LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHIN RICHMOND HILL,ONI‘. Gulls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Bomndellednnd newly furnished throughout One of me mos onvenient and cumiorml-le hobala on Yonge Snreet. Every modem cnn- veaience Sample News for oummercml travellers. Anidealstuppiugpluce for tiling or drivingparties,bicyulists, or farmers going toorreburuiug from market. Electric cars pus the door Liver naonuection Uaslls by day and night promptly at- ‘ tended .to. VOL. XXVII. Best ï¬tting lowest HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ' RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Mt. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, T H U R- PALMER HOUSE RICHMO ND HILL, JOHN R. CAMPBEL‘L, '1‘. F.310MAHON. Will he BR. AR? Dr. c. HAROLD cmm’isï¬ï¬ DENTLS 1:, ° ‘V. C. SAVAGE I. H. SANDERSONW VETERINARY SURGEON f‘ RICHMOND HILL { (a Room 13, 1‘31 @yerfliils Want your moustache or heard abeautlml brown orrichblack?-use Ofï¬ce H $I per annum, in advance.] ill be in Richmund Hill on \Ved nesduy of each week. Oï¬ï¬ce, next (1001‘ north of Stand- ard Bunk. Cor. Blom- am Our. Church and Carlton Sts. Toruntu ll be in Richmund Hill on X VETERIN ARY SURGEON, Thornhill. BUSINESS CARDS. Not one pound of soft wire enters into the construction of “ THE FROST. The uprights are immovably locked to the running wires with THE FROST "VEDGE-LOCK, making an absolutely Stock-proof Fence. The Locks bind without kinking or crimping either the stays or lateral Wires. Will not slip, and our new method of cnamelliug and baking prevents rust, which adds greatly t‘: Qhe appearance of the fence. Make no mismke. Buy THE FROST. It is the heavlest and the best. For sale by WOODARD 6: CROCKART. CLUBINE 6: PEARSON. Thornhill Eve: Wednesdav. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY COMMISBIWE‘B IN THE mam D. A. MASON, Dentisst, SDAY MORNING PUBLISHED E VERY DXTOB Hitsâ€"9.30 eterinnrn tree Lh, Vicmria. St. Toronto. AT THE :lgx‘MM. gihm‘l ROBBIETOB $5: CGE ,lsn replating, at Good work. naaans V A UUHKAA fly] “1‘5 H 11%.! l UHVU WM: :arge, stiff stay wires, makes a perfect fence m. to 5 p. m Tom [1 t u 3:33.22 MKJNQHAM’S ~ DYE HOUSE Prop d Swim Wire Peace G G S Liu<laey.K C A G F Lawrence W Riduuc Wadsworth LicennedAuctionearforthe Counties at York andOntano All sales of farm stock, &c. at- tended to on the shortest notices and reasonable rates. Mortgageandbailiï¬ sales attended to Residenceï¬couï¬vflle Ont TORONTO OFFICE : Nn. Rich- man St. WestJVesley Buildings, (Methodist Book Romm) T0- rontn. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. Home Life Building (formerly Freeâ€" ‘holdiLcnn Bldg). Cm. Adelaide & Victoria Sis. Toronto. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Snburdavs. Licensed A uctiouoern for :11 a County of York salesthtended to on shortest-noticeand a. rea- Onablerates Paaronagesolicited biceu8ml_Auctioneer for the County of York. doods soul on consignment. General sales 01 ltOC eEc promptly attended 50 at reasonable r3595» Residence Uninnvilje A arge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Mouev to loan on [and and chattel mortgages at lowest rates turura otï¬ceâ€"Removed to the old post oflioa one door west of the entrance to the Outurw Bunk Newmm‘ket ofliceâ€"Three doors south of the szcorlice D HERBERT LENNox, G STV MORGAN Aurora Newmmket License Auctioneer for tho County of York, re- 4pe'2tquy solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attpuded on the shortest. notice 1nd at :easonaborates. P. O.mddress King RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL John T. Anderson, LEN N 0X & MORGAN G R Goulditixé.‘ 11139962111 Brook. agent for the mbove Orders left with A. G.Savnge will re- ceive prompt attention. 18 years’ experienct‘. 40-1m. \Vill make periodical trips tu Rich- nde Hill and vicinity. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E EJGIN 13113414337 IAS. NEWTON Undertakers & Embalmcrs, Lindsey. Lawrence 2:. W adsworth, MONEY T0 LOAN AT 5% Barristers and solicitors. COOK & JOHNSTON uLigaon. J K McEwen Maple Weston Snigeon & NEcEwen. VeQétableJiver pills. That is what they are. