Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Apr 1905, p. 1

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Â¥0L. XXVII LIBERAL PmTING <2 PUBLISHING HOUSE RIGEIHOND II.(LL.ON1‘. '1‘. F. McMAHON. TH [1381) AY MIORNING Best fitting teeth, also replating, at lowest: prices. Good work. Gulls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. DR. ARN’JLB D. A. MASONJ Dentist, Will he Dr. C. HAROLD CL ARKSON DENTIST, 04115 by day and night promptly at- tended to. J. H. SANDERSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON JOHN R. CAMPBELL, mmme HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Roma-1911ea.nnd nawly furnishad throughout One of me mos onvenieut and c-xmfox‘table huhels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- vauielue SJulplD moms for commerch travellers. Aujdogtlstollpiug plage for 1-H):ng NOTARY PUBLIC. 00331389“)ka IN THE or dnvmg psfiiiéé;bicycl'iétsrdr fume)?! going to or ramming from market. Elacmc curs pass the (1001' Live: In - ouuechon PALMER HO USE EGETABLE SICILEAN air Reamer 41 [13. W51. Rflfiiflg, K ) n ntist. tom“ 13. 1'3! Victnria. St. Toronto. TERMS SLOOPER DAY IV. C. SAVAGE - Our. Church and Carlton Sts.. Torunt-u Vill he in Richmond Hill on \Ved nesduy of each week. Office, next door nuth of Stand- ard Bank. Oifice Hoursâ€"8.30 a. m. to 5 p. m. m...â€" chews the hair, makes it new again, restores the freshness. Just what you need if your hair is faded or turning gray, for it always restores the color. Stops fallinghgir, also.""'u. .fl‘rco'i'mfit‘é‘“ @- VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Ehornhill. or; Biour and Youge, Toronto. RICHMOND HILL RICHMO ND HILL, M. 'E‘EEFX’. per annum, in advance. @3213 [S PUBLISHED E VERY WOODARD 8: CROCKART, - Aurora CLUBINE 8: PEARSON. - Thornhill Thoz'nhill Every >_Wednesday. FOP. wetcrinaw Al‘l‘ ‘13, mini. (git:ch HE ‘BOPR‘IETOB Pro 1) Also a large line of Standard Farm Caner. always on hand. Every progressive and up-to-date farmer insists on having FROST GATES. Cataiog and prices on request. “ FROST” Ornamental Gates Light in weight Artistic in design Reasonable in price G G S [.iudsey.K C A G F hwwrufico \V ltidout \\’u.rlaworth Barristers , Solicitors. Notaries, 26¢. Hume Life Building (Tm-lm-rly Free- hufld me Bldg). Gm. Adelaide 55 Victoria Sls.. Toronto. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturdm‘s. Bwrristers, Suliéitors. etc. TORONTO OFFXCE: N0. 5‘»? Rivh- mnnd St. \VestAVe-shy Buildings, (Methodist, Bunk Rumn,) Tu- mntn. Mr. Cook will be at, Maple on Thursday afternoon of each Week. JAS. N EVVTON Mouev to loan on land andchathel mortgages at lowest rates Aurora nfliceâ€"Removed to the old post oflEic.‘ one door west of the entrance to the Ontarlu Bunk Newmarket oflicaâ€"Three doors south of the pastorfice T HERBERT LENNOX. G STV MORGAN Aurora hewmn‘rket LENNOX & MORG ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E3 {JGIN 31114148! Lisenseu Auctioneer forbhe County of York. Goods sold on consignment General Rules 01 atoc etc promptly attended to at reasonable rat-es Residence Uniouville J T Suigeon. J K N Maple Wes Snlgean a: McEwen. G If. Gouldmg. Newton Brookmgemlfor the above Licensed .Xlxctionorrs {or the County of York. Sales nceuded to on shortestnoticeand a. ran.- onablerateu Patronageselicited License Auctioneer to: the County of York, re- spect-fully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attpuded on the shortest notice and at yousonaberatei. P. 0.u.ddress King LicensedAnctionearforthe Counties sf York and Outarlo Allsales of farm stock, Arc, n0â€" tended tn on the shortest notice and reasonable rateq. M’orcgageanrlbnflifi sales attended to Residence ,Sboufl'ville Ont RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A.arge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. John T. Anderson, \Vill make periodical trips to Rich- mnnd Hill and vicinity. Orders left with A. G. Salvage will re- ceive prompt attention. 