The Secretary of the Public Library Baal-d has received a (:huque from the Treasury Depzn-tmontnf the Ontario GuVex-nmeut for $47.03. This is just 50 percentof (hu amount expended lust‘yém- on books, magazines and newspapers. Mr. E. on n trip s awe-t run to. Grunt, has rvcvnl ly pussvd your exam. at the \\'i1mip( Gullvgv, and hm hognn DH! M. D. in the enterprising Sperling, fnrly miles frum Mr. and M1 Miss Kuthll'vl days herb lash lenl'ed the' I‘ and nftm- mu alterations pm in a few week: A safe saving hun Switzer‘s slum. Yo mtmvy's worth houu The W'est Yul-k lic ers have granted a Kleinbm-g Station H BItUlltcht-on L0 \Yln so‘ of the Inciinu Viliage, {HHEJ'RUUL You are safe in depusiLing your mn- ney Wllh Atkinson & Switzcr in ex- change for Lheneccssaries of life. The late Thmnas Ruziible who lived on lot 20. 3rd (‘mlcessinn of Vaughan, 16ft an estate valued at $11,750. A son, Charles Hemy, gets the home- stead, u son, Alfredjs given a 100 acre farm in the 2nd concessian. and two other suns, Horace and Thmuns get $2.000 and $3,000 L-espucniwly. \Ve will make to your measure :Lï¬ne black Cheviut suit, in ï¬rst (Il'dvl' for $14.75, a. I‘Pglllut‘ $19.005uit, and Would he pleased lu measure you. Atkinson & Switzer. The funeral nf the late Mr. \Vm. Mason took place from the residence- of‘Mr. Charles Mam†on Saturday. The remains were interred in the \‘il- Inge cemetery beside his wife. whu precede-d him less than a year ago. A service at the house was conducted by Rev'. Mr. Campbell and Rev. Mr. Smith. The Toronto Aufumohile Club are sending professional drivers ‘with an» tnnmhiles LuRichnmr’ul Hill. Alum-:1 and Newmarket on Saturday next, the 3rd of June“. so that owners hav- in' ‘hervous lxm-Evs will have :m oppor- tunity t0 break them in. The cars Will‘be in town all afternoon. M 1-5 Mr. \Yn tnl-in Bun VVvdnvsdn Unlnm am (11» l S \VltZL‘l‘. Jusr :I. linv shirts style : Rev. \V. ( Hm Mt-lllml Mrs. IL-v H10 Rinhm‘u \V. M. S. lu'uuch mm- dny. \Vvdm I’Mll’s churl Mr. “'m. Grunt. has I your exam. ‘ h‘nuws Surfivt y Sntnnln y whim th The umtivo-r and quality. . trade-mill is mk‘ daughter. RUMBLEâ€"Suddenly. ofheurt failure, at his late residence, Pattewun. Muy 28; Mr. James Rumble; Agni 67 years. MAI‘iONY â€" FURD'.â€" In Cleveland, Ohio. hy Rev. Father Farrell. St. John’s Cathedral, on the 22nd nf May, Alfred E. Muhuny’ to Mary T. Ford. has ln-v-n fur Ens! RUSSOH, « PRENTICE Uniunville. t Ti‘XDALLâ€"At on Monday, May \Vm. T. Tyndall kinksln Mr. and Mrs Mr. \ Ml Ric he (hm BREAK IN YOUR HORSES to hum]; “MP of \V um] 4 pl) llll )ll 50“ 1i Ill l Mrs. \V. R. Proctor and MPH] Proctor spl‘nt a few Iglsl; work. Mr. Fractal-11:15 i3 linsexlale House stables. making imprmwuenls and 3 pmpuses npt-ning a. “wry pnzc visiLr-L‘ : â€" At. “\Vlnfe Lodgw on May 23rd. to Mr. “I on May 23rd. In Mr. :u Prentice (nee Bake-1'), Both doing well. ‘ â€"At “Moorwnml Farm \\'IU 11‘“! ply lim-n lue. mug sdm MARRIAGES. HM "ll BIRTHS. DEATHS. w /. may a ut IN mwvr of ALkinsnn w‘iug fufl Hill Auxiliary of the allonding tlu- annqu held this week. T1199- : and Thursday in St. n’vmle Road, Turonbu. wt in the In 3, at. 2.1:†p. money will I) bank 5 You cm of H mt ALL Human of Dnnf: (1 License Inspt place. of Mr. I \ nlvmplau-s starting ‘Mom-Wnod Farm," £2, to Mr. and Mrs. 1 daughter. lht . Phillips. and al Hotel, KIe-inhul-g “him to D. Finn t-nse Cummissinn- Lmnsfer of the 1 can Ink with ynu sun of Mr. . ansx-d his ft ju ï¬t] his I] md twu mnsfcr Pl fmm hillips. nll 1)] active as sing town nn \\'iunip< Illll .h . m Riclnm here from ‘ Agricnllm ‘, thlll‘ H: in. 111.. aft St I u] .lm-t & Switzvl 11m (J is ‘pr SH'iLZt 11(- 1an mt h. lnSOl] dollars insun & M paid \V Spec! )0 On- It: on mrtox frame m" m) 1 Mrs. 3'01 1‘ Alex Je>se “11ch dical ‘IS an with entry in the Assessuwnt Rnll'l'elatring to the “Mutl‘upulitan“Railway†he changed to “The Toronto and Yolk Radial Railway Company.†and that, the names of Mr. \V. H. Mom-e, Gen- eral Manager. Zlndul‘ll’lnlill'lPS VVllsuu. Ti-aflic Munagvr. llf‘ inserted pi] the Roll. \Vith these vhauges Mr.