CURE THE MOST STONE IN THE KIDNEYS CAN- NOT STAND BEFORE DODD’S KIDNEY EILLSl Mr. S. A. Cassidy, of Ottawa, Per- manently Cured After Years of Suffering by the Great Canadian Kidrgey Remedy. Ottawa, Ont., May 22.-â€"(Spcciai). -Whrile all Canada knows that Dodd's Kimmy Pills arc the stand- ard remedy for all Kidney Comâ€" plaints, it may surprise same peoâ€" ple to know they cure sueh cxtu‘cmo cns=cs as Stone in me Kidneys. Yet, that is What. they have done right here in Ottawa. Mr. S. A. Sasvhly, the man cured. is the Well-known proprieto'r of tlic Bijou Hotel on Mclcalf street, and in an interview he mvs: "My friends all know that I haw: been a. martyr to Stone in the Kidneys for yvm‘s. They know that lwsides consulting the best doctors in the city and tryâ€" ing every medicine I could think of, I was unable to get better. "Some time ago a friend told me Budd's Kidney Pills would cure me‘ As a last resort I tried them, and they have cured me. “I could not imagine more severe suffering than one endures who has Stone in the KidnrflV‘s, and I feel the greatest gratitude to Dodd's Kidney Pills.†If the disease is of the Kidneys or from the Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure it. Marquis Became a Pauper Patient to Save Money. The case of the late millionaire Countess Bela Batthyani, whose will is being disputed at Pesth, and who on the ground that sooner than pay {or the operation which it was vain-- 1y hoped would save her life assumed the garb and the name of her maid and secured treatment free of cost in‘ one of the wards of the Metropolitan Hospital, where she succumbed, is by no means an isolated one, writes the Marquise De Fontcnoy in The New York Tribune. For I remember the famous surgeon Velpcau telling me a number of years ago oi a similar in- stance which came under his notice. He was Visited one (lay at his house at Paris during the consultation hour by a. Marquis bearing one of the bestâ€"known names of the Fall- bourg St. Germain, colossally rich, but renowned for his closeness in money matters. After having diag- nosed the case Velpeau informed the Marquis that an operation was not only necessary, but urgent, and in response to an inquiry added that it would cost 4,000 francs, at which the nobleman made a wry face. About a month later Velpeau, while making his daily rounds in the great. Hospital de la Charite, had his at- tention attracted by_ a face that seemed familiar. In answer to his inquiry it was stated that the paâ€" tient was a footman of a nobleman in the Faubourg St. Germain, a story which was apparently borne out by the clean shaven face of the man, and by the livery which hung on the hook beside his coti On ex- amining the sick man the surgeon found that his case resembled in every particular the somewhat unusâ€" ual one for which the Marquis had consulted him some weeks previonsâ€" ly. He made no comments at the time, performed the. necessary opcraâ€" tion, and it was only about three weeks afterward when the patient. was about to be discharged cured that Dr. Velpcan called him aside and said: "I am extremely flattered and pleased to have been able to cure you. There is, however, a small formality with which you will have to comply before I can Sign your cxeat. That is. you will hgve to give me a check for 10,000 francs [or the beneï¬t of the Public Chariâ€" ties Bureau of your metropolitan district.†The patient's face became livid. “You can do what you like abont it,†continued the. doctor, "but if you refuse, 1111 Paris will know toâ€" morrow that the Marquis de F. adopted the (lnguise of a footmun in order to secure free treatment at this hospital and usurp the plnt‘u which belongs by right to a pau- It is needless to add that the money was paid by the Marquis, who thanks to this, Was saved from ex‘ posurc. REAL MISER STORIES. EXTREME CASES Child Without Bone in Right Arm Has One Inserted. 'At the annual gathering at the Glasgow University Club at Sunder- land recently Sir William Macawcn. who was concerned in an extraordin- ary operation upon a child aver 20 years ago, introduced the patient, now a fullâ€"grown man, to the medi- ca‘lflmâ€"en prgsent, and éxplained the nature of the remarkable case. The child was born without a bone in the right arm, the boneless limb hanging helpless by its side. The mother, who took the child to the Glasgow Inï¬rmary, assumed that the arm must. necessarily be ampu- tated. But the surgeons determined to make an attempt to save the limb. Small sections of the bone taken from the tibia, or lower portion of the legs, of other patients, who were under treatment for the cure of bow- lcggedness, were transferred to the boneless arm, there to continue their growth and to become umal- gamated~in fact, eventually supplyâ€" ing the place of the missing humerus. Sir William Maccwcn kept in touch with the boy, who, at the age of 14, left Glasgow for Sunderlzrml, where he had worked since. The jyoung man (says the Yorkshire ‘Postl. hured his arm to the guests present, and gave the company abundant proof of the sustained ser- viceableness of the limb, despite several accidents, including a com- pound fracturc.