Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 May 1905, p. 4

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The first session of the Ontario Legislature. under the Whitney Gow ernment, has closed, and it can truth- fully be said that a good deal of im- portant legislation was passed. True to his promise the Premier had the numbered ballot abolished, a step in the right direction. Along temper- ance lines an important clause was en'ried, forbidding minors, under 21 years of age, to purchase strong drink under any pretence. Formerly liquor dealers were forbidden to sell to those under 18 years, unless the latter had a written request from a parent (1‘ guardian. The law on that point practically became a dead letter, but during the past session it was amended, so that hereafter a liquor selln 1‘ places himself in danger by ge ling to any person who is a minor. The Government contemplated mak- ing a change in the County Councils" Act, but it was thought advisable to allow it to stand for another year. The former Government favored an ogtion in allowing members of coun- cils in one county to be elected by a certain method, and those in another by a different method. We believe Hon. Mr. Whitney was right in say ing he considered that what was good for one county was good for an- other. By all means let the Aet be uniform over the whole Province. E112 fiiheml. All the city papers gave exciting accounts of the opening day of the races at the Woodbine. Tens of thousands of people gathered to wit- ness the contest for the King‘s Plate, and apparently the different numbers on the program afforded an afternoon of rare en joy want. There were tally- hos and automobiles and equipages Of all kinds, and the lawns and clnmhi with their elegantly-dressed stands with their elegantly-dresseu ladies and gentlemen made a pretty picture to look upon. Another at- traction of the aiternoon was the presence of His Excellency and the Countess Grey, with other members of the gubernatorial party, accom- panied by the Master of the Hounds and. the red coated members of the Toronto Hunt. We learn also that the races in themselves were good, and that the noble animals acquitted themselves handsomely. With such a bill of fare it is not surprising that the spectators were enthusiastic. But why all the excitement? We fear a good deal of it was due to the fact that men and women had money upon certain horses, and for that rea- son they were prepared to scream themselves hoarse with selfish excite- menth Clean tests in horse-racing should be exciting enough without ‘Innnmnnnimnnis of bettingr and gain a bill of fare in is not 5' the spectators were cut} why all the excitement good deal of it was ( son they were pre themselves hoarse w mentfi Clean tests should be exciting The Globe is being criticised on a‘l sides for its expressed opinion on t e autonomy bill. Many Liberals condemn the Globe for Opposing Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his Government relative to the school clauses, whereas Tory newspapers censure the same paper for not calling every person b.\d names who had anything to do with passing the measure. The Globe stands to day in the same posi- tion that it did at the beginning 01‘ the controversy. It maintains its prsition that edueitionnl questions should be left to the Province, but it does not attempt to disguise the fact that the general policy 01' the Govern- ment has Leen 5:) good that should a general election take place it would accompaniments of be Hing. paper far 11 b.\d names with passin; Globe stands tion that it the contron w l defeated in c Rlcumdxn HILL. May 25, 1905 prep THE FIRST in D 0111' 1:31 Railway Bill was I b“? they [111101] \V nmittee a few days sbadnws upon a Call] ilfrid Laurie to build up r Dominion ago by the vote of the chairman Hon. Mr. Whitney spoke against the passing of the bill chiefly from t! e fact that it was introduced so near the end of the session. It puzzles some people to know why the mem- bers are so anxious to i'cmrn to their homes so soon. We are inclined to think that the session should clo.e when the business is finished. (A), Society px-izcâ€"{u‘u-urgo Padget, \Vlu. Ounnrud, T. \Y. SLt-pnuns. (U). The Elly Blniu Uu.,â€"â€"â€"Uhmles Ulau'ke. (D). Ambrose Kent, & Suns,â€"â€"\\'m. Vanderburgh. (EL‘thu-lvs Clarke. (F), A. J. Hleoâ€"â€"\\’m. \"undm~lmrgh. ((2‘), Frank Demon ~â€" Ut‘O. Padget. Hmneâ€"luude brand, \\'In. Vander- hul-gh, D. Lynett. .5 dnz. buns, D. Lynett, \Vm. Vunderllulgh. JUDGESâ€"J. E. Francis. u‘. Powell. 