18 years’ experience. 40-h”. Lindsey. Lawrence & w adsworth, (Ind ertakers A' Embalme-rs, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. COOK & JOHNSTON Barristers and Solicitors. WRIGHT BROS, FOR SALE BY PIANO TUNER, TORONTO JUNCTION, J. II. P: “nice. D. G. BLO'UGXI, RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1.905 N. E. Smiih. 23mm. “In Esswtz'als, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Phone Main 2%! J k McEwen Weston 3‘ AN, The York Cunnty \\'.C.T.U. School of Methods held a. successful meeting here last, Thursday. Dfixlegntt-s were prescmt from Tor-unto. Tm-nnto Junc- tion. \Vestun and other places. Sessions were held in the mmning and in the afternoon, and a. public meeting in the evpning. Mrs. E. Cane. owing to ill-health. tt‘ndl'l't‘d her resignatiun as President. and Mrs. Switzm- was :Ippnintofl in 1101- place. ,, ,L 11 “r'r""'~‘ " "’ ' l After devnlimlal exorcises at, 11 am. by Mrs. Pauline, Miss Sheppard nf \Vesbnn gave a. hilnle reading. The session closed with nonntido player. In the afternmm Mrs. Pauline gave :1 bible ' reading. "Decision." and a. paper prepare-d by Mrs. McCurdick. who was unable tn be present, was read by [he secrvtm-y, Miss Wiley. Pa en‘s were also read by st. Mchml nnr Mrs. H. E. Irwin. and thv Question Drawn was taken by Mrs. Bascom. Solos Were sung in the afternoon by Miss Lorine \Vright and Miss Janet McDonald. Sub”. The spmkoi- of tho evening explained in his opening remarks that he was a substitute, the gentleman :id\ertised being unavoidably ails-301113. The speak- er’s remarks were along the line of prnhihition and local option. He 1 charged the license commissioners in I North York with cutting off :1, certain Ilicense in Sutton in 1902 for political reasons, and condemned the com- ! missioners in West Yurk for granting :L license for a hotel near thPVCunudi Foundry. Hun. G. “7. Ross was de- |feuted :{t- the recent Pleat-um hy Lhe tempemm'e vote. He expressed mgrvb ' that Rns: had not, introduced n. strung temperance measure.» He Would have been defeated. but he wuuld have , retired with hnnnr. Mr. Mills olngiz- ' In the evening the Temperanoe Hall was fail-7y well filled when MuMills. of the law firm of Rzmey & B‘hllsgzue an address. After prayer by va. T. Campbell and a selection by the chair, the chairman. Mr. J. H. Szmdersnn. made a few nppmpriata remarks. The secretary next read a telegram just received fmm the late Preside-uh. Wishing that God’s Messing may attend the work her sistcts are eu- gaged in. . n.. - ,,,,,‘,¢_-A,! ed the \V.U.T.U. as the hesb tem- perance organization in existence, hut cautiuned the members not to criticize other temperance organizations even if thvy suw rensun for criticicm. The people carried tht' referendum by about 2 to 1. but the late Gnvemmont made nnthing out of it. As for the Whitney Governinth he did not know anything about it. hut. he heâ€" lieved the Provincial Secretary would do his duty. He advocated lncn‘l option which may lead tn the closing ofitrhe bars and prohibition. The chairman endorsvd the remarks of the speaker whom he thanked on behalf of the \V.C.T.U., as well as thanking the musicians and others who had assisted thou). Good mmlc was furnished by the choir, and snlns Were sung by Miss Ida Glass and Miss Ethel Switzvr. The ladies of the W.M.S. purpose holding a Slut-i211 in the sclmnlmmn of the Methodist church on the evening ofÂ¥Gnod Frigay. -Jv&l;:lv(2;0;1wBr:asr. have purchased an automobile. As there is a, great, deal of driving in their h11-g9_l)usiness this will prove quite a saving to their horses. - -r fir , Thele ls a. large demand here for houses tr) rent. huth presentnezu-ly all of them are occupied. Mr. A. Cameron is having 21 hot Water furnace put into his new l'CSl- deuce. has been much sickness in the village lately, but there is an improve- ment in all