3351112 @iï¬asmi Skipping at the Lihe ' We are hr‘w ll Atkinson & Switz ‘Dfllft forgets to’ t)? Buns fur LII-lmwrnw Th‘e’ 3â€}1-1’0111'9120110 Cu. :u-u eror‘ting gulcs‘ alung Ynngv stun-t, and west on ichmund sum-t tn Innc-s‘ mill. Pure maple syrup, n ï¬'hlv, $1.UU'[)PI' iInpn-r Mnsun & Switzer. Exclusivmwss L0 surprize. prir-es to please in mu- lmlde-(n-uleasurc ('lnLh- i-ng. Atkinson & Switm-r. “RIP. W. H. Pugalvy was on Thurs« day lust echtr'd Prusan of the WORM-n Gnml Roads Assnciutiun. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. A1001)! two childu-n. 'l‘m-uutu, 34p Sunday till Tuesday with here. . Mr. Fred Hopper has gone to Onl- Hngwuud and G'lvnhm-nn for a feW Reeve Savage and Mrs. Savage luft yogterdaly to spend the Easter holidays W1'Lh Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Savage in Aylméx'. \Ve have goods at lhr- lmvvs‘. prime at. which iL is snfe‘ln buy, and at the lligln'stv at.- whivh it is wm-th “'hilv. Atkinson é‘c Switzor Miss Lorine \Vright leaves tmduy fur Detroit" where she: intends visiting her hrnt-hnr Osmund and [HT uncle, DP. T. V. Law, of Dvat-hm-n. Best garden seeds 2 papers for 50. Turnip Sl‘vd, Mungle see-L1, NotL’s ox- celsim‘ and American wouer pens, Kendall's cox-n. ALkinstm-nnd Switzer. \Vhen you get, a hiryulx‘ got a good 9119. Some ï¬rms make sumo good Wheels and some vm-y poor ones. There ale nu pour Ulevelumls. Ulel‘ amd~see them at The Libel-gt] ofï¬ce. Glover and Timothy seed. onion sets. gal'dun seeds, nmngel and lwct seed, bucluvhmalv. etc†all at right price. Nanglmm 131-05., Elgin Mills. Mr. Ludfortl has a nmv’ and good display uf Easter boots andA-shues. Something nice and suitable for children’s men’quml ludivs’ wear. Prices right. Cull and save for yum-- selves. Mr. Baldwin Tecfy. cashier and manager (If the Sun Joaquin Valley Bank, Stockton, Uul., is home to spend a, few Weeks with his parents and sisters. Styles beautiful, cnmprehonsivp, nm‘e-l. and exclusive in uanr-immed millinery. Atkinson 6; Switzer. 7 Quarter Master Sergeant Inst. Le- blond of the: 13.5.0. will start; agclass at Auroral on Monday next, tï¬vZ-ith inst}, for the purpose of issuing certi- ï¬cates of qualification us N.G.0. in the Governor Genex-ul’s Body G uu-rd. Harry Blanchard has commenced tearing up the old plank W:le from the south comer of Mr. Vim-NS cot- tage on Ynuge street to tlm north of Mr. Harrison's lot: to he roplncod later in the season by asphalt pavement. Boots and Shoesâ€"\Ve are showing a, Goodyear-welted hunt for men mudv of the best kid, f01'$2.50. A woman‘s solid leather hunt for $1.00. A snap in men‘s long bouts. szgllton 81-05., Elgin Mills. Mrs. \Villu-r Spnnlding and baby min†are ï¬shing with Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown until after Easter. ML Tt'efy Esq. our esteemed Post- master, received the congratulations of many friends Tuesday on his 83rd birth-day. Mr. Te-efy is enjuying gnod health, and is attending to business just as he did twenty or thixtv years :lgu.‘ Here are right articlvsv at, right prices : guaranteed pure maple syrup, 25c. imperial quart; pure lzu-d 110. lb. or in 20 1h. lots at, 10c.; corn starch. 5C. 111.; N0. 1 white gloss starch, 3 lb. )zlckuge, 21(:., 4 11). package, 280.: extra upuu Lea. 2530. Atkinson &Switzer. H!CH]ITR~?Dâ€IIIL?., A p’ Sztigeon & MrEwen will- have an auction sale of \Villiam Mason‘s house- huld furniture. 350., at the lutter's residence. Richmbnd street, on \Ved- nesday, the 26th inst. Sale at 4 u‘clock. Terms cash. Trained taste has chosen, expert khowledge has bought, deft, ï¬ngers have Wrought and artistic hands have arranged a hundsnme display of mit- linex'y at. Atkinsun 8: Switzm-‘s. Mr. Beugough will he assisted by Mrs. Thompson. soprano. in the en- tertainment under-the auspices of the Presbyterian church choir, May 1. Plan of reserved seats at the Liberal ofï¬ce. or tickets may be purchased from any member of the choir. We Will make. to your measure and guarantee satisfaction 21. blue or black cheviot, stylish sacque suit, for $15.75, regular value $20.00; and would he gleased to measure you. Atkinson & witzer. ping 1-npeï¬,5, 10, and 15 cents. Liberal ofï¬ce. ‘ S. Mct‘unmghy and mum). speny fI_-nm Snvu y r101- ynur Hot. morning. no lwt‘Lvr prncur inl gullml. AL 21). 