All good citizens would like 10 ch 1k that the drink habit is decreas- Lg year by year, but this is 1.0!; borne out by statistics. The Ir.- spector of Prisons and Reformatories reports that the commitments for drunkenness during the past year were 3,500. an increaseof 503." That great family paper. Tho “'eek- ly Star and Family Herald nf Mont- leal, and the Rirhmond Hill LIBERAL will he sent to any subscriber in (‘an- udu, G161“, Britain 01' the United States for the balance of tllP your for 75 cents. Sui scriptinns taken at this ofï¬ce. This is tou good a chance to miss. Only survived by Sir William How- land, Sir Charles Tapper, Sir Hector Laugevin and Senator A. A. Mac- douald. H'On. Win. Macdougall, for many years famous in Canadian politics, died at his home in Ottawa Monday lmrning. Deceased was 82 years of age and for a number of years past liVed in retirement. He was onelof the Fathers of Confederation and is TUESDAY, June 64-Auctinn sale of cattle at McUnrler’s Hotel, Nuhle- ion. the pl‘npt‘l‘ly‘ of H. F. Hopper. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Cledit till Oct. 1. D. G. Blnugh, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, June l-Auclirn sale of furniture. the proper ty of John Reid. Richmond Hill. Sale at 2 o‘clock. Terms cash. Suigeon & McEweu. A uctioneers. by external authority until they were trained to self-control.†There was a great deal of common sense in Canon Welch’s remark in St". James’ Cathedral Sunday night regarding the training of children. In a sermon bearing on Paternal Duty and Filial Obedience the speaker said that “one of the grave defects of social life was the prevail- ing disregard for parential authority. The way in which children are de ferred to, coaxed, and bribed by parents instead of being trained to implicit obedience is sickening. Chil- dren inherited a certain amount of self-will, which should be controlled bine during the past two weeks by young and old of both sexes has been demonstrated in scores of cases, and m Government or Parliament should give encouragement to that which is little short of a curse. We see no reason why the best men and women should not enij a good, clean horse- J'Jee, but the gambling mania should be discouraged whenever an oppor- tunity presents itself. By all means, let the amendment to the law be thrown overboard. We understand ‘albill‘lms been in- i‘iloduoed†in the Dominion Parlia- ment by a member of the Govern- nienb proposing that betting on race~ tl'acks be: made- lawful. It is hoped tllat;l no such law shall ever be passed. The folly of gambling at the Wood- The World of Tuesday in referrirg‘ t6 expressed reasons why the Japs have so completely overpowered the Russians says that, while the or may have superior strategy, ~wifter ships, truer tiring: and greater dar- ing, these are only the superficial ex. planations of-Admiral Togo’s vic- tory. The result of the battle is, in‘ reality, the triumph of sober Japan over whiskey-soaked Russia. It is the greatest; temperance lecture ever delivered -to the-world; to nations and to individualsl‘as well. The state- ment is made that. Russia has learned that‘sth libs been weakened by in- sebï¬etyybhv'at 'a terrible‘ cost. The \Vdrld'ndds-that “Great Britain's gifeatest danger‘to-day is the inteui- pprance‘ of‘the people,†and says:} ""Let Great Britain profit. from Rus- sï¬ifs lesson-befdre it; is too late.†251w ‘fgflibml. RICHMOND HILL. J mm 1, A MIDSI‘ MMER SNAP Sale Register. 1 battle is, in sober Japan ussia. It; is 190.3 CLOUD LEXINGTON is an importel' Kontucky-hred trot, lug stallion,“-16 hands. and in stud condition weighs 1,300, and is one 0f Lhe handsomest and ï¬nest. stock horses in' Canada. MONDAY EVENINGâ€"He will be at Empringhnm’s \VEDNESDAY EVENINGâ€"At Bed fm-d Park Hotel, THURSDAY Ex‘EXIXGâ€"Lamhtnn Mills Hotel. ’ TUESDAYS. FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYSâ€"He will Hotel, Toronto. $10 to insure a living colt. payable ten days ' :11 comes deformed or dies within that time no Chlll'é Groom’s fee, 50¢. E. R. Reynolds, Prop, I. John Reid. hereby give anI'P that, I shall not hold myself Iespm sible for :my debts Contracted hy my wife, Mary Isabella Reid; as she has left her home. Standard and Registered Trotting Stallion