quarter lb. candied cherries, one-half pound of seeded Ijaisins, rind and juice of one lemon, two piedes of candied orange, one nutmeg, ten eggs. Angel Cakeâ€"Whites of twelve eggs â€"or, measured, one and one-quarter cups of whites of eggs. Add one- third of a teaspoonful of salt, and beat until stiff. Sift into this one and one-quarter cups of granulated Sugar, and beat. Have at hand one cup of flour that you have sifted ï¬ve times; sift this in and mix one teaspoonful of extract of bitter a1- monds, or any preferred flavor. Bake in slow oven, and do not grease your pan. Cabbage Salad.â€"Let half a cup of vinegar and a tablespoon of butter come to a. boil. 'After thoroughly mixing a tablespoon of mustard. one of brown sugar, an egg, and a half a cup of sweet milk, stir in slowly with the vinegar and keep stirring till it boils. Cut up ï¬ne half head of cabbage, season with pepper and salt, and put it into the dressing and let it come to a boil. Beet Salad.â€"â€"Equal quantities of beets and red pickled cabbage, and if possibfe a, little chopped cold tur- key. Garnish with celery and hard boiled eggs. Dressingâ€"cream, White sugar, and vinegar together. , flow 30 @EEE flï¬ï¬l‘l Cheese and Lettuce Sandwiches.â€" Slice Boston brown bread very thin, butter lightly, and spread with Neut- chatef or with cottage cheese. Have ready crisp lettuce leaves, dip each in a bowl of French salad dressing, then lay on the buttered brown bread. Press another slice of but- tered brown bread on this, and the sandwich is ready. These sandwiches must be kept moist until it is 'time to serve them. Persons have been known to gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of Scott’s Emulsion. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce pro- duces the pound; it seems to start the digestive machinery going prOperly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he c0u1d not do be- fore, and that is the way the gain is made. Sardine SamlwicheS.â€"Lay the sar- dines upon tissue paper for a. few minutes to free them from the oil in which they'come. Reject all bits of skin or bone and break the sardines to bits with a fork. Work into them If you have nm We! 3‘, send (or free sample. Its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chcmistl, Toronto, Ont. 9. little melted 'butter and a, few drops of lemon juice, and spread them upon buttered bread or rolls. Chicken, Nut‘, and Mushroom Saudâ€" wiches.â€"Mince the white meat, of a roast chicken and mix it with half a can of French mushrooms, chopped ï¬ne, and a half cupl‘ul of chopped English walnuts. Season to taste with pepper and salt and moisten with melted butter. Put the mix- ture between slices of whole wheat. bread. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking Scott’s zEmulsion. ‘ Anchovy Sandwiches.â€"Sprea(l thin slices of bread with a, very little butter. Cover this with a thin layer of anchovy paste. Mince ï¬nely some olives and use for a ï¬lling. Waldorf Sandwichesâ€"Toast slices of bread to a nice brown; while but spread with butter and put between Waldorf Sandwi of bread to a nice spx‘ead with butter the slices 9. lettuc. chicken cut in chopped olives : slices of hot, crisp salad dressing, ax salad (h‘CSSiI and the other Peanut San freshly SAN DWICHES. g, anothev lettuce leaf, side of the toast. - :lwiches.â€"-Shell and skin [1 peanuts and roll them thin slic *al les, a lay :ttuce thin little layer some ‘1‘ of leaf , 1d of hardâ€"boiled eggs to a powder and moisten wiih olive oil and a few drops of vinegar. Work to a paste, and add salt, pepper, and French mustard to taste, With’ a drop or two of tnbasco sauce. Now chop the Whites of the eggs as ï¬ne as pos- sible (or until they are like coarse powder) and mix them with the yolk paste. If more seasoning is neces- sary add it before spreading the mix- ture upon sliced graham bread. Your law or muslin curtains Will keep Clean twice as long; if you will lift the curtain poles from the brack- ets and lay them, curtains and all, in another room when you are about to sweep, as no dust will settle on them. Every precaution should be taken to keep the curtains clean as long as possible, as it is the wash- ing that wears them out more than the using. Keep plenty of dust sheets and covers. They can be made from partly worn dress skirts or of any light weight or much worn piece of soft goods, no matter what the color or material. Cover all the pieces of furniture that cannot be moved out of the room when sweep- ing, with these covers, and when the dust has all settled, gather them carefully by the corners and carry them out of doors to be shaken. to ï¬ne crumbs on a pastry board. Add salt to taste, mix the powdered nufs with enough fresh cream cheese to make a paste that can be easily spread on unbuttered brea'd. Keep in a cold, damp'pluce until wanted. Egg Sandwichesâ€"Mash the yolks Absolutely Necessary to Health, Strength and Comfort â€"â€" Good Blo od Banishes Disease. People with rich, led blood do not feel the cold of winter. When your feet are cold, your ï¬ngers numb and your face blue and pinched, it is a certain Sign that your blood is thin and your circulation weak. Your bloo'd needs building up with Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. They make new blood; they stimulate the cir- culation. The new lvlood they make races through your veins to every part of your body from ï¬nger tips to toes, and makes you warm, hapâ€" py and healthy. Mr. Alphonse La- OOUSSlel‘e, St. Leon. Que. says: ’jAbout a. year ago any blood be- came impoverished and I was badly mn down. My hands and feet Were always cold and 19cou1d not stand the least exertion. My trouble was further aggravated by pains in my kidneys and bladder. and often I could not go about, WltllOUt aid. I consulted doctors. lut. they did not help me, and I Was almost in deâ€" spair when I was advised to use'Dx‘. Williams' Pink Pills. I got, six boxâ€" es and before they were all gone I knew I had found a. medicine to cure me. I took the pills for about a month longer and every‘symptom of my trouble was gone, and I have since enjoyed the best of health." When greasing pans or moulds as well as griddlcs, a small flat brush should be used; these small brushes can be bought for a trifle, and they are excellent ior washing the out- side of glassware that is deeply cut and for cleaning vegetables. “I'm the man," responded a big, brawny fellow. “Oh, excuse me," exclaimed the customer, shrinkingly; “I meant no ofl'ence. The butter is all right, but I Wanted to say that. thme colors of hair in one roll is somewhat in- congruous. And I just thought I might also add a request that if you could send up a brush and comb with the next lot we should be ever So much obliged. Of course, it was an oversight on your part, and I Vim not complainingr. you understand â€"â€"not complaining. merely suggestâ€" ling." Dr, Williams‘ Pmk Pills cure after doctors and common medicines have failed because they actually make new rich blood, and so strengthen all the organs and brace up the nerves. That is the way they cure indigestion, kidney and liver trouâ€" bles, rheumatism, nervousness, neu- ralgia, palpitation of the heart, St. Vitus’ dance. partial paralysis and the. secret ailments that, ï¬ll the lives of so many women with misery. Do not take any pills Without the full name, “Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,†on the Wrapper around each box. Sold by all medicine dealâ€" ers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writâ€" ing the Dr. Willianis’ Medicine (‘0., Brockville, Ont. He was such a Weak and humble little man that when he came into the grocer‘s to make complaint the assistant was disposed to be haughâ€" ty and imperious. 1 "May I inquire," he said, in a small voice, “if any gentleman hvel'e sold my Wife some butter yestel‘- day?†"1 don't trunk 11; )5 put tacks at ten can butter at twentyâ€"ï¬v you make a discount. weight and prices. hammer so that. w tacks upon getting ’2. table.†The assi little man ti The assistant "And," Went, 11 its IMI‘ORTANT TRIFLES RICH WARM BLOOD DIDN‘T guali‘ ity of stant‘s face was a, study. went on the little man, think it is quite fair to at ten cents the pound in twentyâ€"ï¬ve cents, unless a discount. for difference. in (1 prices. or throw in a ;0 that we can draw the n getting the butter on the taut DUS COMPLAIN Iin to 1t m nd still (1 no fault ngth. The th( haif- men- the objection. In the old times We rend that Samson had long hair and a great deal of it, and your butter has rights our entire family is bound to respect. Our only regret was that you did not send it up in a The assistant had against the counter. 5 man paid no heed. “I might possibly," he continued, gently, “touch upon its age, but. I have reason to suspect. that this but- ter is made from milk, and that the milk came from a, cow, and that the cow is a female. Now, I have been taught from my youth upwards to abstain from all i'cfui'vnces to age in relation to all female kind. Thereâ€" fore I shall say no more except that the phrase, ‘feeble 01d ago,’ does not in the remotost degree apply to this case. Isn’t To Please You When . . It Pleases Millions Qurte leely Of Others, r In. I: .7“ r. ‘ y Once Tasted Always Used. Black, Mlxed or Green. Highest Award St. Louls I904. Sold only In lead Packets. By all Grocers. "I Wish you'd send up to the house a pound of soda, four bars of snap, a packet; of starch, and fourteen pounds of sugar. My Wife asked me to leave the order, and she said she’d look round herself and see about the butter. Good morning!" And the little man walked mcekly out. WILL REVIVE ENGLISH GLASS Newly Inverted Pot Arrives at Right Time. At an opportune momentâ€"When the glass industry nl England is goâ€" ing from bad to worseâ€"a. remarkable invention has just been patented which, it is hoped, Will enable Eng- land to regain much of her lost trade. The small manufacturers of glass have been practically wiped out owing,r to their inability to stand the strain of paying workmen for the long hours in whiéh no Work can be done. But to explain. The materials 01‘ “'lliC’ glass is composed are put in what is technically called a pot, and this pot, or crucible, is placed in a furnace. But up to the present these pots have been so fashioned that workmen have to wait eighteen hours and longer before the metal can be drawn~ for practical purposes. In some cases even as long a time as fortyâ€"eight. hours