'JUDuusâ€"J. E. Francis. u‘. t’uwon. FlNE ARTS AND LADIES’ \VORK Paintings in nil, Louisa B. Fisher, 1‘“. McVenn. «Painting on china, Louisa. lj. Fisher, E. MeVe-an. Painting nn plush, velvet. or felt, Mrs. 'J‘. b‘lnilh, E. McVeun. Painting m1 satin or silk in oil, Mrs. T. Smylh, Lmnszl. H. fisher. Painting on suLin or silkin water (:()l()I'S, E. McVeun, Mrs. ’1‘. b‘myth. Hand-painted plaques, E. Mchn, Luuisu B. Fisher. Uolloeliun (if fancy “'(llk, M. U. \\ illnmt. Einl). on bolting cloth nr llHlSllll. M. 0. \\'ill- mot, J. W. VVillmot. 81111). in em - LLII] up linen, M. U. \\ illnmL, Louisa B. Fisher. Elnh. mi linen, leLLt'r m- mun- 03mm]. Alfzu-eua. \Vnntten. Mrs. 'l‘. Sniyth. Human Embroidery, M. U. \Villmut, Mrs. '1‘. Sniybh. Silk iii-satin embroidery. M. U. \Villnmt, J. \V. \Villan. Jewal mnln-nldei-y. E. McVenn. M. U. \Villinot. Eastern embroidery. E. McVeun. Lnnisu B. Fisher. Emh. centre piece, Lnuisa B. Fisher, J. \V. \Villmut. E1111). Duylies, M. U. \Villmnt, J. \V. W'illmnt. Honâ€" iton lace, E. McVeun. M. U. \Villnmt. Point. lace. E. Mchn, Mrs. T. Slnth. Buttenhurg lace. E. McVenn, Mrs. T. Smyth. Luce collar. Mrs. 1‘. Slnyth, M. C. “r'iIanL. Modern lxlce, M. U. W’illnmb, E. McVeiin. Crochet. work, M. U. \Villmnt, Alfarettn \VunLLQH. Netting, M. U. \Villmut, E. McVeun. Tatting. Louisa. B. b'isher. E. McVezIn Queen Anne dinning, M. U. \Villnmt. J. W. W'illmnb. Table mats, J. \V. \Villmot, M. U. \IVilllllOt-. Tniletmats, M. U. \Vilr-ntt, Louisa. B. Fisher. Uni- line work, J. \V. VVilllnnL, M. U. \Vlll- mot. Tuhle scarf, M. U. \Villmut, J. W. V’Villinub. Plinth frame, J. \V. VVillmut, E. McVean. Drawing room VVillmot, E. Mth-an. Drawing room screen, M. U. VVlllllH-L, Louisa. B. Fisher. Slippers, Louisa B. Fisher, E. McVean. \V'hisk holder, M. U. \Vilhnot, J. \‘V. W'illnint. Handker- chief holder, J. W. \Villinot, M. U. \Villmot-. Tea cosey, J. W. \Villinot, Allel'ettzt VVoomen. Pin cushion, M. U. \Villmot, J. \V. \Villniot. Sofa cnrhiou, M. U. \Viilniot, J. \V. “'ill- mob. Five o’clock tra. Cloth. E. Mchnn, Mrs. '1‘. Sinyth. Trziy cloth, Alfnretm W'ootten, M. U. \Villniot. Mantle dmpe. M. G. \Vllllllill, Louisa. B. Fisher. Fancy drape, M. U. \\'ill- mot, Louisa B. Fisher. Houxsiilchiug nnd drawn work, M. C. \VillnioL, Al- feiremn \Vootten. Drawn linvn, Louisa S. Fisher, E. McVuan. Stuck collar, LoniSu B. Fisher, Altai-chm WooLLL-i . Fancy Wool knitting. E. Mthmn, Louisa B. Fisher. PieCP-Wm'k quill, E. McVean. Fnucy quilt, E. McVemi. Fine hand sewing, E. MuVenn, Louisa B. Fisher. Best made garment, Louisa B. Fisher, E. McVezln. Collection of enihs., M. G. \Villnioli, Louisa B. Fisher. Colle,(:tion of netLing. E. Mcham, Louisa B. Fisher. Collection of lace, M. G. \Villmot, E. McVezw. Collection of drawn Work, E. McVean, Louisa B. Fisher. CollecLion of dov- lies. M. O. \Villulot, J. \V. \Villlnob. Amateur photography, D. Derry, J. Horner. JUDGESâ€"DIiSses Amsbury, Lynett, \Viley, Linfoot, Patterson, Teefy, Johnston, Lndford. A MIDSUMMER SNAP. That great family paper. The V’Veckâ€" 1y Star and aniiy Herald of Mont- 1-vn], and the Richmond Hill LIBERAL will he sent to any subscriber in Can- udu, Gl't‘uL Britain 01- the United States for the balance of the yvzu-im' 75 cents. Suhscl'ioliuns taken at, this office. Subscriptions taken at this 0 Tln: is too good a chance to miss. It is our painful duty to recmd the death. on Tuesday of last week, of Mrs. VVilsnn, relicl: (If the late Mr. George \Vilsun, and mother of Mr. '1‘. J. \Vilson. pnstmnslor, which took place at the. hmue of her daughtor, Mrs. A. Lnud, Londun, Ont“, ubthe advanced age nf 71 yt‘nrs. She. was ill only a week and the news of herdenth came with in shock Luht‘l‘ many friuuds. She was well knuwn and highly 1‘9- spectvd here, having, with her hus- hund, kept the store and past office in only a week .