Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jun 1905, p. 1

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E Pil Want your moustache or beard ,nbegniiful brown or rich black? Use u ‘37.: a " " zit 5%” Nil [3 BLISHEDEVERY PU THURSDAY hEORNI.Nt}-‘ er Tun LIS-RAL PRINTING & PUSLISHING HSUSEI Ill-3M .lONII IlIIJL, ONT. ~1‘. F. MeMAHON. Emsz it flit-HHETOB. BUSCNE .__.,.»._.._ , SSC'RDS 23.83213 [33. Vii-1'5. E33533, EPeMLis‘st. Room 12, [at Victoria St. Toronto. Best lilting tee-t I, also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. v DR. _H. W. hub mu ‘, 1);: llhih‘t, Cor. Carlton and Yonge Sts.. Tin-onto Will be in Richm'and Hill on \Ved. nesday oi each week. Oifice, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. L .3 \ u â€"‘i,:,»{ ‘ Office Hot! )a. m. to 5 p. m. C. HAROLD UhltEtKSOlN' D a $333132, Cor. Bloor and Yonge, Toronto. Thornhill Every Wednesday. 3! mm Slum-hwy JOHN R. CAMFB‘ELL, VETERINARY SURGEON, rrhornhill. Cells by telephone from Richmond. Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDEBSDN, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL 0.1.115 by day and night promptly at~ tended to. ” Mt. 'EEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC,‘ oomussxonemurnx HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. 1» v 35:: PALMER HG USE RICHMIO ND HILL, Remodelledhnd newly furnished throughout 0 no of the mos unvonient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Ivory modern cori- vouieise Shnplo rmzus for cummercml travellers. Anidoalstopping piece for riding or driving parties,bicyciists, or {armors going tiorretui'uiiu from market. lllectric:c&rs passthedoor Liver uc-onuectiun . TERMS swarm: DAY w. C. SAVAGE ’oVoVOVGVoVe‘??? fi’o‘ 6’0 '5‘ Mr? ova"? 'e‘ aW’e‘b‘e ~o'ovo‘3‘3‘8‘6 3‘ “In Essenlials, Unity; ifl Non-Essentials, Liberty in all things, Charity.” ’ RECHMOND HILL, THURSDAY,‘JUNE 1.. 1.005 Keep them in the house. .- Take one when you feel bil- ious or dizzy. They act di- rectly on the “verifier “C” , M386. .1. G 1‘. S l.iudsvy.l\' C A (% i‘V l. txvrouoc “.V iliilout \\ uusworth 1"} r3 q .037. Lawrence £2 W acisworth, Earristersfioiicltora, Notaries, 55:. ..N Phone. Main 2984 Home Life Building (formerly Free-l hold Loan Bldg), Um. Adelaide. 6:. Victoria 515.. Toronto. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. ri r‘ 7 5' r ~ LJUK & JOHNSIUN .Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORON'I‘O OFFICE: No. 113 Rich-‘ mond Sr. \\'esl.\\'esley Buildings, l (Methodist Book Room,) To- r ronlo. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday ‘ afternoon of each week. I MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. lrtS ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, nurng LENNOX & MORGAN, Barristers and solicitors. ' Money to loan on land undehnttel mart; lowest rates Aurora-offizieâ€"Remmed to the old post othcs one (our west of the entrance t ‘ Ontario Bank 0 run 1 Newniarkct oliveâ€"Three doors south of the p )SE miles ’1‘ HERBERTLENNOX, G STV Mono»; l Aurora. Noivmnrhct _ WWW-lmm l ages-at l J, H. Paclalicc. Eliconseu Auctioneer for the CO woods sold. on consignment atoc etc promptly anty of York. General sales (A attended to at reasonable. vaéesl Residence.TTnionville i. Guuldih , IV ~Wt. ' “bow . g e on BrooLagenl for the J '1‘ Snigeon. J K McEwen Maple Weston $3; gcan a: McEwen. Licensed Auciionoers for the County of York. Sales Lttenfiodto on shortest n0tlt‘( and a. ran.