‘ which had befallen it. To California. and Lewis and Clarke Exposition, Portâ€" land, Oregon. A personally conducted excursion to the Paciï¬c coast via tlie Gran-d Trunk Railway System and connect- ing lines loaves QUCbcc July 5, and Montrcal and Toronto July 6. The route will be via Chicago, thence Montreal. and Toronto July 6. The route will he Via Chicago, thence through Council Blulfs to Omaha, Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops will be made at each of these places and side trips taken to Manitou, Cripple Creek, Garden of the Gods, etc. From there the party will con» tinue through the famous scenic route of the Denver and Rio Grande. through the Royal Gorge to Salt Lake City, thence to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mt. Shasta, Portâ€" land. Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and home through St. Paul and Min-near ipolis. The trip will occupy about thirty (lays, ten days being spent on ,the Paciï¬c coast. The price for the round trip, inâ€" cluding railroad fare, Pullman tour- ist sleeping cars, all meals in the dining car, hotels, side trips, etc.. is $165.50 from Quebec, or $160.50 from Montreal and $150.00 from Toronto. This ï¬rst trip is designed as a vacation trip for teachers, al- though many who are not teachers will improve the opportunity of tak- ing the trip at the remarkably low price afforded. For full particulars address E. C. Bowler, General Agent and Conducâ€" tor, Room 308, Union Station, Toâ€" ronto. “I know I must look a perfect, fright,†remarked Miss Fisher, look- ing for a compliment. "1 simpr can't do anything with my hair.†“Why don’t you take it back, then and get it: exchanged?†suggested Mr. Kadley. WONDERFUL OPERATION. I cured a horse of the Mange with MINART)’S LINIMENT. CHRIS’I‘OPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. I cured a horse, badly torn by a pitch fork, with llIINARD'S LINIâ€" MENT. St, Peters, C, B. EDW. LINLll“F. l cured a horse of a, bad swelling with MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bathurst, N. 13. Thus. W. PAYNE. "I don't_ suppose it would be of any use to ask you to stay to tea," she srid. "No," he replied, "not in that style and tone of voice.†Where can I get some of Ilnllowa.y's Corn Cure" I was entircw cured of my corns by this remedy and ] wish some more of it {or my friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown. Chicago. The principal factories of the mouth organ. or mouth harmoniuc, kiss it is perhaps more correctly termed, are at Trossingen, in the Black Forest, Germany. Those in- strumcnts, it appears, are sold in greater quantities in the United States than in any other country. At 'fl‘OSSiIlg'Oll one ï¬rm alon: has ï¬fteen branch factories, employs '2, 000 hands, and turns out 6,000,000 mouth héu'moniacs every year. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR "Goodness husband. _“J we are goim for dinner." "Wait." rel what Bridget "Suppose what she isn MOUTH ORG AN FACTORI ES THE BEST THING TO DO UNSATISFACTORY. gei- is going to cook. (3 you ï¬nd ont.1 isn't going to burn. replied his wi BRUTAL. I’m hungry,†said the wish I knew wnnthor to have anything good Those in are sold 1' the Umfm .hcr countn rather, " Pure soap 1†You’ve heard the words. In Sunlight S o a p you have the fact. 5(‘0 REDUCES EXPENSE A llOYAL BOOKLET. The Grand Trunk Railway System are distributing a very handsome booklet descriptive of the Royal Mus» kolm Hotel, that. is situated in Lake Rosseau, in the Muskoka Lakes, "Highlands of Ontario." The publi- cation is one giving a. full description 0! the attractions that may be found at this popular resort, handsomely il- lustrated with colored prints of lake and island scenery, the hotel itself, and many of the special features that may be found there. It, is printed on ï¬ne enameled paper, bound in a cover giving the appearance of Morocco leather, with a. picture of the hotel and sm'romidings on the same, and the crest of the hotel embossed in high relief, A glance through this booklet makes one long for the plea.