4. d to} t hair, 3‘. A pie " Stoos i‘al ï¬giherai †[S ir’UiliIISllED EVERY aw i‘ 6 4,6!1 it 4 '3’ )‘v 'v ’DEU’lLSD/AY insomniaâ€"i AT THE. Liséï¬i‘d PRINTING ill PUBLISHlNG llCUSE minnow mm... our. 1‘ . F.310).IAITON. E Dl'l‘lll". & PuoPqu-ron. o SENE s CARâ€"138. anion. lid. 303.2%, .530 artist. Room 12, lZL Victoria. St. Toronto. Best fitting tooth. also replating, at loWest prices. Good work. DR. ARNOLD i]. A. MASON, 130 ntist, Cor. Church and Carlton Sts., Town to “fill he, in Richmond Hill on \Ved- ncsday of each Week. Ofï¬ce. next door north of Stand- ard Bank. Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"9.30 a. in. to 5 p. m. Dr. C. H ARQLD CLaflKsun DE NT L‘s-r. Cor. Bloor and Yonge, Toronto. Thor‘nhill Every Wednesday. Almm Quito-inlay JOHN B. CAMPBELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, T3111 0 rnhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. S‘Aliï¬iï¬s‘oij VETERINARY SURGEON RICHEJOND HILL Gulls by day and night promptly at- tended to. 1m. V TFFEFY. NOTA RY PUBLIC. oounxssmunn 1: mm HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 8m. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, Ram-wdelled,aud newly furnished throughout 0 no of one mos vunieilm Stupid roams for commercial cravollars. An ideal stopping place for riding or drivingp-u‘tiesmicyclists, or farmers going toorretmiiinq fron market. Electric curs pusstbedoot Liver nmnuoction TERMS $1.00PER DAY \V.C.S.\VAGE - makes the hair grow long and heavy. ~, Always restores colorto gray hair, all the dark,rich color of youth. - old f ty yea. onveuient and comfortable hotols on Yonge Street. Evsry modern cou- " Hi! News Notes. ' iiair Reuewer . - ~ Tho sloamor Laki-siilix sank at lwr _niooring.~:, Port Dalhousic, Friday morning. She. was .‘lftl‘lWVHl‘dS raised and si-oms little the worse for lh‘l' ducking. “m i S "W .. warrior? m" a .«..... ‘ \thnm or i soc a youth looking for ‘ ' a, “soil, snap." l pity him. 'l‘lwi-c can I ho no doubt whoi-i- hi- will mid. il‘ ho docs not. change his lact ics. lf ho dons not Iii-are up. [aki- slur-k of illll‘s‘l‘li..l ‘ and put. vim and pinposa and (-nvim' phone MMHQQS.’ , into his lifo. he will surrly join [ho gl'l'sll army of the “lnlglli-llilVP-ln-vllï¬." -C. S. Mardi-n, ili “Success Maga- zinv," .-.-- ..\. (tau: : 7‘ sauna. G ii S LindseyJ-i C A (‘2 F‘ lnwrouoe \V ltilluut '\\'iLilS\Vortb .15 Lindsey. LaWreMe & W adswor‘th. Barristersï¬olicitcrs. Notaries, ice. The m-idcnco of the prose-culion in the trial of lll(' Schomlierg iii-sou case was C(lllCllldl‘d in the Gi‘ncral SrSsions , before Judge ill-organ and a juiy. County (lonslalilc Burns said he saw Mrs. Bulcnnm wearing men’s plough boots on dill'i-vri‘ut oCi-asions. In rc-’ gaid to tho l-tlullll‘lllis hi- swore ihry woro madt- by tho sumo hours that. ho found in Briiouian's houso. Fifty-four witnesses have lice-ii calli-d for tho prosccution. .__.<..._.._ Hope For Everybody. Homo Life Building (formerly Frce- hold Loan Bldg). Cm. Adelaide A; Victoria b‘ls.. Toronto. LnnmAL Olï¬cc. Richmond Hill on Saturdavs. .37 ’ ‘ “ - i i? CJUK & JOHNSle Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 35: {lich- n‘mnd 9d. \Vcsl..