- ouablerates Piitronngesolicited n. G. 81.0176", License Auctioneer for the County of Y )Yk, re» spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the shortest notice and. ob reasonubcrntes. P. 0.xrddress King I l l l N. E. Smith, I LicensedAuctioneerforthe Counties fif York nudOntarm Allnulas uf farm stock, ire, at- tended to on the shortest notice and roanonahlei rates. Mortgageandhnilifi' sales attended to ReSIdence.Stoufl'ville Ont VVRIGHT BROS, Undcrlakers as Eluimlmm's, Issuer of Man: ‘iage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL 8‘ THORNH’LL RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE; A arge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. =;L~i?v;n:fifl.snceexexr rag sam- ; _ To Rant The residence iimnediately south of High School, Richmond Hill. Apply to JAMES CE‘VTON, Elgin Mills. a m ’ l 0 on i. E EV‘ it: ‘9 s . i .5" f ‘1 '3 ‘1' : m _ “ F433 ilio iéz’lgtv . 0 AW : -h‘ Has no equal as General =3 I ' Purpose Farm Fence it o "1, -"‘-‘ ‘ â€"~- . e3 o .{I . _ _ It “‘1” tz‘rn Sir-cl: without 3 Y . f; ‘ Tl I injuryâ€"beautify the l-‘aran â€" (g Ml ~ \â€"â€" ,, ~‘â€"â€"~ d m-s or 1 need coutuxt pitchii q no I . I" _._q;l._.-m A..~. ~â€" and “illl TQ.|SC'il.ll)l: usage ui‘l E? I . .‘I ~' â€"~c=‘.-' - last a hie-time. Booklet 2rd I : -- {figs-gush fullparticularsgivenonrequest. l i n‘*‘~.m?:w.arm”d FOR sue nv e’ ‘ C. _ c. WOODARD & CROCKART, -{ Aurora % 2% LUBENE & PEARSON, - Thornhill 5 @meseeeeeeee 3x98 SQQMS Q; QSSQJSGJQSQS emceeeceeeeeego ,mi-ul of the same. .-<><l by M“ “twins. the 'l‘reasurer was Div. No. l, (1'00.Fl<lll‘l‘,0\'t‘l‘$(‘(‘r.$l7 (l-l ' l)iv. No. 3. Jim. Savage, “ .. S) 00 lliv. No. 4-, \‘v'. “'ashingtou “ . 115 :33} l)iv. No. 5, Thus. Keller, “ .. Ill 01 ‘ liv. No. 16, 'l‘lios..Urofl, “ . -ll 61 Div. No. 17, .l. Netti-less. “ .. 70' 161 Dir. No. 17. Pelt-I'llevius. " . 23 {Ni on. No. 18, Adam Dalziel, -- 9 sol r4. ; usual. ' Synod. Vaughan Councu Vaughan (‘iuunv'il mv-l on the 20th May at l0 o‘clock as a ('nurt of Revisâ€" ion. All [he numbers were present. A large number of appeals were dis- INJS'Wl of, but the (Your! adjourned to meet again on the liilli of June at 10 a. m. The Council then met for general business. Ix’eeve Hole in the chair. \‘\'m. llieeman and Gilbert Mathew- son were present, in regard with con. {survey and asked (‘oum'il to lake furlhz-rsleps toward the Iiual settle- ()u motion of Mr. Cameron, Second- authorized to pay a number of road accounts. Statute Labor accounts were passed , as follows:‘ wCallicil Deviusâ€"(‘amoron“ that the Treas- uxerbe and is hereby authorile to pay the following general accounts: lid. \V. Brown, printng 1:30 (‘upies of Audilois’ Accounts for 1904 . ... , . . . . .5331 00 James O‘Connor, furnishing um.- I telial and repairing Town Hall fence . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 3 30 \Yiig‘ht Bros., undertaker-s, for hui-ial of Andrew Thos. Fawn) June 20th. 1003 . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. 5 00 \Vright Bios... Undertaker-s, for hm ial of \Vm. Reid, pailâ€" pi-r, Mar. 11th, 1905. 8 (ll) â€"â€"(‘a.rried Ml-Nair â€" Longhouse â€" that the Treas. be and is hereby authorizud lopziyto Megsrs. Adam (.‘oulli-r and John Ireland the sum of $300.00 to up ply on contract 1e. Howland’s llill ~Carried. Council (1101] adjourned to .lnm-t at lheTowu Hall, Vellore, on Tuesday, June 13. at 10 o’clock, a. m., as :1 Court of Revision on appeals laid over ' and Council meeting after close of said court. J. l}. MACLEAN, Clerk. 09* After Ten Years. ......