- ‘surc of Summer and outdoor life, and copies may be secured gratuit- ously by applying to any Grand Trunk ticket ofï¬ce. Softldghâ€""When Iâ€"aWâ€"awsked her foh her hand in muwriagc hcr bwutal father thweatened toâ€"awâ€"bwain me, doneherknow." Miss Cuttingâ€"â€" “That’s just like her father. He alâ€" ways was fond of a joke.†They Cleanse the System Thoroughly. â€"â€"l’;xrmelee's Vegetable Pills clear the stomach and bowels of hilious matter. cause the excretory vessels to throw on' impurities from the blood into the bowels and expel the deleterious mass from the body. They do this without. pain or inconvenience to the ament, who speedily realizes their goo ofï¬ces as soon as they begin to take enact. They have strong recommendations (roux all kinds 0i people. Mistressâ€""June, who was the man I saw in your company last even- ing?†Jane-"Oh, that was the son of 11w intended mother-inâ€"law. ma‘am.†Minard’s Liniment cures Holds, 850 As soon as you cease to grow up you begin to go down. Some crsons have periodical nttacks of (Jana. lan cholera, dysentry or diar‘ rhoeu, and have to use great. precuw tinns to avoid the disease. Change of water. cooking. and green fruit. is sure to bring on the attacks. 'l‘o such per< sons we would recommend Dr, J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentcry Cordial ns bcin the best. medicine in the market for a! summer complaints. If a. few drops are taken in Water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be ex. perienced. Haskinsâ€""By the way, who was the bestâ€"man at your wedding?†Willow- byâ€"-“The pm‘son, I think. You see, it was all profit, for him, and no risk whatever!†POT! OVER SXXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow‘s Soothing Syrup has been used by mill-ions of mothers for their Children while teething. 1t soothes the child, softens the gums, ullays pain. cures \vindcohc. regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the host remedy for Diarrhoea. Twentyâ€"ï¬ve cents a. boulc. Sold by druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask {or "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." 22â€"0â€"1 Mrs. Jonesâ€"“How do you manage to persuade your husband to buy you such expensive hats?†Mrs. Robinsonâ€""I take him shopping with me, walk him about till he Can hardly stand, and than take him in- to a hat-shop. He’ll buy anything to get home.†South There is Only One ECLICC’l‘IllC OIL. â€"-\V'hcn an article. he it medicine or anything else. becomes popular, imita- tions invariably spring up to derive (ul- vautnges from the original, which they themselves could never win on their owu merits. Imita-Jions of DIX ’l‘homus' Eulectric Oil have been numerous, but never successful. Those who know the genuine are not put, 011 with a substi- tute, but demand the real thing; Mcddlerâ€"â€"“ dinary how about the 'J (Herâ€""Extra Icy bought ’. "Fire. you know,’ said Kwoter ".is a very good servant but z mighty had muster.†"Huh? snorted the argumentative man. "S: is water. for that matter.†“And,†chimed in the quiet man "so is ï¬rcwntcr.†Minard’s Liniment Gums Distemper A man who has a family of severa‘. mnrriageablo daughters has placed in each of their rooms the motto, “Learn to say '3'03.’ " Where Doctors do agree !â€"Physiuinns for experimenting ered that you a! one form or allot!) Lay hnkl of the l sands have pinned has cured quickly South Amt:rjcun_l is Lin: kidnc K‘dney Experiment Auk for the Octagon Bur. gamerâ€""I say, isn‘t it extraor- Lry how much the Grimlvys know nt the 'I‘rimleys’ an‘airs?†Ped- â€"â€"â€""Extruordinary? Why, Grim- bought ’l‘rimlcy's parroL.†SI NG LY AND TOG ETHEH “Mr-Id of medicine y suflcrer’s truest friendâ€"62 ing w u are Kidney c \vm‘ld x victim 0! some of kidney disease. txucnt that thou- Ieir tunh to and m! permanently. m‘V Cure stands There‘s no time Fragrant as Fresh Violets So TEA comes to the home Fresh and Pure as when it left the Plantation to be manufactured with SPECIAL CARE AND CLOSELY SEALED The Bicycie is King THE CUSHION FRAME _____,__,â€"â€"â€", “If we economize,†said the hus-‘ band, "We will soon haV‘c a. house of our own instead of having to live in rented property.†“But I'm not. sure I should like that," answered the wife. "I couldn't drive nails anywhere I please in the walls or woodwork 0! our own house, you known". In \HL‘ ch H'uhulk'. Vu, u<|q u. PUW favor-Makes Rouéï¬uï¬oa'ds Smboth. The Sills’ Hygienic Handle Bar ENQUSH Removes n11 bard soft or calloused lumps and blemishes irom horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, swecney, stiflins. sprains. sore and swollen Huron, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most \vondcrnl Bleunsh Cure ever Junior Partnerâ€"The has heen married nvarly DOW. known Senior Partnerâ€"Well? 