Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 May 1905, p. 5

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The Prize Lists for NW 21th of M Fuir are being circulated. R-AR-GAR-UGAR-SUGAR:~â€"16Hus. pow d-m-d sugar fur $11)ch Alkillsull é Switzer’s. 3113. J. \V. Fun-hm: and lmhy uf Rut Portugv. spunt part of Saturday with Mrs. G. Wiley. Miss GL'ILI-urlo C'Ullpvl'. formerly of this place, w.“ nu \Vt-dm-sdny of lust week mnnied to Mr. Ruben-t. H. “'il- sun. of Thou nhill There's .1 duWII-l‘lgh[-fil'stv-CIKSSHESS abouteverything we sell. Alensun 6: Switzvr. Social evening at the Leuguo next Monday evening. Grmd pl-ngx-nm and refreshments. Admission 10 cents. Mrs. Gen. S. Sims x-ec9in-d word that her mother, Mrs. Newtnn, was again very ill. and started fol-Thames- ville Monday mm-nilw. (lay evening was a Mason & Risuh‘ supplied by Mr. Pclhick. agmw for the company here. The first, fire practicva the sousnn will he hvld nexL Munduy owning. Every ummhexj is vxpvctod to be present, and answer :LL roll-call. A gang of mun vmplnyud by con- tractors fur the James B-Iy Railway are huildmg fenvc a little to Llw north east, of this place. \Ve judgv people by “'1qu t and as :1 pmgwwivc 51th we. ing to be “Pighl‘d in the 5.11m.- Atkiusuu & Switzer. A meeting of the “HMS. fur (-100- [ion 01’ officers and uther business will he 1n-ld at the home of Mrs. Crosby this :Lftemmm at 3 o‘clock. M: Mr. E. A. Bog. Inspvctm‘ for the Standard Bank (If Canada, made-his annual official visit, at, the hmnch bank here last Thursday and Friday. Mr. E. Mason, late partner of Mr. 0. Mason, left; Saturday t-vvning. ful- Toronto. Mr. Mason purposes dvvnt- ing considerable time in the study of music. The Richmond Hill Camera Club will meet, in the 'JTvmpemnrre Hull Saturday evening of this week at, 8 o’clock. Mr. H. W. Andersuu, dentist, cor- ner of Carlton and Yonge St.&, Tumm- to,will visit Richmond Hill pl-nfrssion» ally every “'ednesduy in succession to Dr. Mason. A printed Notice at Llu- now wait- ing mom says that boys (Ivfucing the property will he “prosecuiled.” The artist; evidently had mule respect for the sentiment, than fur the spelling. We are showing bargains this wet-k in odds and ends of our lines of women’s and children’s boots and shoes in laced, buttoned and oxfords. Naughtun Bum. Elgin Mills. Mr. Samuel Ireland of Sherwood, has rented the hotel at Victoria Square kept for many years by Mr. \Vm. Meek. The new proprietor will take possession in a fe'w days. 331w Eflibrrafl Quarterly religious services will be held here next Sunday. Rev. Mal-ma- duke Pearson of Toronto will preach in the Methodist church mmning and evening. Sacramental services in the morning. \Ve observe by a Bulfnlo paper that Mr. E. Ross Linkluter, of that city. and formerly of this place, has passed interne’smedicnl examination at the Sister’s Hospital. Mr. Linklatvr stood second in the graduating class. He commenced duties in the hospital on the first of May. éges leaker Oats, Best; gur‘den»»uml flowm- seeds, 2 lapex‘s fnl'5(:.: Sugar Mango], Sugar ieet, Mammoth Yullmv Intermediate lungel. Axkinsnn & Swiizmu \Vilpy, representing Micklebomngh. Muldrew & 00.. Toronto, wholesale \voollens and tailorsJ trimmings, was in town last week. The goods were the very latest: pattern. C. P. was heartily greeted by the business fraternity. Fine Scotch tweed suitings. blue-and black cheviots, blue and black 591 es, direct importation just to hand. \‘e will make to your measure in first order a suit; for $16: a quality that is usually sold for $20. Atkinson & Switzer. The pidpu usvd at. We ("Invert Mun- Every householder should be ready to receive the sanitary inspector when he calls to inspect premises in the village. He is supposed to make his tour of inspection anytime after the first of May. Now is the time to clean up and burn up and carry away every- thing that is not absolutely necessary about; the back yards, cellars and out- houses. Markham Economistâ€"M13 l;(')(? AXIJN. Rxcmmxn HILL, M ny 1905 hey do, are will- balance. \Ve wish to thank hull. tho estA-Hned Ym'k. fur parliamw us. A pamphlvt. w Ordinances. N.\\’.'I“ 29, 30 and 31. pHSsn'll intvn-siiug rendng time. Mr. Julst C. Smkva. k County Indux‘Lrinl llmnv markr-t. died Tuvsduy. Hu Funeral at, [he Homo, Friday :ltr9.30, thence to King City (‘vatm‘y fur in- CEI'HH'IIT‘. Dormsvd was fm‘mm'ly roeve of King. and was fur nmnv yours a. nmmln-r of the GuunlyUnuncil. He was also wan-don nf tho cuunty in 1895. VVe-‘vocutprim-s on these hut, the qunlity is all llwrv:â€"â€"lâ€"'ur9 kettle-rend- med lnnl in quuntitivs. 100. 1b.: pure muva SVI'llp. 93¢. imperial gallon; bust. (hmntlalluumlry starch, MC. H»; lH-sl [N'uI'l tapioca. 7 lbs. for 25¢; host, tanking figs, 6 lbs. fur 2.30.; Sweet, Hnnw snap, 7 bars for 2; .; No. 2 (‘mn starch. 