â€" Mr. G. L. Stephenson, of Pererhmu ough. says: “For over ten years i suf- ‘ ferml constantly with piles, first Itch- .ing. their Bleeding: pain almost un- ‘1 bearable: life a burden. Tried every- thing in vain [ill I usud Dr. Leon- hardt’s Ilem-Roid. “I had taken but a few doses when I began to notice an improvement. I decided to 'ltt‘t'p ,on, and now after using three boxes I am glad to say I am completely cured. My general health has also greatly improved. lt I gives me great pleasure to rerrmumend lli-m-l’mid to all sufferers with Files, and I feel convinced that what it has done for me it will surely do for them.” A $1.00guaraulee goes with every box of llemâ€"Roid. Price, $1.00, all druggists. or The \Vilson-Fyle Co.. Limited, Niagara Falls, hit. â€"-â€".0Oâ€" Pure kettle rendered lard 120. :1 lb. Best comadra figs 5c. a ll). '(loi-d Gc. :1 lb. prunes: bright table syrup, be. a lb. at Atkinson & Switzer’s. .9â€" S UDDEN DEATH. Mr. James Rumble, for nearly 41) years a highlyu-espected resident of Patterson. died suddenly Sunday after- noon. Jie had gone to r-luu-ch with his wife and other members of the family, and during the service, felt. a choking about the, throat. lit'tlll‘lllllg’ after church he sat in a chair and ex.- piri-d in a few minutes from heart-failâ€" nre., The funeral took place to the Maple cemetery Tuesday afternoon, and nuns hugely attended. A memo- rial service was conducted at the house by Rev. Mr. Campbell and Rev. Mr. Chautler. The family have the sym- pathyofa large circle of friends in the, sad and sudden bereavement. « Sherwood Owing to the absence of the pastor, Rev. (‘. L. \Yisswacsser, oI'Zion l‘lvau- gelieal Lutheran church there will he no pl ear-hing services on Sunday, .1 one Sunday school in the morniufzas Uu Jlllli‘ 11 they will lzulll tho holy Communion s~rvice. Preparatory SP1‘\lt'b‘ [he (lay lu'fnlt‘ at " o‘clock. . After lhl' pasloi's return there will be preaching services every Sunday morning at 11 o‘i-lock and every Sim-i and two sullx “will lad week in reside' (lay evening:r at 7. Sunday school at it) .i. m. l Rev. M. lladwin Fischer, “'llu for" : several years was a resident of Sher- " wood, was formally ordained to the ‘Lllthvl'uli lllllllsll‘V Ht Mi'lligullml’}, : ers B:{(‘lll'>illll to Guelph (Ml/Filian P.I., on May 21st by the Silup-hauua lle has accepted :1 (-all to. Grace English Lutheran church in the city of \Yllkt‘slllll‘l‘tf and liasalready entered upon his pastoral duties off that field. Extracts From an Address. 13‘; Ia'Tiuzu ll. Wisuauooi-‘(‘ui(v.\oo. The followingare extracts from an zullllv-s‘s rm-eully delivered at Newton liHH'k by thi- grr-al, leader of the People‘s Hosts in the Forward More. iucnt:~-â€" Mr. \\'i.<h:ud, whose, imigneiism it is impossible to put on paper, began by saying Ihal he was not, going over the old ground of desrribing the for malion and objects of the Forward vameul. ilesaid that he wanted to inspire his audience, if possible, with the idea that we have not yet goneiutotlie MiSsiouzu-y problem in earnest, only :1. few of us, only in spots. llesaid: “\‘i'e have not even played at it seriously." Here be quoted (iov. Beaver who said: "You have not played at Missions yet as ho. ' play at a game: take football, for instance, in going at it in earnestdhey goatitasa team. “'hen we go at missions like this there will be some» thing happen." ’i‘alkingof the great motto of the Youngr l’eople: the evangelizatiun of this generation, he said going into the York in team fashion we should get. oul seemingly impossible result with- out any doubt. He showed what e\'an'.:eliz.