VOL. XXVII. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Remodelled.and newly furnished throughout flue 01mm mos onvanient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern cou- vauieum Syn-316 rooms for commerclul travellars. Anirlenlsmpping place for riding er driving parties.bicyclists, or tumors going horret-uvuina, from market. Electric:cars p155 the deer Liver naouuection UB‘RAL PRiNTING a PUBLQSHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. our. Uulls by day and night promptly at- tended to. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&C. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Best ï¬tting lowest. 3M. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, PALM E R, .110 USE I3 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING JOHN R. CAMPBEE Oul'. Carlton and Ynnge Sts., Toronto Will be in Richmond Hill on \Ved nesdny (If each week. Oflice, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. DR. H. W. ANDE Dentist, Dr. C. TERMS 31.009211: DAY \V. C. SAVAGE - VETERINARY SURGEON erm 1 .‘. F. MGMAHON, lAyer’sPiiEs Want your moustache or heard ab'eautirul brown or rich black ? Use O'O'O‘ 0 WG‘WWWW or crimping eil‘ new method 01 W the appc‘aran‘ It is the [11‘5le I‘ rnnn A n Ofï¬ce ’ WOODARD 6: CROCKART, 3? Aurora L5 :3 CLUBINE o5: = Thornï¬ii l.‘ Cor. RICHMOND HILL, VETERINARY SURGEON, 'I‘hornhill. RICHEAOND HILL BUS ENE-SS CARDS. Not one pound of soft wire enters into the construction of TflE FRU «T. The uprights are immovany locked to the running wires with THE FROST \VEDGExLOCK, making an absolmely Stockâ€"proof Fence. The Locks bind without kinking or crimping either the stays or lateral \Vires. “fill not slip, and our new method of enamelling and baking prevents rust. which adds greatly N the appearance of the fence. Make no mistake. Buy THE FROST. It In the hrvavlest and the best. For sale by H. SANDERSON, per annum, [33. W39. RUGERS I)entist. @1113 Thornhill Every _ Wedneï¬ay. Blom- and Yonge, Toronto. HAROLD CLARKSLE DEN ’I'L‘ST‘ Hoursâ€"3.31) a. m. to 5 p. m. Exam-03 & PROPRIETOB COMMISSIONER I! THE 2i Victoria. St. Toronto. teeth, also replating, at prices. Good work. anterinary .. . - v y/Agjgfi Wuh large, 5m: stay wires, makes a pcrfcct fence AT THE awful. gp’ihmi ICgiicé Spring Wire Fence in advance.] d Prop Licensed Auctionearfor the Counties at York undontano Allsales of farm stock, duo, at- tended to on the shortest notice and reaï¬onnble rateï¬. Mortgageandbnmfl’ sales attended to Residenceï¬toufl'ville Ont Licena e Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicit; your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the sLortest notice mud at renaonaberatea. P. 0. address King uv uA\ AIAALA\A\AIIUH Lluhl‘uhu’ ï¬LGIN 1‘I_IL.LS LENNOX 65 MORGAN, Barristers and Solicitors. Money to loan on landandohabnel mortgages at lowest rates Auroruot‘ï¬ceâ€"Removed to the old post ofï¬ea | one door west of the entrance to the Oumrw Bunk Newmarket ofliceâ€"Three doors south of the p :35 ofï¬ce I‘ HERBERTLENNOX, G STV MORGAN Aurora. hewmarket "AMâ€" | The \‘annn‘s Institute was held at M15. D. James’ on \Vodnesnlny, May 10. Fifteen nwmhers present. Suhâ€" ject. “Hnusv-cleuning.†There was ; election of ofï¬cers as follows: Presi- ' dent. Mrs. Cowper, “"illowdnle: vice- [president. Mrs. L. Chapman, Thm-n- ' hill; soc.-tr9us.. Mis‘ ‘r. Clubhm, Lang- stntf. \Ve hald a basket. picnic at Mrs. \V. H. Clubim-‘s, Langstaff. (In May 25 at 2 o’clock shurp.