5 pal-kngps for 23m: 1 quart, bottle Grvsrvnl’, Uatsup, 1530. Atkinson A: Swilzm'. shipped H-gulurly from here to New York, BustnuJIulifax and Vuncnuvcr. Lust Dvcomhm- a dnzvn [uses were sent Lu Scullnnd and out, of [hp duzen eight were perfect nu the arrival at, theirdvslinntion. Oxer um! hundred are emplnyvd and six thousand tuns nf cunl warp stored in tlu- coal house last Autumn. Miss Teefy spent two days 13 4t, wmk in Brampton with Mrs. (Shvriif) Broddy. It may not he gmu‘mlly known Bramptnn has the- third largest green-hnusvs in the World. MissTevfy suysnvisit to these is nut, only de- lightful! but must, instructive, they are conducted under Such perfect sgsient/ific pI-im-iplvs. CnL flnwurs are Tho name-s uf three) small hnys were handed to us a few days ago, charged with throwing stunvs at people passing through the streets. A gentlenmn was struck on the arm by a, stone as h? was driving in his buggy about the centre- uf the. village on Yungu street. \Ve preer nut to give the namvs of the huys this time, but would say again that some parents are fru‘tun mu‘vless in looking after tlwirchildren. 11’ young hays are kr-pt in the house after nightfall the parents will surely know that they are not throwing stones at people in the street. REFUSED TO RENFAV LICENSES. The East York License Commission- ers at their meeting on Saturday ro- fused to reverse their previous decision cancelling at the end of three months the liCenses of Mrs. Theresa \an], Dnnfnrth avenue and Mrs. Maxwell of Highland Creek. Messrs. Hm~er::on. Baird and Hazelton appeared on he- half of Mrs. \Vall. while Mr. F. Hmlg ins for the Synod of Toronto, owners of theproperiymml Ald.GozilSWurth of the Municipal Reform League, oppos ed the license. (lhurles (DI-ewe, Half- way House and John Rogers, Union- ville, were given three months to put their premises in aL shape to more fully comply with the law. The Metropolitan waiting room and station may now he said to he mm- pleted, and it certainly is a credit to the corner on which it stands. The building is boarded with iron shingles. and is neatly painted in two slmdes of green. The roof shingles are also painted. Inside are a gentlemen’s waiting room, a ladies’ waiting room, and a freight room at the rear. The ticket office is so arranged that tickets can be sold from wickets facing both the gentlemen’s and the lzldies’ rooms. Outside, a platform is erected on the north, west and south sides. and this is all covered by a. veranda which zmswm's as a protection in hot or wet weather. It is to he hoped our citizens will take an interest in protecting the new building, and that huys will not deface or otherwise injure the proper- ty in any way. The switch has been altered this week so that by a sharp turn cars will be run close by the smith platform where freight will be taken to and from the. freight room. W'AITING ROOM AND STATION. The entertainment in the Masonic Hall Monday evening under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church Choir was a rare treat. The hall was filled and the large audience thorough- ly enjoyed the programme which lasted fully three hours. The plat.- form was tastin decorated with red, yellow and green ribbon over a back- ground of cheesecloth, and looked well. The programme opened with a piano solo by Mr. E. Newton, which was rendered with good effect. Dur- ing the evening Mrs. Thompson, Toronto, sang‘ several solos in a manner which delighted her hearers, and she cheerfully responded to en- cores after enthusiastic applause. Mr. Chas. Savage, Toronto, always a favorite in this place, acquitted him- Self in his best style on the cornet, and it is needless to say he also was forced to respond to encnres. The. accom- paniments were brilliantly played by Mrs. Savage and Mr. Earle Newton. But the unique part of the entertain- ment was given by Mr. J. \V. Ben- ough. the Well-known cartoonist. i t is about seventeen years since Mr. Bengough was here before, but his performances on Monday evening showed that he has kept abreast of; the times. and his selections were both 3 pleasing and original. As a sketcher with the pencil he is unrivalled, and as a mimic he is without a peer. He probably makes no pretensions as to singing or Plocutionzuy powers, but after his performances of mimicry and extravaganza, it itakes considerable nerve for a. vocalist or elocutionist to take the platform,“ He_ has a“ versatile BOYS TH ROWING STONES. ish to thank Mr. Arch. * «stormed MJ’. fur nr purlimulmuu-y pupL pamphlet. runlnming CHOIR CONCERT. M “1'. Arch. Camp- MJ’. fur Ul'hlle min-y papers sent mlnming School . [wing chapters m1. mukvs very It this particular ocva m-ur New- f May. of the disposition, and his numbers Mnnduy evening plmsvd the eye as \vvll as v- ‘- ezu‘. As might. he expected Sir VVil- frid Lam-in; Hon. J. P. Whitney and other puliticinns were skew-hm] null the crayon, and twu uf our pruniim-nt citizvns