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick-headache. 5%,, .1123: Barristers, Solicitors. etc. WRIGHT BROS, PIANO TUNER, TORONTO JUNCTION, riS‘ters,Solicitors. Notaries, c. J. II. P: malice. D. G. BLO’UGII, N. E. Smith. RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, APRIL 20, I905 $211211. Aurora T hornhill In Essentials, Unity,- '~i‘n Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." '. ma Whi Phone Main 2084 The funeral of the late Mrs. Thos Jevons of Toronto, took place here last Thursday morning. The deceased wns sister of Mr. Thos. Mathioson of this place, and had been ailing for some time previous [0 her death. The bereaved family have the sym .mLhy of all their friends in their tl‘Olll) e. Its all very well for “Ralph Con- nor†to advice peace when the rights of our eople in the North \Vest are trample on by the Roman Hierarchy who wish to have their dogmas taught in their schools. Let the childer be taught religion at home or in the churches. \Ve want, only National Schools in Canada where all of our children can meet together and row up in harmony as Canadians. hose who want Separate School for their children can have them without the State interfering in the matter. The teaching of the Roman Church has never been anything but a. curse to those nations where they have the full control. Look at Italy. Spain and France. W'hen there is evil in any Government, why not cry out against it? don’t mind “ Ralph Connor.†My. Donald wutson. who was taken to the hospital about two months ago. passed away on Monday evening. The funeral took place- on \Voduesduy on the arrival of the mm ning train from Toronto. The license inspector for the County of York, paid an ofï¬cial visit here on Saturday last. Complaint, has been made about, boys lultening in the hotel shedx on Sunday. Mr. 5. Ireland had a sale of house- hold effects on S {tux-day, and intends to move away soon. He has sold his threshing ouLlit to Mr. \V. Cooper. Mrs. \V. Richardson of Toronto. visited over Sunday with friends here. Miss Noble of Harvey. 111., returned to her home here on Friday of last Our late teacher Mr. A. Mills, who 1' moved to Reahoro. is giving such good satisfaction there that his school is over-crowded as many pupils from othcr sections are coming into his school. \Ve miss him and his family very much in our yillage. Miss Noble of Harvey, Ill., returned to her home here on Friday of last Week. Miss L. Jackson of Niagara Falls, N. Y.,is spending a week at her home. Vzugghan Masonic Lodge of this place had u..pleasant time Tuesday evening. The occasion was the anâ€" nual oflivial visit, of the D. D. G. M., R. \V. Bro. Duncan, and many-of the brethren were by invitation present from Toronto, Richmond Hill, Thorn- hill, King City and other places. The guest of the evening was accompanied by his District Secretary, V. ‘V. Bro. Carling. In the lodge room the ï¬rst degree was exempliï¬ed by ‘V. Bro. J. B. MacLean and his ofï¬cers, the Junior “'arden’s lecture was given by W. Bro. '1‘. Keys, and W. Bro. A. Carley gave the Past Master’s change. The l). D. G. M. in his Cl'iilClSIll com- plimented the \V. Master and his of- ï¬cers on the excellent work done. Leaving the lodge room all repaired to the hanquetting hall Wht-x‘r' they were joined by many of the members’ wives and other lady friends from Maple and vicinity. Aftel'a very ex- cellent tea. a toast list of speeches, songs and instrumental music was well carried out, W. Bro. MacLean acting as toast master. “The King and the Craft†was ï¬rst honored, after ~Which the “Grand Master and Grand Lodge of Canada†was proposed. This was appropriately responded to by R. W. Bros. Duncan and J. E. Francis and V. \V. Bro. Cal-ling. The toast Mn- Samuel McCormick, an old resident of this village. has sold his property and has gone to live. with Mrs. Jas. Paul. Mr. \Vm. Greig of this village has purchased the McCormick property and will move onto it in a short Lime. Mr. Findley has moved into the house owned by the late Mrs. Saddler. “’9 are glad to hear