@112 fliheml oimuge Ohuuge We appreciate the news items sent us from time to time by our Mount Pleasant correspondent. We think, hbwever, that when strong criticizm is offered against a clergyman or a church, as for instance that in the last paragraph of this issue. it should He done over the signature of the writer. It is not right to hold one person responsible for the opinions of another; One of the Councillors in the Toronto Junction Town Council op- posed a grant of $200 to the Com- mittee in charge of Athletic'isports on the gnound r that lacrosse-x matches attended list season ow- iï¬a’g‘ Wï¬bltï¬et that Local Option was itiwtdi‘yyrinvthat tOVVnw The said mumill‘dr’s reasoning led him to the iï¬arm‘wflwn Bum wm. Ob‘unnilliir’s reasoning 1( wu'ehision that; sports =ch kindred, and w: Limit? It does not! 3m: national gameam sports if whiskey ml iiia programme to dr The Toronto City Council and several other Councils, purpose petitioning the Legislature to put married’women in the same position ‘ as unmarried Women and widows in 1 relation to the municipal franchise.‘ Wehave never heard any good reason whyit should not have been done years ago. Some~people go farther and say-that womemshould have Notes atpafliamentar'y elections. That is quite a different thing. Suppose a wife go to the poll and cast a vote for the candidate of her choice. and immediately afterwards the husband kills that vote, can the latter expect on his return to receive fl'om his wife'a pleasant smile and a tempting dinner? The thing is ab- :urd. Let it alone. T1) the Editor of “THE LIBERAL" : Please don’t: send your paper around to my door for I don’t want, toread a paper that. will publish a slurabout the brothers and sisters of his own church. Please send in your bill and I will settle with you. Yours, Richmond Hill, Apr. 14, 1905. The editor regrets exceedingly to It has been plainly shown. and is not denied, that Mgr. Sbarrelti, the papal Delegate from Rome, met Mr. Campbell. a member of the Man- itoba Government, by request; of the former, and talked- over the Mani- toba school question and the propos- ed change of boundaries It is also stated, and not denied, that Mr. Campbell and his colleague, Mr. Rogers, by request of the Manitoba. New m'cnmoxn HILL. April 20. Government, met Sir Wilfrid Laurier in reference to an extension of the Manitoba boundaries. It is further proved that in the discussion be- tween Mr. Campbell and Mgr. Sharecti the school question and the â€"Wor1u's Diapensury -J. C. Ayer 5L Co. S'fOP MY PAPER. ired, and went band‘im does not? speak‘ well fo'r‘ a1 ~gnmeand other kindred whiskey must; be included nmme to draw a crowd. Advertisemems J. BESTARD. news items sent Medics Council and and liquur . 1905 boundary was discussed from a political standpoint. Mr. Rogers" charges by insinuation that Sir Wil- frid Laurie!“ agreed to extend the blundaries if the Manitoba Gov- ernment would give the Roman Catholics concessions relative to Separate Schools. Both Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Papal Delegate have denied that Canada’s Premier ever hinted-at such an offer. Judg- ing by the long and honourable career Sir Wilfrid Luurier's reputa- tion for veracity should be second to no person in the Dominion. And» yet there are newspapers and' public men who say that the charge should be taken as proven. The West York License Commission- era yesterday refused to renew the license of the Minto House, near the Canada Foundry. The landlord was given three months to dispose of his stock. The Novth Toronto local option byâ€"law was declared valid and eï¬eclive after July 10 next. 0. Nurse and Ken- neth Huff, at Hmnher Buy, who have each been twice convicted of breaches of the act, were ordered to sell out, While the hotel of James Down was considered 'a superfluity. The board’s