were recognizml hy Ilm audience about as sun" as the artist; had completed his third or fourth stroke. Th0 first, nlmrmzu-i- was Lln- gentleman who recvnlly retin-d from husinvss here for the very gum] reanan that he had “got, enough Lin." The other was the historinn fur "Rich- mond Hill and vicinity“ who had he- fore him at very good picture of York miunly's only centmimiun. In all his characters Mr. angongh prove-d him- self to he a natural. rvfined and accum- iplisllod artist, and the cummitloe in charge. and especially the choir muster. ‘ Mr. Ezult- Newton, are Ln he congratu- lntvd on the success of the whole en- u-t-Luinmvnt. DEATHS. DIRKâ€"At, Elgin Mills, on Friday, April 28. Vurgina. infant, dunghtrr of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dihh. aged 7 mos. Laxative doses of Ayer’s PfiTETeach night greatly aid the Sarsaparllla. SPRENG AND SUMMER Black and Blue \Voxsted Twills. Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoatmg, etc. Best quality. Low prices. fl) ELLI bag/213% Safsapariila Sound protection at; a. sound cost for Selected Total Abstinence Risks. male or ienmle. If your blood is thin and im- pure, you are miserable allthe time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know Level premium monthly payments for 1000 dollars. If you want to take a. risk for $500, $1,000, $2,000 or $3,000, come to the Tumpérauce Hall on the evening of May 10 (\Veduesday), and hear MR. ELLIOTT, Superintendent of Agents, give full and satisfactory reasons why the Royal Temp_la_rs 0t: Temperance the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. Adoctor’s medicine. (Cor. Youge and Alrxuuder Sts.) is out of 1L position today. It is the truth when we state that, “Our students are uniformly successful in getting good posi- tions after graduation.” Our Schunl is n High-Class one and the best in Canada. Enter nmv. Collpg‘e open the entire year. Cataibgue' free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 2: ++++++4"?+++++++++++++++-{4 A. J. HUME, +++++++ Truth”is +++++++++¢+++++ a Strong Argument! 4%»! «z. is now complete comprising TORONTO. ONT. Tailor, Richmond Hill Stock R. T. of ‘1‘. one graduate of the popular of \Voolens wwwm 0111 for 90 10 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ l"! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~§~é~§~+++§+++++++++++++++++++ %é-Â¥+++~}~+++'§°+++¢+$++M++++++3 A special invitation is given to all toinspect our ex- hibit in Agricultural Hall, oi Pianos and New Williams Sewing Machinesâ€"all the very best. \Vill be pleased . $P+% to talk to you regarding these. Pianos can be heard and . Sewing Machines will be in operation. All guaranteed. “$+é+++%++ ++¢+++++++++4~ The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester White hogs, lot 32,151: con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young stock. m Thorough-bred hufi and hog for service nnrtbe premisps. ¢+++ SUNNYSIDE FARM 49-t. f. a~+++++++++++++++++++++~2~MwwwwpMMMMMMa-th I‘m: brings things here from all parts of the imivcrse is Cash. In this age of general (mil universal discounts ready money is the prime {3i tor in all business transactions. Buy- ing =m.l selling for cash enlarge the possibili- ties of trade here and enable us to sell so Cheap, people wonder where our profit comes 1 n as “’6 dozen Made to your measure in perfect style fit and work manship a $20.00 Scotch tweed suit for $16.00. Heavy 9-4 Twill Bleached sheeting. 250. per yard. He-avy 8-4 Plain Bleached Sheeting. 20c. per yard. The best, 6â€"cord ZUU-yai'd spools black and white. 45c. 1 Josh Billings says: “Ambischun iz like a tread wheel; you no sooner get tew the end of it than you begin again.” Just so with this business. Your increasing confidence expressed b}; growmgr purchases commands a Luger effort. In a word our notion of store duty leads us to attempt bigger and better things than ever. Richmond Hill, May 4, 1905. Sells ever ything in the tin and hardware line at reasonable prices. All kinds of gzu‘dPningtuols. Fencing wire of all kinds. Barbed wire. Tinsmithing in all its branches. Eavetroughing. roofing, hut air furnaces. Bmdm- twine. Machine oil of all kinds. Separator oil. I am also agent fox the Peter Hamilton C0. Hal-vesting Machinery. Eifiamanfi Hi5! fiamware Stare Shams $011183. D. G. GOODERHAM, ATKEN§®N & SWITZER The best pure kettled-rendel-ed lard in 20111. lots.100.1h. Very special value in new season’s Japan tea, at, Good Coffee ground fresh to your order at, 250. lb. Wm can judge the store by these things cll a< anythlng2â€" Repairing promptly and neatly done. s. ~ ~ +++wus-+++++~>++~z~~z~w~++4. '+-z-+++++++ kept. ‘W. HEWESON, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. 021115 from a distance promptly, attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMONDHILL w

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