\V(-sloy Buildings, (Mclhodist Book Room.) To- ronto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of ear-b Week. MONEY TU LOAN AT 5%. There seems to he no case so bad that Anti-Pill cannot cure it. A strong claim. but well supported. . Just recently a physician in Lincoln. Nchiiiska, has made adiscchi-y “'ilH‘ll is exciting tho intercst. and wonder of jLL\-S N I: N v, thilhnvdical pl'CfL‘Sb‘lCll all ori-r tho ‘ n I 4 Dr. Looiiliai-di. hogan on tho theory ,thal lhi- poisons sent through (lzioi E HJGIN NI EEJLS‘LS syslc-iii by tho rolling and I'm l‘l-lt‘lllll- tiim of uiidigostcd foods xvi-m (in) i» if prime cause of hourly l‘\ (“l'y discasc. y . . . fl .1. , v . I ' t‘ A- V I _Ile sat to \VoiL l/U (humid, it P(‘>o~ N01; (35 ' Sihlr, a rumcdy that Would stimulate . ‘ - ‘l lip-ll thc mu ‘Ull“ lll(‘ll hi" 1‘ i l" i' Barristers.‘ S c r, .ini . . .c o i. .i .Ln.l mg ‘ and 0“ “o s' oi the stomach and liowrls. till, hyi Mouov toloan onlund uiidcliiwte! mortgagesatl. thi'ir normal. healthy notion, pm'fvct luwestraws ~ ,. ~ . . . . Auromnmce_Remm,ed m We on In)“ of]ij ; (llghsllf‘lil Would he 1('hllll(l(l. one do“. was, of the entrance to the Ho snccecdrd and his prescription Outru‘lo hank ( - he called Antiâ€"pill. The plnl‘f that his Newrliï¬lj'glie‘fï¬ï¬gwâ€"fl “We ‘1“31‘5 sou“) 0‘ the work was well done is found in the I. HEBD'EM.L'ENN0X' G STV M036†long list of remarkable ('lll‘L'S made by aurora. Ivewmarkct An‘tlâ€"Pill. l Auti~l’ill is 500. a. hotLlo. at all Drug-' 3‘ H. g). (Anii.fc’ : gists, or [he \Vilsmrl’l‘yli- Co, Limited. Licencou Auctioneer iorthe County of York.K hl‘lgm“ runs, out. bide Agmns f†_ Goods sold on consignment General sales (.1 Cilllfldil- stoc etc promptly lunatic-.7 to at. reasonnblc i “Jo-ah runes Residence Uniouville , 1 "‘1: r i ' n ‘ .l' G R uouldmg, Newton Brook.a.;:enl fox-tho THE “ ‘m‘KLx GLOB'D AND CAB- abolu ADA FAR). ER. “'ziltvr James Brown. 13.9.3... I LL.B.. for lhrr-l‘ )‘Pills Principal of th“ : Canadian Coriospondcnco College and i a graduate of llll‘ Ontario Agricultural (hllll‘gt‘, Guelph, has horn appointul Editor of the wchly Glohé- and Cana- da ii‘arincr of Toionto. The interests ‘ of the agrirnllurists and homoinakcrs , of [his country are rapidly aS<lIllllllgi ' commanding: importance. and \Viwkly Gld'hc and Canadian FJLHUPI‘. J T Saigoon, J Ix Mclï¬won 1 Maple \Vcstun Saigcon at Hz cEwrn. Licensed A ucfinncierir for the County of York. Saleswteuzledto on shortestnntic'euud a. res.- onnblcrates Piitrouagesolicitod I D. G. BLOUGEI. License Auctioneer (0': the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly ' . I ‘ influauce sales attmded on the sLor‘sast notice “'lill )lS new corps of editors and . and at reasonubel'ateï¬. P.O.add.re3i2 King i assislants, will devote its eneigivs to __ ‘ the solution of tho prohlmns affecting N. E. staid“ I the promotion of agricultural m- ‘ (lush-ins and the dovoliipment of Can- LiceiisedAiicnnneaitortlie Counties .f York i'dlr'in noiiics. THE LInEliALh-‘ls made and Ontario Allsnlesof from stock, .Yzc, at- ari'angE-mcnts whereby Tho \Vci‘kl)‘ tended tnnn clieshortast_niitioe and reasonable Globe and Canadian Farinrr and Tch {Sgï¬gég"gï¬gï¬}ï¬ï¬:33? sales attended ‘0 LIBERAL may he had by aiiysuhscrihor ' l in Canada. United Stains or (ire-at . 1 Britain until January 1st. 1906, for one dollar. A more. lilwral newspapvrl offer has never been made. ' <."‘-2»W€1’57flï¬â€œ35 «humid» WRIGHT BROS, Ulndm'mlmrs as: Embnmu‘rs. l ‘BONUS BY’Lé‘V CARRIED' ' 'l he vote on Il‘ridiiy last on the hy- & law to provide stalion grounds for the Jams-s Bay Railway was pl‘:i(‘lic:lllV Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings unanimous in favor of the Malawi. kept at both places. Out (If a min of 102 votes 97 WPi'L‘. for. . and only 5 against the bonus. Mostof â€" the ladv voters in the \‘illagodepositcd Sillinin uni ' their ballots, thus showing that thoy ... “In Essmtials, Unity; in Non-Essentials. Liberty; The . l wiicr, ill. Hoager, M. J. Hewison, E. in all things, Charity.