has elapsed, and it is a. common occurrence for work- men arriving in the early hours of the morning; with the intention of Working the. metal melting in the pots overnight to ï¬nd that they have to Wait for a few hours before they can commence. All this means lost money. The Lang pot holds a ton of glass, and it is placed in the fur- nace in such a manner that only two necessary openingsâ€"tho. mouth and the arch openingâ€"can appear. The new invention prevents this loss of time, and like all clover deâ€" vices it is simple. The inventors, Messrs. Jules Lang" Son, have thoroughly tested it. and have pro- duced glass beautifully clear and as refined as it is possible to be. The Lang pot, by an ingenious arrangeâ€" ment, permits an uninterrupted flow of glass. and thus the work can be kept going; day and night. Pale, muddy complexion is an in- dication of liver troubles. The must the liver is Pills. Biliousnoss, Stomach Troubles, Bowel Derangement: Dis. appear When the Liver is Regulated by This wellâ€"known medicine has a direct and speciï¬c action on the liver, enlivcning it in its work of ï¬ltering the blood and restoring its health and vigor. In a wonderfully short time Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills set the DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS liver right and 1 symptoms of live-1 gestion, biliousne ï¬Eorders of the Liver relief 1 satisfactory regulator of Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver ‘ercome compL i an (I 1 now fallen Still the little all int. ir consti the th: 1 di- With this pot. :1 mnqu manufacturer will be nhle to hold his own against foreign competition, and this your should witness a great. revival in the English glam industry. A Pleasant Medicine Which All Children Will Take Readily. You do not have to coax and threaten to get the little ones to take Baby's Own Tablets. The case with which they are given as com- pared with liquid medicines will up pen] to every mother. None is spill- ed or wasted; you know just how big a dose has reached the little stom- ach. As a remedy for all the ills of babyhood and childhood arising from derangements of the stomach and bowels Baby’s Own Tablets have no equal. Mrs. E. A. Jewers, Mitchell Bay, N.S., saystâ€"“I think the tab‘ lets a blessing to both mother and children as I ï¬nd them a certain cure for all the ills to which little ones are subject. I do not know how I could get on without them." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a, box by addressing the Dr. Wil- ‘liams Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Leia] results are obtained by using Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills. The liver, kidneys and vowels are cleansâ€" ed and invigorated and the Whole machinery of digestion Set, in per- . I fect. working order. Mr. R. B. Dixon. McGillivrny, B. 0., writcszâ€"“I have found Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills to be ex- auly What I needed. Since 1897 I have been on the construction of the Crow’s Nest Pass branch of the C. P. R., employed in all capacities and exposed to all kinds of weather. I contracted a severe cold, then pain across the back, and oxxing to the hard fare we Sometimes had to live on, the liver got sluggish and nut of working order. Dr, Chase's Kid- neyâ€"Liver Pills seemed to be the very treatment. I nI-mlml. am] they have made Im- Well again. I also used Dr. Chase's Ointment for eczema lust Whnn a sheet has become too much Worn to he used upon the bed the Cornmâ€˜ï¬ are often quite strong and a very good pair of pillow slips may rhe made from these pieces. Cut from each corner a piece large enough for 01w side (.1 a. pillow case and the four pieces will make one pair of cases and it takes only a. few min- utes to sew them neagly on the machine. Dollies and napkins made from flour sacks are convenient and easy to make. The cloth is loosely woven and the hemstitching is quickly done at odd moments; you can cut them any size you want and the small cloths, such as tea and tray clo’ths are a great saving to the table cloth. We are publishing in this issue the Annual Statement, of the Excelsior Life Insurance Company, which shows a decided increase over the business of former seasons. That the amount of Insurance in force at the end of the year showed an increase of 24 p.(:. is an adVance of which the EXCelsior may well be proud. and we extend to them our congrat- ulations. commenced If the colors in the embroidery of any of your pretty centerpieces have become faded from careless washing they can often be brightened by dipâ€" ping them in weak ammonia, water. The small cloths should always be washed by themselves in a. warm pearline suds prepared especially for them, and the all white pieces are improved by soaking over night in the su‘ds, but the nice embroidered pieces should be washed, rinsed and ironed as quickly as possible, and everything should be ready for the completion of the work when it is summcr. It ( box, but was cont Chase thor, mns ortr AN INCREASE OF BABY ’ S OWN TABLETS ait )n , the famous are on every Chase's Kidn Eat nd worth $60 Znatur are of Dr. Ieccipt bn :ox. 3 the very my have [so used zcma last cents a The euro / ills . W