Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jun 1905, p. 7

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A. k /W{ . Vice-Admiral GREAI NAVAL BAIIIE Admiral Togo Engages the Baltic Fleet in the Corean Straits. BULLE'I‘INâ€"TOKIO, MAY 29TH, ANNOUNCED THAT ADMIRAL ROJES’I‘VENSKY'S BEEN I’RACTICALLY ANNIIIILATED. BEEN SUNK OR CAPTURED, AND 2.15 IS OFFICIALLY P. M.â€"IT FLEET IIAS' VARSIIII‘S IIAVI‘I T \V O TWELVE TWO TRANSPORTS ANI) TORPEDO BOAT DRSTROYERS HAVE BEEN SUNK. TOKIO, MAY 29, 2.30 I’. M.â€"IN URDAY IN THE STRAITS OF KOREA, TIIE BATTLE FOUGHT 0N SATâ€" TIIE RUSSIAN BATTLE- SHII’S BORODINO AND ALEXANDER III., THE ARMORED CRUIS- ERS ADMIRAL MAKHINOFF, DMITRI DONSKOI, AND VLADIMIR MONOMACK, THE COAST DEFENCE IRONCLAD ADMIRAL OUSEIAâ€" KOFF, THE PROTECTED CRUISERS SVIETLANA AND JICMTCI-IUG, THE REPAIR SHIP KAM’I‘SCIIATKA, AND THE CRUIS Fit IIITES- sIaN' WERE SUNK. TIIE BATTLESHIPS OREL AND NICOLAI I. AND TIIE DEFENCE IRONCLADS ADMIRAL SENIAVIN CAPTU RED. MIRAL AI’RAXINE WERE COAST AND GENERAL-Al)â€" ______â€"___._'_. RUSSIANS DEFEATED. Washington, D.C., May 28.â€"The American Consul at Nagasaki cables the State Department the Japanese have sunk one Russian battleship, four other warships and a repair ship in the Straits of Corea. ‘ From information which has been received in Washington to-day it is believed that two of the Russian ships reported to have been sunk in ,the Corean Straits by the Japanese ' are the Orel and,her sister ship the Borodino. They are battleships of [13,000 tons. Three other vessels re- ported sunk are believed to have been cruisers, the remaining one be- ing a repair ship. ' _The following is the text of the Nagasaki despntch to the State De- partment: , Nagasaki, May 28.‘â€"â€"Japanese sunk the Russian battleship Borodino and four more warships and a repair ship. The other dcspatch reads: Tokio, May 28.â€"Japanese fleet en- gaged the Baltic squadron this after- noon in the Straits of 'I‘sus'hima, , which was held; cannonading heard from shore. . The belief in naval circles in Wash- ington is that the Japanese resorted .to a. free use of their torpedo boats in their attacks on the vessels of Rojestvensky's fleet. The Japanese have a large number of torpedo boats in their fleet, and they demonstrated their effectiveness in {the operations around Port Arthur. Naval officials here to-night express the opinion that it was unlikely that such serious losses as those reported could have been inflicted by ordinary gunfire. The despatch received at the Amerâ€" ican State Department says that the Japanese Government had made the announcement that its fleet had en- gaged the Russians in the Straits of Cores. Saturday, and had held them. .The reported sinking of the battleâ€" Bhip Borodino is mentioned in a deâ€" spatch received at the State Departâ€" ment toâ€"day from the Consul at NagaSaki. The Orel and Borodino are of 13,- '516 tons displacement, each heavily armed, protected, and designed to make eighteen knots. ‘bey measure '397 feet by 76 feet, with 26 feet draught, and have each a. lofty spar deck, fully 30 feet above the waterâ€" line, extending from the bow to the quarter deck. Forward is mouhted a. pair of 12.4 inch guns in a turret protected by 11 inches of Krupp ar- mor. Another pair of guns, of the same size. are mounted aft. There are 30 other guns of the intermediate battery, the vessels carrying two submerged torpedo tubes and two above the Waterâ€"line. A special feature of the vessels is :their vertical longitudinal bulkheads of inch armor, running throughout ,the whole. length of the ship at a distance nine or ten feet inboard from the ship’s sides, designed to localize the efl'eCt of a blow from a ,tcrpedo. Japanese Minister ’l‘akahira has reâ€"} ceiVCd a despatch from Tokio saying, in ell‘ect, that the fighting in the naval battle thus far has been with favorable prespects to the Japanese. The Minister's despatch is from pri- vate SOlercS. JAPS PURSUING . London, May 28.