†N ii‘iV TELEPHONE LINE. Arrangvniviils ill'l‘ about ('Olllpll‘lPd furs ailing a new tvliiphoue huc in this suction of i-ounli-y, llll‘ central oilii'o in he at Sillllli‘l‘ï¬ï¬‚ll‘h‘ drug store. A party him will iun to Victoria Square. and phones will ho phimd at Newton's taniicry, (‘Iosgrovv's howl, Alhoi-t \Villiams’ on Lhi-Ziid of Marl:- ham. .l. llickson's on [11033111 COIIN‘S- sion, llagci-maii’s sloro at Victoria Squaw. and :1. mili- north of Victoria Si1llrll'CilL Mr. Hunt‘s residence. There Will :llHli lfl' loi~al phones at lhi- Pahni'r‘ llousc. \\'. A. \Viighl's, L. lnucs &; Slims, ’llllâ€˜ï¬ lmki-ry and at Dr. Lnng~ Mail's. Elfin-ls :iic nlso made to' i-xh-iid lhc “NO to Maplo hy wavofl l’alloi'son, and Mr. J. D. i’nitorsnn and Mr. Mispoli-t (Maplo crciimt‘ry) have already givrn tlll‘ll‘ oi-ili‘l's for] plioiios. Il’ a few llHIH‘ phones can be 1 sci'lll‘rd at Maplo the company will; placu a. free phonc iii. the G.T.R., slalinll. In all pioliahilily a hrauchi will soonmun to llio power houso at Bond Lakc. Tho 1)illlll(‘.< aro $20 a your, and those holding them can talk in any of the plnros connected with [ho sariio central. The polcs are bring supplied by Mr. I‘Icwliuiy, Elgiii Mills. A Simple Cure for Piles. Pile Suï¬â€™crcrs know that Ointmonts and othm- local trir-atun-uts sniuclinics rclioro hut. iicrrr curc. Thoy don’t romove thi' Cilllcjl‘. Thin-o is a lilllr talili-t that. is taken inlorually removos the cause of Piles and cures any case of any kind no iiiatti-r how longstanding. A monlh's tioiitiucnl’. msls 31.00. Ask l'or llr. Li-ouhardt‘s Hem-mid (a. Lhoumnd dollar guarantee goes with (â€"‘l'l‘l'y trcali‘ncnt). Hmnrlloid is the discovery of Dr. Loonharilt of Liiu'olii, Nr-h., one of the most distinguished and successful physicians in the ‘i'csté-ru States. All I)illg‘f_{l.~'ts or the, “'ilson-Fyle 00.. Limited. Niagara Falls. Out. A MEM Eff-5 ’07? ' ‘nn PAST. .l‘i’e were shown a few days ago a. photo of the {ichmoud Hill Grammar School, niristor and students takcn in the year 1561. The tra'chcr and pupils island in hunt of the building now nccupicd by the highest de-partnienl of the Public School. Mr. J. H. Sander- son, prcscnt chairman of the Board of i Education, who forms one of tho1 group. has had the picture eulai-gi‘d l and has sent a copy to each of the students now living, whose address he ( was able to Si‘Clll'e. The master ati that [low was James Murisi-u Dunn, l B.A., L. L.B., l'allu-r oi" Mi. Dunn, of the law firm of Doriton. Dunn & Boult- how. The students shown in the picture are as follows:â€"\V. Playtor, G. Illcl‘hiilips, O. Mozcr, J. R. Teel'y, \V. J. Law, \V. Cogliii. \V. Cook. J. i ll. Sandor-Son, C. Dickson. T. Coglin. . \V. A. Sanderson, S. \Vilcox, lllisscs1 E. Bernard. E. Dickson. L. Vnnde'l- burg. ll. McCiillum. L. Bernard. S. Validrrhurg, B. MoCallum. -â€" Law-i l‘iivruc, E. Co rlin. o is BACK TO BICYCLES. It will be sewn by advertisement on another pagn that. the Canada Cycle 6: Motor Co. arc again to the trout with their iiolud wheels. The company claim that the Cleve'lnnds for 1905 Combine all the host featnrcs of expor- ience and thorough test. Change-s have hccn mado in design which add ' much to tho indcllnahle distinctivenuss ’ which has always characterized b.- cyitlcs lie-aiinp.r the Cleveland name plate. 