The surrender of the‘charter ofthe Toronto Junction Fool Room and the closing of that: institution is com- mendable on the part; of the Ontario Governingui and the ofï¬cer§ of the in a partisan'spirit, and it would be too much to suppose that all the pres- ent commissioners will be free from partiza-uship. We can remember goth'n; so shameless in the trafï¬ck- ing of licenses under the Ross Gov- ernment as‘ the Chatham affair, yet we trust that no Liberal newspaper will be so'narrow and so unjust as to try to connect the irregularities with Hon. Mr. Whitney or any member of his Government. A certain class of people are 'not prepared to give even cold justice to a political opponent, and we fear the editor of the Express- Eleruld belongs to that claw. Another quotation and we are done: “Under the Ross Govern- ment the administration of the license law was made a part of the political Huchine. Hotel keepers who supâ€" ported the party~ well were not o‘fliged to keep the law, and those who dared to exercise the right of free cit§zmship were pl'oswuted.“ Unsupported statements like the a'mve are no credit to journalism, ani require no answer. The late Government found some of the pro- visions of the license system difï¬cult ï¬g enforce; the present Gavernment will not find them easy. Some of the licmie commissioners under the former Government no doubt acted Let us again say that it would be as unreasonable as it would be foolish to hold the Whitney Government re- sponsible for such irregularities. Every reader of the Herald, however, knows that had such acts as the above been committed under the Ross Government that paper would have called for the Premier’s resig- nation inside of twenty-four hours. The Herald also said: “No man will be given or refused a license on account of his political opinion.†Now wouldn’t that jar you? The edi. tor knows about the crooked work by the commissioners in the city of Chatham, where an investigation has been held by the Government? The evidence went to show that licenses in that city were cancelledrfor no other reason than that the holders had been Liberal workers. One commissioner endeavored to justify his act by saying he thought “to the victors belonged the spoils.†The Newmarket Express-Herald, in its last issue, tries to be witty at th: expense of this paper. The Herald said there was “ a. change in the license system," made by the Whitney Government. THE LIBER- AL pointed out that the system had not been changed. The Herald last week wouldn't admit that it had blundered, but it wiggled in this wayzâ€"“The law is the same, but aystem of operating is changed.†Certainly, the license law, that is, the license system, is not changed. Hon. Mt. Whitney, when in opposition, said he would change the system so that it would be removed from poli- ties. The Hon.gentleman, however, never explained how this would be done, and no person took the state- ment seriously. The Express ought to know that since the advent of the new Government nearly every license commissioner from one of the Prov- ince to the other, appointed under the Ross Government, has been dis- missed, and replaced by prominent Conservatives. We ï¬nd no fault with what has been done, but possi- bly the editor had the above in his mind when he referred to “the change in the license system." Elle fï¬ihcrnl. RICHMOND HILL. May 18. 19J5 A ONE-SIDED JOURNAL. One high grade Cleveland bicycle. Imodel 100. Gents Roadster. will he sold at wholesale price.~ Enquire at. ' the Libeml. Oï¬ice.‘ ‘ Friday, May 26th, 1905, AT 2 o’CLOCK, P. M. to hear and determine on appeals against the Assessment Rull for the current year, of which all persons in- terested are required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. C. H. STIVER, Clerk. EInionville, May 15. 1905. iéi-l Public notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the ï¬rst sitting of the COURT OF REVISION for the vanship of Markham will be held in Victoria Hall. Uniouville, on All parties interested are hereby rc- qnested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Township of Markham COURT OF REVISION THE COURT OF REVISION for Revising the Assewment Rolls of the Township of Vaughan for the year 1905 will be held at the [own Hall, Vellure, on At 7.30 p. 111., to hPar and determine nn appeals :lgï¬inst the Assessment Roll for the current year, of which all per- sons interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accord- ingly. M VAUGHAN 4 L-3 Public notice is hereby given to all Whom it may concern that, the ï¬rst sitting of the Court, of Revision for the Village of Richmond Hill will be held in the Council Chamber on MONDAY, 29m MAY, 1905, Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 28, Chapter 129. R.S.0., that all persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Frisby. late of the Township of Markham in the County of York. farmer. deceased, who died on or about the Fifteenth day of March, 1905, are to send by registered letter or deliver to T. Herbert Lennox. solicitor for the executors of the estate of said deceased, on or before the Twenty-ï¬fth day of May. 1905. their names and addresses and full DRY- ticnlars of their claims