the cases. Ketfer of Tm-mltn. speht from Saturday till Monday at the hume of Mr. '1‘. Jackson. "'ii'iLS'WV'idiEl-si of King City visited with Miss Mirth), Saigeg] (may Sunday. - The Headfnrd Post Office is to he clusfi‘d on the 15th of this mumh. The present proprietor. Mr. G. A. McBride, feels that the limited business in the store does not justify him in spending his time inside. therefore he has snld his stuck to Mr. McCallum of King City. The goods will he removed to Buttonville wlwre Mr. McCallum will curry on the business recently pur- chased from Mr. Lumlu. Many peuple in the neighlmrlioml will regret to learn 1419. Post Office is tn he closed as after Sahlrday they will be obliged to go for their mail matter either to Richmond Hill, Victoria. Square or Buttonville. hume of Mr. '1‘. Jackson. Mr. R. S. Thomson is the appearance of his store it built up square in front. Of interest to men of economical tux-n. Genuiue Scotch Tweed Suit made to your measure in fizst Hide-1' for $15.00 regular $19.50 suit. Atkin~ son and Swilzer. York W. C. T. U. H. eadford Mapte improving by havmg l Fullowing is the Lungsmfi school '| report, fur March :~â€" ‘ Class lV.â€"â€"Hunn:lh Chapman. Lorne lGoodex'llsz. Herbie Lueshy. Hilda. Farr. Glass “1.. Stuâ€"Garland Langstafl’, | Myrtle Vandl-ink, Ada Fm-r. 7 Class 111., Iniox~.â€"â€"Rubhie Lovvlie, Alir‘e Page, Emma Chapman, Gladys Bu”. Glass UL. Jr.â€"â€"G00rgie Robinson, Irene Chapman. Class ILâ€"Nntlumn Chapman. Part ILâ€"Nvllie Page. Part. lI.â€"â€"Amy Ball. \Vellington Monkmnn, KnLie Chapman. Stewart, Page. Purl. Lâ€"Russell Monkman, Georgie Lu ngstnff. The annual entertainmle of the Richmond Hill Auxiliary of the VV.M. S. on Tuesday evening was as enjoy- ahle as it was unique. The rhair was ahly filled by the President. Mrs. A. Newton. and a good programme of l I l solos, choruses. readings and addresses I was rendered by members of the Society. The president in her address thande the many Willing workers in the missionary caHSe, saying that the members were always kindly and courteously‘ ,rereived whenever they appealed to the citizens for help. M M. Switzer read a missionary pa per, and asked the various members of the Society to give reasons why they oh- jeited to send men and money out, of the country for the missionary cause. Many of the answers. coined [or the occasion. were those often heard, and were amusing. Another novel feature of the entertainment was the exper- ‘ ience related by the ladies, telling l how they each made an extra dollar l for the. extensuon fund. The following i numbers were given during the even- ing:â€" Chorus. memhers of the \V.M.S. Solo, Miss Swilzer. Reading, Mrs. Sloan. Solo, Miss Mortson. ' Solo, Miss Switzer. Solo, Miss Mortson. Mrs. Hume acted as organist. Rev. T. Campbell spoke. of the pleasant entertainment, and moved a. vote of thanks, seconded by Mr. Casely, which was unanimously carâ€" ried. Refreshments were then served to all. The president stated before closing that the amount handed in by the In~mhers was $37.50, and the collection at the door was 10.50. Langstafi School Report. April IGâ€"I-Iouaehold furniture. vehicles, harness, etc" Int 16 Con. 3. Vaughan. at, l n’vlm'k, px-opm'ty of Samuel Ireland. Noresex've. b‘uigeun & McEwen. CARRVILLE. Mr. J. Baker. tenant on what was formerly known as the Leaf farm, is a. man who appears to be at- peace with everybody, yet strange to say for some unaccountable reason his house has been set on fire three times within the past. few weeks. On the first 0c- casion when the family was away on a Sunday fire was started both inside and outside. Inside it was found that the wall paper had been burned to the (-eiling in one room, but the fire had evidently gone out. of itself. After- wards Mr. Baker found that during the night boards near the house out- side had been saturated with coal oil and set on fire. but which did no