Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 May 1905, p. 5

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.5; Educational SP] mans will ho pi‘vnchi 25.1 in the Methodist Uhmch m-xt Suh (my. Miss Belle Cmuplu-H. and Miss Mickâ€" luuf Grm'euhurst SLihduyed at the parsonngv. Jury at the (Mutual Sussmns now Upon. EUnless the custmnm- is satisfied we um: not. Atkinson It Switzer. "§E£rui. he 7:», Mrs. McQuny leLurm-d In her hmnv in Tumutu lu-(lny, ufu-I- u few days‘ visit with hm- motlu-r. Mrs. Tim-.1. J “'9 are selfish; sPrVing aux-Solves “Val, by serving {.h‘é- public luueb. At- li’insun &‘Switz’m’. Newmarkflt‘Efflâ€"Mrs. F. J. John- ston of ’l‘m-unu) Junctinn, and her sis- te‘r. Miss ELhel Switzur uf‘ Richnmn'd HULSpenL Muudny with Mrs. A; E. C(Jombs. Mr.'Bel-l STiney in the mfiplny of tho. (7. P. Ruhan been transferred from North Bay Lu Gulgit‘ry, \\_:111_\1-e_119 t‘ukrs a‘puéi-t‘iâ€"(‘H‘liil‘i of it he head ac- ‘ untunt. Newman'th Ex wss-IIH-nld â€" Mr. James \‘Vriuht uf eginn, fnnnerly of Riclmmud Hill, is spending a. feW days with Alderman Umuuhs. Mr. F. VV..qu-'r sun has successfuliy passed his Luim your in zu'Ls at Queens University, and for [he suunue‘i- vhcu- Hurt‘is filling a. pnsiLiuu as Leti’cher ub‘ \Velwyh",J As§u. We dun‘L claim to have the best stow. but, we try to mukv EL lwtter one impossible. Atkinson & Switzer. Miss Jamiesnn; a returned mission- :t'I-y fl-um India, gave an excellent and able addresstn the ladies of the Au);- iliary in Lhé Pl'rshytel iuu church on Tuesday eveninv. , Seedsâ€"Sugar 111:“)ng mammoth, limg red. yelmw globe. Danish sugar hevt,ullthe best valietivs of turnip seed, buckwheat &c. at right: prices. Naughtun Bros., Elgin Mills. er. James M. Briggs, evangelist. of Marion. Indiana. will preach Sunday, May 14, at 10.30 a. m. Subject,“\Vlu-k out, your nwn Salvation.” All are welcome, at Church of Christ, Sher- Wood. Next Mnnduy bving Missiunm-y e‘veuingub the Epwm-lh Lenguv, the subject, fur discussion will he “The Hum-t, ofJapan,” and will be given hy Miss ‘Anglin. All are \velcunw. THE-LIBERAL office a sharp, in- telligent hny' w; lean) the printing business, -()1‘ une’hax‘iug two or three yem's’ experience. Rev. \Veslev Dean of ananto, :1 former pastor in this place will preach u'nnivcrsury sermons in vmmecliun “‘iLh the opening of the Methudist Ohm-ch, on Sunday, May 21, morning and evening. Rev fox-nu u'nniv “‘iLh \thlt isn't right we’ll make right. Your satisfautinu is our best reward. Atkinson & Swilzer. ‘ The ladies of the Methodist Church and the Presbyterian: Church are each making avrl-zulgylnunts t«)_ giyg ‘ the: 11$!1;d5i|1ne1'alid tea on the“ 24th of May. Announcement, will be made by bills in :1 few days. The Masonic fmtel'niLy of this place are invited to visit Robertson Lodge, King City, on Monday evenin , 15th inst” on which occasion R. \ . ABM). E. J. B. Dunch will make his official visit, as I). D. G. M: for the Distriét.‘ Rev. C. L. “’isswassm, the new pastor of the Lutheran Church at then \voodnu'rived from Pennsylvania, and preached introductory sermons last Sunday. He will preach next Sunday and following Sundays, morn- ing-and evening. At a meeting of the Quarterly Of‘ ficinl Buzll'd nf the Methodist, Church on Monday. Mr. J. A. E. Switzer and Mr. F. \V. Nichols Were appointed church representatives for the coming district, meeting. The superintendent and the juniur pastor were invited to vet-urn to the circuit for another year. A‘lérge number of County Council- lm-s, county officials and other friends attended the funeral uf the late James Mr. Leeds Richaulsnn was on Tues- ;Ly appointed