‘ Mrs. Colin Campbell of Gods-rich and others will address the Company. An invitation is givon to all. The genLlemen are in- . \‘itved to tea. J T Suigeou. Maple G G S LindsoyJi C A G F L'LWI‘BDCO W Ridoub Wadsworth Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Goods said on consignment General sales 01 atoc etc promptly attended to at reusonnbh rafesA Residence Uninnville G R Gouldiaé; ï¬gaaï¬i-Emokmgenl for the above Licensed Auctioneers for the Countyo! York Saleswtendedm on shortestnnticeand a. res. ouablerates Patronagesolicited JAS. N EVVTON Barristers,501icitors. Notaries, M. Home Life Building (formerly Free- hold me Bldg). Gm. Adelaide 6; Victoria. Sts.. Toronto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple 011 Thursday afternoon of each week. A arge stock of Funeral Furnishings I kept at both places. g Uï¬M‘iflAfllï¬ Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 33 RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E lJG‘IN l‘IIIJLS 'Tlï¬E ï¬lï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚é, ’ $1.00 IN ABVANGE. . A Coal Oil Stove in ï¬rst-class condi- Jon. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdavs. mnnd St. WestJVvshâ€"‘y Buildiï¬g (Methodist Book Ronni.) T0- nm tn. Underlakers a: Embalmers, For Sale, iCheap Lindsey. Lawrence 89 Wadsworth, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. COOK & JOHNSTON Sugar-coated, eas to take, mild in action. hey cure. constipation, biliousncss,‘ sick-headache. {#3. WRIGHT BROS, Snigeon & McEwen. J, II. Pl entice. D. G. BLGUGII. N. E. Smith. MRS. J. C. SMITH. wcgnl. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1.905 In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." Richmond Hill No. 33 Rioh- by Buildings, Phone Main 2984 J K McEwen Weston A grand mlly of the Epwnrth Leagues of the Toronto Central Dis- trict was held in Avenue Road Church. 'l‘omnm. Monday evening. Most, of the Leaguvs in the District, were repre- sentvd. The Newton Brook and VVil- luwdnle Leagues were rvprosent‘ed by 36 members. The Forward Movement, ï¬nances run up to nearly $1,600. The young people of this place have con- tributed over $50 this year. Presidont Brcnkpys wm-o a happy smile as he mnrshalcd his company Monday even- ing. A prmninent, feature of thee-ven- ing “as the addness of the great volun- Levr ln-u'dm; Lu!her B. \Vishart. \Ve hope to be able to give a synopsis of the nddless noxt, week. I use-d Hem-Reid. I had Blind and Bleeding Files and suffered every- thing. Ointments and local treatments failed, but: Dr. Lennbzu'dt’s Hem~Ruid cured me pgrfectly.†_ _ A Thousand Dollar Guarantee goes with every lmttle of Dr. Leonhux-dt’s Hem-Ruidâ€"the only certain cure for every form of Pilvs. “ Dr. Lenuhaldt’s Hem Roid cured me nf a very bad case of PiltS of over ten years’ standing. I had tried every- thing. but, go}: 1-10 peyu_mn_er1\t_puye til] A warrth was issued a few duys' ago against ’1‘. H. Llnyd, a barrister at Newmarket. changed with receivng ‘ on trust large sums of muney. and I-e- I fusing to account fur the same. ' The E accused was arrested, but afterwards ’ bail was given for his appearance, when called upon. It is said his [in-i hilitivs are in the neighborhood of } $40,000, and that he lust, lill'gl,‘ sums in 3 stock speculation. His many friends will regret tn learn of the sudden illness of Mr. Wilbert Gibson. who was attacked with ap- pendicitis while on his honeymoon. Several ductm‘s were in attendance. and it, was reported early in the week that, the symptoms were. more favor- able. The reguiar monthly meeting of the VV. M. S.was hold at, the home of Mrs. Saigemr \Vednesday, May 20. The uï¬ï¬cers for the cunning year are:â€" President, Mrs. Martin; lst Vice, Mrs. Crensnr; 2nd Vice. Mrs. (Rem) Chantler; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Saigoon; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Byam: Treasurer, Mrs. Graddock; Organist. Mrs. Keys. Luokmg to our Heavenly Fatherer help, the ludius trust that the cunning year will be men more successful than the one just closed. Ge'ox-ge Cook, St. Thomas, Ont, writes:â€" Hem-RSid is a.