- czune with u 5 She was we spectud here hand, kept H this place f( hand, Kept we store anu post, mum: in this place for manv years. The re- mains were brought to the home of her son on \Vednesday evening and the funeral took place to Hope Ueme- tm'y on Thursday afternoon. Many of her old friends and nvighhors weie present to pay :1 last tribute ofrospect to one who was estemnud by all who knew her. Before the internment. a short servir‘e. conducted by Rev. N. llill, was held in Tvstnn chm-ch. The other momlwrs of the funlily are two (CON'HNUED FROM FIRST PAGE DAIRY. Mrs. Utmpel‘ of M( Mr. Newton \Vil *ll. The bereaved s have the sympath; hen the d fleeaway. Ml Teston H10 1} Lund of E Mont” breaks HI '1 mnth The 1-0 twu lmmle llI .lll litlatnada’s Greatest Nurseries Orillia ratepayers voted a bonus of $30,000 to the James Bay Railroad. Hon. 7. S. Hyman, London. has been appointed Minister of Public \Vnrk$ Mr. SNng-am’s Inferno won the King‘s Plate at, the \Voodhinc on Sat- mday. “'EDNESI AY, June 7â€"Auction sale of horses and cattle. at the Palmer House. Saleablo‘clock. Saigvon & McEwen, ancts. In fruit trees. small fruits, ornament- als. shrubs, roses, vines, svod pUHlIHCS, etc. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent pnsibiunfur the right mun. Lihm'nl terms, ouLfit free. {my weekly. Write for terms and send 256. for our pocket, microscope, just the thing to use in examining trees and plants fox‘iusocts. TORONTO 30â€"4 mos. Statue £5 weaéingma RGCeived in Savings’ Bank De; ment and interest allowed at Thursday morning. may 2.), Yonge St.. between Jvlfcrsnn u Riuhmnnd Hill. :1 monumental desi book. The finder will he suitnlgly \vardwl by lwu‘lng the same at. '1‘ LIBERAL Office. HEGHEST CURfiEE’éT FETES. General Banking Easiness Transacted. Money Loan“! on l-‘armers‘ Salk: holes. Blank N038 Farms Supplied Fa're. For other particulars can at, the Bank Tln’eshers’ Coal on hzmd. June 11, 1903 LVERY In the tmvn 0f Richmond Hill and surrounding cunntl'y, and take “Hints for I shall :my (I Notice of withdrmvnl snry. All deposits on demand Coal and Wood Dehvered. Prices Right. 300D LIVERY IN CONNECTION. During July and August our schm‘, OUR HARDY SPhClALTIES Capital Rest; Aifurds a splendid opportunity fUI' teachers and others to spend a por- tion of the lmlidnysunson in a most profitable manner. \VriLe at once for particulars. Add 1‘ Michael Ema, Summer Term Thursday ()1 Canada RICHMOND HILL May Il-y FONT HILL NU RSERI ES, WED (hugs \V. Ht SHA‘V. Principal, unge & Gerrard Stan, Toronto. Rit“}lln011(1 [I ill ‘lm I ‘09â€".â€" Sale Register. J'. W. OSBORNE. A man to represent EGTICE DEPO Over 800 acres. GOAL LOST TORONTO, ll) SITS WOOD $1,000,000 $1,000 000 not, neces- )zu‘uble ONTARIO. AGENT. 31‘ Yeykghim $00k F0001 Makes all kinds of stock thrive. Splendid for mil milk. faltens calves and Still] fevding Gives horses a. sleek ('nnt. futtens thvm. pm” logs and gives them a healthy appearance. This: by practical sttmknwn, and is glut-anth (n givl permanent. results than any ()Lhm- Suan fund. (r have been disappointed in nthm- sn-cnlled Eton “vnorzqnnn? H'I‘OUK F001) ’ and the results “(3"ORII.;'SII;1ffil§'SF'L‘O(‘K F001)’ :1 [)1‘k‘llliL‘I‘ stuck food in thv unarkpt. Yorkshire Gaugh and Eeave Cure Guarantwd to cure which are frequently can: grand preparation and w“ Fm- szlle. in Richum for sample toâ€" Mm fiflfifi 55 we. m Kifli 33. E. TORONTO. 25.25:. 13%” w Eacob E L‘n‘ic‘ultural [)1- Hardware of all kinds in season. Lawn mowâ€" ers, 12., 14. and 16 inch. New and second hand. Lawn shears,rakes,spad- ing forks, etc. A car of Portland cement at $2.10 per bbl. Lawn mowers and saws sharpened. MPG to cure Coughs. Colds, Distemper and first sham uently can.le by chronic coughing after distemper. Lion and wan atop any cuugh. in Richumnd Hill by Gen. McDonald, Harness Mal yer $5 8011. ilg’fl Ill fevding (‘fltLlE‘ and hngs. tlwnn. purifies the lvlnud, cleanses the ICP. This Stock Food is manufactured 9d to give quicker, hettex-‘nndnmnre Wists. Opp. Clyde Hotel milk cows; I'm-vases the flow of . money refunded 5 Foods. get; a. 5 111 convince you Harness Maker. \Vx-ite ed. If yml , sample of n Hmt, it. is sof hmvos, This is a.

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