that Mrs. E. McCall is recovering fzom the effects of falling int-n the cellar. She is living with M r. lehood at Reabom. The sudden and unexpected death of Mrs. Joseph Boyd of Gavan, reminds us of the words of the Psalmist:â€"“ Our days are as grassâ€"ans a. flower of the ï¬eld." The husband left alone has our sympathy it] his Qime of trpuhle. "l‘be Rev. Mr. Mnuntem delivel ed an excellent address last, Sahhzlth from the words “but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do_ gxplgjts." D. Hill and T. F. McMahon, Rich- mond Lodge; and A. Muckle, Putter- .sun Lodge. The speukms one and all ~1'eferred to the pleasing innovation of the presence of the ladies, and ex- pressed thanks fur the hospitality ex- tended. A pleasant feature of the evening was a. progiamme of songs, due-ts, and instrumental music by Mrs. (D12) Logan, Miss McNeil, Miss Keifer and Bro. J. W. Osborne. Miss Keï¬â€˜er acted as piano accompanist. “Visiting Brethren†wag responded to by \V. Bros A. McOalIum, A. Carley ï¬nd A. D. (._‘a.r_leyL lighqytvsron Lgdrgre; Mount Pleasant Maple Council met; on Tuesday all the members being presnt. Reeve Slater in the chair. Communications were received (I) from D. R. Beating, Clerk of Picker- ing. asking for statement of items oh- jected to in account, that, had been presented by Pickering at last meet- ing of Markham Cmmcil: (2) from Ford Brnithwuite, Uniunville, asking council to remove a threshilig machine from roadway which obqtmucted View from window: (3) from \V. A. Little- john, Clerk of'City of Toronto, asking council to co-operate to secure legisla- tion permitting married women to vote when taxed on the szune tel ms as single women. EckardLâ€"Lappâ€"That this council has no objections to the application of Richmond Hill for permission to close a part, of Centre St. Within the Town- ship of Markham for the purpose of building a station for the James Bay Railway. 1019,r0n. 7 . . . . . . . . . ‘ . ....$2 00 J. H. Mitchell, 17 yds. gravel... . 1 70 Simon Tomlinson, taking Mary Dohoney to Indus. Home 3 00 Dr. Trumpour, for medicine sup- plied Blaithwaite family .. . . 23 65 D. H. Doner, shuv. snow, 1904 . . 12 40 H. Moyur, shnv. snow. 1904 .. . . 9 50 Eckardtâ€"Morrison â€" That; the fol- lowing rond accounts he paid : No. 1. F. E. Pearson . . . . . . . . $ 135 54 Miss Laura Leek ViSlted her sisters in Toronto last week. Lappâ€"Mnrrisonâ€"That the following accounts he paid: John Snmvlmll, repairing culvert 1019,r0n. 7 l . . . . . V . . ‘ . ....$2 00 \Ve are sorry to have to lose Mr and Mrs. Sonles from our midst. The Pustofï¬ce formerly kept by Mr McBride is to be continued at Mr Geo. Caldwell. Song service is to be held in chmch on Sunday morning. Mr. Herb. Smith spent Sunda his home at Richmond Hill. Misses Lida and Maude Helmukay went to the City Tuesday evening to attend a concert at, Massev Hall in company with some of their young Toronto friends. 6. J. A. Mitchell Unimn'ille, R. Cump' M§._Jr)y, Ross Lunau Unimn'ille, R. Campbell . . . . . 9 50 Mt. Joy, Ross Lunau' .. . 3 95 Hagerman â€" Eckardtâ€"That F1 isl)y Bros. be notiï¬ed by the clerk to remove their threshing machine. from highway in Village of Unionville. Council went into committee of the whole to consider the commuted statute lnbm- hy-lnw. Councillor Hagerman moved that the by-law be rescinded, but, no one suppoxled. Hagermanâ€"Eckar(itâ€"That commis- sioners report any bridges in need of repairs and report same at next meet- ing of Council. “Soon after the birth of my ï¬rst child, H ymus ago, Constipation he- came troublesome. I used everything I heard of, but, temporary relief was all I got. I must; have used ï¬fLy different medicines in that time. “I ï¬nally got very bad and at times I would have no relish for food, and what, I did eat would distress me after- wards. I had headache, bloating, bearing down pains, backache, could not sleep well, easily tired and never felt rested. ’ “Frum me very ï¬rst dose of Dr. Leonhurdt’s Anti-Pill I began to im- pmvv. Now I am Well. It is wonder- ful.