-â€"'I'he 'I‘okio cor- respondent of the. London Daily Mail says that the Russian fleet has been dispersed, that several Russian ships have. been risabled, and that the re.â€" mainder are in flight, with the Jo.- panese pursuing. ALSO HEARS OF DEFEAT. London, Monday, May :20.â€"'l‘he correspondent of the. Morning I‘o.;t at Shanghai says that. a telegram has been reccivcd there from I‘ekin announcing that I'lojestvcnsky's fleet has been defeated off the. "l‘su Islands. and is :lccing northward, and that four Russian ships, including the battleship Borodino, have been sunk. IN FAVOR OF JAPS. Washington, lll'ay 28.-â€"'Despatches from 'l‘okio to the Japanese Legalion here, the text 01- which has not been made public, indicates that the naval engagement in Tsushimo. Straits reâ€" sulted in favor of the Japanese. JAPANESE LOSSES. Tsinglau, Monday, May 29.â€"There is a running naval engagement beâ€" tween thc ’tussian and Japanese fleets in the Straits of Corca, ncar the Islands of Oki. It is reported that the whole Russian fleet is not participating, all the slower vessels haying steamed around Japan. The Jo} anese losses so far are stated to be one cruiser and ten torpedo boats. THE LOSSES FRIGHTFUL. I’aris, May 28.â€"A despatch from. Rome states that the Italian Govern- ment has received a despatch' from Che-foo, stating that the engagement between the Russian and Japanese fleets was disastrous to both fleets. The losses were frightful. Every Russian ship was damaged. _..__ ¢.__._.. INSANE SOLDIERS. Forty Lunatics From Port Arthur Reach Chefoo. A Chefoo despatch says: Forty-four lunatic Russian sailors and soldiers from Port Arthur, including a violâ€" ently insane lieutenant, who was on the Sebastopol during the siege, ar- rived here on Tuesday and were imâ€" mediately transferred to the Russian improvised hospital ship Whampol, under the British flag, for transpor- tation direct tp Odessa. The party is accompanied by a former member | ‘of Alcxiefl’s stall, and officers and attendants exceeding in number the patients. The condition of the inâ€" some men varies from a mild melan- choly to the violent stage. The ma- jority are sull'oring from hallucina- [tions rendering; them. in a condition that demands an attendant for each one. The officers in charge state that many of these cases are the result of long incarceration of sick men in hospitals during the terror of the siege. Some cases are the result of scurvy, and the condition of others is due to the terrible nervous strain of continued bombardments and in- ,ccssant service. All cases are apâ€" parently physical wrecks. The scene. was extremely pathetic as the chattering imbeciles mounted the decks of the steamer and entered cages which enclosed the main batches and surrounding deck space, provided for their liberty and comâ€" fort (luring the passage throuin the tropical zones. .PLAGUE GROWING WORSE. Thousand Are Every Week. A LondoL despatch saystâ€"Tltc Lon- ; Over Fifty Dying (lent in India to the effect that the plague epidemic there continues with unabated virulence. For the week ending April 212 there were 34,602 (leaths, compared with 51,786 during whole truth. Detailed figures Slit-W that the disease has: spread through- iout the country. :tho, preceding week. The mortality ’during' the present your promises to ]exceed the records, which stand as 'follows: I 1901 .................. 273,079 1903 ' T7; ’7 1903 .3 "3 I 1904 ...... .. .. “ To April :22, 100.