intention is to stop entirely the sale of 1i ‘uor atthe Hu-mlwr WEST YORK LICENSE CHANGES Mr. Alfred Macdougall died at the residence of his brother. Dr. A. J. G. Mucduugall. Toronto on \Vednesday of last week. James Bond, Tux-onto Junction, has bwn appointed license inspector for West Yoxk, vice Frank Smith. In the matter of the Estate (anOHN CAMPBELL, late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York, Gentlvman, deceased. Notice IS helehy given pursuant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario†chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims against, the estate of the said John Campbell. who died on m- abuut the Twelfth day of March, 1905, are required, on or before the First day of June. 1905. to send by post prepaid or delh er to Messrs. Lindsey, Lawrence &_Wadswmlh: 7:7 Home Life Building, Toronto, VSOlECF‘ tors for Andrew S. Husselland George High, Executm-s of the lust, Will and Testament, hf the said deceased, their Christian and sumames, addresses and descxiptions, the full particulars ()f claims, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, hold by them. 1", LL .1. “Ia-nu ‘ H. "J And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Execntnx's will proceed to distribute the assets (If the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, hm ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have until-re, and that the said EXL’L‘UtGI‘S will not; be. liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person 01- persons of whose claims notice shall not, have been received by them at the time of Such distrihutiun. Dated the Seventeenth day of April, 1905. LINDSEY, LAWRENCE & \VADSVVORTE. 42 4 Sl)liCi{01‘S for the said Executor-s. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed " Tender for Additions and alterations. Drill Hall, Toronto, Ont...†will be re- ceived at this ofï¬ce until Friday. April 28. 1905, inclusively, for the execution of sundry Works of addition and alterâ€" ation at the. Drill Hall. Toronto. Ont. men-ding to plans and speciï¬cations to be seen at the ofï¬ces of Mr. S. G! Curry. Architect, Toronto, Ont.. and at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa... Tenders will not be consxdered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of tenderers. A â€" â€" . l 1 Notice to Creditors. An accepted check on alchartered bank. payable to the order of the Hunâ€" ourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent (10 p.c.) of the amount of the tender, must accompany each tender. This cheque will be for- feited if the party tendering decline the contract or fail to com lete the wurk contracted for, and will gereturn- ed in case of non-acceptance of tender. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order. FRED. GELINAS 7 Secretary. Department of Public \Vorks, Ottawa, April 10, 1905. Newspapers inserting this advertise- went, without authority from the De- partment. will not be paid for it. 42-2 An eigbt- momed brick house in the village of Headford, with stable, driv- ing shed and other outbuildings. Good orchard, hard and soft water and other conveniences. Apply to WM. H. COSGROVE. 394 Elgm Mills. News N ones. To Rent. at after Canada’s Greatest Nurseries In fruit; trees. small fruits. ornament- als, shrubs. roses, vines. seed putntuos, etc. Stock true to name and free from Saw-Jose Scale. A permanent p'Ositiun for the right n’mn. Lihernl terms, outï¬t free. pay \vvoklv. \Vrite A ~â€" .- A ‘ ' “(\At‘fflf UUU. kJLULn x.