1905 Iieiutives money. Thm-S« Bell. H. S Michael Bros. have a now and nt- truclivu Sign ahm'e Lhu don:- uf their affluent, the Duminiun “muse yards, drawing zltteutiun to Lhc-il' business which inuludvs livery. can] and woud. and Lemming. Naughtun Bl‘llsԠElgin Mills. have purchnsod by [mull-1 fl'l-Ill L. Inn-vs & Sons, 43 acres. parts nf [MS 51 and 52, 1st non. Vnnghnn. formerly knnwn m I the Gib's‘nn Bush. The land has since I been I-x-ntml to Henry \Vilmn who at .prx-sent. works a farm lit-longing to anlghtnn Bros†m-zu-ly nppt-site on I the 2nd cnm'vsdon. The 43 was also “huts Naughtnn Bros. 200nm-e farm at present worked by Mr. A. Cal-sun. ThL Schm April I The \Veo‘uly Globe and Canada :Fnrme-r. illustrated, slmnld reach (every hmne wlwre a. dnily is not taken. It would be difï¬cult to ï¬nd a. better Wt-s-kly oi-lhm- In Canada or ‘mm of it. le ulmve will he sent fxum this date tn the end of the year ,for 50 cvnts. 01' The Glnlw and The ILihPI-ul fur $1.00. Enquine at this B. I" M r. . '2. VICTORIA SQUARE T119 friends of Miss- Mary Trudgvmi are very sui'ry to hem- nfhvr sudden l death which hnppenvd on Monday mm‘ning. April 17th. She was alresi- ldent uf 0m- truwn fm' years. Much I‘ sympathy is vxtuiidvd to the family in l Llieil bereavement. . . . . A méeting will he hold at Slab town every night this week. Solos, ‘d'ialugue-s and moving picth-Ps undor'uuspicc-s 0f the Zidder- I um'n Co. Libel-:11 (rfl'itrv. \Ve inlviumtoé-last \\'PPklhu1H‘IP Hend- ford Pnstnflice- “as to he close-d. That was um; slrictly corrert. The store where the Puslnfï¬ve was fornwrly lo- where the Pusloflive was tm'an-Iy lo- cated is whee-d m- “j-ill he?» :1 fvw days, but we undm'st‘and arrangvmvnts haw; been made with MI. Gen. CaldwelLLhn village blnttkqnith, to take charge uf the nfï¬uv. pr cmn‘pnivmm (If a P.0. S away. I'ES The Toronto and York Radial Rail- way now issue a weekly bulletin. In a recmit edition the editor exprosws a wish to have the ideas of people nlong Yonge street us to whether they Would like to have the. late car Thins- day nights continued during the Sllllh mer.- There is no doubt about itutzlll. The late car has been a. great; “0001]!- modution to the travelling public along Yonge St. It has been well patroniz- ed, and no doubt the patronage will Vin-y much increase with the approach of warm weather. The management ‘of the Metropolitan have a desire to meet the wishes of their patrons us far as they can. Mr. Geo. Derry received a. few days ago froma. brother, Mr. H. S. Derry, Colorado Springs, a paper giving an account of the death by accident, of the latter’s infant'sou. Stratbon LeRoy Derry. aged 14 months. It appears the little boy was placed in the bed by hisseventeen-year-old sister,Vivizm.for his afternoon "up. He was. soon asleep and his sister left him. Two hours later the child’s mother went; into the bedroom to awaken him and was al- most dri‘v’en insane when she found her baby hanging by his neck from the foot, of the bed, dead. Apparently be awake and started to creep over the foot of the bed. fept ï¬rst. His legs and body were small enough to slip between the lmrs but his head caught at the chin and the child was strangled.» Lust evening a very enjoyable time i was held under the auspices oi thel “'illing \Vorkers’ Mission Band. The principal part. of the programme was an address on “Christian Patriotism†by the Rev. M. Skern-t. The lecturer I after clearly deï¬ning the title of his’ address showed wth a nwgniï¬z‘enbl ï¬rld we in Canada hfl\€ for the dis-l play of mu- paltrimism. He predicted 1 if we. were faithful Lu the trust cnm- : _mittvd tn us Canada would yet he une 1 :uf the greatest, nations of the, world. l ’19- closing a. most excellent address Mr. Sken'et exhorted his hearers to he patriots of the. highest type. On mution of Rev. T. Campbell, seconded by Mr. anon,n heal-Ly vote of thanks was given to Mr. Sken‘et.