Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 May 1905, p. 8

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vmfii' ' n ' FR . Chntham . Fanning Mill You get more and better value when you buy a Chntham Fanning Mlll than with any other. We furnish Free with every Charthnni 17 Screens and Riddles for every purpose and combination of put poses for which the farmer or scedsninn. rnnchinnn or planter i:.iii possibly lint-(l them. Thin: you FN'IH‘C In One IllaChinc fl Separator, Grader, ’l‘iiziothy Seed Saver iinil aniilng Ml". for taking out weed HCL‘dS, mustard and cockle from seed wheat. and :ill seed , 'rziin. cleaning and grud- ng; any kind of grain sowm including whcnt. rye, timothy. clover. inil- NO lot, outs. bnrlcy. flax. Sold on time, with or wlthout the Bagging Attachment pans. iii-ans. corn. alfalfa, irooni corn, grass seed, tobacco seed, chiifns. pecans. rice. cow pens, velvet. bcnns. pcnnutu._ Kiitlir corn. cotton. ctc., etc. This insures Highest Market Price for crop sold. most productive n‘nzi cleanest yield of crop sown. Special Screens for grading corn and s iecml screens for taking buckliorii out. of clover. We niiikc our own screens for all sizes and 'inils ot grain. Tticri- H no sense or i'cnsnn. in trying to do without a Clmthiim, for it is sold to you on time. mid more than '1') iys for itself before you are asked to pity for it. Our terms are the best ever ottered. \) e ship in ( lintlinin Fanning Mill to you, freight prepaid, iiiid give you three years to pay for it. Every Chuthuin curries our Fivo Yan Guarantee. “ How to i‘lakc Dollars out of \Vind ” is is truthful book of facts and instructive information that is invzilunblcto the student of intensive forming. It tells how others pick up hundreds of dollars on their places more by forethought. and care than by work, and gives names and letters of [lflTiICS who have found a little breeze to be u good iiioncyâ€"iimkcr. It tells further how yoii_c:in sceiirc n (hitlmin Fanning,r Mill, use it to your profit, and pay for it later on. \\ me for this book to-dny, without. fail. It will cotnc buck by return mail. Address all letters The MANSON CAMPBELL C0., Limited, Chatham, Canada Manufacturers of The Clintlinm lncnbnlnrs and 2‘, "D " TIMO YSEE 5CREN H R o A 7‘ ~01! ATS POM WHE N9ICL AN WlEASFRH EAT ‘ ‘.-‘ De t No' 'lmllmm Farm Scale ’5 . . . . “ml-E ‘ p ' . . “70m?” and "m t ' . I 0453 BOARD use UNDIRRIDDLE Distributing \\ arehouses at 505 a - ~ -! ac“ 1â€"67”. ._, Montreal, Que., Brandon, Mam, Calgary. :\lt:i.. New Westminster, HQ, Halifax, NS. ., V . did"... . . Marmot n... rt Stallion Register, 1905 The l’st of stallions given bo'ozv will travel through the i‘ollmi in;r plnpos; DISCOVERER â€" Imp. Clydesdale the Empi-rty of Blough & Imuge. mun, rear lot 33. con 5,Vaughun. Edgoly, 'I‘hinnhill. Richmond Hill, Headford, Victoria Sqiislio. Aurora, King City. Tl‘l‘lllS. $12. "ROYAL HA'i"i‘oNâ€"â€"Inip. Clydesdale, tin- propeity of Blouin & Lt‘ggt‘. Iii-me King City. Kcttlcby, Nowniniket. Bogart-town, Aurorzi, Oak Ridge‘, Elgin Mills, Richmond Hill, Maple. Terms. $12. Limp MACQUEEN â€" Clydesdale. the property of \V. J. “'olls. Home, Tetiiperimcovillo. \Vhitchurch, Au- rora, Kettle-by, King, rte. Terms, $10. UULIN MACQUREN â€" Clydesdale, the property of ‘V. J. \Vells. Home, lot 28, con. 5, \Vhitehiiruh. IQ. Gwil- liinbury, Mt. Albert, Zephyr, Bald- win. aneushoe, Sharon, Nt‘.