- tablet- tuken inter- nally which removes the cause of Pilos. Miss Com \Veldriuk, who has been ill for smm- tim9, is slowly recovering. Miss Lylu Rnbexts of Toronto was around renewing old acquaintance at Observatory Farm. Misx Aim; dw Cluhine 9p€nt Saturday and Sunday with her aunt. Mrs. Jen- nie Oluhine, Newmm'kot. Mrs. \V. H. Clubine is hnme after a. month’s visit and is improved greatly in health. Miss Nellie Dun-y, a nurse, of To- xnnm. is home. Quarterly meetmg SDI‘ViCPS were held here on Sunday. Se-l-muns were preached nun-Hing: and evening hy Rev. C. ngan 0t: Yicbglin University. Miss ' Mattie Hvzzlewood and My. Masters «If Davenport spent over Sun- d.u_y_ \'isi[il_1g_f_1'iend_s hgl'GL Mr. and‘Mrs. E. J. Cousins of T0- l'nfl-to spent} Szxtu1‘du_y_ in the ‘villnget Mr. and Mrs. Polk» k have the sym- pnthy of all in tbs» loss of tllk‘il' innt t, daughtvr. The funeral tuuk place on Mnnday aftel nngn. The moefing of the Qqu-tex [y Bunf-d was held on Munduy afternoon and t1)? usual business transacted. Laet Sunday was Di-cisiun Day in the Methodist Sabbath School. 311'. M. V. Ecclestnue of Parkdale ad~ diessed the SChUUi. A request, was made that, all who had decided to lvud a Christian life should stand up, when noinly all prosenty spunfied. Thé fun-oral of tlie late Mr. '_ Rumble took place last Thursday afte- no_t~_n andjy'fts \‘gVI-gllnyg 1y attended. Newton Brook. $1000 PlLE CURE. Langstafl Maple i Mr. Hill’s statemvnt is only one of many. No one has ever used Dr. Leon- hzu'dt’s Anti-Pill without beneï¬t. Price 500. All druggists, m- The |_\Vi1<0n-Fyle 00., Limited, Niagara Falls, Out. Sole agents for Canada. Mr. E. W. Hornung's stories of “Ramos : the Amateur Uracksman " are universally admitted to he the most fascinating tales of criminal ad- venture ever written. The character of Ruffles. the gentleman burglar and jewel-rubber. is one new to ï¬ction ; the story of his exploits oxcvl in vigor and thrilling interest the work of any other Inndern writma The Mail and Empire hvgnn public Itinn in the Daily on May 13th. and the \Veekly edition cn May 18 of Mr. Hm-nung’s new series of “Amateur Cracksman†tales. which have newer before appeared in period- ical form. - These blocks uéin be Esed with equal success and beauty in any place eith for houses or barns, verandah pillars, chimneys, etc. For further iufox'matit inquire or write to Secondâ€"The blocks being made hollow it is not damp like a building con. structed of solid concrete, as the hollows in the blocks overlap. thus making a dead airspace all around, of several inches, depending on the thickness of wall which can he made either 8. 9, 10 or 12 inches in thickness. Thirdâ€"The face being made in exact imitation of cut stone they make. the prettiest building imaginable. The ï¬rst of tlwse tale-s, “The Ides of March,†intmdncos Raffles and his faithful companion, “ Bunny,†in their ï¬rst. and most exciting burglary of the great jewelry store. One of these new tales will appvar ovm-y Saturday in The Dallv Mail and Empire. as Well as in the VVePkly edition for the nut; three months. \VP cnvor thP hpml ! Do you need a hat? Hard and soft felt hats: caps of of all kinds. “'9 have just the right stylps. the- pmper sizes. the most fasha innahle Shndvs, all at the right price. Atkinson & Switzer. If you are thinking of building a. house you should communicate with us be fore letting your contract, as we can build you one much lik» that shown in the cut, above for much less than you can build one of brick, which, besides being cheaper. has the following advantages over housts construqu of almost, any other nmteriulzâ€" Firstâ€"Being built of cement blocks it is one of the most durable