- Mrs. Grant and Miss Janet MacDonald each gm‘e solos which were very much ap- preciated. Mr. Ezu-l Newton presided at the organ. Rev. Mr. Grant who pI'PSldCd. acknowledged the Indebted- ness of the audience to Mrs. Campbell, the President, and the. members of the Band for the pleasing and instructive entertainment. BIRTHS. GLASSâ€"AL Richmond Hill, on Tues- day, April 11, the wife of Mr. Jun. P Glusmmf a son. The Council met on Monday 17tli'. Prese‘nt: The Reeve, and Councillors Glass, lune-s, Crosby and Trench. The minutes of last meeting were read audiappx‘oved. . Miss Swilzvr; Vine PI‘PS.. Miss llmx-r; Son, Mr. R. ShEnw ; 'Tn-ns.,‘ I. ï¬lm-gun; Managing (‘n’mq Miss Miss \Vih"y and Myssers. Ushm no, nndorsnn and And: ows. NH) Tenni: Cléih rim, in the High 1 hmud mum Saturday evening. 1!]. The l‘.-llmviugufl‘u:ms were PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. HP. The cnln‘pnit‘nce Ufa P.0. great. to allow it, to be taken Ilnll n. Prc-s., Mr; P. G. Savage; Swilzvr: Vice Pres†Miss SAD ACCIDENT. Village Councfl. The fullowing accounts were read: Michael Bx'us.. coal . . . . . . . . .. . $ 11 55 A. G. F. Lawrence, acct. legal SH'ViCOS 1%, railway . . . . . . . . . . 15 0“ 1‘. F. McMa'L'hun, printing and advertising .. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 65 I. Crosby, 9xpenses r9. James Buy Railway . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 00 P. G. Savage, sundry expenses l-eernes Buy Rnilwgy . ._ . . 7 25 P. G. Savage, acct. for aid to l tramps . . .. .. . . V . . . 4 50 : Inn'osâ€"Trvnohâ€"That the Trvasurar ‘ pay' tllt‘ a'hm'e account.5r.'â€"Cq1‘rii,-d. 1 The Reeve latid' hi-t'ore' the Council the following documents, viz: The agreement with the Janws Buy Rail- way Company, signed and scaled by the Company, together with an :ic-j knowlL-(lgiuent of the receipt of the bonus <1:-heht_xjre’,"iu accordance with ny-law No. 198, also a statement. of inocount from A. G. F. Lawrence, Bar- rister, for sundry services in the James Bay Railway matter. . Savageâ€"Croshyâ€"Tlmt in thenpinion (if this Council a vorv largo proportion of the how-tits of the Metropolitan Railway is lost to this Municipality and surrounding community owing to the lorminal being at the City limits, he it therefore iesolved that a deputa- tion hesvnt from this Council to urge ‘on the Railway Company and City Council to Inako such arrangements as will allow Metropoliton cars to he run to the business portion of the City and lake front, and if the Company and City neglect forthwith to take steps with that end in view, then the depu- tation to apply to the Provincial Legis- lature“ for such legislation ' as \vil’l‘ remedy this very great inconvenience. and that the County Council be le- quested to co-operate with us in this mntter.-â€"Carried. Cl-osbyâ€"Glassâ€"Thab the Bell tele- phone Company be permitted to erect their poles in the streets of this village. snhjnct- to the control of this Council. Carried. The Council adjourned. -- .â€" n‘ u After Piles have existed for a long time and passed through differrnt stages, the suffering is intenw-pain, aching. throbbing, tumors fox-m, ï¬ii'ed to bursting with hiuck blood. WSymtonllas ‘irId-‘icarnihg other troubles may appear to a thoroughly Pile~sick 139:?an ' n r 1, ,, .1â€; 11-... when Dr. Lennhardt’s Hem- Roid, the only absolute Pile cure brings the results than has made itsv fame. It; will cure the most srnbhom case in existpnce and a hnndvd guarantee to that vï¬â€™vct goes Wigh each package. WIVL-Eéytn'iu‘cg for $1.00 at fhe dI-Vug store, or fmm the VVilsnnâ€"Fyle Cum"- pzmy, leited. Niagara. Falls, Out. (Unique and mi1-thâ€"prov0king.