\\‘liiz.ti'- ket. Terms, $10. IAIRD 0F ARGO~Iiiip. Clydesdale. tho ropert-y of D. C. Steele. Home, ichinond Hill. Oak Ridges, Vie- torin. Square, Thornhill, I‘Idgely, Maple. Terms, $14. KNOCKALOE CHIEF~R0adster stallion. the property of \Vm. Birch, will stand at; his own stable, Bcdford Park. Terms, $10. «FOREST BOYâ€" Trotting-bred stallion, " Ci ‘ till; ' J llllllllll lllll “Will” “it lllllil i ’1 ‘ V «q. . t , .llllllltll ‘. . the. property of T. Rand. will stand at his own stable, Victoria Square. Terms. $8. NAPOLEONâ€"General Purpose French stallion, the property of Henry Line. Home, Maple, Nobleton, Pine Grove, Downsview, Fisherville. Terms. $9. CLAN MACQUEENâ€"Put‘e-hred Clydes- dale. the property of Smith and Wells, Will stand at, his own stable, lot 22, rear lst. con. East York. Tet-ins $9. PRINCE LOCHNAGAR â€"â€" Pure-bred Clydesdale. the property of J E. Teeson- Home Thornhill, Sullivan’s Corners, York Mills, Fishervilir, ,Edgely. Terms $10. PRINCE DRUID Pure-bred imp. Clydesdale, the property of John Palmer. Humu stind zit: Palmer House. Terms. $15. DICK FYFEâ€"Pure-brcd Tri‘ittiiig stal- lion, the property of M. Stung. At his own stable, L;iiisiiig,every night. Terms. $10. EARL GREYâ€" Pure-bred Clydesdale, the ropertyofA. L-ihmer. Home stub P. Sherwood. Terms $10. PURE GOLDâ€"Celebrated trotting stal- lion, the property of D. \V. lui’g‘li‘llil, Queen’s Hotel, \‘Vliitby. IInnic, l’nl- mer House, Richmond Hill. Got-s 60,000 Karn instruments innse. Endorsed by such leading musicians as PTOfPSSUI'E Torringtou, Vogt, Fisher, Forsyth, etc. Guaranteed for ten years. \Voodstock, 0nt., the largest. manufacturers of musical instin- mcuts in Canada. Prices right and terms to suit purchaser. METROPOLITAN GROCERY, Next Door North oi Waiting Room. UPâ€"TO-DATE GROCERIES Fresh and Clean. Best Brands of Canned Goods Choice variety of CANDIE S IN STOCK. ICE CREAM AND SUMMER DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes. Rubber- to Maple, King City, Oak Ridges. Victoria Square, etc. Terms, $10. ms... HGMESEEKERS’ Excursion Tickets TO THE NORTH WEST Livery in connection. Good horses and rigs. tired buggies. 3.“. B. LU1)13‘()I.{D. 131~0prietor ..... h. .u. -.... ,. .. W’nnlpeg....$30.00 Estevan .. . u ‘ wbrny . . Yorkton . . . } $33“) tiorain .. 31 5t) Sheho . . . . . . . 33.50 * iurls..... Regina....1 33-- taudon 31 53 Lipton l ‘0 ".'l n ‘ i .. . . , “if; . . .2 00 gigslfgigxn 3 Those who buy their llillnt‘SSllf‘i‘O are x 3mm prince‘ Alb‘e‘r't 36 60 I thoroughly :iiiil properly equipped for fiscarth ' . t 32 25 Maelwd . 00’ All kinds of work. for each harness is . “0mm ‘ H 32 20 . cumin" 38 an correct in its particular line. .."')la . . . . . 32 50 Red DIE-EL... 39 5') s..-....... .