Changeâ€"World'a Dislpeusary Madical Aasoc’n Change-J. G. Aye: a Go. Two young men have been in the village since Friday claiming to be engaged in religious work. They held forth the ï¬rst evening in front of the Palmer House. and we under- stand have since held meetings in private houses. They are not con- nected with any church or denomina- tion, in fact they are opposed to churches. There are people in this village, as there are ?n all villages, who are willing and anxious to listen- to strangers, but sensible people will. always be ready to admit that the churches have done, and are doing, a good work. @1112 flihcml. Rev. C. W. Gordon. pastor of St. Stephen's Presbyterian church, Win- nipeg, and better known as “ Ralph Connor," preached in Bloor St. Pnes- byterian church, Toronto, Sunday evening, and calmly took up the North-West school question. He ask- cl his hearers to refrain from hasty judgment and concluded a dlspas- sionate review of the present situa- tion in the following words :â€"â€"“ This is not a matter to angry men. by am] rcvengeful men, by bv Christian menâ€"a A few days ago Mr. W. F. Maclean, M.P., dared the Government to open up North York or Centre York, say- ing that he longed to try conclusions with the Postmaster General or Mr. Arch Campbell. Of course the Gov- ernment did not take up the chal- lenge, but what an excellent op- portunity now presents itself to test public opinion on the great question before the country. The promotion of Mr. Oliver to a positien in the Cabinet necessitates an election in Edmonton, N.W.T. If Mr. Maclean does not offer himself as a candidate people canmt be blamed for saying that another bluff has been put up by the courageous (?) member for South York. Loyal Orange Lodge, Toronto' Junction, has passed a resolution cor.â€" deznning the Federal Government for the clauses dealing with educa- tion in the autonomy bill, congratu- lates Mr. W. F. Maclean, M.P., on; the stand he has taken in opposing the obnoxious clauses in the bill, and adds in the resolution that “ we also consider that Mr. Arch. Campbell, MP. for Centre York, is deserving of the strongest censure for giving out that it is his intention to vote for the bill, and we pledge ourselves on any and. all occasions to use our vote and influence against him or any other member, whether federal or provincial. who will support any such measure." Mr._Franl: Oliver, MP. for Ed- monton, has been sworn in as Min- ister of the Interior, succeeding Hon. ‘ Clifford Sifton. The newly-appointed ‘ minister states that he is quite in accord with the Government’s policy as regards the Northwest autonomy bill, though he adds “the bill was perhaps not the height of human wisdom." Mr. Oliver justiï¬es his course by saying that “ the educa- tional law which has been in force for the past thirty years in the North- west Territories is simply to be pet'- petuated. During those thirty years no member of parliament nor any other peison has made any move to bring in a bill abolishing the con‘ glitions as they have existed.“ New Advertisements. When talking or writing about the school clauses in the Northweslsl autonomy bill we would commend a 3. number of the clergymen and church: gewspapers to the 9:11:11 and earnest RICHMOND HILL rers to refrain from hasty and concluded a dispas- view of the present situa- following words :â€"â€"“ This matter to be settled by n, by ambitious men, by en, by party men, but menâ€"and Canadians." ‘. April 13. 