-itiou meant by illustrating the experience of Paul in Asia as de cribed in Acts XIX: 10, and other pailSof that book, Saying that this was thegrea‘test piece of evangeliza- tionon record. in two years every one had not been converted, but had been given the chance of acceptin'ar Christ. and thus were evangelized. Aud,tliis wasdoue will) only lwi-lve helpers. This is what we mean by ’evaugnlization, that is, giving e\ery unctlic same chance as we have, of acceptingr the Christ men if they do not choose to do b"). All the favored British and American peoples do not. I want to deal til-night he. said, with three great Conditions, which must be attended to if we are ever to haveihegii-at result we desire: (l), Missionaries; (2), Money; (3), Exccu-i tire Ability. (l)â€"lt isa surprising fact that we need only 20,000 for this great; work. i and should not lhis be easily attained?‘ \\'ith this number we could supply twenty missionaries to every one mill. ion of unleached people. (2)~’l‘bvn this leads to the money problem. It would require $2l.000.000 a year to support this contingentof .lissionaries. ing, sum is really an easy one for all the churches of Christendom. It simply means 130 cents a member per yrariu every church and congrega- tion. An illustration of what can be done when people are consecrated to the cause of Missions. is to be found in the little Moravian denomination: they number only 35,000 members, all told. and yet there are, 5.30 of them missionaries, one for every hundred members; my, what a. missionary lelltl They give $1.00 a month or $113 a year per head. Now all we ale asking our Presbyterian church, said Mr. \\'ishard, is to give $1.00 a year. not per month, and your Methodist lead us are only asking you Methodists to average 00 cents per member a. year, and then we should easily be5 able to accomp, 3. our wish. Gilâ€"Then Mr. \Yishai-d dealt with methods. He said the idea of special support was taking hold of the world for practical reasons. I'le. instanced a business man who was speaking to him, who said that this old»,"ashione,d appealmispeahiug of the billions of heathen and theglittcriug generalities soeloqm-utlyoutlined did not touch him :itall. But when you show me, he said. a man in a special field and a. block of some pei haps 100,00001-mo1e to be reached then 1 am ready to see the piiSsibilily and as it. is a practical schemi- I am willing. if need be, to as- sume the support of sluli a man my- self. This ~mid Mr. \‘v'ishard is the at- litudel liud almost eveiy\-.'here and we are \\‘(Illilllg along this line and with you we expect to see the fulfil- mcni of our desires. â€"â€"â€"¢o>â€"â€"- Maple The meeting of the \Vomun‘s stitutc \\'lll"l| was advertised lo be held on '1 llv‘.\(l.'l_\', did not take place. The mi-eliug; next month will be held at Hope. Mr. A. ('amrkron had a number of teams hauling grevi 1 till Tuesday, for a new lxltl‘llt‘ll. and Mr. J. T. Hnigeou had a bi-eou \Veduesday, having,r his grounds ll'\ (‘lll 0. Mr. (j. l.:iwrie with his family mov- , ed last week to the place he pun-ham d from Mrs. l). \‘Calmn. Mrs. \\'2Il\llll ll) lil'ulli I‘Hl'll. The tinlv'lit'l‘s of llw public Mrllool' attended the (-onvl-uliou ki'l In: Thinnin. Mi. .\'. (‘ormlfl :Illl'lllli d at Newmar- lhc tear-h- lils‘l. Very many purple from here at- tended the funeral of [he liltt“.\l1. James Rumbli- ('1'! Tuesday afternoon. Ever-yon» >_‘.‘lli[);lllll7('s with lhe fam- l ily in their sudden la'rezn'eiuxilt. m This seemingly appalln In~. Biiélonville. The deal h of the late Mrs. John Kelâ€" ly, \\llll'll took place at her late. l'('.~l- dem-e, near Brown's Forum‘s, rllll eon. Markham. on Monday, May 22nd, re- llllIYlS from our midst another old respeeled citi'Ai-u of this township. Mrs. Kelly was in her Tillh year. She had been in declininglunnllh for a mum lwr of years and for the last twu months had been confined to her bed. llorn in the ('ounly of Mona- ;zllzin. Ireland, she came to Markham lifly-nine years ago, married lll'.