“) (530,368 ! It is doubtful if the figures tell the l 1 The Pasteur :. M i- .[Jlag‘uc serum has been nxtcnsivcly i used in the present outbreak. Alâ€" though it is impossible yet to give [a definite opinion as to its efficacy, [many reports show that it is valu- able. cet prints advices from its c0rrcspon-' pm: WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROIVI THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, ‘Cheese, and Other Dairy Prociucs at Home and Abroad. Toronto, May Zl0.â€"â€"‘.\'hcalâ€"â€"‘-‘:O. - White and rod \l'intcr are quoted at OTC at outside points. No. 2 goose is purely nominal. Manitoba uln-at is higher, with .\'o. 1 Northern quot- ed at $1, (ll-orgian llny ports. No. 2 Northern at Shir, and No. 15 North'â€" (‘rn at 91c. ‘ UntS~-N0. \Vliite quoted at 40 to -11c north and west, and No. l at -12(: east. (Jars of N0. 2 white. on track here are quoted at ’13 to 44c. Harleyâ€"No. 2 quoted at 45 to Imc middle freights; No. 2 extra at 43 to 44c; N0. 3 at 42c middle freights. Peasâ€"No. 2 quoted outside at 09c, and milling peas at 700. Cornâ€"Canadian yellow quoted at 47C, and mixed at doze west, guarâ€" anteed sound. Amcricnn kiln dried. N0. 3 yellow, (30 to (MIC on track, Toronto. {yeâ€"The mnrkct is dull, with pric- cs nominal at 66 to 67c outside for No. 2. ' Buckwheatâ€"Prices to 60c outside. Flourâ€"Ninety per ccnt. patents are ouoled at $4.35 to $4.40 in buycrs' sacks, east or west; straight rollers of special brands for domestic trade, in I)l.‘lS., $4.75 to Manitoba. flours are steady; No. l pntvnt‘ ‘ 30 to $5.50; No. 2 patents, $3.20; strong bakers', S5 to on track, ’l‘oronlo. Millfccdâ€"At. outside points bran is quoted at $14.50 to S15, and shorts at $17.50 to $18. Manitoba bran in sacks, $18 and shorts at $130. o () nominal at 50 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Applesâ€"Choice stock, $2.50 per bbl.; cooking apples, $1 to $1.50 per bbl. leansâ€"Primes sell in small lots at $1.60 to $1.65. and hand-picked at $1.70 to $1.75 per bushel. HOPSâ€"The market is unchanged at 32 to 35c, according to quality. Honeyâ€"The market is quiet, and prices firm at 7; to Sc per lb. Comb honey, $1.75 to $2 per dozen. Hayâ€"Car 'lots of No. 1 timothy are quoted at $8 to $8.50 on track here, and No. 2 at $6.50 to $7. Strawâ€"Car lots quoted at $6 to $6.25 on track, Toronto. Potatoesâ€"Car lots of Ontarios are quoted at 55 to 60c per bag on track, according to quality, and job- bing lots are 70 to 75c for the best stock. Poultryâ€"Chickens, 13 to 14c per 1b.; turkeys, 'dry picked, 14- to 15c; do., scalded, 12 to 13c. ‘ THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butterâ€"Pound prints are jobbing at 17 to 180, and large dairy rolls at 15 to 16C; medium grades, 13 to 14c; creamery prints sell at 19 to 20c per lb. Eggsâ€"The market is firm, with Isalcs at 14.} to 155C per dozen, in case lots. Cheeseâ€"â€"New cheese, 10 to 10.‘.c per 1b. ‘ ‘ IIOG PRODUCTS. Baconâ€"Long clear, sells at 10 to 1050 per lb. in case lots; mess pork, $15 to $15.50; short cut, $19.50 to $20. Cured meatsâ€"llama, light to mediâ€" um, 13 to 13$c; do., heavy, 12%c; rolls, 10c; shoulders, Sic; backs, 14% to 15c; breakfast bacon, 125; to 13c. Lardâ€"Tierccs, 92c; tubs, 10c; pails, 10.116. BUS] NICSS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, May 30â€"Receipts of oats reported on the Board pf Trade toâ€" day amounted to about 15,000 bushâ€" els. Trade continues dull, and holdâ€" ers are demanding 44k, in store, for No. 3 in car lots, and 4.3;0 for No. 2. Flourâ€"Owing to the advance in the price of whcnt, the Ogilvic Ii‘lour Company to-day announced an ad- vance in the price of flour to $5.30 and $5.60. Prices for Manitoba Hours are now $5.10 to $5.30 per bbl. for strong bakers', and $3.40 to $5.60 for patents. Ontario flour is $5.50 to $5.60 for Winter wheat patents per l)bl., and $5.15 to $5: 25 for Straight 1' llers, while bags are $2.45 to $2.55. Icedâ€"Ontario bran, in bulk, at $18 to $18.50; shorifla, $19 to $20; Manitoba bran in bags, $18 to $19; shorts, $20 to $21. Deansâ€"Choice primes, $1.70 to 8.1.75 per bushel: $41.50 to $1.60 in car lots. Provisionsâ€"llcavy Canâ€" 'adiun short cut york. $143,511 to $1,”.