‘\V1~ight stated that. he \vuuld be satisï¬ed. Crushyâ€"lnnvsâ€" that the entry on theAsse-smenl; Rnll as "Metropolitan Rai|\vay"‘he changed to the “Toronto and Yurk Radial Railway Company†and that the names of Mr. \V. H. Munro and M‘ . Charles \Vilsnn he in- serted (Ill [hr Roll, as suggested by Mr. \V'i-ight. That the amount as- sossrd In thv Railway Company be cunï¬ruxud.â€"â€"Cai-ried. ' Imwsâ€"Glassâ€"that the Assessment Rull hL-nnw passed as ï¬nally IBVlSPd and amended, and that. the Clerk is hen-by instru: ted to certify tho samv. And It shall be valid and binding: on all parties (‘uncernedI ndtwithstand- iug any defect or 911101" tummitled ,in 01' with 10gaid to‘the'said Rull. ‘ 31);. “Eight; suggested that the l Dr. Lennlmrdt, of Lincoln, Nel)., the fun-most physician uf the \Vestern States, has put forwmd a new theory us to the muse uf disease. He. says:â€" "Thvremn be nu doubt from the evidence at hand, that the Stomach is and has always been the ï¬rst Cause 0f ninety per cent. if all the illness of mankind. The failure of the Stomach to digest the food properly, results in fermentation and decompositinn, and the poisons arising from the foul and rotting mass get into the blond and tissueand nerves and breed diseases of every kind.†Dr. Leonlmrdt has found a remedy fur Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bilious- Hess and Constipation. He has tried it in thousands of cases without a single failure. Hemllsit Anti-Pill. It. is sold at 500. by all druggists, (II' The VVilsnn- Fyle 00., Limited, Niagara Falls, Out. Sole agents for Canada. Pursuant to public notice, the mem- bers of tho Gum-z of Revisinn aSsem- blL-d in the Council Chzuuberon 29th May, at, 7.30 p. m. Presvnl: Messrs. ,Suvage, Glass, Innos. Crosby and Trench. Memhm-s subscribed to oath of ofl‘ice and tot k [hell-seats. Mr. Savagein the chair. There was but one appeal from the assessment, that of the. Toronto & ank Radial Railway Company, rep- resented by Mr. ‘Vright, bauristen Toronto. A]('X. Gal-m 'Mzu A New Idea which means a great deal the Treatment and Cure of Disease. Aim Haw mil)‘ Tm Cm ried. The court fdjpumed Court of Revision. A T hecry Proved. G. SAVAGE, "Chairman; 'TEEFY, 'Cm-k. “’ ++¢+++++++¢&+¢+é++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++¢$ +++++++¢++++++$$+4+++++++Â¥ From lot, ‘23, 3rd con. Vaughan, on or about, the lath of May, ï¬ve one-year- oid steers, red and white. mixed. One your-01d heifer, red and White. One year-old heifer, black and white. One brindle heifer, two year old. Any person giving infoxmzltion as to their whereabouts will be suitably r;- Wihded. Address, “WILLIAM CLEMENT, Strayed or Stolen‘ j / ELLIOTT flKnga/J VSUMMER SESSION during July and August for Public School Teachers and others. All of our graduates get positions. Students admitted at any time. This school is not “standing still,†or “hacking up,†but is “going ahead.†Circulars free. Reductéï¬ns in Ssuvenir Gsads Owing,y to a large order of souvenir goods coming in a few weeks I have redhced the prices on the few pieces still on hand: “H-iting pads 20¢, redllCed t Large easels‘ 60o, ‘ “ Curd trays. . .450., “ Pin tl‘nys‘. . . 25c., “ “ "v . . . 650., Inkstnnds . .75c., Jewel b0xes..$l.75 Jerry Smith, (Cor. Yongc and Alexander Sta.) PRACTICAL \VATCHMAKER. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Maple P. 0., Out. r $1.00 450. 500. é’§"§"§'+++’§°+’i-++'§‘+++++é§+++ -:~+++++~x~~z~++++++++++4~~:~§e-2.+~:-+.:~++++4 J’ZggAVAGE Did you' exami‘ne‘ our‘ high-grade piano aï¬d New William§ Se'wirig Machine: if not you st1]l have a good chance by calling at our ofï¬ce and ware room opposite Methodist Church, Rich- mond Hill.†A Dollar’s Worth For a ï¬ellar at right prices. We have a full line of hard- ware, also of churns, washers, lawn mowers, oils, barb and annealed w1re, screen doors and windows, hinges, and a full line of build» ers tools always in stock. Farmers Binder Twine. Tinsmithing a speciality. Richmmï¬ E-iiél ï¬ara’wars Stare Hot weather is here; so are our oil stoves and Shari-reg $011183. Aftar 13m. Fain? %%+++¢é++++%+% ' . 4' ++~M§v+ MMMMMMMMMMMMM +++++++++++++++2++ Y1