duly veriï¬ed and the nature of the securitiesï¬funyi held by them, and that after the said Twenty-ï¬fth day of May. 1905, the executors will proceed to distiihute the assets of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims which they shall then have notice and that lhe said executors will not be liable for the said assets 01 any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose claim notice has not been waived by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Aurora this First day of May, A.D. 1905. WILLIAM FRISBY, ESQ.. and J. E. ROWBOTHAM. ESQ, Victoria Square, Executors. COURT 033mm MUNICIPALITY RICHMOND HILL In the matter of the estate of THOMAS FRISBY, of the Township of Markham in the County of I'm-k. farmer deceasod. law. During the regime of the late Government several attempts were made to close the place, and ï¬nes were inflicted, but thusc who had the matter in hand lacked ï¬rmness, and betting and gambling went on your after year. There is no use in deal- ing with such institutions in a halt- hearted manner. Clerk of Vaughzin. Maple, May 15, 1905. 46-2 Clei'k. Clerk's Ofï¬ce, Richmond 1111]. 17th ay, 1905. 46-2 Friday, May 26th, 1905 For Sale, Cheap Notice to Creditors. Public Notice. Municipality of Municipality of the AT 10 o’CLOCK A. M. T. HERBERT LENNOX, AURORA. Solicitor for Executv‘s JLB. VMAQLEAN, M. TEEFY, The undersigned begs to thank the pubiic for the gen- erous patronage accorded him Eeneral Blacksmith I In fruit trees. small fruits. ornament- ; nls. shrubs, roses, vines. seed potatoes. etc. Stock tl‘.ll(’. to name and free ‘fmm San Jose Scale. A permanent .pnsititm for the right mun. Lihcral 1' terms. outï¬t free. pay weekly. \Vrite : for terms and send 25c. fur our pocket 3 microscope, just the thing to use in I examining trees and plants fol-insects. June 11, 1903 Thx‘eshers’ 00211 on hand. "1‘0 HIS PATRONS I GOOD LIVE RY IN CONNECTION. Geaeml Banking Business Transacted. For other particulars call at the Bank Money Lomm-d 0:: Farmers‘ S: le Notes. Blank Rule F was Supplied Free. TO RONTO STARMR BANK Received in Savings’ Bank Dopnr ment and interest, allowed at. HEGHEST CURRENT HATES. LEVERY COAL Stone 84. Wailington Canada’s Greatest Nurseries The cost is but a trifle, and our circulars will give ynu full particu- 1211's. Write fur them. Correspondence Department A strong school with 20 regubu‘ teachers, splendid equipment, and well patronized by students from every province of the Dominion. \Vrite VV. H. SHAW, Principal. Applied to our specizll courses given by mail in BookeepeepingBusiness Forms. Arithmetic, Penmanship, Shorthand, Typowriting, Illustrat- ing and advertising will produce good results for any ambitious young man or woman who wishes :30 qualify for a. better position in ife. Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. Horseâ€"shoeing a specialty. Five sets Diamond Steel Harrows for sale. All kinds of BL-Icksmithing done. GEO. COWIE, Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Michael Bros, Capital Rest; In the town of Richmnnd Hill and surrounding country, and take m-dcrs for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES Ami hopes for a. continuance of the same. 36-4 mos. RICHMOND H ILL Honne Study Richmond H il] FONTHILL NURSERIES, ()t Calla da WANTED RIC HMOND. HILL. J'. W. OSBORNE. A man to represent 3J1 $1,000,000 $1,000 000 DEPOSITS Over 800 acres. TORONTO. WOOD ONTARIO. AGENT. Agricultural Druggists. Opp. (ilyde Hotel Guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, Distemppr and ï¬rst stages of hezwes, which are frequently caused by chronic coughing after distemper. This is 3 gm nd_}_)r(-payat:im_l_§ugd will stop_ :fnyncuugh. Makes all kinds of stock thrive. Splendid for milk cmvs : inroases the flow of milk. fattens calves and stall feeding cattle and hogs. Gives horses a sleek coat. futtens them. purifies the blond, cleanses the legs and gives them a healthy appearance. This Stuck Food is manufactured by practical stockmen, and is guaranteed to give quicker, hotter and mnre permanent results than any other Stock fund, or money refunded. If you have, been disappointed in other sn-cnlied Stock Funds. get a. sample, of “YORKSHIRE STOCK FOOD’ and the results will convince you that it. is premier stock food in the. market. Yorkshire Cough and Heave Cure Ycrkshire Stock Food. Jacob Eyer £5 $on. That Leaking Raï¬ The Russill Hardware Co. Hardware of all kinds in season. Lawn mow- ers, 12, 14 and 16 inch. New and second hand. Lawn shea1~s,rakes,spad- ing forks, etc. A car of Portlandcement at $2.10 per bbl. Lawn mowers and saws sharpened. of yours is doing considerable damage and putting you to a great deal of dis- comfort and inconvenience. There is 0116 Sun Way of avoiding this kind of trouble and that is by covering your roof with It is waterproof, weatherproof and ï¬reproof, and is rapidly taking the place of tin, tar, galvanized iron, felt and gravel and shingle rooï¬ng, on ac- cvunt of its lesser cost and greater dur- ability. It is easily put on and the price per hundred square feet for all material found is only Two Dollars. Sold only byâ€" 126 EAST KING STREET, TORONTO. Russill’s Ready Roofing TORONTO-