1905 words of “ Ralph Connor," Rev. C. W. Gordon. That Presbyterian minister from Winnipeg is a believer in “ Provincial Rights,†but he re- cognizes the fact that there are two sides to the question, which should be approached, not in an angry spirit but in a christian spirit. The ï¬rst page of last week‘s Christian Guardian contained a full column of items bearing on the schools under discussion, and every item was written from a party standpoint. If The Guardian hopes to retain its reputation as a religious newspaper it should be prepared to discuss pub- lic questions not in a party spiri‘, but in a Christian spirit. ~:-+ + -!«I-" ++40$++++++++‘$-+‘!"§“!'a~:v~."!‘ T 'vv ruth " is a Strong Argument! K g: V w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. +++++++++~x~++++++++++~z~+++ LIVERY GOOD LIVERY IN CONNECTION. Thles‘aers' Coal on hand. J um: The undersigned begs to thank the pubiic for the gen erous patronage accorded him genera! Biasksmiih PATRONS I Recruits Wanted Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. Governor Generai’s Body Guard Men enlisting will assemble for twelve days mice n. year, for the. an- unl training. Rate of pay, 50c. a. day and rations. increasing for good cun- duct, and efficiency to $1.00 per day. Should be over 18 years of age. Funn- ers or farmexs‘ sons owning their own horses referred. Pay of horses. $1 u day an forage sup lied. Campcom~ memes on June 13t , 19Q5.“ .. (Cor. Youge u.-:d Aluxamler Sts.) is out of :1 position to-day. It is the truth when we state that, “Our students are uniformly succeSanl in getting gnml pnsi- tions after graduation." 0m- Schuol is :L High-Glass (me and the best in Canada. Enter now. Culloge open the entire year. Catalogue free. Apply to any of the following :â€"-0 Squadron. C. L. Wallace.\Voodb1-idge: J. K. Keefler. \Vest.on: J. H. Lawson, Brampton; T. L. Kennedy, Dixie: B. A. Gmdou, Cnuksville: D Squadron. T. Herbert Leunox. Aurora: E. \V. Rogers, Kettlehy: O. E. Newbery. Elgin Mills; E. A. Button, Stouflville; A. \V. Milne, Markham; P. Selby, Markham; R. B. Elliott. York Mills; C. F. LuFl-augh, Brougham. T. R. JONES. Lieut.. Act. 41-1 Adjt. G. G. B. G. ENNYROYAL WAFERS. Michael Bros, H orse-shoeing a specialty. Five sets Diamond Steel H arrows for sale. And hopes for a. continuance of the same. All kinds of Blacksmithmg done. ELLIOTT gmw mn‘n n-n'mn nun! TORONTO. ONT. Nut one graduate of the pnpu Ricllnlond Hill 11, 190:; 'F() liltéri RICHMOND HILL. COAL ..FOR THEâ€" A upeogflc monme modlcine (or ladle. ,, A_. _-.|-.- 0.- "ma... WOOD +++¢+ Canada’s Greatest Nurseries In fruit trees. small fruits. ornament- HIS. Shl'ulls. muses, vines. sevd pnmmes, etc. Stock true to name and free- fl'mn San Jose Scale. A pernmnvnt positiun for the right. man. Lihm-ul tel-u %. outï¬t frvo. pay weekly. \Vrite fur Lon-ms and 50nd 2.50. fur our pocket micmsvnpo, just the thing tn use in examining L1 cos and plants for insects. TORONTO 36-4 mus. 51mm & Wailingmn SPRlNG AND SUMMER is now complete comprising Black and Blue VVoxsted Twins. Scotch Twaeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices. In 383 pp-. 5&x7 HEAVEN REVEALED For a limited period this book is offered at trade rates, 50 cents, The Origin of Augels.â€"The Essential Nature of Heaven.â€"Uh:u-ucter of the Angels.â€"â€"Testilnony of Scriptingâ€" The Sure VVny to Hezu'en.â€"â€"-Practicul Tendency of this Disclusnl~e.â€"En \‘imn- ment. in Heaven and what Determines it.â€"â€"Sucieties in Heavenâ€"A Heaven for the Nun-Christian \Vorld.â€"Ax-e Earthly Relationships Continued in Heaven?~\Ieelin and Recognition of Friends in the ereafter.â€"Personal Appearance of the Angels.â€"Rejnven~ escence and Growth in Heaven.â€" Huuses and Homes in Heavenâ€"Gur- ments in Heaven.