dam- age. 0n the. last occasion the corner of the house was fired in the night, and damaged to the extent of $30. The buildings, which are owned by Mrs. S. Rittr-r of Chicago, were insur- ed in the British American. and the contents in the. Gore. Much sym- pathy is felt for Mr. Baker and family as the villainous work is undoubtedly incendiary. Had Mr. Baker not awakened when he. did the members of the family would have been burned in their beds. The occurrence places both the owner and the tenant in an awkward position as insurance com- panies will hesitate to take risks on property when thvre is incendiarism in the neighborhood. Mrs. T. L. L. Lewis. Toronto, funn- erly of Uhathnm, died at her home. 114 Bond st., Tuesday morning. aged 65 years. Interment in St. James’ Cemetery to day at 3 p. m. Hon. Co}. Mntheson delivered his hudgot speech in the Logisluture on Tuesday. Mr. Edmund Bristul was electvd by acclnnmtinn to represent Centre Town- to in the Hnuse of Commons. Mr. R. R. Gamay will move in the ngislutm-e that the resolution censur- ing him be expunged from the records. \V. M. S. ENTERTAINMENT. Sale Register. News Notes. The best disinfectant of all is sunlight. It destroys by its very brightness all sort: of germs and at the same time helps the owtb of plants and animal life. Doubtâ€" ess all have noticed that mould grows during the night and in dark, (lamp cellars. Bright sunlight quickly destroys genus, mould or other organisms. That is why it is best to let the sunlight: into your house: (or its_purifyi‘rig influence. ,,,: n..__:_n1 1â€".A: w. .... PM”... r, ,, At the Invaliaa' Hotel and Surgical Insti- tute, Buffalo. N. Y., Dr. Pierce, chief con- sulting surgeon, started experiments, some ‘hree years ago. with the Finsen light in conjunction with the X-ray in the treat- ment of diseases. 11: got excallent results therefrom, and was among the first to adapt this remarkable cure to many cases which it was formerly supposed must of necessity be treated by the knife. W _- .‘. . Not only is Dr. R. V. Pierce notable for his surgical achievements at his hospital in Buffalo, but nearly a third of a century ago he discovered certain roots and herbs which were nature’s remedies, and suc- ceeded in putting them up in a form that would be easily procured and ready to use. This he called Dr. Pieree’s Golden Medical Discovery. It maintains the patient‘s nu- trition by enabling him to eat, retain, digest and assimilate nutritious food. It over- comes gastric irritability and symptoms of indigestion. and in this way fever, night- sweats, headaches. etc.. are done away with. It forti'fies the body a ainst the germs of consumption, grip an malaria, it builds up the tissues and puts on healthy flesh. Those desiring to know something about the body in health and disease, also medi- cine and surgery. without technicalities, should read the “Common Sense Medical Adviser," which can be had for 50 cents in one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound book. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Bufialo, N. Y. ++++++++~z~zv++++++++~z< aria ssfzsaezaziszéie: Advemwe “FOREST AND 0 STREAM," or send us twenty-five cents for four weeks tu‘al trip. A large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, fishing, naturxl his- tory and yachting. A new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its surroundings. Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for six months, “We send V Elf free on reâ€" quest 0 u r catalogue of ‘ t h e b e s t books on outdoor life and rguzcation. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. (I). 346 Broadway, New York. [Single copies, 3 cts. m the ex- eriences of anglers, shootâ€" rs and campers, or yacht- mg; or | fi if you '1‘ are in_ terested in country life, ask your mewsdcaler {or Purim and or~ I Duran; No 4x ++++++

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