- 130; light short cut, $16.50 to 817; 'American cut clear [at backs, $20; 'compound lard, 6.1. to 7c; Canadian ‘lard, (if; to Tie: kettle rcnlerrâ€"d, 8.5 Ito 03c; hams, 12 to lie; bacon, 13 HQ 14c; fresh killed abattoir hogs, ,‘SSLTS to $10; mixed, ST; Selects, S".â€" 30, off cars. l‘ 1Gc; selects, 18c. ‘o. 1, 15.1.c. llutâ€" Herâ€"Choice crmnn-ry, 19 to 191$; iundcr grades, 113.1. 10 17}c: dairy at 118 to loge. runs at 13} Chocâ€"Ontario, 9:. to 95c; 9; to 93¢. Quebec, UNITED STATES MARKETS. Milwaukee. closndtâ€"No. 1 Northern, $1.17; Icyâ€"Ne. :2, 510; sample, ‘18 to 50¢; Corn-No. 3, 53 to 51c; July, in) to ,uxtr-nt of it had actually 50:0 aslâ€"zed. sâ€"St might stock, ' to lfikc. ' ‘ 'that the \\'is., May 30.â€"â€"\\'heat ,wcre N0. 2 i west; Karma“, 51.08 to $1.12: July, 90} ,cruss the northern border. to OUZc asked. [Lnâ€"No. 1. 83c. Bar- Ethan. the exodus W1! Duluth, Minn., May 30.â€"\\'hcnt closedzâ€"No. .1 Northern, $1.11.}; No. 2 Northern, $1.075 May, 51.115; July, $1.125; Sept., H.336. St. Louis, 1110., May :3().â€"\\'huat closedtâ€"t‘ash, $1.01; May, $1.01; .lul_v, 83c; Hopi” Silc. Minneapolis, Minn., May tillâ€"Wheat (*Iosvdiâ€"Muy, $1.133; July, $1.10}; Sept, 85'; to 85’}(‘.; No. 1 hard, 26c; No. 1. Northern, $1.21; No. 2 do., 31 131. l“lourâ€"l~‘irst patents, $6.â€" 635 to 5.46.73: second patrols, 50.11510 $6 5')- Iirst clears, 23'!- to $1.10; sec- ond (11)., $2.75 to $22.85. bulk, $13 to $I3.50. LIVE STOCK MARKl'IT. Toronto, May Sillâ€"lliisiness was ac- tive in butclwrs' cattle at the West Branâ€"In crn Market toâ€"day, and prices held steady and unchanged. The call for exporters' was about equal to the. supply. The volume of business transacted in feeders was moderate, and the market for them held steady. Export cattle, choice$ 5 50 5 (‘15 110., do., medium 5 00 5 4.0 Do., bulls . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 4: 50 Il0., do., light . . . . . . . 3 00 3 45 Ilo., cou‘s . . . . . 3 00 3 75 Butchers', picked 2 5 27) 5 50 l‘o., Choice 4 75 5 25 D0., medium ..... 4- 25 4 70 Do, common . . . . . 3 75 4 25 30., cows, choice 3 50 4 50 Do., bulls . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 3 5t) Feeders, shortâ€"keep 5 00 5 40 Do., medium 4 00 4 50 Do., light . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 4 ()0 Do., bulls . . . . . 2 50 3 00 Stockcl‘s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 3 75 Ilo., bulls . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 3 00 ~Milch cows, choice 5'35 00 55 00 Do, do., common .. 25 00 35 ()0 Exportcwes . . . . . . . . . . . 4 75 5 75 Do., bucks 3 50 4 00 Grainâ€"fed ycnrlings G 00 6 50 Spring lambs, each .. 3 00 G (10 Calves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 5 75 Calves, each . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 12 00 Hogs, selects, 160 to 200 lbs. $6 ($0 1J0., fats and lights 0 35 _â€"+._â€" WAR. NO CHECK. Japan Is Showing Financial and Eroductive Ability. A Tok'io despatch says: Baron Koâ€" mura, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baron Some, Minister of Finance, and Baron Shibusawa, addressed the clearing house assoL'iatiou on Friâ€" day. Baron Komura said that the financial capability of Japan hao completely surprised the world. He was glad that Japan was showing a financial and productive ability as Well as strength on the battle field. The war, he said, would last long and he trusted much in the commer- cial ability of the nation after the war curled, when a greater prospect. would be opened before the country. He expected, he Said, further, that the comn’iercial interests would do their utmost to develop and extend commerce. He also expected'the in« troduction of more foreign capital and he counselled his hearers to fa- cilitate this introduction by inspirâ€" ing foreign. capitalists with confi- dence in the country. llarou Sone thanked the financial and commercial interests for their great assistance in financing the war. laron Shibusawa said that the commerce and productixe capacity of the naticn was growing despite the war. The bank clearings, he said, for 1904 exceeded two billion d()l-“ lens, which amount was unprecedent- ed. He expected that the bank. clearâ€" ings for .1? ‘1 would exceed two and One-half lgilnon dollars. . ‘0 . â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€" THE BODIES FOUND. Young Men Carried Over the Falls 3. Month Ago. A Niagara Falls, Ont, (lgspatch says:â€"â€"-’I‘ho bodies of the three young men, John and Thomas Knapp, two brothers of Lasalle, formerly resiâ€" dents of Chippewa, and their comâ€" panion, Philip ’I‘routman, of Grand Island, have been recovered. The three young men were last seen alive on the afternoon of April 22, when they rowed out from Lasalle to fish in the upper river near Navy Island, and the supposition was that they had all gone over the Horseshoe Falls. The only proof of this was that parts of a boa’i, supposed 101:0 theirs, was found below the Falls. The recovery of the bodies has prov- ed the suppositiOn to be correct. ’i‘he body of John Knapp was found in an eddy below the Falls Tuesday afternoon, that of his brother ’l‘honn as about the same place on Wedms- day morning at 11 o'clack. About. 6.30 on Thursday morning.r the body of Philip ’l‘routman was picked III: in the same eddy. ..__.__+____ THE EXODUS ALARMING. Mr. Adson, of Duluth, on the. Movement to Canada. A Montreal dispatch saysâ€"Mr. Adson, general ogcnt of the Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway, with offices at Duluth, said here on Thursday he could confidently predict exodus from the States of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota to the Canadian Northwest would be greater this year than ever before. Throughout those States the faruwrs all talking of lauth in the many were packing up to lb.- added composed largeâ€" ly of ambitious young- nwn. and 111': become a “1...: ming JEW AGAINST JEW. Disastrous Rioting in Streets of Warsaw. A \l'nrsaW, RilSsinn Poland. des- pntch says:â€"The Jewish disorders ln-I‘e on \‘v'ednesday night arose from an attempt of the Jewish Socialist organization called the Iluud to purge the Ilebrew district of War- saw of all (Ils‘l‘cplltnlilo persons. The llumlifes with the view of expelling their undesirable. coâ€"n-ligiouists com- menced to wreck disorderly houses, fences, and other resorts. ’l‘he disturbances continued all day and were still in progress late. at night. I'Iight persons have already been killed and 100 wounded, 10, seriously. The damage to property has been considm'nblc. There has been no pillaging, but the destruc- tion of the furniture in the houses has been absolute. 