Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 May 1905, p. 5

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Mr. C. Mcf‘nnnghy" Tm-nntn, spent, over Sunday with his. father. the end of the year for 35 CBiligv‘VU'l: ders may be left at THE LIBERAL ofiice. Courts of Revision will he held as follows:â€"Vaugh;ui township, at Vel- lm-e, May 20', at 10 a. "1.; Markham township, at; Unionvillo, May 26, utZ p. u).. and Richmond Hill, in the (luuncil Chamber at 7.30 (m the 29th inst. Reeve Savage has had cardbozud notices posted up oifei-ing a reward of $5 for information which will lend to the conviction nf any person defacing or injuring pl‘upcI'Ly belonging to the corporation. It is all very well for boys to have their amusement. but there is no amusement in destroying property. The Weekly Mail and Empire will he sent to any address in Canada, Great Britain or the United States to Quite an interesting and \vell-wriL- ten story entitled “ Linnea Sundhel-g " appeared in the \Viunipeg Telegram of the 22nd ult. The wntel is Mrs. Armindu Mya-tal Blzxkvly, funnel-1y Miss Law of this village. The many friends of Mr. Jno. G. Cogswell, formerly of Thm-nhill,. will be pleased to 1mm that, he has grad- uated in the American College Of Med- icine and Surgery of Chicago. taking honors, and capturing a prize of eigh- teen months’ interneship in Xhe Cook Co. Hospital, (me of Lheiargest hos- pitals in the Win-Id. Last year 40,000 patients were treated in it. Our cou- grutulutious. Mr. G. Mondie‘nnd Mn. Alvx. McKinn- lie. Tm'untu. spent m or Sunduy with Mr. A. Maudie and fzunily. Last “'ka’s Markham Economist states that Mr. Alex. Russell. license inspector for East York district, has been asked for his resignation. Special this week: Nznptha Soup 5 bars for 250.; Eclipse Soup 7 bars for 25¢; \Vhite Custile Bars 6 for 25c.; good grocery sugar 5 lbs. for 25c.; best Uanudn Laundry Starch (5 lbs. for 2510. Atkinson & Switzer. On Saturday lust, Mr. 'l‘urrancv Brown, Ton-unto, visited his aunt, Miss Brown. who has recently returned to the village. Mr. W. E. \Viley, Nowmnrket. spent Tuesday evoning in the village on his way from Tlmrnhill, where he had at- tended the funeral of his aunt, thv lute Mrs. Millyuld. It isn’t too late to paper your mmn Atkinson & Switzer still have some good patterns left. An error crept into the prize list of the R. H. 85 Y. S. Agricultural Su- cietv's Fair. On page 3, class 2, Cum:- dian Draught. the list. says that prizes of $8 and $2 will be given for colt or filly fouled in 1901. The year is wrong. The prizes will be given fur colt or filly fouled in 1905. Prizes will aha be given for coal or filly one year old. Elie fifi‘uca‘al. Always in gnnd tasteâ€"Atkinson & Switzer’s gI-ocm'ic‘s. Always slna1~Lâ€"â€"Atkinsun & Swit- zer’s musta rd. The fence in fl'nnt of the Presby- terian church, the prvse-nt "muse and the old mnnse has been taken down. thus imprm-ing the appearance of the places very much. Mr. and Mrs. T. I were flw gnwsts nf A N. Hoppn-r nn 'I‘m-sd . Count-y Cummillnr \V. H. Pugslvy hi acting as u jm'ymnn at, [he Assizva, now in session in Tmnuto. Mrs. R. \"ankr-r um] little Miss Nun \Valker. Turmth spvnt, Saturday and Sunday with Miss Uuulter. Mm. Cropper of Turunto, and Mrs. '1‘. Keys of Maple. cullvd on Miss Leek on \Vcdm-sdny, 17 inst. Mrs. Vivian and son. Master Hnrhert Vivian. loft Toronto Satin-day after- noon for Fem-bland, B. 0., Where Lhey will reside. Mrs. N. Davis. 'l‘m-nntu, has been spending the \Vt‘t‘k with her Sistm', Mrs. Hume, and with her IliPCP, Miss \Viunifred Hume, who has been very ill for some time pasl . The ladies of the Presbyterian church will provide a hot dinner and ten in the basmnent of the church on Victoria. Day. \Vednesday. May 24, to which their patrons and friends are cordially invited. Dinner {mm 11 n. In. to 2 p. 111.; tea from 5 to 7 p. m. Tickets, 25 cents; childron. 