'I‘. F. McMahon is the agent for Richmond Hill and surrounding country. \Vrite for 1905 catalogu". axiom. or METHODS. THOUGHTS. Are you growing more attractivc as you advance in life? "Given a healthy body," says Dr. R..V. Pierce, the Spengl- ist in woman‘s d18- eases, of Buffalo, N. Y., "and a healthy mind. and everyone can culti- , vale and enjoy hap- ~f pincss." a“ We must eat properly and di- est well lo be eautiful. It is a fact that any form of d ape sia may in a. ew uys trans- form a clear, while skin into a mass of pimples and black spots. A beautiful woman has the beauty of her stom- ach. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery main- tains a person’s nutrition by enabling one to eat, retain, digest and assimilate the proper nutritious food. It overcomes-tire gastric irritability and syï¬uploms of indi- gestion, and thus the person lS_SaVEd from those symptoms of fever, night-sweats, headache, etc., which are so common. IA tonic made up largely of alcohol Will shrink the corpuscles of the blood and make them weaker for resistance. "This is to certify that I have used. Doctor Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery, Hunk it's the grandest medicin in the world." writes Mrs. V. M. Young, of Weir. W. Va. “1 had dyspepsia in its worst form. I decided to try your ruled- icine. I used ï¬ve bottles. and now I am domg‘ my own housework. A number-of my friends also are using Dr. Pierce's mcdicme and thy recommend it highly. May God bless you In your grand work." Dr. Pierce believes that a tonic made with alcohol will shrink the red blood corpuscles ï¬nd make the system weak {or resistance; that is why he avoided the use oiany alco: hol or narcotics in his "Medical Discovery," which contains thé pure extract from roots and herbs without a particle of alcohol“ Accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery.†Therg is nothing "just as good " for dyspepsm or debility. Biliousness is cured by the use of D1. 1 Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. read of the ex- eriences ofzin lcrs shoot- 2' P l ers and Campers: “Xxâ€; 1.: ï¬dvcnturc g’ if you _ are in- ' ‘5! terested in country life, ask your ncwsdiraler forï¬ vm “FOREST ANDl ‘ "MI STREAM,†or send' . ' us twenty-five cents " for four Weeks trial trip. A large illustrated weekly; journal of shoolinsr, ï¬rm P fishing, natural hisâ€"k; tory and yachting. A new dc art- I ment bus to l l books on OL‘ldsCl‘ life and recreation? P l I C c n n t r y Home and its ‘ surroundings. . Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for six months. . ., send 1 free on re- f‘ quest 0 u r ‘ catxlcguc of 1:- AND STREAM PUB. CO. ;. 3'16- Btoarlway, New York. +4-+6"!-+’2-+4-++-P~2'++++++~i~+ol-<'-l~~i-4~ 'dr 4 'l‘ho Yolk Cu. w.o.T.U. wni hold 3' School of Methods in the Temperance Hall on Thursday. April o', commencing at 11 a.m. An interesting; program has lwcu pieparod for the day sesxions, i \Vv‘l‘l’. imbued with the 3.1an spirit of Iprogrrss and culerprisc as the turn. . ‘ Mr. 'FL‘lffy acted as returning ()niCl‘l‘, The pl‘Opl‘letOl‘ of'Sunnyside Herd Mr. Furl-y was a scrutinci‘r againstI of Holstein Cattle and Breeder 0f1m_ the liy-law.’ and .M J. Hf. iiilllldt‘i'soll ; , i ‘ . - , . . was a. Slil'llllllt‘t'l' in avoro l, 19 )v- aw. l pm‘ ed bhebter “hue “03°, 10t32’ ISt There were no rejected or spoiled i 0011- Illal'kham (Thornhlu) has for ballots. Rocrc Savage and his (‘01- i sale some good young stock. 