Qu'unmp 9f lhe Grand 0, Stokes, late keeper of the Industrial Home, on Friday. Service was con- ducted at the Home by Rev. F. Heath- cnte, Toronto, formerly of King. In- gorqwn} tank place in the fanuily plnt lb‘nviug pli firmly linkec' Switzer’s. this week :â€" frnm the Sn IDA \Vhite Gll RICHMHND HILL, May 11‘. [905 LOO Alma“ the King City cemetery. l0” at the Genelul Sussiuns now EU u; pure 1!): [n qua PRINTER \VANTED. Imperi 2 cans ,‘Ili‘inâ€"XVII'S. F. J. John- lll’k and h {ether u are 111-11 fur L304 .1 \Vbite Gloss Quaker Brand :1 fine luck 11 high 'quality are her.“ Atkinson & are same links for Maple Syrup, made cents pm- imperial ttIeâ€"x-enrlu-ed Lard. ies; a 4 lb. box of -l) fur L304 41 3 ll). \Vbite Glnss Starch mker Brand Tunnel~ mdir The first husclmll mulch nf the sensun L-mk plzute nu Monduyfith inst. hetwven n pickm‘} tmuu (.f the Victoria Squun- svniurs] against it Lc-nm of jun- inrs. 'l‘lw inn-rusting match was play- ed in Highway 1’"! k. and resulted in a vit-tury fur Lhe jumols lay :1 Score of 6 lo 5. The fniii'iwing nntvd artists have bm'n Stâ€"‘(Illl'l-‘(i fur [hp CllllCl‘I't- tn he given in the Agiit-ulturnl Hall on Vic- lm-iu Day”:-â€"H..;lhflhvnn MacDonald. hm-ih-nv; Miss'l’vai-l O‘Neill. rvudvr :md enh’rtniiwr: Miss Kitty Loo, novelty and solo \Vhixtiwl': Hnlry M. Bennett. comic wumlist: Mrs. H. R.Mmzl)unuld, piano accompanist. CHIS will leave for the ll(|l'tyi1':HlH1 tlw suuth immed~ ,iate!y ufth" the come: t. zm illnvss of S!" u yeau' ugh dHJ and two Childm- an infant n few survivor uf (he in his 41st year. Mrs. Newtnn. Widow of the late James Newmn of Elzin Mills. die-d at the hmne of her daughter. Mrs. A. Sims, TllilanS\’i!le,l(Wll tm) 5th inst; The remains wm-v bf-imghb ht‘lH Sat,- m-day evening. and thv funvrul took place fmm the home of her daughter. Mrs. G. Sims. Mnndny afternoon. A SPI'Vice at, the htmsu was conducted by Rev. J. A. Grant. Large posters are out announcing ,Lhe Annual Spring Fair uf the Rich- ‘1“!in Hill ard Yunhe‘St. Agrivultuiul Society In he hwhl in the D.iving Park. Richmond Hill, un \Védnesdny, the 24th of May. Prizes mnnnnting to nearly $1,000 will he given for horses, cnltlc, sheep, swine, poultiy, dairy pl'OIilll'P, ladies” \vm-k. roots. vbc. A pnrsenf $100 will be given for an open ti-ut ur pace. and :l purse nf $30 fur a farmers' [mt m pzute. A fnullmll mnxnanwnt will cmnlnence at 11 H. II] for a purse nf|$22.00, and in the after nnun good prizes will be given for l‘notincingand- other athletic sports. l'l‘he culnmittbe have been fanunute in securing the Governor Generul’s Body Guard Bundywhn will render a good progninn‘ne" vf music in the afternoon. Arrangemean have been made with the Mclmpulitnn Railway Cuinpuny tn give return tickets to Biphnmud Hill, either from Toronto :‘m' New market for 40 cents. The Metmpnlitnn Railway Company will instal a telephone system in cun- nectiun with its line. which will give the conductors tlw opportunity tn cun- vm-se- with all points at any part of the system. A portable tvlvphnuc will he installed in the vvslilmle' nf Put‘ll car. A wire liué‘yv'rll‘ l>é"slI-lihg nlung thr- poles. and \vlié'i) a conductor \Vlsh- '93 to communicate with the ofiir'e ho stnps the ear. plugs tlw pole and :1 Cir- cuit is made. By this system. whmn- ever :1 car is stuck in a snowhnnk the ulfivinls will know it at, once uni be able to send 1~elief.