Department of Public “'(n'ks. i Ottawa, May 27, 1995 Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment; without anthm-ity fl'nm the De- partment will not; he paid for it. 48-2 Each tendnl' must be‘ accmnpanied by an accvvad (:hoque un :1 charteri ed bank, made payable to the order nf the Honourable the Minister of Public \Vm-ks, equal to ten per cent. (10 p. (a) of the nmnunt of the tender, which will be forfeited if the party tender- ing decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do 31», (11‘ if he fail to complete the Work (:onn'm'ted for. If the Lmndcr he- nut :lCchU‘d the cheque will he I'Utlll‘flf‘d. The department duos not bind itself to accept the ‘Iowvstv nr any Lender. B}? m (1H: k) the nnrlersignvd, and enthuse-(l “Tender for I’osml Station ‘F’ Toronâ€" to, 0nt.,â€~ will lw receiver] at [his ofï¬ce until Tuesday. June 20. 1905, inclusive- ly. for the consbrnction of Postal bt Ition “F' Toronto, Ont. Plans and speciï¬cations 0an be seen and forms of tender obtained at this I‘epaitinent and (in application to H. E. Hamilton. E‘qu Resident Engineer, Examining \Vm‘ehousv. Toronto. Ont. Persons tendering ai-e notified that tenders will not; be: considered unlessi mn‘de on the printed foim supplied, . _ r u; â€" and Signed w1th thew actual Sign Lures. L) the m “Tender fm tn. Ont.,â€~ w until Tuesd: ly, for th( ++++++++ ~H~ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ May 23, 1905‘ IEALED TENDERS addrrssed tn W. A. Sands: DRUGGIST Robertson’s Ready Mixea Paints IMPERIAL MEASUR Price Right There is nothing as Nothing enuld be 1) Glam Lexington NGTICE. +++‘$‘"§"§"§¥+‘§‘+‘K‘ >§+++§+++++ Uneqtmlled for ixi FRED GELINA S, Buy aliving colt. payable ten days'after mare foals. If colt 01‘ dies within that time no charge whatever will be made. 47â€"8 Purity am? Durability JOHN REID. S_o<-wlary. “('1‘ 47â€"3 Thursday morning, Jay 25. on Yonge Stâ€. lwtwoen Jeflei‘snn and Richmond Hill. a umnume'mnl design- book. The ï¬nder will be suitably re- w.n-ded by leaving ’the same at THE LIBER‘M; Office: June-11p 1908 Coal and \Vood Dellvercd. Prices Right. GOOD LIVERY ' IN CONNECTION Thi’esher‘s’ ( General Banking Basin Transacted. For other particulars call at, the Bank Money Lon-It‘d on E‘nrmm's‘ Sale Nora's. BI IIK no": Farms 3 pplivd Free. LEVERY 1 vi 1 . 33mm mm purcham a (It “any: HEGHEST GUREE Récijivod nwnt Affords :1 splendid opportunity for teachers and othvrs tn spvnd u pur- tion of the huliduysmson in a most, pn-nï¬tahlv manner. White at once fm- particulars. Address “7. H. SHAW’. Principal Ynnge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Not-ice 3792 Capital Resu- Of ann (In RICHMOND HILL J'.W'.O 31 $1,000,000 $l,000 000 DE PETSITS L08? {-lnnond H ill Hate Yon; TOROL YT0, ml "S:\\"1ng’§i' Bunk Dszu‘ (1 interest, ullowrd at withdrawal All (If-posits oi'f demand 107 MCGILL ST., TORONTO. "' J. BILLINGS, nd Augu GAL 4. woa hzmr East Toronto. SBORNE. the Term HT FATEï¬ Black Horse .‘ I . r 51 mtnnily for '1‘ :pvnd :1 pm'- tn in a most, 3 ‘ I ‘ulm's. . Principal, “ , Turnnto. g munâ€"nâ€" I Aurora. in 11955 0111‘ Guaranteed tn’cure Coughs, Colds, Distmnpor and ï¬rst stag-vs ( which are. frequently caused by chronic cnughinp: after distemper. grand preparation and will stop any (mugh. For sale in Richmond Hill by Geo. McDonald, Harness Makm fâ€). sample 10â€" '! E a E 3. a. 5:, a TORGNTO. Agricultural 'Drnggissts. Opp. Clyde Hote} Yorkshire $511231 am Eeave Cute mm 175?:ka all kinds of Sinch thrive. Splendid for milk cows: inroases". milk, futivns valve-s and stall ft‘l'dill" catLle and hugs. Gives humus u sleek unit. fatvteus them. puriï¬es the blood, (3] legs and gives thmu :L healthy amwnrnnce. Thisï¬iock Food is mu by practical stwkuwn, and is gunrrmtwd tn givé quicker, hotter permanent results than :my other Stuck “ï¬n-(lg m" money refundw have henn disappointed in (:lhex- sn-cnllvd’ Stub]: Foods, get a "YORKSHIRE STOCK FOOD ’ an?! the results will convinc‘é' yhu brvmiei- Sl()ck‘f(l0d in the umrkvt. wflvï¬mï¬a E: Y5} w Egg“ . . full set 0f tingmï¬ 130018 heaving m H nt?m @mm mm “ga‘iiy $331“. Gflk @091 4a. @Q 50: Eiéy’ï¬aï¬f’ E311? g. St 613., SS temppr and ï¬rst stagns of hmwes‘ 'hiup: after distemper. "his is c Iennsvs th mnt’uctnred and mow If you mplp of Write )w of