1 leagues in the Council, as \vcllasmaiiy Thoroughbred hull and hog kept other citizens, are to he commended; for sex-vice (m the premispg, for the energy they put forth in conâ€" D_ G_ GOODERHAM, nectiun With this Important iiiatiiaia, PrUPHMOl- And now for the Railway and station. IN HIS ézxo YEAR. 56‘36‘3‘95‘833‘8’d eooooaacooesassasoa ossooseswemavsoecg |.,,,(. “f m... Cm...“ f.,,. 5......“ yeah. Q, "r" 0 ‘5 $9 GALVANIZED a) past, die-d at the home of his nophcw. . (9 E 5?.» kï¬yu) a LOCK 0; Mr. Allii-It He‘hnkay. on Thursday 0 . . N . ‘3 : “ ccvscd “"l‘ '1 h" 9‘2. "‘ ’9 is (we of 1110 new natures of the .‘-rost \Vire 3) 115“ hp, FR.†1‘; “V '5 ‘15.“) if‘u‘ l° " ' Fence for this roar. The loi ks are coated with °) and 'K 5" “H “I sums). “"0 [um I: ' , i' c “V "I 1 gr...†“was “wen absolute. . ‘9 heart troubleiui(l(lropsy. lhc funeral i ‘9 5 2 " "‘1 l c†“‘f“ x" L ‘ 1-) @ took )lace on Saturdav. Aftcr a Sir (9 '. rem-r13 Iliat .. 0) . I - u, . _ .' 1' ‘ ‘ _ g) Vice at the house condor-tori by Rev. (0 33.. Tue Frost \‘Vire Fence is made of 2)) Thus. Camphi'll the ieiiiaius were (° {‘59 brimth to Richmond Hill and )l'ir‘cd ' - :r »'~ .A 200 i, .;‘~o) . r» . ' l.“ E: c17‘f“‘1...ff',’\‘.’;, 3:35;, fl‘7‘t;(}.ft:.(1i,lac,)vlfiilcgtté:rl:‘ e) in the Vault, to he lalei. lllten‘ed in the ‘ Lo _ _ .s‘r“â€h ‘ . ' ‘ ‘ - . ~ 10) Aurora cemetery. The pall-heai-crs. u The rrost rec-:3 is guaranteed. \\ c \l 1.1 rcpau at any time tree or a) - 9’ charge, any (luffk'ls due to malciial or workiiiuuship. Heaviest and hast. ‘3 lcr sdc byâ€" }; \Vrilc for ii‘cu Lookltt. (o 8 CLUBINE 6: PEARSON. ' (o o as o.o.o.o,g,\g\g\g\ggg.3 33.0.0 0.. a e, e, 0.9.. 0.0 C" WOODARD a CROCKART. Mr. Henry Phillips who had hocni were J. Comisky, G. Leek, C. Broilic. e) J. Barker, G. Monkman and A. Quantz, 0 Among those from a. distant-e who! ‘ . :thvllded the fimrral were \chle ' Aurora 0 Holmkay. Ci'ccinorc: \V. Chiling . : Toronto: \V. R. Procter. Nc\\‘lll.‘ll'i{t‘l;l Thornhlll . J. E. Cluhino, Cal; liidgcs. l “9&3888633-38M38836 which arc open to the public. In the owning at Night o‘clock. a public meeting will he held. The Society has been fortunate in securing: Mr. \l'. E. Rana-y, who took .‘I. vcry active part ‘iu the Local Option Campaign in Toronto Junction, to addri-ss the moot- ing. Good music will he furnished hy the united choirs of the Mcthudist and Pi eshyteriaii churches. A cordial in- \‘ituliuu is extended to all. Allan LOIle was yesterday acquitted of manslaughter :iL Cornwall in con- nection will] the killing of Alciile Lilul'lll at a hockey match. The Liberals in Centre Toronto will not place a candidate in the field to Coutflst the scat made vacant by the (lt‘ilth of (‘X-lll-‘lyul‘ Clarke. , â€"â€"h‘.‘.â€"â€"â€". The host pure Lard. He. II»; host Conn-(Ira Figs, 5c. ll).; best Goldru Dates, Go. lh.; Quaker Brand Tomatoes. 2 cans for 25in; ()rangc Moat 2 packages for 25c.; Pure Maple syrup, 250. per imâ€" pcrial quart; good Coffee ground fi cal), 23c. pcr lh.: choice Japan Tea 25¢. per 1b.; Corn Starch 54:. ll).; fine black \vois‘cil .1; hose. 250. per pair. at Atkin- Son (Y Su'ilzcr‘s. Thosv are hints that point the way to pl'Uiililllll" buying. 13 “V Robertson’s Ready Mixed Paints Uncquallcd for Purity and Durability «la-3"!" ‘3 it {will} 'i’1‘3'£‘+‘$‘+Ԥ"}‘3’§ i'é-l'l ~54 iii-i Thin-o is nolhing as good. Nothing Could he lii-tti-r. '.†.,. -.'~ IMPERIAL MEASURE. ;: .1. Price Right. ii". iii. Sail. einii DP. UGGIST +++++++++++++++WM Hmw-i-Mw-i-«iiuiwiawii-M-:-:-:«io .2. ». ' ’..’ ' J. ’ '. ’ ' '..'. . 'n.'..’..'..'. ' ' '. ’ '. ‘.-v...71*r.........’r. -§--l.‘i'r