$tn 50 \ Our Harness "-iing June 13th. returning until . Judith. And all other horse furnishings are ~' mg June 27th, returning until the best quality, style, material and ‘Ttist. “L‘Sth. hing July 13th. returning finish. Every horse owner will be interest- 1 - . . ,v until i ' (Hi tit-ti: at Standard and ane fincst stock litil'Sl'S iii (.iilllildil. Ilotol, Toronto, $10 to insure :i livingr colt. Coincs (Informed or dies within [hit Gi'oolii‘s for, 50¢. Manufactured by TIIE D. \V. KARN 00., at ARMANI) SAVAGE, Local Agent, Richmond Hilll l My Stock oi \Voolens for Si’RiNG Ann snnnrn is now complete comprising Black and Blue \Vozsted Twills, Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Trouserings, Overcoating, etc. Besfit quality. Low prices. A. J. HUME, Tailor, Richmond Hill For Sale, Cheap One high grade Cleveland bicycle, illOtlL'l 100, Gents Roadster. will he sold at wholesale piicc. Enquire at the Liberal Office. nun Uihtttttltt Municipality of the Township of Markham 5.5 Public notice is hereby given to :ill whom it may concern that the first sitting of the COURT OF REVISION . for the Township of Markham will be held in Vii-toiiii Hall, Unionville, on Friday, May 26th, 1905, AT 2 O‘CLOCK, P. M. to hour and determine on appeals ngninst the Asxcssmeiit Roll for the current, your, of which all persons iii- it’l'F‘Sll‘d iii-c iequirod to take notice illlLl govern themselves accordingly. C. H. STIVER, Clerk. Uniouville, May 15, 1905. 46â€"1 pnynltlr‘, ton d:in :iftci- lli‘li't‘ fouls. r++++++++e+++++ 7.2“? i; ‘i M? gton Registered Trotting Stallion CLOUD LEXINGTON in :in iinpoi tel Kr-iitii':‘.<ybi~e-rl Ll'l t, i ig :<t:illfon,’ 16 . hands, iilitl in stud condition Weighs l, 1500, and ISUll('l.fil10t'lililtiStlllN'bL :iiicl Mommr Ei'i<2.\‘iNti~â€"Iiv will be :it I‘lmpt'ltigliiitn': llutol. 10:th Toronto. \\'i<:n.\:icsi).\Y l‘IVicNiNc-xAt l‘wdfui-rl i’ni-k tlotvl, Yong“ St. THURSDAY lenNixo shawl-ton Mill-i lintol. Ti'icsnA‘i‘s. l'.itll’).&'\’:~' AND HATL‘RDAYHilit' will he at the Black Horse If rnlt illlil‘ no ch il'g" wlicrtuvt-r will bi- illildt‘. 107 Mt ‘G I Ll. ST” TOltUN'l'U. ll’iiblic Notice. Liiinicipali’cy of V A U GH A N TIIIC COURT OF REVISION for [Revising the Aswssnn-nt Rolls of the "Township of Vaughan for the your 1905 will he held at tho Town Hall, Vt-lliire, on Friday, Tviay 26th, 1905, AT 10 O’CLOCK A. M. All parties interested are hereby [‘1’- qucstod to tiik.u notice and govern tllt‘lllSt'th‘S accordingly. J. B. MACLEAN, Clerk of Vaughan. Maple, May 15, 1905. 46-2. cant oration hIUNICIPALITY â€"OFâ€" {ICIINHDNI)IIILI1 I’ublic notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Village of Richmond Hill will be held in the Council Chamber on 1905, MONDAY, 29:11 MAY, At 7.30 p. in., to hear and determine on appeals against. the Assessment Roll for the- current year, of which all per- sons interested tll'k‘ requested to trike notice :ind govern themselves accord- iiigly. M. TEEFY, ‘ Clerk. Clerk‘s Office, Richmond Hill. 17th May, 100.3. 46-2 ++++++++++++++++M~i~+++++++ B my Robertson’s Ready Mixed Paints L'ncquallcd for Pnrity and v u‘. '- .0 Durability There is nothing as good. For Sale or To Rent The residence iiiiuiodintely south of High School, Richmond Hill. Apply to JAM NEWTON, Elgin Mills. "‘“ "-‘nstlpitlon. Nothing could be bettt-r. IMPERIAL MEASUR . Price Right it. A. Sari-non DPV"’ Mâ€"++-§-+HNM€~W++$++++++ +$+$4¢++++++++~Â¥+++Â¥++vb++++~§ ’«i~h++++++++++++++M+HM+§ +~b+++++++

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