'Junior Partnerâ€"AVON, asked for a raise in $3! asnuu IUL u. .u...‘ .__ V _ Senior Partnerâ€"Heavens! We‘ll have to have his accounts examined. RIGHT PLACE FOR IT. Sheâ€""He‘s always got a. smile on his face." IIeâ€""Wcll, where would you expect him to have it?" ’l‘hcy Advertise Themselves.â€"Immedlâ€" alely they were offered to the pum. l‘armclec's Vegetable Pills became po‘ lpulur bernusc of the) good report Lumde for themtelvcs. ’l‘hat reputation has grown. and they now rank among the ï¬rst me'icmes for use in attacks 0! dyspepsia I nu hiliousncss. complaints ()[Lhu liver and kidneys, rheumatism, [ever and uguc and the innumerable compliputions to which these ailments glvc use. Levcr's Yâ€"Z (Wise Head) Dislnlectâ€" ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, sothns the Water and dislm FELINE. Tess-4%) you like the out new skirt? Jessâ€"4701'}! much'. Tossâ€"1‘0 you really? Jamâ€"Yes, indeed, I had th like it when they were in st; tects. MEN’S SMILES Some men cannot. smile but. it is.diï¬erent in 3. ba we wish to place before them all. the ndyun to he found on the bicycles we handle. l~‘o persons as possible to send in from their J owners of bicycles who should be interested bicycle with the modern improvements. ’l‘h lnr order and to the writer of each t‘VentY- we will send free of charge one pair of 01 Skates, manufactured by us, sold regularly must be clearly written out with address bicycle and shoulfl be addressed as follows: Motor Co. Ltd, Toronto Junction. Canada. later than May 24th. Banaaa Gycle and flag-30:905., Limjteal, Minara’s Linimeï¬iuras Diphtheria. ONLY ONE BEST TEAâ€"~BLUE RIBBON’S 1T. My own sins are man’s are crimes. Whvn you ‘ see a Do curls it’s a sahz bet U isn't the “hole thing house. Parents buy Exterminator I safe medicine 1 eï¬ectun) cxpclh “ Maker oFthe World’s Best icycles,†Canadian Headquarters for Automobiies. mm’s llfllmï¬ï¬‚i Gum GENE? H CH Wq idesrirc go gcp in touch with eve .. A... -l! 6L. is the new feature, It has broglghf; a Companion invention to the Cushion Fr new catalogues, and new picture cards. isst N0. 20. BAD SIG m. . . hemselvcs. u’l‘hnt reputation and they now rank among ‘iclnes for use in attacks or nu hiliousncss, complaints and kidneys, rheumatism, uguc and the innumerable as to which these ailments SPAVBN LINHï¬EflT constant. cutting and tear- uu'. my hem-L. and many a. have welcomed death.‘ Dr. 0 for the Heart has work- mp, mil'uclc.â€â€"Thos. Hicks, in pound and half pound lead packets. r Mother vaes’ Worm because the know it. is n for their c ildren and an ‘er 0! worms. a boy with lung hat that his father thing around the The bookkeeper wm-ly six months ailings; the other salary had three just 0. in sule. [0 at home ban-00m. he hasn' t of my ‘very owner 0! a. hicycle in Canada. us .110 Advantage of the improvements now ndlc. For this reason we want as many n their locality 0. good list. of bonn. tide mterested in the purchase 0! a new lents. The lists will be received ln regu- ‘ twenty-ï¬fth letter in the order received. ir of our improved Hockey "Cycla" egullll'ly at. $23.00 per pair. The lists Arlrcss and name 0! make of present follows: Department. B Canada. Cycle «G. Canada. Lists must. be received not. Every person realizes now that there is no other vehicle so com veniont in the country, town or ‘city as the Wheel. The wheels wo sell are the best in the world. 011 SAIL". â€"DT'TLAWARF. FRUIT and Stack Farms, good markets, rich land. ï¬ne clhnatc; mud winters and bcuutihn country. Catalogue h‘cc. J. 11. MCGONIGAL at; hQN. Dover, Dc]. ééï¬SENG PLAHTS run SALE 1 year old (Sc; 2 year, 8c; 3 ye‘ 100 each. 13. L1}){C_OCK, 150 h.p,, in good condition. Very cheap. S. FRANK WILSON. 73 W. Adelaide St. Toronto ï¬le? for Sale BRHISH AHERIEAN DYEING 09- . gonna“. Cleaning tnd Curling and EH Glove. chan Th- an be sent. by post. 14 pot on. the but plum I. EEATHER DYEING If you get angry with a man or Woman make up your mind what you are going to say, and then don't say it. Bed ridden 15 Veare.-â€""It anybody wants n written guarantee from me personally as to my wonderful cure from rheumatism by South American Rheumatic Cure 1 will be the gladdest womuu in the world to give it," says Mrs. John Beaumont, o! Elora. "Ihud despairud uf recovery up to the time of taking this wonderful remedy. It cured compchely."â€"58 Mrs. Sweetâ€""Do you ï¬nd it eco- nomical to do your OWn cooking?†Mrs. Burnemâ€"“Oh, yes, my husband doesn’t eat half as much as he did when we had a. cook." CLEVELAND MASSEY-HARRIS BRANTFORD WELLAND-VALE bicyclin ‘nmc. Write for our Mention this paper. again into po‘ Mealord, Ont. ‘le‘