â€"\Vu1'ld. The annual meeting of the \V. M. S. was held in the home of Mrs. Crosby last Thursday. Reports were read and adopted in the different branches of the work showing that the yearhas been crowned with many bless; ‘ings. The Society wish to thank all who so unny aided them in making for the Extension Fund, clear of all expenses, the sum of Fifty dollarsthis being an extra fund asked for this year for building and equipping school and hmnes‘fbr teachers and missionaries in China and Japan. The following ’dflicers were elected for thee. coming yearzâ€"President, Mrs; C. Mason; Vice Presidents, Mrs. J. Mnrtson Mrs. D. Sloan, and Mrs. Amos Wright; RQC.‘ Sec.. Mrs. A.Newt(m ; Cor. b‘écl'. Mrs. Switzer; I‘reasurer, Mrs. Crosby. Sup- 1ply Committee, Mrs. T. Hopper and .Mrs. S. Brown. Organist. Mrs. Hume; Librarian. Mrs. Bestard; Auditor. Mrs. Shaw. Heralds were appointed in the diflt'erent departments, and one on Systematic Giving. Our work is a la- bor of love. “’8 shall go on doing our best for the cause we represent. A striking cover design. a girl's head in pastel, by George Gibbs, intro- duces th'é reader of the June Delinea- tor toa varied and interesting table of contents, supplemented by a com- plete summary of the season’s styles. In the literary portion of the maga- zine, ‘Veymer Jay Mills contributes the firstofa. series of “Romances of Summer Resorts,” which promise muchofmterest pictorial and other- wise. A noteworthy feature also is F. Berkeley Smith‘s description of “A Corner in Nornnmdy,” an enjoyable travel sketch that gives more than a passing glance atone of the most cur- io‘us nooks in the old world. Now- nmn’s'hynm “Lend, Kindly Light.” is the subject of a. paper by Allan Sutherlung in the series “Famous Hymns of ‘the “'orld.“ In the matter of fiction. Albert Bigelow Paine‘s serial. “The Lucky-Piece" proremls‘ along pleasing lines, and Helen Chonlo Prince Contributes a short story of great strenglhzind chm-In. In addi- tion there are housv furnishng ideas, H'(IENTI’L-XL." AT EVERY POLE. and many pages den-ted tn ticulur interests (If the hume ing. among other features, a" “The Practical Side uf thv \V and u. variet} a” ' r . ? THE DELINEATOR FOR JUNE. VIGJ‘ORI A SQUARE 241‘ H (JUNE 15 RT SPRING FAIR. THE" W; M; s.‘ vnnd Heleh Clmnto‘ 1 short stury of harm. In addi- ‘, mi P'EP',‘ tlxe 1' On 23m” all IlH‘ spm-ls and pastimes «:f outduur (humdiuu lil‘v. Amung lhese will he artit-lus an Aluturingfl'auhling. Gulf, Buwling, (Jul-ling. (fl-ir-kvt. Ten- nis. Football. Lucrnssv. Hunting. Shouting. Flrhing. tlw Kennel. und othbr‘liindI-(‘Ll‘ nmust-nmnls as wall as (lescriplinns of (‘amldinn scenvry and Canadian tales of Hth'llLlll'P. Aumng the list uf authors fur 1905, will he found nulst so well knnwn to Canad- iun mingnzinodum as thuse of JOHh‘ ‘Ilmus. C. \V. Yulmg. Hopkins J.l\]ii5:-Z house. John Boyd. Frank Yeigh. Hu- bert, McBle .Ialmstnn. Hvrhgrt Guth- l'wrt, J. M. Bull. 0. G. Row-rs, R. O. McCullnch, and many ut (-13. The publishers uppeau' m by gnldeavnring in the fullPsb 591131; of the word, to make “Uutdum- )anuda" a credit to Canadian journalism. and it is to he hoped that, [he mf-ghzine will receive from the Uzm‘qdhm public the support; which it div‘séx ves. DEATHS. NEWTONâ€"At the residence of her snu-in~lnw. Mr. Alex. Sims, 'I‘hmnmville. on Friday, May 5, Botsy. Wfdmv of the late Jnmes Newton. in he1‘80th year. Funeral Monday. May 8, tn the Richmund Hill Ue-meu-ry. PUGSLEY‘â€"In Suttun, on Saturday, May 6, Fri-derick Pngsley.aged 40 yezu-s.8 numfigs. , Funvml on Tuvsdny. May 9. at Z’oh'c'lnck. to Briars‘ Hill Cemetery. mummy-a RUMBLEâ€" At, his lute lmsitlom‘e. Vaughan. (Ill Ta'ésdny, (ht; 9Lh’kuf‘May‘L Thomas Rumble, SPF]; FuherédThurs: day, at 2. p. In. tx(’1\]'r'l3]l“ Gt-Inetery. Billgusnessié’onétifiatidh'hréflififie: covery. Cure-these with Ayer's‘ Pills. ++.:»:~-:~+++.z~-z«z~-z‘+++++++< 2‘; w. .1; ELLwTT,» Principal. .