15 cents. The Public School intend holding short, exercises on the afternoon of May 231-dâ€"Empire Day. Rev. Mr. Grant. will address the School an the subject,“Patriotism.” Mr. Sanderson will conduct, the pupils thx-nugh their drill exercises. A cordial invitation is extended. to the Bnaid of Education and other friends. RICHMOND HILL, May 18, 1905 COURTS OF REVISION. ERROR IN PRIZE LIST. HOT DINNER. EMPIRE DAY. $5 RE WARD. Irwin of Toronto. Mr. Chas. and Miss zly Tho fire-cracker nuisance has started a. little wulivr than usual this sensun. Several vhlerly people have been un~ mnycd by having fire-crackers thrown almost. in their faces, and a number 01‘ spirited lu-rses have been frightened. Besides living :l nuisance thvre is al- wavs more or less dnugvr nf them start,ng fll‘r's. Pvllplc say that, boys should not, play with them, but are they any nun-P guilty than the store- keepers who sell the explosives P The annual meeting (If the North Yul-k Teachers’ Institute will he held in the Model School. Newmnrket. on Thursday, May 25th, cmnmencingzu 10 u’clock :l. H]. Arrangements have been made for a twutbers’ excursion to Guelph on Friday, the 26th. A speeinl Metropolitan S. R. car will cmwey the teachers from Newmarket. leaving promptly at 6 a. m. tn North Toronto. at whivh point the teachers will take the O. P. R. train. and in Cumpany with the teachers from South York proceed to Guelph. and return bv the same route at night, leaving Guelph at 5 p. m. and North I‘m-onto by M. S. R. at 8 p. m. Teachers and invited friends may join the excursion a b any point. N0 CORRECT GUESSES. | Last work the advertisers offede a prize «If $5 to the first pr-rsun guessing l the advertiser who will use the lower u part of the last column in THE LIB-l ERAL. page 1. GHOSSPS were sentinl from Richmond Hill. Oak Ridge“. )m‘rvillu, Vvllurt’, Tm-untn, Thnruhill and nlln-r places, but, none of the gumst-s wm'v correct. By new :ldV’9r- llSt‘lllt‘HL it will be seen that the space is mmupiml by A. \Vinger& Son, Garr- villv, buildvrs 0f Cvlnvnt block houses. 24th ANNIVERSARY. The 21th anniversary of the Method- ist church will he held on Sunday, May 21. whvn anniversary sermons will he preaclnd by Rev. \Vesley Dean, '1'01'nnm, at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Spvcinl music will he pi'Ovided. On Victt-iiu Day, \Veduesduy, May 21. divnel and (1% will he served in the Sunday School room by the ladies of the church. Dinm-I' from 11.30 to 2: tea from 4 In 7. Tickets 25 cents; Childl'vn 15 cents. The public cor- dially invited. COOKEâ€"At Victoria Square, Tues- day, May 16. Mrs. Many Cooke. in her 7lst yen 1-. For the pact, two 01‘ three yeursu cash prize of $8 has been offered ill the Fair for the Best Drilled Class, of not less than 10' pupils, the Competition open to Public SChllHlS. SO far this prize has never been taken or con)- peted fm'. Pupils taking part in the cnmpetitirm are also admitted to the Fail for 10 cvnts. \Ve wonder that some uf the enterprising teachers in thie section of country do not make an eifm-t tn Capture the prize, and give an oxhibiLinn drill. MILLYARDâ€"In Thornbill, Monday, May 15. Mrs. Rebecca J. Millyard. in her Slst year. Deceased was a sister of Messrs. Gor- Yard and Frank \Viley of this village. BOLTONâ€"In Thnrnhill. on Monday, May 15, Thomas Hultun, in his Slst yegr. at 2 o’cloc k. The regular service on the Metropol- itan Division will he augmented by 9.x- trn cars on the 24ih uf May 30 that a half hunr sex-Vice will he run. the last, cur leavngr Toronto at 10.00 p. m.. thr- last. cur leaving Newmarket at 9.30 p. In. There will be late curs north and south from Richmond Hill at, the close of the Agricultural Fair and Con- celb. The Schomllerg line will run a late car. leaving the J unctinn at Bond Lake at, 11.00 p. in. fur Schoxuherg and intermediate points. SAVAGE â€" In Richmond Hill. on VVednvsd-ay, May 17. to Mr. and Mrs. \V. 0. Savage, 3. sun. REXDâ€"In Richmond Hill, Saturday, May 13th. Maggie May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Reid, aged 1 year, 11 muuths. flair Vigor 1‘:t1'qe_1-al_this (Thursday) afternoon Zyeris Thiék Hair gm 1 bottle. _ [Grugfis‘m This falling of your halt! Stop Lt, or you will soon be bald. Give your half some Ayer's Halt Vigor. The fall- ing will stop, the hair will grow, and the scalp will be clean and healthy. Why be satisfied with poor hair when you can make It rich? “ Hy hau- nouy all came one. 1 than Med Merl Bnlr Vigor Lnd only one hon-la stopped the falling. New hair came in real think And in: 3 mt}; gulp"; mu: 1.. u. Bxu‘a, TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. BEST DRILLED CLASS. SPECIAL SERVICE. FIRE-CRACKERS. Deaths. Birth. J. & A788 00.. LoweAu, Mus. i The secretary has already taken a. large number of entries for the Fair on Victoria Day. and. barring bad weather. everything hmks prosperous for a. great, exhibition. (30de music will be furnished by the Governor- General’s Body Guard Band. and there “ll” be a good prugram ()f (rotting nr pacing races. and athletic spurts, in- cluding fnothall. The. prizes offered for horses, cattle, sheep. poultry. etc.. I are, larger than ever before. The last ‘ item on the Sungram will he the con- | cert to he he] in the Agricultural Hall in the, evening. 