- uv .» from Saw-Jose Scale. A permam‘nt p'dsitiun for the right n’mn. I‘ihm'nl terms, ouLï¬t free. pay \vvokly. \Vriw for terms and send 25c. fur our pocket microscope, just the thing to use in examining trees and plants forinsects. TO RONTO 81mm 8:, W833 SPRING AND SUMMER is now complete comprising Black and Blue “7015th Twills. Sco*ch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatlng, etc. Best quality. Low prices. In the town of Richmond Hill surrounding country,»mxd ta. orders for Applied to our specizllcnmses given by mail-in B<u>kv9pial-ping.Businvss Forms, Aritlnmâ€"tiv, Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewritiug, Illustrat- ing and advertising will produce good results for any ambitious young man 01- woman who wishes to quulify for :«L better position in life. nun-vml-nwmuâ€" ‘ 'n 7»: Au“ pp†OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES HEAVEN REVEALED For a limited period this book i: at trade rates, 50 cents, The Origin of Angelsâ€"The Essentizd Nature of Heaven.â€"Churacter of the Angels.â€"Testimony of Scripture.â€" The Sure “72w to Hezwen.â€"Practicnl Tendency of this Dischsureâ€"Environ- ment in Heaven and what Determines- it.â€"Sucieties in Heavenâ€"A Heaven for the Nun-Christian. \Vorld.â€"â€"Are Earthly ,Relationships Continued in He;wen?â€"Meeting and Recognitinn of Friends in the Hereafter.â€"â€"Personal Appearance of the Angels.â€"Rejuven- escence and Growth in Heaven.â€" Houses and“ Homes in Heavenâ€"Gar- ’ ments in Heaven.â€"-0hildren in Heaven. ; â€"Sex and Marriage in Heavenâ€"W ork in Heavenâ€"The Three Heavens, and How Related.â€"Eternal Progress in Heavan.â€"Consociatiuu of Angels I with Men. Iur. The cost is but a trifle. and mu- circulurs will give ynu full particu- lzu‘s. Write for them. Correspondence Department My Stock of Woolens for A" strong school with 20 regular teachers, splendid equipnwnt, and Well patronized by students from every province of the Dominion. \Vrite W’. H. SHA\V, Principal. 36-4: mos. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, April 22, for 60 tons of Hard Furnace Coal for the Richmond Hill High and Public Schools. A_ l A ...7_ Address THE NUNC LICET PRESS, ~12 \Vest. Coulter St†Phila., Pa. G. A. MCDONALD F. MCCONAGHY D. HILL FONTHI LL NURSE \Vith 9 cents post WANTED By BENJAMIN FISKE BARRET Iâ€"Kome Study Tailor, Richmond Hill Something Deï¬nite. A man to represent, 51x7 inches, Large Type. Fine Cloth 41-2 J. HUME, Over 800 acres. TOR-ONTO. COAL O‘NTENTS: age for! mailing. RIES. ONTARIO. Committee of Management E36“ ,ake is , ofï¬cred HII' 1d Rubber and Steel Tires Makes all kinds of stockoth-zr'me; Splendid for milk cow‘s : iiiroases the flow 0? milk, fattens calves and stall fwding catcle and hugs. Gives lwrsws a sleek chat. fatytens them. puriï¬es the blood, cleansvs Lhn inS and-gives them a healthy appearance. This Stock Food is manufactured by practical stm-kmon, and is guaranteed to give quicker, better and more permanentH-sults thananyuthei' Stuck food, or money rPfunded. If you have been disappointed in other Sn-called Stock Foods, get a sample of ssvnDIIRHIRF. STOCK FOOD’ and the results will convin‘ce you that, it, is pl-enliL-Itgt‘aélzlï¬focfl in thv mat-kpt. Yazkghire 3:95}: Emmi Yerkshire Cough and Heme Cure Gimmnteed to cure Coughs. Co which are frequently caused by cln-m grand preparation and will stop anyu Fur sale in Richmond Hillfby G for sample. toâ€" 3. A. MESH! & 38" Ni King Si. E5 TORONTO- @ECLaugéflim Agricultural Drugg‘ists. A Car of Lime iglss amweé. {38$le Egg? Sign. The Russill Hardware Co. It is waterproof, weatherproof and ï¬reproof, and is rapidly taking the place of tin, tar, galvanized iron, felt and gravel and shingle. rooï¬ng, on ac- count of‘its lesser cost and greater dur- ability. It is easily put on and the price per hundred square feet lor all material found is only Two Dollars. Sold only byâ€" 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. OF ALL Russill’s Ready Roofing ‘ougbs. Colds, Distemper and ï¬rstsbï¬ges ( d by chronic coughing after distemper. stop any cough. [Hillab‘y Geu. McDonald, Harness Maker if~ lwnvesg. This is 5:; Write stock or got 0:36:81; K 'i‘ &. ND :; Opp. Clyde H otel