buildings it isAanSilfle t_q cqqsttjucp. _ Ox-dels taken at the ofï¬ce of this paper for Ths- Weekly Mail and Em- pire and THE LIBERAL. to be mailed to any address in Canada. Great Brit- ain or the United Statns from now un- til Jan. Ist, 1906, for seventy-ï¬ve cents. Toronto Hun Explains How He Galned Thirty Pounds in a Few Weeks. Re- markable Statement. At 89 Fullm- Street. Toronto, lives a. man who claims to have prove" be- yond the shadow of a doubt that. Dr. Lennlmrdb’s Anti-Pill is the most won- dmful I‘Plllvt‘ly ever introduced. His name is W. A. Hill, and he makes the following statement: “Afteru. short timp I found myself restnrod to perfect health and strength, which I am thankful to say I have en- joyed ever since. ' '“I have gained thirty pounds in weight since I commenced to use Anti- Pill.†"I was very much Hm down. and had a, cunstant pain in my side, which made life it drug to me. I fully be- lieved my days were numbered, but I was induvod to try a treatment of Dr. Leunhardt’s Anti-Pill, and the results were marvellous. RESULT OF PRIZE CONTEST :â€"-’) Raffles†Stories in the Mail and Empire. H. Winger & Son, Carrvillc, ()nt. MR. HILL HAS PROVED IT. The West York license commission- ers have granted :L license to the O'Hnlleron House at, Deer Park. Henry Duncan, a young man who x‘eSIdvd wuh his mother at \Veston. committed snlcide Saturday morning. At 9 o’clock Frida morning VVil- Iium Bond. butcher. gawmarket. at.- tompted to cross the mek at, thP sta‘ tion in front of a. train and was killed. Mr. IEdward 0. Pearson, a well- known fzumer of Etnhicuke,_sustained fatal injuries in a runaway accident, Thursday, and died the following day. Deceased was 65 years of age. He leaves a. widow and four children. Charles Nurse, proprietor of Nurse‘s Hotel at the Humber, and better known for his many feats of life-Suv- ing. died at his home on Sunday, aged 63 years. Deceased had saved male than a dozen lives from drowning. One great secret of youth and beauty for the young woman or the mother is the proper understanding of her womanly sys- tem and well-being. Every woman, young or old, should know herself and her phys- ical make u . A good way to arrive at this knowle ge is to get a good doctor book, such. for instance, as the "People'. Common Sense Medical Adviser,†by R. V, Pierce, M. D., which can readily be pro. cured by sending thirty-one cents in one- cent stamps for paper-bound volume, of ï¬fty stamps for cloth-bound copy, address‘ ing Dr. R. V. Piercel at. puflalo,‘ N. Y. The change from maidenhood to woman- hood is one that involves the whole body. The strain at this time upon the blood- forming structures may be too great. Dis- orders of the functions peculiafly feminine are nearly always dependent upon do fective nutrition. In all such cases Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription is just rho vegetable tonic for the female system. “I cannot express my thanks for the beneï¬t 1 have received from Dr. Pierce's medicines,†writes Mrs. Julius Wehrly, of Cambridge. Dor- chester Co.. Md. “1 took “Favorite Prescrip- tion' and feel that a perfect cure has been effected. I feel like thanking you for the kind and fatherly letters which you wrote." Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription was the ï¬rst exclusively Woman’s tonic on the market. It has sold more Largely in the past third of a. century than any other medicine for women. Do not let the drug- gist persuade you to try some compound that has not had the test of so many years’ success. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with "Favorite Prescription’ when. aver a laxative is requirui. “A SECRET.†the answers sent in re. prize- u»: the space nude W111 be Single copies, 3« N ews N ones No.46