1 w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. 1 +4-++++++++++++++++++++++++ Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6-++M+++++++++++++++++++++ ++H+++4VMH++++++++++++++ g Robertson’s Ready Mixed Paints W. HEWISON, HOUSE PAINTER, -+++++'!'+ W. A. Sanderson DRUGGIS‘I‘ Steel Hog Troughs #M+++WW+H++W++ 350. per Foot. All kinds of Imple- ments Repaired W. Eager, Prop. TORONTO. ONT. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL +~:»:-++++++++++++++++++++++ “Truth” is a Strong Argument! (Cor. Yunge and Alexander Sta.) is out of a position to-day. ] the truth when we state tl the truth when we state that. “Om- smdvnts are uniformly successful] in getting good posi- tinns after graduation." Our School is a High-Class one and the host in Canada. Enter now. ‘mllvge open the entire year. Catalogue free. WEDDING PRESENTS Occasionally one finds it difficult to be suited in selecting a wedding pres- ent. In such cases Ican help you. Here you will find good choice in solid or plated silverwareglassware with Silver mountings, toilet sets in ebony or gilt, solid gold or plated jewel- ry, and many other arti- cles quite acceptable as a wedding gift. F+++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 Jerry Smith, Nat one gmduate ef the popular IMPERIAL MEASUR . Price Right There in nothin as good. Nothing could e better. PRACTICAL \VATCHMAKER. Made to order at Uneqmlled for THE FAI R. Buy Purity and kiwi"? W Durability It is M+++++m ++++++++++++++++ l4 +++++++++++++++++€+++++++ 4- 4* +++++++++++++++§~++~§v§°++++i {-4- ++++++++++++4‘++++MM+++Â¥ E‘EVictoria Day, May 24% ‘AAA $ ++M+€~++++++++++++++¢++H+ +++++++++++W+W++ A special invitation is given to all to inspect our ex- hibit in Agricultural Hall, 01 Pianos and New VVilliamsi Sewing Machinesâ€"all the very best. Will be pleasedE . . + to talk to you regarding these. Pianos can be heard and i ~+++++++~§++++++ a . . . . . 4- bewmg Machmes w111 be 1n operatlon. All guaranteed. 3 gggMMMWBWWWMM ++++++++++++H++++++++++++ %+MM+++++++++++++++++++j~ ARM. SAVAGE; When we use them to tell about our season- able stock of best and freshest merchandise. In fact we cannot express ourselves too strongly about the Beauty. Origin- alitv of Style, Wealth of Display. and Connpleteness of stock in every department. Words are Weak 40 inch union voile diess goods, 25c. per yd. 8-4 Heavy Twill Bleached sheeting, 250. per yard. Gents‘ fancy ribbed summer underwear, 700. per suit. Gents’ fancy Scotch tweed suit,made to measure,$15.75. Gents‘ fancy black serge suit, made to measure, $13.00. Imperial finished window shades, lace and insertion complete, 750. each. A 4-pound box Imperial Gloss starch, for 25c. Durham Corn Starch, 5c. 1b.; Figs, 5c. 1b.; Prunes, Sc. 1b.; extra special Bright Table Syrup, 15c. per Imp. quart. Special quality Barbados sugar, 20 lb. for $1.00; Pearl Tapioca,4c. lb; Rangoon Rice, 50. 1b.; Carolina. Rice, Figures are Strong ’Tis true. price determines the value; we are always willing to have you examine and compare our price and quality. Just think of this as a seasonable Inducementzâ€" Richmond Hill, May 18, 1905. You will be in Richmond Hill on the 24th. Call in and inspect our full and up-to-date lines of Hardware, Chums, Washers, Lawn Mowers, Oils, Barb and Annealed Wire, Coal Oil Stoves, Humpty Dumpty Egg Cases, Wheelbarrows, Paris Green, Screen Doors, Window Screens, and a full line of Builders’ Tools also in stock. Richmond Hill Hardware Store Having in employ experienced tinsmiths, I am prepared to do tmsmithing in all its branches. Charles Soules. ATKINSON & SWITZER fifi§%§% W++++++++ "{m

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