Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jun 1905, p. 4

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All good citizens would like 10 ch 1k that the drink habit is decreas- Lg year by year, but this is 1.0!; borne out by statistics. The Ir.- spector of Prisons and Reformatories reports that the commitments for drunkenness during the past year were 3,500. an increaseof 503." That great family paper. Tho “'eek- ly Star and Family Herald nf Mont- leal, and the Rirhmond Hill LIBERAL will he sent to any subscriber in (‘an- udu, G161“, Britain 01' the United States for the balance of tllP your for 75 cents. Sui scriptinns taken at this office. This is tou good a chance to miss. Only survived by Sir William How- land, Sir Charles Tapper, Sir Hector Laugevin and Senator A. A. Mac- douald. H'On. Win. Macdougall, for many years famous in Canadian politics, died at his home in Ottawa Monday lmrning. Deceased was 82 years of age and for a number of years past liVed in retirement. He was onelof the Fathers of Confederation and is TUESDAY, June 64-Auctinn sale of cattle at McUnrler’s Hotel, Nuhle- ion. the pl‘npt‘l‘ly‘ of H. F. Hopper. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Cledit till Oct. 1. D. G. Blnugh, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, June l-Auclirn sale of furniture. the proper ty of John Reid. Richmond Hill. Sale at 2 o‘clock. Terms cash. Suigeon & McEweu. A uctioneers. by external authority until they were trained to self-control.” There was a great deal of common sense in Canon Welch’s remark in St". James’ Cathedral Sunday night regarding the training of children. In a sermon bearing on Paternal Duty and Filial Obedience the speaker said that “one of the grave defects of social life was the prevail- ing disregard for parential authority. The way in which children are de ferred to, coaxed, and bribed by parents instead of being trained to implicit obedience is sickening. Chil- dren inherited a certain amount of self-will, which should be controlled bine during the past two weeks by young and old of both sexes has been demonstrated in scores of cases, and m Government or Parliament should give encouragement to that which is little short of a curse. We see no reason why the best men and women should not enij a good, clean horse- J'Jee, but the gambling mania should be discouraged whenever an oppor- tunity presents itself. By all means, let the amendment to the law be thrown overboard. We understand ‘albill‘lms been in- i‘iloduoed” in the Dominion Parlia- ment by a member of the Govern- nienb proposing that betting on race~ tl'acks be: made- lawful. It is hoped tllat;l no such law shall ever be passed. The folly of gambling at the Wood- The World of Tuesday in referrirg‘ t6 expressed reasons why the Japs have so completely overpowered the Russians says that, while the or may have superior strategy, ~wifter ships, truer tiring: and greater dar- ing, these are only the superficial ex. planations of-Admiral Togo’s vic- tory. The result of the battle is, in‘ reality, the triumph of sober Japan over whiskey-soaked Russia. It is the greatest; temperance lecture ever delivered -to the-world; to nations and to individualsl‘as well. The state- ment is made that. Russia has learned that‘sth libs been weakened by in- sebfietyybhv'at 'a terrible‘ cost. The \Vdrld'ndds-that “Great Britain's gifeatest danger‘to-day is the inteui- pprance‘ of‘the people,” and says:} ""Let Great Britain profit. from Rus- sfiifs lesson-befdre it; is too late.” 251w ‘fgflibml. RICHMOND HILL. J mm 1, A MIDSI‘ MMER SNAP Sale Register. 1 battle is, in sober Japan ussia. It; is 190.3 CLOUD LEXINGTON is an importel' Kontucky-hred trot, lug stallion,“-16 hands. and in stud condition weighs 1,300, and is one 0f Lhe handsomest and finest. stock horses in' Canada. MONDAY EVENINGâ€"He will be at Empringhnm’s \VEDNESDAY EVENINGâ€"At Bed fm-d Park Hotel, THURSDAY Ex‘EXIXGâ€"Lamhtnn Mills Hotel. ’ TUESDAYS. FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYSâ€"He will Hotel, Toronto. $10 to insure a living colt. payable ten days ' :11 comes deformed or dies within that time no Chlll'é Groom’s fee, 50¢. E. R. Reynolds, Prop, I. John Reid. hereby give anI'P that, I shall not hold myself Iespm sible for :my debts Contracted hy my wife, Mary Isabella Reid; as she has left her home. Standard and Registered Trotting