§~ +++$¢$+$+$+§+§+++++++++++é +++++~z~+++++++~§~M+++++M+~Q~ I‘Saa‘sagjarifla :Vineland. N. J. .14 0. AYER CO. 7*7LrovellL Mass $é+++++++++++++++$+++++++s Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil- dren become spong and well by taking Aycr s Sarsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. The» change is very prompt and very marked. Ask your doctor wh'y' it"iéi He has our formula and will explain. "When [3 years old, {or many monthl no one thought I could live because of thin blood. But. In a few weeks, A r's Snuapuilln com- pletely. restgred me H. " The Shildrenu “Truth” is a Strong Argument! (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.) is out- of a. position tan-day. It is the truth when we stute_that, “Our students are uniformly stié‘cessful in getting good posi- tions after gl-nduafiion.” Our School is a HfghClass one and the best in Canada. Enter now. College open the entire year. Catalogue free. }, ELLEGTT I ' , [IA “OUTDOOR CANADA TORONTO. ONT. Jerry Smith, Not one graduate of the popular June is the most pop- ular wedding month and a plain 18k ring is the important ring. stock in plain I have increased my rings for the coming Inomh. Heavy r8k gold rings are worth 356. (The average price for this ring is $8) Heavy 10k rings, $3. PRACTICAL \VA'L‘CH M A K E R - for 47+++++++++++++~HÂ¥++++++++++§A +oi-+++-§~++~:~+~z«éi$ 4+M~++++++++++vs++++++++++4 +Â¥++++ww+++++++++++++++++Â¥ +++++++++++++~z~++++~z<++++++++++~z~+++++++++~z~+ A‘special invitation is gw‘en to all to inspect our ex- ;‘fihibit in Agricultural Hall, 01 Pianos and New \Villiams «Sewing Machines~all the very best. Will be pleased 0 .{o Etc talk to you regarding these. Pianos can be heard and :Sewing Machines will be in operation. All guaranteed. + ‘1‘“??‘W QQWWWflWWWWWQA? VictoriaDay, May 24 ARMN SAVAGE m Magic Wand. That brings things here from all parts of the universe is cash. In this age of general and universal discounts ready money is the prime factor in all business transactions. Buy- ing and selling {or cash enlarge the possibili- ties of trade here and ena‘ble us to_ sell so cheap, people wonder Where our profit cornes in. You can judge the store by these things as well 21% anything:â€" dozen. Made to your measure in perfect style fil; and v Immship a $20.00 Scotch tweed suit; for $16.00. Heavy 9-4 Twill Ble‘nc‘héd‘sheeting. 25c. per yard. Heavy 8-4 Plain Bleached Sheeting. 20c,_per yard. The best 6-001-(1 2UO-yard spools black‘ and‘ White. Josh Billings says: “Ambischun iz like a tread wheel ; you no sooner get tew the end of it than you‘ begin again.” Just so with this business. Your increasing. confidence expressed by growmg purchases commands a larger eHort. In a word our notion of store duty leads us to attempt bigger and better things than ever. Richmond Hill, May 4, 1905. You will be in Richmond Hill on the 24th. Call in and-Einspe'ct our full and u’p-to-date lines of Hardware, Chums, Washers, Lawn Mowers, Oils, Ba’fb and Annealed Wire, Coal Oil Stoves, Humpty Dumpty Egg Cases, VVheelbarrows, Paris Green; Screen Doors, Window Screens, and a full line of Builders’ Tools also iZT'StOCk. Rinhmand Hm Hamwam Stare Having in employ experienced tinsmiths, I am prepared to'd'o tihsmithing in all its branches. Charles $011183. ATKINSON 8: SWITZER Thé’béSt pure kettled-I-endered land in 2011;. liitsJOch). Very‘spéciay'valqe in new season’s Japan tea, at 250.1b. Good cuffeé ground fresh to your order at 250. 1b.' v+++++++++~ zmd work- §++++++++§flx++ 00.

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