‘ year following, and has resided continuous- ly in this place ever since. A faithful wife and a lovng mother. she was en- deared to all by her kindness and lovabledisposition. She is sin-\ived by a husband and six Clllllll't‘ll-illll‘t‘ sons and three daughters. The funer- al, which took place on Thursday was largely attended by friends and rela- tives. â€"â€"<ooâ€"â€"-â€"â€"- News Notes. T. ll. Lloyd of Newmarkct, on Charges of misappropriafint:r trust fllllll< was eouuuitled for trial Mon- day, but released on bail to await his trial in the fall. ND. Woman's sphere in this 20th century is not limited any more than is man‘s. Sh: can occupy almost any business position or profession, and yet the popular view 0! ; womanhood is that she best fits the posi- tion of wife and mother and head of the , household. Every girl should know her heart and also know that her womanly system is equal to the strain of marriage. If a girl is nervous and irritable ten chances I to one it is clue to some trouble peculiar to womanhood. Cupid has no place in a girl‘s heart if , she is nervous and irritable, feels dragged down, worn out for no reason that she can think of. The weak back, dizzy spells and black circles about the eyes are only symp- toms. Go to the source of‘the trouble and ‘ correct the irregularity. Stop the drains ‘ on the womanly system and the other symptoms will disappear. This can be done easily and intelligently. So sure of it is the World’s Dispensary Medical Asso- ciation, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Fa- vorite Prescription, that they offer $500 reward for women who cannot be cured of leueorrhea, female weakness, prolapsus, or falling of the womb. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. "Your ‘Favorile Prescription' cured me of ulceration and inflammation. from which I suf- fered for many years," writes Mrs. Delphia Wheaten, President Santa Barbara Lawn Teu- nis Club, Arlington Hotel, Santa Barbara. Calif. “Health was completely broken down when I began its use and I was in dreadful pain most of the time, but ten bottles cured me." “ Favorite Prescription ” makes weak , women strong, sick women well. Accept ' no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak wcmen. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the m0“ desirable laxative for delicate women. ‘ CEMENT groan l The building material which is Con - ling into favor is concrete made in im- litaliuu of cut stone, which will In. ‘fomid much superior to any olhi-r m. - ti-rial for buildng purposes for the followng reasons: '. Iiirslwt‘i-meut blocks are made the most durable material. Secondâ€"The blocks beingr made hol- low, houses ale no! damp like Ilu s- (f()i|.~lllll'l' (l of solid coui'll-te, of :i‘) ‘tliv hollows ill the blot ks ll\(‘lll|[), thus liuakin: a lll'Hl .Ill' .\[\'ll:(‘ all around. oi ‘sl-n'iul in 'll"~’,ll"]h‘ll(llil'r{ on [be [lili'll ll!1'~‘l'l wall which 12 (-an ll(‘ lumb- eliiu l' 5.“. l"oi ihrln-siu llliI_-l\'u-.~-. ll‘llllll illlu- l «m. lu-ilit,r Iliatll- lll i‘X'H‘i imil nil-o of rut. stone. they mal;.~ lint iiilz'liiiNl building imaginable. l? m : hâ€" 'i hwy (‘iill l e bu'lt fl l'nlu u‘ can ihml li-ss than solid lriek. The 'lfillll'k\ mu he used \\ il ll upml slum-w «ml In only in any pliltf” r'il lll‘l' ‘flll: lil’ll\ s or luirils, vernndalr pillar-r, rt‘lllllll!“_\". vle. I‘m- further mloilua. lion impuri- or write to 1 *IE. \‘Vingel'dlc Salon, CARRVILIE, ONT.

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