Stallion Department of Public “'(n'ks. i Ottawa, May 27, 1995 Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment; without anthm-ity fl'nm the De- partment will not; he paid for it. 48-2 Each tendnl' must be‘ accmnpanied by an accvvad (:hoque un :1 charteri ed bank, made payable to the order nf the Honourable the Minister of Public \Vm-ks, equal to ten per cent. (10 p. (a) of the nmnunt of the tender, which will be forfeited if the party tender- ing decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do 31», (11‘ if he fail to complete the Work (:onn'm'ted for. If the Lmndcr he- nut :lCchU‘d the cheque will he I'Utlll‘flf‘d. The department duos not bind itself to accept the ‘Iowvstv nr any Lender. B}? m (1H: k) the nnrlersignvd, and enthuse-(l “Tender for I’osml Station ‘F’ Toronâ€" to, 0nt.,”~ will lw receiver] at [his office until Tuesday. June 20. 1905, inclusive- ly. for the consbrnction of Postal bt Ition “F' Toronto, Ont. Plans and specifications 0an be seen and forms of tender obtained at this I‘epaitinent and (in application to H. E. Hamilton. E‘qu Resident Engineer, Examining \Vm‘ehousv. Toronto. Ont. Persons tendering ai-e notified that tenders will not; be: considered unlessi mn‘de on the printed foim supplied, . _ r u; â€" and Signed w1th thew actual Sign Lures. L) the m “Tender fm tn. Ont.,”~ w until Tuesd: ly, for th( ++++++++ ~H~ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ May 23, 1905‘ IEALED TENDERS addrrssed tn W. A. Sands: DRUGGIST Robertson’s Ready Mixea Paints IMPERIAL MEASUR Price Right There is nothing as Nothing enuld be 1) Glam Lexington NGTICE. +++‘$‘"§"§"§¥+‘§‘+‘K‘ >§+++§+++++ Uneqtmlled for ixi FRED GELINA S, Buy aliving colt. payable ten days'after mare foals. If colt 01‘ dies within that time no charge whatever will be made. 47â€"8 Purity am? Durability JOHN REID. S_o<-wlary. “('1‘ 47â€"3 Thursday morning, Jay 25. on Yonge St”. lwtwoen Jeflei‘snn and Richmond Hill. a umnume'mnl design- book. The finder will be suitably re- w.n-ded by leaving ’the same at THE LIBER‘M; Office: June-11p 1908 Coal and \Vood Dellvercd. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY ' IN CONNECTION Thi’esher‘s’ ( General Banking Basin Transacted. For other particulars call at, the Bank Money Lon-It‘d on E‘nrmm's‘ Sale Nora's. BI IIK no": Farms 3 pplivd Free. LEVERY 1 vi 1 . 33mm mm purcham a (It “any: HEGHEST GUREE Récijivod nwnt Affords :1 splendid opportunity for teachers and othvrs tn spvnd u pur- tion of the huliduysmson in a most, pn-nfitahlv manner. White at once fm- particulars. Address “7. H. SHAW’. Principal Ynnge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Not-ice 3792 Capital Resu- Of ann (In RICHMOND HILL J'.W'.O 31 $1,000,000 $l,000 000 DE PETSITS L08? {-lnnond H ill Hate Yon; TOROL YT0, ml "S:\\"1ng’§i' Bunk Dszu‘ (1 interest, ullowrd at withdrawal All (If-posits oi'f demand 107 MCGILL ST., TORONTO. "' J. BILLINGS, nd Augu GAL 4. woa hzmr East Toronto. SBORNE. the Term HT FATEfi Black Horse .‘ I . r 51 mtnnily for '1‘ :pvnd :1 pm'- tn in a most, 3 ‘ I ‘ulm's. . Principal, “ , Turnnto. g munâ€"nâ€" I Aurora. in 11955 0111‘ Guaranteed tn’cure Coughs, Colds, Distmnpor and first stag-vs ( which are. frequently caused by chronic cnughinp: after distemper. grand preparation and will stop any (mugh. For sale in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, Harness Makm f”). sample 10â€" '! E a E 3. a. 5:, a TORGNTO. Agricultural 'Drnggissts. Opp. Clyde Hote} Yorkshire $511231 am Eeave Cute mm 175?:ka all kinds of Sinch thrive. Splendid for milk cows: inroases". milk, futivns valve-s and stall ft‘l'dill" catLle and hugs. Gives humus u sleek unit. fatvteus them. purifies the blood, (3] legs and gives thmu :L healthy amwnrnnce. Thisfiiock Food is mu by practical stwkuwn, and is gunrrmtwd tn givé quicker, hotter permanent results than :my other Stuck “fin-(lg m" money refundw have henn disappointed in (:lhex- sn-cnllvd’ Stub]: Foods, get a "YORKSHIRE STOCK FOOD ’ an?! the results will convinc‘é' yhu brvmiei- Sl()ck‘f(l0d in the umrkvt. wflvfimfia E: Y5} w Egg“ . . full set 0f tingmfi 130018 heaving m H nt?m @mm mm “ga‘iiy $331“. Gflk @091 4a. @Q 50: Eiéy’fiafif’ E311? g. St 613., SS temppr and first stagns of hmwes‘ 'hiup: after distemper. "his is c Iennsvs th mnt’uctnred and mow If you mplp of Write )w of

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