--Children in Heaven. ‘ â€"-Sex and Marriage in Bea veinâ€"W Ol'k in Heaven.â€"â€"â€"'l‘be Three Heavens. and 3H0w Related.â€"â€"Eternal Progress in Heawen.â€"â€"Consociation of Angels with Men. OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES Applied to mu- speuiul cnmsos gix en by mail in BOOKQ‘PDCPPng.BllslDPSS Forms, Arithmetir, Penmanship, Shm-Lhund, Typewriting. Illustrat- ing and advertising will produce guud results for any :uuhitiuus young man 01- womnu \vhn wishes to qualify fur a. better positiun in life. The cost is but a trifle, and 0m- (‘irculm-s will givv ynu full pan-Lieu- lul-s. \Vrite fur tlwm. Correspondence Department My Stogk of VVoolens for A strong school with 20 regular teachers, splendid equipment, and well patronized by students frum every province of the Domininn. \Vl'ite \V. H. SHA\V, Principal. Address THE NUNC LICET PRESS, 42 \Vvst Cuulter Sh, Philu.. Pa. The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white hogs, lot 32, lst con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good. young stock. Thorough-bred bull and hog kept fm‘ service on the premises. E» at GOQDQRHA}; A. J. HUME, I the town of Richmond Hill and surrounding country, and Luke urders far \Vith 9 cents postage for mailing. FONT HILL NURSERIES, By BENJAMIN FISKE BARRET WANTED WYSIDE FARM Tailor, Richmond Hill Something Deï¬nite. '{onlc Stan dy A man to represent, 49b. Over 800 net-es. inches, Large Type, Fine Cioth TORONTO. CONTENTS: ONTAR Proprietor R10. Jacob Eyer 86 Son Wish to state through this medium, that the part- nership as contemplated between Soules & Eyer has been discontin- ued, and they will be found doing business at the old stand under the ï¬rm name of JACOB EVER & SON. Thanking our many friends for their past patronage and hoping we may be able to retain your eon- ï¬denoe in the future We remain yours truly,-- Hardware Paints Oils Binder Twine Makes all kinds of qtock thrive. Splondid for milk cmvs: iurvasos the flow of milk. famous calves and stall fer-ding vault) and bugs. Gives hm-svs a sleek Coat. fattens them, puriï¬es the lllnnll, cleansvs the logs and gives them a. healthy appearance. This Stock Fond in manufactured by practical stnckmen, and is guarantved to give quicker, better and mth pt-rmaneut resullstlmu any other Swek fund, or immey refunded. If you have hot-u Ad" ppninled in other so-called Stock Funds. got a. sample of ,.,..v rerr‘n! , .v A‘,_.M.,....1t‘ “H'H nunrin..n vnn that ll. is "Timid in the marks-t. 1731'?)H‘RS'HiiEié'ï¬Qflg FOOD (and tho Yorkshire Cough and. Heme Cure Yerkshire Stack Feed. Guaranteed to cure Coughs. Colds, Distompnr and ï¬rst stages of hmlves. which are frequently (mused hy tin-«mic cnughiug after distemper. T1118 1:; a grand pI-i-pumtilm and will stop any cough. “ - - n- Ly ,,.v um I“. a“. \lnh.\nu‘ll Iâ€"I-AY‘IIPRS ifnkpr. ‘Yl'i‘w gl'ulltl pl'l'pul'nuun unu vuu nu“ uu‘y “mg... For sale in Richmond Hill by Gen. Mchnald, Harness Muller. \Yriw fur sample toâ€" J. A; lï¬lll‘lS'lï¬‚ï¬ & 8%.. l7! lliï¬ï¬ Si. E. TORONTO- Agricultural Drnggists. Opp. ( Jaceb Eyer 55 Sam, The Russill Hardware Co. NOTECE Repairing ofall kinds. It is waterproof, weatherproof and ï¬reproof, and is rapidly taking the place of tin, tar, galvanized iron, felt and gravel and shingle reoï¬ng, on ac- caunt of its lesser cost and greater dur- ability. It is easin put on and the price per hundred square feet lor all material found is only Two Dollars. Sold only byâ€" [26 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. Implements Lime Cement Eave Troughing results will convince you that it. is (ilyt