'l‘be mob, armed with axes, smashed the doors and windows and brought the furniture out on the streets. The owners 01" the furniture, in attempting to save their belongings, were attacked, beaten and eVen killed. Late at night Cossacks fired on the crowds at two points, wounded four persons. The police did not inter- fere nctivcly during the day. The all‘air is a conflict between the re- spectable Jewish social classis and the disreputable Jewish element. Ono report is that the respectable Jews, tired of hearing the members of their race called opprobrious names, resolved, as the police were receiving: bribes for protecting disre- putable houses and persons. to lake the matter into their own hands. Another report has it that Jewish roughs, in the guise of members of the Dund. were levying blackmail upon shopkeepers. In any case the Socialists seemingly determined on a crusade against the undesirable per- sons of their race, with the result that crowds of men and boys are now systematically ruining the dis- reputable houses. Extraordinary scenes were witness- ed late at night when the crowds visited the better section of the city and demolished apartments filled with costly effects. Wardrobes, pianos, and mirrors were thrown out of the windows. The mob in the streets left open spaces for the fall. ing articles, and then completed the work of destruction. In one place a quantity of valuable jewelry was taken out and deliberately smashel’ with stones. The affair was carefully organized. The leaders were supplied with th! addres es of the owners of disreputv able houses and scarcely a single re- sort in Warsaw escaped destruction. ._.___..}_.._ DOUBLE SETS 0F NERVES. Remarkable Discovery by a. Brit- ish Scientist. A London despatc‘n says: The Mar- shall Hall prize, given every five years by the Royal Medical Sociaty, has been awarded to Henry Head, for an important discovery of the workings of the nervous system. Prof. Ilead had the sensory nerves of his arm divided and then he watched the sensations that followed.' Then he had the nerves reunited by stitching, and he watched the pro- gress of recovery. The result was that he discovered that there are two distinct sets of sensory nerves. One conveys the sensations of pain, heat and cold, and the other, the sensations of touch and also enables one to localize the sensations accur- ately. The. healing power of the skin depends entirely on the former. â€"â€"-â€"+vv-â€"â€"r . HUN DRIED-POUND RAILS. Order Received at the Soo From the Michigan Central. A Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., despatch says: The Algoma steel plant have finished an order for 80â€"pound rails for the. Canadian Pacific, and are now engaged in turning out 100â€"ponnd rails for use on the Michigan Cenâ€" tral‘s lines in Canada. These are the first IOUâ€"pouan rails made by the Algoma Company, and are the heaviest in use on any railway. NEW HALIFAX GARRISON. Company and a. Half From Fred- ericton Take up Quarters. A Halifax, NS ., despatch says:â€" The first contingent (I the itoyal Canadian Regiment arrived from Fredicton on Thursday night by special train, and took up their quar- ters in the (ilacics llarruclm, which lhnd been put. in rcadincss for them. "I‘hc force includes No. If and half of No. C Companies, :1 total of about 150 officers and men. Limit-Col. Wadmore is coimnanding oilicur, and has with him Cupts. Nugle and (Tar- lon. ’l‘he newcomers were greeted by ,a large C:o'~.\‘d who escorted them to «the bm‘rncks. _____+____. ‘SUNDAY LIQUOR SELLING. :‘British House of Commons Ap- prove of It by a Majority of G 1 A London (Impn'th 53.35: In 31lritisl1 House of {'(irnnar'ns on l‘ri- I(lay, the second reading of fin: bill 10 Ill’tllliiil the Sale of in‘o‘ticnling liquors rn Sunday was def 1*. id by six votvs. lion. ll. IV. I’orl...‘ in sup- iporling' the bill comirr'ndcd it as an example to the colonies. l A the

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