†Dr, Leonhardb’s Anti-Pill is sold by all druggists, or the \Vilsnn-Fyle 00.. Limited, Niagara. Falls, Ont. Sole agents for Canada. The price is 50c. The Ladies of the Methodist church pin-pese holding an "Egg Social†(in the. eve of Easter Monday, April 24th, in the basement of the church. Ad~ mission, adults, 150.; children 100. All are welcome. Mr. Eckmdb moved that the numhvr of divisions should be increased to twenty instead of nine as at: present. Mr. Morrison supported but the Roeve and councillors Bagel-man and Lapp were opposed to any increase. Mr. A. and Miss Betta. Leek visited their brother at Mt. Albert last week. \Ve are all pleased to see that Mr. Fred Johnson is able t'o b_e out, again. A Buffalo Lady says:â€"Dr. Leonhardt's Anti-Pill differs from the old methods in medicine as day from night. Mrs. J. P. Reborn, of 169 Lnnflo} St“, Buff-411:. N.Y., says of Dr. Lemu- hardt‘s Autiâ€"Pillâ€"the Great System Treatment : “Its actinn is so different to any- thing el>eI ever usedâ€"Anti-Pill is 0 mild and g‘ nhle that I never thought it would cue my chronic con tipation, but it dfd. Council adjourned till May 9. Markham Tp. Council J. Homer . Adam Hood F. H W m She Found a Difference. Quantz Jones . . . . . . Mitchell ... R. Campbell Headford. 1mi1y.... 23 65 0w, 1904 . . 12 40 ’. 1904 9 50 â€"That the fol- $ 135 1-11 HY 93 the +++++++++ Much has been written about " the Ania!- kan girl" and her $3901]: for being pre- eminenuy the most M aflfactivc _ girlr in The crucial epoch of a woman's life is the change from maidenhood to Womanhood. It §\. involves the whole .1 \' ‘ 1. r. .H 'l bud and manifests Llfl V31 9““ itsefl' in the nerv- ouAsidisposition lag this time. .. - Nervoga or sick women are afforded the opportunity of a lifetime, for the makers of Dr. Pierce’a Favorite Prescription now Offer 5500 reward for women who cannot be cured. Backed u by over a third of a century of remarkab o and uniform cures, a record such as no other remady for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the roprietors of Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescrlp lot: now feel fully war- ranted in ofl'erin to pa $500131 legal money of the United rates or any case of Leu- corrhea. Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of the Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. $++$+++++++++%+++++%%+++~H~ "I cannot praise your medicine highi enough," writes Mrs. Jennie Hippcnhnmer, o untenown. ‘Indiana. "I began taking Dr. iome’a Favorite Prescript on and took it stead- ] for six months. I was no once sick at stom- a , never vomited once. 00]: the ‘Favoritc Prescription’ three times a day and when in levere pain took an extra teaspoonful of medi- cine which cheqked the uin. I felt pleasant all the time and did not a t nervous as I used to. When my baby girl ca e last Au ust she was healthy. She is now e even niont I old, Am thirty-eight years old and never got through so 'easiiy in aii my life. Why should women suffer when they can get through so easily? I an! able to do uite a washing and ironing which I could not 0 for eight years before." As a. tonic for women who are nervous, sleepless. worn-out and run-down, “Fl- vorite Prescription" lS unequaled. +++++°P++°§+++++++W++++++é¢ +++++++$+4 Hf Prices ell Goods 6+$++++%' For constipation, the true, scientiï¬c cure is Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. Mild, harmless, yet sure. No other plll can compare with them. Robertson’s Ready Mixed Paintg They should sell watches for me. I have a line of Waltham watches, men’s size, in nickel cases at $375- It’s remarkable how good these watches are made and how well they keep time. They are really Worth more than the prices asked. A guarantee for a year giv- en with each watch. THE ATTRACTIVE GIRL. w. A. Sanderson Jerry Smith, IMPERIAL MEASURE. Price Right. Thel‘e'is nothino‘ as good. Nothing could gixe better. Single copies, 3 cts. PRAU'I‘U‘AL “'ATCHMAKER DRUGGIST Unequalled for . 4. J. .1. h- B 11y Purity and PM"? '3‘ Durability the world: In brin ing u girls mot era c n’t be too careful to let their daughters de- velop all their nat- ural charms to the uggxost. +M+++i€ , 42