â€"â€"Tor- onto Glnlw.) (\Vithout 5). peer.'â€"T0r(mto VVm-ld.) (Versatile genius. â€"â€" New Yo: 1;" VV( mld'.) V7 _ (One ’chnli‘nnï¬l‘ roar of laughter.-â€" Queher Chronicle.) (Simply iuimMahler-Victoria, 8.0., Times.) (A delight fnl hnmorist.â€"â€"VV00dst0ck Sentinel~Review.) (Pungent witticisms.â€"-\Vinnpeg Free Press.) (Tl): [Hinge _ nf\'dlrt‘00nlsts.--l\fill'k; ham Economist.) it. Their d! 2 Your doctor f trust it you _ health and s . "I suffered ten! A thin blood. 1 tom Aver's Saraaparil néntly cured me." MRS. F. ELOOabOMe. ' Alldrugvists. 1mg: ~ ,» \Veansdny, May 3 Auction sale of cattle and horses at the Palmer House yards. Sale at 1 p.1n. Snigeon 8: Mc- Ewen, auctioneers. Wednesday, May 3‘â€"Auction sale ’of hnusehold furniture at h‘rs"re$idence, Richmond street, the property of Wm. Mason. Termscash.‘ Sale at 4. Sai- ge’nn & M c‘Ewen. W. ____',N r A er’s Pills are gently laxative. 'i‘ may greatly aid t e Sarsaparllla. Solid brick and eleven 21065 in the village of Maple. Ag'ply to n ‘17 ‘4_,\_ What they all say of Bengough. flg'ds are acute. but those mo write Sumo-.3 .k Co. . Portland, Munqw'm receive (me, full informllion about work which they can do. and live at bomuhst will pay lhem from $6 to 325 w any. Borne hug young or old. Cupiul unwinqu Ani‘un. J aimed ovary!) in I Ch]. Either sex. not required. Yon-re tuned (no. 1": mum m M mus El!» You know the medicine that makes pure, rich bloodâ€" Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used- it. They trusted Sarsaparilla "I suffered terrlb‘ly from indigelflon and thin blood. 1 {uund no relief until I took Ayer's Sarsaparina. Four bottles penna- nently cured me." Mus. F. F. HART, Mt. Knee. N. Y. 5100 a bows. J. 0. Ann 00.; Alldrug vista. for Lowell, Mass W m Rid} 3100c! it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trustsâ€it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. House for Sale The Worst Kind. Sale Register. M. TEEFY. Clerk. Mré. D. \Vatsnn Maple. ++++++++++++++sa~+++++++++++ r4 +++++++++++++ 4; +~§++++++é+M+¥§++++++¢+++ ‘3‘14‘4’4‘+4§$+$§$+¢++¢+M¢++*$+i ,-_ $++++++ §%++++++++%+++++%++ ++$~Â¥++é~+¢+++++++++++++4uï¬+32 >'-o .3. Now for house cleaning. We" have our stock écomplete in wall papers; all new designs and a large as- :sortment 01 wall and ceiling, with bordering to match. § Also a com lete stock of aints, oils, varnishes and fur- + . P P : mture polish. All kinds of' brushes and a complete istock painters supplies all sold on a close margin. EPapers, from 2%c. per roll,‘up. Call and inspect these ‘3. and be convinced. 'N WMWHWWWï¬WWi The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proveï¬VCbester White hogs, lot 32,155 con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good-young stock. Thorough-bred bull and hog kept for SEI'ViCQAOU the premises. ~ ~AA“~nn1r . .- Ԥ"§“§-++M++++$++%&++++++++%2~ é mmmgmm Fashion’s Most Tempting things SUNNYSIDE FARM Special Values, "DT’G. GOODERHAM, 49¢. r. Richmond Hill, April, 13, 1905. ATKINSQN & SWITZER Of courseâ€"“we promise not to sell you an unbecoming hat or bonnet and promi‘Se tocharge you less than you had expected to pay. The ladies of this vicinity have set their seal on our goods. They say that the display is not only up-to-date but far ahead of concetpion in Milliner's art in the cities. “ The Paople’s Store,†In Millinery in all the season’s rad- iant Styles are now being shown. This weeklnlace curtains at 50c., 750, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 pair, and in ladies’ white, cream and black‘taï¬etm gioves at 250. and 350. pair. â€Â§â€œÂ§-+++-§"§"Â¥â€9 SI lie ‘ u b0 as _ r% h % Prop. é++++++++++++f§~§ff+++f§~§++é+4t Pure Bred W’hite Rocksâ€"splendid birdsâ€"$1.50 per setting. P. O. 'I‘hotubill. 41â€"3 Pï¬re Bred W'hite \Vyandotte Eggs. ARCHIE McLEAN, â€"3 Richmond Hill; For Sale +++++++++++++Â¥ at roasonablg